Dance of Seduction Ch. 01

Story Info
Can Mike save Jennifer from abuse without falling in love.
11.7k words

Part 1 of the 4 part series

Updated 09/22/2022
Created 04/10/2013
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This is basically a love story and of course all characters are over 21. I want to thank stg0936 for the original idea, although I deviated from his idea during the writing of the story. I also want to thank Navaura for her spot on editing and suggestions for the improvement of this story. This story is as much hers as it is mine and because of Brandy the dialogue is richer and everything is much more accurate. This is a team effort and a much better story because of her efforts to keep me accurate.

I hope all of you enjoy the story as much as we did writing it.

Chapter 1 - The Shoot

Because of his massive size Mike was in large demand as extra security for various events and this was one of those times. Like every cop, Mike picked up a few extra dollars by working security in various capacities. At 6'4" and 260 pounds of solid muscle, this time Mike had been called in to be extra security on a photo shoot and he freely admitted that being surrounded by scantily clad, stunningly beautiful women was not a bad way to pass the afternoon. In this case, he had taken three days of vacation to work the security.

Mike was actually relegated to interior security so he was mostly tasked with making sure nobody interfered with the entertainers. This gave him ample opportunity to observe all of the dancers, or he assumed that's what they were. All eight of the women were dressed in slightly opaque leotards that were cut high on the hips and dipped low between their breasts. The leotards were skin tight and looked like they had been painted on. They were transparent enough to make out hints of everyone's navels and nipples.

All the women had slender waist and hips, smallish breasts, graceful, lithe, dancer's bodies with long hair, different colors in different styles. They varied in height from approximately 5 foot 3 to 5 foot 9 and every one of them had a spectacularly beautiful face to match their stunning figures. But there was one woman that drew Mike's eyes.

She was one of the smallest women there with a tiny waist, slender hips and butt, with just enough breasts to provide spectacular womanly curves. Like all the others she was spectacularly beautiful but there was something different about her. As she walked around the set she had grace that was hard to define as she walked. She glided seductively as though every step she took was part of an intricate dance. Her eyes were what really separated her from the other beautiful women. They were a pale green and when contrasted with her golden tanned skin and pale brown hair, the combination was very exotic and attractive.

However, it wasn't the color of her eyes that drew Mike in; it was the shy haunted looks that seemed permanently etched in eyes. Her extraordinary grace and beauty belied the seemingly painful shy and troubled look in her eyes. As all the dancers milled around waiting for something to happen, Mike would glance around the perimeter making sure everything was okay, but his eyes always came back to this captivating dancer. Whenever she saw him looking at her, she would blush and turn away as though she was afraid to be noticed.

How could an extraordinarily beautiful woman who happened to be in the entertainment industry, on stage all the time, shy away from other people? Mike was intrigued. He wondered what her story was and resolved to find out more about this intriguing women.

Mike noticed a commotion on the left-hand side of the stage. A man with a camera was ranting and raving, visibly upset about something. He was screaming at anyone who would listen. Mike concluded that he was the photographer for this event. Why he was upset, he had no idea, so he migrated over to that area to see if he could be of any assistance.

Mike walked over to where the photographer was letting one of his underlings bear the brunt of his frustration and asked if he could help resolve any problems. The photographer first glanced over at Mike in annoyance and was about to tell him to mind his own business, but did a double take, looking at the magnificent male specimen standing before him. He realized in this moment, that his problems might be solved. Whipping back around to face Mike and ignoring the underling, whom a few seconds ago he had been berating, he inquired. "Who are you again?"

"My name is Mike and I'm on the security staff here. What seems to be the problem?" Mike queried.

"Well, the problem is, everyone is here except the male model scheduled to be the centerpiece in our photo shoot. He's a no show today." The photographer gave Mike a long appraising look and continued. "You would be perfect. Have you ever done any modeling?"

Mike had actually done a photo shoot on police fitness routines for a fitness magazine and told the photographer so. But he added. "I'm a policeman and I see where you're headed, but before I could commit to anything you would have to run it up my chain of command. We have morals clauses and I not going to risk my job for one off model shoot."

"First things first." said the photographer." Could you take off your shirt and let me see your build and see if you would fit the bill?"

Mike certainly didn't see any harm in this, so he stripped off his black polo shirt and revealed his ripped torso. Mike worked hard at keeping his body in tip top shape and that was readily apparent as he stood there topless. From his bulging muscular arms, broad muscle defined chest, small waist and tight defined six pack abs, Mike was the epitome of the masculine Adonis.

The photographer vigorously started nodding his head up and down, started mumbling things to himself about sets and costumes and then said. "Yes, yes you're perfect. Who do I have to call to get permission for you to be in my photo shoot?"

Mike gave him the name of Capt. Greene and said that ultimately the police communications office and lawyers would also have to sign off. The photographer nodded to his assistant and make sure that he got all the information and then mumbled something about calling the mayor. Abruptly, the photographer turned grabbed his assistant and walked off and Mike was left standing there with his shirt off. Mike shrugged and put on his shirt and then turned back to the stage where all the dancers were. As he did, he saw that intriguing dancer with the green eyes staring at him, but as his eyes connected with hers she once again blushed and turned away.

Mike decided he'd had enough of the cat and mouse game and boldly walked over to where all the dancers were congregating around the circular stage. He walked up to the beautiful green eyed dancer and introduced himself.

"Hi, my name is Mike and I figured since we would be working together we should at least know each other's names." He said as he held out his hand.

She looked up and met his eyes, startled at his sudden approach and then immediately dropped her eyes in embarrassment. She reached out and put her tiny hand in his. Her hand was engulfed in his massive palm as she complied, "Jennifer."

In that instant as their hands touched, she felt something, electricity or a tingling that traveled up her arm, giving her goosebumps. She lifted her eyes to their hands clasped and then raised them further to gaze into Mike's warm brown eyes. She held his gaze for a few heartbeats and felt his strength and kindness flow into her. Then she realized what she was doing and dropped her gaze, pulling her hand from his, turned and rushed off to the other side of the stage.

Mike felt it too. When she touched him and placed her soft hand in his, he felt warmth radiate up his whole body and he felt flushed as he held her hand. When she looked up and their eyes met, he felt her beautiful feminine spirit. It seemed to have been crushed by something. Her sadness, deep and abiding seemed to overwhelm him. When she pulled her hand out of his and ran away, he was left standing there trying to figure out why.

He was about to go after her, to see if she was alright, when the photographer came up and grabbed him by the arm and said. "Everything has been approved. Come with me."

Mike turned and looked at the photographer stunned, because nothing in city government was ever done this quickly, however, Mike quickly recovered and spoke. "I'll need to verify that information."

The photographer held up a cell phone with Capt. Greene on the other end. Mike took the phone and verified that everything had been approved. Apparently this photographer had some real juice, especially with the mayor and he hoped that this was not going to turn into something bad. Mike followed the photographer back to his staging area so he could be shown what to do.

The photographer explained that there were three parts to this shoot. Most of the underwriting for this shoot revolved around a men's deodorant commercial. This would be shot as video with all the dancers flocking to Mike, obviously enamored with the scent of the deodorant. The second part would consist of photography once again for the deodorant print ads. The third part would be erotic art that would be part of a photographic exhibition.

For the first two parts were relatively straightforward and all he had to do was basically be a foil for all the dancers. He wanted to really get some information about the third shoot and what was expected there. In a casual tone the photographer said, "Well there will be full frontal nudity for him and the dancers. Now Mike was going to have a problem. He said so and picked up his cell phone and called Capt. Greene to verify that everyone knew there was nudity involved in these photo shoots.

Capt. Greene responded that, "No, nudity had not been mentioned, but I suspect it would not be a problem based on the amount of juice the photographer seemed to have with the mayor. Well officer Rizzo, let me call and verify that."

Mike was feeling really uncomfortable right now. His 11 inch cock had created problems for him all his life. During his football years in high school and college his nickname had been horse which had been a polite public name for the teasing he got over his horse cock. Throughout his succession of girlfriends none seemed really interested in him but only having him fuck them with his legendary cock. He had moved to LA to get rid of the stigma of his monster cock and only once undercover and once at a private show did anyone ever see his massive unit.

Now he was potentially being ordered to once again revive the legend of his horse cock. Mike worked hard for people to take him seriously and now was potentially going to get to his old reputation back, all because of the deodorant commercial. Mike didn't have any problem with nudity or even showing off his assets, but he knew what would follow would be groupies that only wanted one thing and that was to be fucked by his cock.

Mike had never had any problems getting girls but is massive cock had caused him nothing but grief. Either his large cock was all the women wanted or they were so petrified by its size they never wanted him near them. Either way, once they got what they wanted they weren't interested in him anymore and second or third dates were a rarity for him. What Mike really longed for was someone he could love and who would love him back and there would be no chance of either happening if he did the nude scene.

He grabbed the phone and called Capt. Greene back, pleading with him not to force him to do the nudity, Capt. Greene understood and told them he would take it to the highest levels in trying to fight this. Mike could quit the photo-shoot if he wanted, but with the juice the photographer had with the Mayor's office Mike was concerned about a negative stigma on his career.

In the meantime he figured they would get on with the first two parts of the photo shoot. Mike's costume consisted of a skin tight pair of jeans and that was it, no shirt, no shoes. The photographer had decided he wanted Mike to warm up a little bit and shoot stills first, he also wanted Mike's muscles pumped up for this shoot. Mike donned a pair of gym shorts and then went over to a portable gym that was part of the set and ran through three quick sets of crunches, presses, flys and curls. When he switched exercises, he would glance over and see Jennifer watching him intently from the far side of the stage.

With muscle pumping finished, he slipped out of his shorts and back into the skin tight jeans and then went to stand in the middle of the stage waiting for direction from the photographer. The photographer started going around checking the lights, taking readings with his meter and then in the middle of a reading stopped, yelled to his assistant to get makeup over to Mike. A young woman came over and did a light dusting over his face to even out some of his skin tones, but then rubbed oil all over his chest and arms. After preparation they were finally ready to start shooting.

The photographer took a couple of test shots, gave him a puzzled look and then came over to Mike and said. "Your underwear seems to be bunching up and creating a big bulge under the jeans could you go fix that please."

Mike snickered a little bit and then said. "I'm not wearing any underwear, that's all me."

The photographer looked down, trying to figure out what to do about the lump in Mike's pants, and by now some of the dancers also come over to see what the commotion was about. Mike could see the photographer was greatly conflicted, for the deodorant commercial this huge lump would never do, but for his erotic shoot on the third day this was exactly what he was looking for. Several of the dancers came over and excitedly started mumbling to themselves, some even covered their mouth in a gasp when they saw the huge lump. When Jennifer saw it, she actually looked up and met his eyes. For the first time that day she didn't look away. The look she gave Mike was hard to read, but it was the first time she had looked at him with interest. The photographer kept mumbling something about Photoshop as he went back to take more pictures.

The photographer started directing all the different dancers to take positions around Mike. All would be staring up at him with a loving, passionate gaze like they couldn't wait to get in his pants. Most of the taller women would stand slightly behind or beside him with their arms draped erotically around his torso. The smaller dancers were draped around his legs and waist, again with arms passionately draped or grasping parts of him.

The photographer positioned Jennifer in front between his legs with her back to the camera, but her arms stretched up Mike's torso with one hand grabbing the top of his jeans and the other splayed over his hard abs. This positioned her face very close to his crotch and Mike could feel the heat of her face through his pants and with her hands sensuously caressing his abs, he could once again feel a tingling and the warmth from her touch seeping into him. He looked down into her eyes and he could see she was feeling the same thing.

Mike felt the warmth from her sensuous caress creeping into his loins and his cock responded by thickening in his pants. He broke eye contact with Jennifer for just a second while trying to rein in the sexual feelings her touch was igniting in him. When he looked back down into her eyes for a brief moment, he saw a playful impish smile and then it was gone as she pushed it away.

This time the photographer would not let her hide from him and Mike could see her beautiful and loving heart through her eyes, but he could also see fear and pain that forced her to hide her feelings. Mike could see her lips trembling as she looked at him, like she was having trouble holding his gaze. He tried to transmit loving warmth through his eyes, telling her not to be afraid and everything would be okay. Her fears had ignited something protective in him and suddenly it was his job to protect this beautiful delicate woman from whatever scared her.

The photographer ran through multiple poses with different dancers capturing different angles with each dancer. Mike was always facing the dancer. After about 45 minutes of different shots, they took a break and Mike went over to Jennifer, gently touching her shoulder and as she turned to look at him he could see she was on the verge of tears.

Mike gently ask "What's wrong Jennifer? What are you afraid of?"

She breathed in deeply and then swallowed the lump in her throat. Mike could tell she was about to confide in him, when she happened to glance over his shoulder. Her reaction was immediate and violent as she visibly recoiled and then ran from the stage.

Mike's gaze drifted to where Jennifer had looked and saw an older, very hard looking man in a business suit standing at the corner of the photo shoot watching. He didn't know who he was, but Jennifer was obviously very afraid of him. Now his curiosity was aroused in addition to his protective instincts.

At that moment the photographer called them all back to the set and they went through another series of photographs with different dancers in different positions This time another dancer was down between his legs and Jennifer was on his right hip. During these poses he really couldn't see Jennifer that much, but of all the people touching him the only one he felt was her.

After another 45 minutes, a break was called and Mike looked for Jennifer but only caught a fleeting glimpse of her back as she ran to the women's dressing room. Mike was convinced she was running away to hide from him and he could sense that she was in some kind of danger. The way she looked at that man earlier, with a panic stricken face before running was very indicative of a situation regarding domestic violence, but not as if he was the abuser. Mike doubted that Jennifer would be involved with someone twice her age.

Mike tried to recall the courses he had on domestic violence and how to gain the trust of the victim, but to be honest he couldn't remember any of it. He vowed to look back over his notes from his domestic violence courses so that he could be better prepared in the morning. In the meantime, he looked around to see if he could find the man that had spooked Jennifer. He spotted him in conference with the photographer.

Mike walked over to join the photographer and also to see what information he could find out about this man that had spooked Jennifer. As he reached the pair, the photographer introduced Mike to Leonard Baughman, the producer of the commercials. Mr. Baughman piped up and said.

"Thank you for stepping in and saving our commercial. We still don't know what happened the original model, but to be honest, you're a much more masculine figure."

With that Mr. Baughman turned and walked to his car, got in and drove away. The photographer followed Mr. Baughman with his eyes, watching as he left and got into his car. He shook his head and said. "He sure is an odd fellow but at least he lets me have creative control."

Mike was about to ask for more information about Mr. Baughman, but the photographer gathered his stuff and headed back to the stage for another round of photos. The photographer continued this routine of differing angles, lighting and different arrangements of dancers until nine o'clock at night. Some of the more interesting shots seemed to come from the crane used to do overhead shots and other shots of him lying on his back. The cameras were positioned above his body.

Jennifer continued to hide from Mike through most of the breaks. The only time he was able to talk to her was during the dinner break and even then she was unresponsive to his efforts of conversation. The only time he ever got a response from her was when she was heading for the restroom and he grabbed her arm and steered her into a darken alcove where nobody could see. He held her tightly to his chest in a soothing hug, her body was unresponsive to his, her arms hanging limply by her side, so he kissed the top of her head and said.