Dallas Adventure

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Paul has to visit Dallas on business.
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A Paul and Jenny story

All parts copyright 2000 by Paul. All rights reserved.

For Michelle

* * * * *

Part 1.

I awoke with a hard on. I turned over in bed and looked at the back of Jenny's head. I could see flecks of grey amongst the light brown. I was sure she would like to know so I slid close behind her with my prick against the crack of her ass cheeks and reached around her for a breast. I'd been feeling them for thirty years but they still felt as smooth and firm as the first time.

I pushed the tip of my prick between her ass cheeks. She shifted slightly in her sleep. It was almost a shame to wake her. Almost. I moved my hand from her breast and lifted her cheeks open. The tip of my prick was against her anus. I let it rub against it without attempting to penetrate it. She sighed, reached for my hand and pulled it back to her breast. She pushed her ass back against me. My prick slipped from her anus to the soft skin between her two holes.

"That's nice," she said sleepily. "What time is it?"

I lifted my arm from between us with difficulty, not wanting to lose contact with her body, and looked at it.

"Nine thirty."

She moved. The tip of my prick was against her fanny lips. I felt them give slightly. She lifted her top leg. I pushed forwards and felt my prick enter an area of warmth and moisture. She grunted slightly then lowered her leg. I started moving in and out.

'Nine thirty?'

There was something about that time.

"Fuck." I said out loud.

"That's right," Jenny replied, her voice deep with lust. "I wish you wouldn't use that word, especially now."

"It's half past nine."

"You've told me."

I didn't move for a few seconds.

"Fuck," Jenny suddenly said, pulling away from me and sitting up. "I'm to be at the Gym and you're to be at your meeting at ten."

I pulled her back down onto the bed.

"We can be a few minutes late. I can say I got lost and the Gym is only a five minute walk from here."

I felt her breasts.

She looked at my face then down to my still hard prick.

"Well five minutes won't really matter I suppose," she said, opening her legs and guiding me on top of her.

"Only five minutes?"

I tried to sound shocked.

"You don't often last that long in the morning," she said, adjusting her hips as I entered her.

"I do," I replied, indignantly.

"Prove me wrong, and I don't mean only moving it in and out once a minute."

She placed her feet flat on the bed and squeezed my prick with her fanny muscles. I started moving in and out. She kept gripping me then lifting her hips and moving them in a circle beneath me. I found myself moving faster, then faster.

Her own breathing was matching mine. Short, shallow panting. She turned her head away for a few seconds then gasped out loud as she came. My own balls lifted and I started coming, shooting load after load inside her. I pulled out of her and lay on my back by her side, breathing heavily.

"See," she took a deep breath. "Three minutes."

"Bitch." I said, climbing from the bed and hurrying into the shower.

We left the Hotel at five to ten. I would walk to the gym with Jenny whist using my mobile to phone Powerhouse Gyms' headquarters where we were holding a meeting to discuss buying the franchise for Europe. I was acting for a consortium of business men in England and Germany who's wives had used the gym's on trips to the States and had convinced their partner's that this is what is needed back home. Jenny had a free ticket to use all the facilities and was due to meet the local franchise owner, named Michelle, to try out the facilities whilst I talked money.

I realised that I wouldn't be getting off to a good start but I could lay the blame on jet lag. We hurried down the street. We had two blocks to walk. I dialled a number on my mobile.

"Gerry," I said. "It's Paul, Paul Wagstaffe. I'm afraid Jenny took ages to get ready for her visit to the Gym."

I stifled a cry of pain as she hit me.

"I'm just walking her there and I'll catch a cab from there. I'll be with you in fifteen minutes."

"That hurt," I said, rubbing my arm.

"Serves you right. Telling lies like that."

"I had to say something. I couldn't tell them the truth."

"Shush," she said, holding up the hand I wasn't holding. "Did you hear that?"

"What?" I strained my ears. Somebody was groaning in the service alley we were just passing.

The noise seemed to be coming from behind a pile of packing cases. Jenny headed for it.

"Wait." I said, pulling her back.

"Somebody's hurt," she pulled me after her. "We can't leave them."

The noise seemed to increase.

"Alright, a quick look."

We walked to the far side of the packing cases and looked down on the body of a youth. He was lying on his side. I knelt down and placed my hand on his shoulder to turn him over. His body moved easily and I found myself staring into the barrel of a snub nosed Revolver.

"Jenny, run." I called.

"Too late for that."

I heard a voice behind me say.

"Stand up. Slowly."

I did as I was told. A second man was holding a knife to Jenny's throat. A door into the building behind him stood open.

The man with the gun stood up.

"Inside." He indicated the doorway with his weapon.

"Look," I said. "Just take our money."

I saw him looking Jenny up and down.

"She's older than I normally like them. But I could do with a fuck."

Part 2. (Paul).

The man with the knife pulled Jenny towards the open door whilst the second man poked me in the back with his Revolver.

"Don't anybody move."

I heard a voice say and turning my head saw a tall, well built policeman holding a 9mm pistol standing not more than ten feet away. Behind him, and a little to one side stood a second policeman, similarly armed. Behind him, near the entrance to the alley there stood a young girl, 17 or 18 perhaps, with shoulder length brown hair. The man with the gun placed his hand on my shoulder and turned me so that I was between him and the policemen.

"Stay back or they'll get it," he said edging towards the door.

I moved with him until I was standing by Jenny's side and held her hand. She squeezed mine.

Everything was still and silent for a second then everybody seemed to move at once. The men pushed us away and leapt into the doorway. I heard the Revolver crash behind me and tensed my back muscles expecting to feel the thud of a bullet as I pulled Jenny to the ground with me. I heard the policemen fire in return and saw there feet as they leapt over our bodies and spread themselves either side of the door.

"Move away quickly." The big policeman said.

We didn't need any further urging and scrambled on our hands and knees to safety behind the packing cases. The second policeman was talking into the microphone of his radio set as I sat up and, putting my arm around Jenny pulled her close. She looked at me and smiled.

"I can't even go for a workout in the Gym with you without something happening."

"It's not my fault," I said, kissing her. "I didn't want to come down this alleyway."

I could hear sirens in the distance getting louder. Two police cars pulled up by the entrance to the alley and the occupants made their way towards us with weapons drawn. The two policemen by the doorway came to meet them and they held a quick conference, occasionally glancing in Jenny and my direction.

"We are going in to see if we can catch them. I want you to stay here. This officer will look after you." We followed the officer he indicated to the front of the alley whist he and the other policemen disappeared inside the building. We got to sit in the back of a police car with the young girl whist he stood by the buildings front entrance, talking on his radio. I looked at the girl.

"Hallo," I said, holding out my hand. "My name is Paul Wagstaffe and this is my wife, Jenny."

"Hi, you're English," she replied, giving my fingers a gentle squeeze. "My name's Laurie. I saw you going into the alley and waved to Jim, who was passing in his police car."

"We're very glad you did," Jenny said leaning across me and resting her elbows on my thighs. They were boney. "I don't know how we could ever thank you."

"Oh, that's okay," she smiled, oh to be thirty years younger. "Anybody would have done it."

"I'm not sure they would have, but thank you very much anyway." I said, she smiled again. She looked very fit.

"This isn't going to keep you back from doing anything is it?" Jenny asked.

"Nothing important," she replied." I was on my way to visit my sister in her Gym. She was going to give me a boxing lesson but she has to meet this old women from Eng..."

Her voice trailed off and she looked down at her lap. My eyes followed hers. It was a nice lap.

"Well, I suppose I am old." Jenny said, reaching across and giving her hand a squeeze. "Don't worry. You didn't know and I'm sorry to have spoilt your morning."

"Talking of spoilt mornings," I said, taking my mobile phone from my pocket and ringing Gerry. I quickly explained what had happened and asked him to ring the Gym and tell them Jenny wouldn't be coming this morning. The front doors of the car opened and the big policeman and his partner climbed in.

"You okay, Laurie?" The big policeman, who I assumed was called Jim, asked.

"They got away."

"Fine thanks Jim." Laurie replied. "You'll never believe it, Jim but these are the people from England that Michelle is expecting."

"Is that so," he said, turning the key in the ignition. "If you wouldn't mind coming with us to the precinct we would like to take some statements and show you some pictures."

I didn't suppose it was a request we could refuse as he was already pulling out into traffic.

The next three hours was spent being interviewed and looking at mug shots. Finally we were free to go and I could join my meeting for lunch. Jenny was going to visit the Gym, Laurie was going to take her and introduce her to her sister.

Part 3. Laurie's part. (Paul).

I climbed from my taxi at the doors of the hotel, holding on to the door pillar to steady myself. I was out of practise at lunchtime drinking. First Martini's, then wine finishing off with Brandies. Then they wanted to talk business. That Gerry, he could certainly put it away. I'd almost fallen asleep twice listening to their presentation and in the end excused myself from making any decisions by explaining I needed to contact my clients in England and that my laptop was in the hotel. We agreed to meet again the following morning and to take a look around a local Gym before Jenny and I we headed on for Carole and Howie's wedding anniversary in Washington before returning to England. I'd mostly made my mind up that I would recommend acceptance of the terms on offer. We might be able to beat them down a little, but what we needed was one of their franchise holders to come to England and set up and run the operation on a trial basis. I didn't know what this Michelle girl was like but perhaps she would be willing. I'd have to ask Jenny how they got on and what she thought of her.

"Buy a girl a coke, mister." A voice came from my side.

I was about to dismiss her as a local prostitute when I looked into her face. It was Laurie from our adventures in the morning. I think I owed her more than a coke.

"Of course," I said.

"You look like you could do with a coffee and a shower." She said, taking my hand.

"You're right I could." I replied, leading her to the desk where I collected my room key and lap top computer.

"Shall we go into the lounge," I suggested. "I do need to set up my lap top and go on line. I have some figures I want to send to England."

Not that anybody would be there at nine o'clock at night to read them. Hopefully they would read them and reply by the time I woke up next morning.

"You could have our drink sent up to your room." Laurie said.

The man behind the desk gave me a funny look. I was old enough to be her father.

I gave him a funny look back.

"Come on Uncle Paul," Laurie suddenly said in a little girl's voice. "I want to see you use your computer."

I placed my drink order of a pot of coffee and a coke to the man behind the desk and followed Laurie's ass to the lifts. It seemed to twitch beneath her jeans with each step she took. Inside I pressed the button for the seventh floor and stepped aside to let her leave first.

"Third door on the left," I said, my eyes glued to her ass cheeks.

What was I thinking? She was only seventeen. She was probably still a virgin. I knew I was until I was nineteen and Jenny had been nearly that age as well. I set up my laptop and plugged it into the spare phone socket. I typed a few lines of greeting and explanation and connected to the net I took the floppy-disk I had been given at the presentation, made my links and sent my message out into the web.

I felt the bed move by my side. Laurie was lying across it with her chin under her hands watching me.

"That's not what we use my sister's computer for," she said.

"Really." I replied.

There was a knock on the door. I opened it and the man from room service entered pushing a small trolley. He glanced at Laurie lying on the bed and gave me an 'I've seen it all before' look. He quite made me forget to add something to the chit I signed. I smiled at him as I handed it back. He looked at it, looked at Laurie then at me. I smiled. He left.

"This is what we look at when I go visiting her."

There was a picture of a big black man with a huge prick kneeling behind a girl that looked, if possible, even younger than Laurie. Three parts of his prick was embedded in her ass hole.

"That would make your eyes water," I said, trying not to sound shocked that a girl as young and pretty as this would look at such images. It must be her sister leading her into bad ways.

"I like it that way," she mentioned casually scatching one of her ass cheeks.

Now I was shocked.

"You haven't," I stumbled over the words.

"Oh yeah," her face couldn't have looked more innocent. "Would you like to."

"What?" I could feel my prick growing inside my trousers. I took off my jacket and loosened my tie.

"You don't need that on in here."

She sat up with her legs curled beneath her and removed my tie completely.

"But, but. My wife." I said as her fingers began unbuttoning my shirt.

"Don't worry, " she said as she reached the waist band of my trousers and unbuckled my belt. "If I know Michelle they'll be at least another hour."

"Michelle?" I asked as she helped me to stand up, then getting on her knees before me removed my pants, trousers, shoes and socks. "She likes a thorough job doing."

Pulling my foreskin back she took my prick into her mouth until the tip touched the back of her throat. She pulled her head back and I watched as my prick slid from her lips, glistening in its coating of saliva. She took it back inside. It felt so good. Her lips sliding along the length of my shaft taking my foreskin with them. Then releasing it as her head moved away. I watched her for a minute. It was good but, what with the alcohol I'd had that lunch-time I knew I wouldn't come that way. I needed somewhere tighter, where I would be in control.

"Stand up," I said, helping her to her feet.

I looked into her eyes, then kissed her.

"Didn't you like it?" She looked upset.

"I loved it," I hastened to re-assure her. "I'd like something else. If you don't mind."

I pulled her T-shirt from the waistband of her jeans as I spoke and lifted it over her head. She kicked off her trainers as I fumbled with the button and zip at the front of her jeans.

Something bright caught my eye. She'd a little metal ring through her navel. It looked like it needed a kiss so I knelt down and planted my lips on it. I felt her shudder. I kissed it again. A sigh escaped from her lips. I kissed the area between her navel and pubic hairs. She ran her fingers through my hair. I reached behind her and, pulling her ass cheeks apart, ran my finger between them until it rested on her anus. I could feel the already tight folds of skin contract even further at my touch. She moaned. Then sighed.

Tracing a path around her anus with my fingertip I searched through her pubic hairs with my tongue for her clit. Her gasp told me I found it. I sucked it out from its protective cover and flicked at it with the tip of my tongue. She pulled my head closer. Grinding her pussy against my lips. I increased the speed and force of my tongue's movements against her clit. She seemed to have trouble breathing. Almost as if she was in labour.

"Oh god," she cried out. "Oh yes."

I pushed my finger into her ass as she came. Her sphincter tightened then relaxed as I sank in to the second knuckle. I worked it in and out a few times as she regained her breath, then pulled it out.

"Ow," she exclaimed. "That hurt."

"Sorry," I said, standing up to face her.

"I didn't say I didn't like it." She smiled and reaching up placed her arms around my neck and pulled my lips down to her own. She sucked my tongue in her mouth then licked my lips with her own.

"I like the taste of woman," she said. "Even myself. Have you any lube?"

"We always carry a jar of Vaseline." I replied opening the drawer of the bedside table.

She picked up my prick in one hand and took the lid off the jar with the other. Two strokes of her hand and I was rock hard. She spread some Vaseline on the head and shaft of my prick, then, kneeling on the bed, applied two applications to her ass hole.

I knelt behind her and pulled her ass cheeks wide. I could just make out her anus under it's coating of grease and pressed the tip of my prick against it. I lunged forward. She gave a little cry and gasp as I pushed inside her. Pulling back I pushed again. I could feel the muscles inside her ass trying to push me back out. I went with them then pushed back in again. This time she relaxed and I could move freely in and out. I quickened the pace. Slurping in and out. Drawing moans and groans and gasps from her each time I moved into her. I leaned forward, over her back, and reached around her stomach with one hand and found her still enlarged clit. I rubbed it furiously as I continued in and out. With my other hand I felt her tits, which dangled free as she pushed her chest from the bed to arch her back to take more of me inside. I heard her cum once, then a second time. Each orgasm was setting off contractions in her anus.

She was already so tight in there and each tightening of her anus was bringing me closer to coming. I could sense she was building to another cum. This time I was going with her. She gasped, her body tensed and her anus tightened. I was there. I thrust as deeply inside her as I could as my prick started jerking and my sperm was sent to splash along the walls of her rectum. I was sweating as I pulled out of her and lay on my back by her side. Her own face was streaked in sweat as she looked down on me. I held out my arms to her but she climbed from the bed and stood up. As she looked down at me I saw her eyes move from one scar to another. Shotgun pellets, bullets, knife and Black Panther's teeth. I'd always meant to have them covered by plastic surgery. Perhaps if I saw Lee-Anne on this trip to Washington I could talk to her. She was one of the nations best.

"I have to go," she said, quickly dressing. "My sister is going out for a meal with Jim tonight and me and my boy friend have the use of their house from eight to gone midnight."

"But." I stammered.

"It was fun." She looked down on me as she finished dressing. "Knowing Michelle she'll want you too. I won't tell her for a while that I was first. It will be our secret."

Walking towards the door she stopped and took a drink from her class of coke.