Daily Life with Furry Girls Ch. 21

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Trial by Mice.
6.3k words

Part 20 of the 29 part series

Updated 06/14/2023
Created 05/24/2017
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Last week, on Daily Life With Furry Girls:

Mami chuckled, then sighed. 'And I have no idea how the family will react to our news.'

'What's the worst they could do?' said Guy. 'Certainly not keep us apart.'

By the time the trolleys with dinner had arrived Mami hadn't returned yet.

'I suspect her majesty will be having dinner with her grandmother then.' said the same older servant from the day before. 'She usually eats at this time too. I can check if you'd like.'

Guy thanked him and suggested to start dinner then.

When the servant came back he twitched his nose nervously and wrung his hands. 'I'm afraid I have to report that her majesty hasn't been seen by her grandmother, and that we don't know yet where she is.'

And now, the conclusion:


'What now?' asked Avia after the servant had gone.

'I say we go look for her.' said Cani.

Guy nodded. 'Only question is, where do we start?' he said. 'They're already searching for her and they know the place much better than we do.'

'Yes, but we know Mami better.' said Ara.

Tilia pulled on Guy's sleeve. She looked up to him with big eyes.

'We'll find her.' Guy said with a reassuring smile. 'Let's go.'

Cani and Feli led the way with their noses down the stairwell. 'Do you smell her?' asked Cani to Feli.

'Yes.' said Feli. 'Although it's not as clear because of the scent of all the others.'

Cani nodded. 'I think my nose is only a little better at this.'

Feli went into one hallway. 'This way?' she asked.

Cani sniffed the air. 'Yeah, I think so too.' she said and they followed the hallway. The group ended up at a room at the end.

'This is where she's been.' said Cani. 'Her scent is stronger here.'

'So where did she go from here?' asked Guy looking around and counting four doors.

'This way.' she said moving to the door in the far corner.

Everyone followed her and Feli along another hallway, then another room where several mice in black suits were standing.

'Excuse me.' said one of them and stepped up to the group. 'You'd better stay in your room while we search for her majesty, the princess.'

Cani picked up the mouse smaller than her and put him aside. 'You're in my way.' she said sniffing the air. She moved with Feli to one corner of the room. 'Here.'

Feli nodded and they moved away from the corner and back again. 'Indeed.' she said and turned to the group. 'This is where she's been, but also where the trail ends.'

The mouse stepped closer with the other mice in black behind him. 'I must really ask you to go back to your room.' he said. 'We are already searching everywhere for the princess and we can't have outsiders interfere with the investigation.'

'And a fine job you're doing so far.' said Cani leaning closer to the mouse. 'Have you found any sign of her yet, hmm?'

Tilia tugged Guy's sleeve again. She looked up at him, then at the corner of the room.

'Do you have any idea?' he asked.

She nodded quickly, pulled closer and looked around at the security mice and a couple of servant mice who watched curiously at the discussion between Cani and the mouse.

'You can't tell now?' Guy asked.

Tilia nodded quickly again and looked at standing clock at one wall.

'Later tonight, when there's no one around?' he asked. Tilia nodded once more and he gave her a gentle smile. 'All right then. We'll come back here.' He put his hand on Cani's arm. 'We'll go back to our room now. There's nothing we can do here now.'

Cani looked at him ready to protest, but she recognised the look in his eyes. He knew something. She flattened her ears and sighed deep. 'All right then.' she said. 'If you say so.'

He nodded and smiled at the mouse. 'My apologies.' he said. 'The princess means a lot to us. I hope you find her soon.'

The mouse cleared his throat and straightened his jacket. 'I'm sure we will.' he said. 'It hasn't been the first time, to be honest. We will inform you when we find her.'

Guy gave him a nod and left with the girls.

'What do you know?' Cani asked when they walked down the hallway.

'Not I. Tilia.' he said.

Cani looked at Tilia who held Guy's sleeve as they walked. She gave a quick nod.

'We'll come back when it's quiet.' Guy said. 'I don't think Mami's in any direct danger.'

Some time after a barely eaten dinner Tilia looked at Guy and gave him a nod. 'Time to go.' he said.

'Finally.' said Cani who had been sitting restless on the couch. 'All this waiting makes me shed more fur.'

Ara nodded as she picked up a tuft of black hair. 'I'll say.' she said. 'Guy will need all night to brush your fur this time. Although I expect neither of you will complain.'

Guy grinned at her. 'Only about the reason for it.' he said and stood up. 'Ready to go?'

A little later they arrived unseen at the room where Mami's trail had ended. Cani and Feli checked the whole room again and came to the same conclusion. 'It ends here in this corner.' Feli said.

'So, where to from here?' asked Guy of Tilia.

She let go of his sleeve and examined the panelled wall, touching it at different places until she found what she searched for. A section of the wall opened with a soft click.

'Well, well.' said Guy. 'Looks like we're going on an adventure.' He opened the panel further and looked into a narrow unlit passageway. 'Can't see anything in here.'

Tilia tugged his shirt, patted her chest and swiftly left the room. When she returned she held up her hands and presented several small sized flashlights.

'I get the feeling you haven't sat still during the nights in this place.' Guy said with a little grin.

Tilia shook her head and returned the slight grin.

Cani shone the light inside and revealed a simple corridor. 'I smell Mami and several other mice.'

'I'll bet there are at least a few who know about this.' said Guy and looked back at Tilia. 'The older staff?'

She nodded.

'But not those security guards?'

Tilia shook her head and pointed at the crown symbol on a book she had brought.

Guy nodded. 'Only royalty know about this and very close staff?'

She nodded again in confirmation.

'Let's see where this leads to then.' said Cani and led the group into the corridor. Guy was glad Ara and Avia had little trouble despite the narrow width.

It seemed like it had been ages when they reached a wooden stairwell. Cani and Feli both checked the stairs going up and down. 'Mami has gone up.' Cani said.

'Do you know where this leads to?' asked Guy of Tilia. She nodded. 'Is it safe?' She nodded again. 'Up we go.' he said to Cani and Feli.

They went up several storeys before Mami's scent led them down another corridor and a dead end.

'How do we get out now?' asked Feli.

Tilia touched the panelling and a streak of light appeared next to her. Cani peeked through the opening before going out into the room beyond. A large bed with frills filled the room, the rest of the furniture was equally frilly.

'Hmm..' said Ara. 'Very girly.'

'One of the princesses?' asked Guy and Tilia nodded.

'The princess we met before.' said Avia as she held up a photo frame. 'Amilla?' she asked Tilia who nodded again.

The bedroom door opened and princess Amilla froze at the doorway.

The others stared back at her.

Guy cleared his throat after a moment. 'I can scream if anyone feels the need for it to happen?'

The princess stepped forward, her head high. 'What are you doing here!?' she said. 'This is a royal bedroom!'

'This is also to where the scent of Mami led us.' said Feli.

'Mami?' asked Amilla, then nodded. 'Oh right. That's Nymina's name that she uses now.' She walked further into the room. 'As you can see, she's not here, so why don't you leave?'

'We'd like to find out first where the trail leads to.' Guy said. 'We won't be long.'

Amilla crossed her arms. 'No, you will leave now!' she said. 'Or I will call the guards!'

Cani moved closer to her. 'I'm pretty sure Mami's been through here.' she said.

Amilla glanced left and right. 'I told you she's not here! Now go!'

'What's this strange smell?' asked Cani as she moved to a plant with thick, round leaves on a cupboard.

'Get away from there!' said Amilla. 'Get out of my room!'

Tilia tugged on Guy's sleeve. He looked down at her while she pulled out the pocket book she had shown before, opened it and showed him a picture of the plant.

Guy read the description and hummed. 'Among other uses as a strong anaesthetic.' he said and looked at Amilla.

'I don't know anything about knocking out Nymina!' Amilla said, moved to her night stand and hit a button on the side. 'Guards will kick you out now!'

Cani looked at Feli. 'I smelled this faint scent in the room downstairs.' she said. 'You too?'

Feli nodded. 'I didn't know what it was, until now.' she said as she poked one of the plant's leaves.

Several mice in black suits stormed into the room. 'Your majesty! Are you all right!?' said the first.

'Have our guests return to their room!' said Amilla.

The mice moved towards the others but Guy held up his hand. 'Hang on!' he said. 'We think Ma-, princess Nymina has been here.'

'Lies!' said Amilla. 'Take them away!'

Cani and Ara watched the mice in front of them menacingly.

'Ehmm..' one of them said. 'I don't think..'

'Give us a minute.' said Guy and followed Tilia while she examined the low panelling on the wall.

'Get away from there!' said Amilla. She glared at the mice. 'Take them out of here now!'

Cani took a fighting stance. 'I don't think so.' she growled.

The mouse in front of her felt the encouraging push from his colleagues behind him. The fangs in front of him encouraged him to ignore the encouragement behind him.

'You do what you're told!' said Amilla stomping her foot.

'Now, now. That's no way to behave for royalty.' said a voice from the doorway.

'Grandmother!' said Amilla.

Liana stepped into the room, the mice moving aside at once. 'What's going on?'

'They've invaded my room!' said Amilla as she hurried to Liana and grabbed her arm. 'Tell them to leave!'

Liana gave Amilla a pat on her hand. 'Relax, my dear.' she said and smiled gently. She looked at Guy. 'Would you mind telling me what's going on?'

Guy gave her a nod. 'We followed Mami's scent through secret passages all the way up here.' he said. 'Cani and Feli's noses don't make mistakes easily and Tilia was a big help.' Tilia looked away with a little smile.

'And you think she's here?' asked Liana.

'She's not here!' said Amilla. 'Really!'

'We're still following the trail.' said Guy and turned to Tilia. 'If you please, your majesty?'

Tilia nodded and touched a part of the panelling. A secret door opened with a click. Amilla wanted to step back but her grandmother needed only the slightest of pressure to keep Amilla's hand underneath hers.

Guy opened the door further and found Mami sleeping on a double bed in the room behind it. 'Mami!' he said and hurried to her. He cupped her cheek and she blinked her eyes slowly.

'Hey there, big pervert.' she whispered.

He chuckled. 'I guess you're okay.'

He helped her up and walk out of the room. 'How did you find me?' she asked.

'Cani and Feli's nose, and Tilia.'

Mami smiled at Tilia who hurried up to her and hugged her tight.

'So, can someone explain what happened?' Liana asked while Amilla looked away.

'I think I can.' Mami said while Guy helped her sit down. 'Amilla is the eighth princess in the family. That's what it's about.'

Avia looked at Mami. 'The provinces?'

She nodded. 'The provinces.'

Guy looked at her. 'The business about the first members of the royal family required to rule a province?'

She nodded again. 'I guess when I told her about the important business I had to discuss with the queen and grandma, she freaked out and saw her chance to rule a province when she becomes an adult next week go up in smoke.'

Amilla stepped back when Cani stepped closer to her. 'You can't touch me!' she said. 'I'm royalty! No royal member can be punished, it's the law here!'

Cani looked at grandma who nodded. 'It's true.' she said. 'There's a specific rule about it in the law here.'

Tilia gestured at Guy for his phone and he handed it to her, puzzled. She typed for a moment and handed it back to him.

'No member of the royal family can be punished by any mouse or citizen of the country. Breaking the law is punishable by up to life imprisonment.' he said reading the portion of the law posted online on the grid.

Amilla crossed her arms. 'See? Can't do anything to me.'

Guy stood up and walked over to her. She trembled but stood her ground holding her head up high. 'You can't do anything to me.' she said.

'That's where you're wrong.' Guy said and grabbed her arm.

'Wait!' What are you doing!' she said struggling to get free while Guy pulled her to her bed. 'Grandma! Guards!'

Liana held up her hand to the mice in black. They were ready to intervene but stepped back.

Guy sat down on the bed and pulled Amilla over his knees.

'You can't do this!' she cried. 'You can't touch royalty!'

He pulled up her dress. 'No mouse or citizen of this country can, but I am neither.' he said and smacked her hard on her behind.

The mice guard had been sent out and Liana gave Guy a little sly smile while Amilla glared at him from behind her. Her face probably looked as red as her behind through her fur from the spanking.

'You aren't afraid of an interworld incident?' Liana asked.

'I don't care who it is, when someone harms the ones I love I will see justice done.' Guy said. 'And I don't like people who only think of their own gain.'

Liana nodded. 'Well, since it was all royalty who were involved, I'd say this case has been wrapped up.' she said and glanced back at Amilla. 'And now we know she's not ready to take on any form of government because she's not mature enough.'

'But she hasn't been brought up as royalty! She can't have a province to rule!' Amilla said and shrunk back when Cani glared at her.

Mami smirked. 'I never planned on doing that.' she said. 'I have something else to talk about.'

Amilla leaned closer. 'But you said it was serious! It would be big news!'

Mami nodded. 'Yes, it will.' she said and took Guy's hand. 'Would you help me get back to our room? I need some rest after all this.'

Guy smiled softly at her. 'Of course I will.'

'What!? What is it then!?' asked Amilla while they walked out of the room.

Mami smiled up at Guy as they left with the other girls.


The standing clock ticked loud in the silent room. The steam could be heard rising from the teapot on the table and the sugar melting in some of the cups. Four two seat couches surrounded the table. Queen Liadan sat still and gazed at Mami on the opposite couch while Liana sat next to her gazing at Guy. Cani and Ara sat on the couch at Guy's side while Feli and Avia were seated on Mami's side.

Liana took her cup of tea and stirred it. 'How are you feeling now?' she asked of Mami.

'Good.' Mami said. 'The effects of the drug are gone now.'

Liana nodded and sipped her tea.

Queen Liadan gazed at Guy and he could feel her eyes piercing him. He made a conscious effort to relax enough and avoid revealing his nervousness.

She looked at Mami again. Mami had more experience at dealing with the queen but she still twitched her ear.

'I believe you had an important matter to discuss with us?' queen Liadan said. 'Amilla seemed to think you want to rule the province she would have the responsibility of after her birthday.'

Mami cleared her throat. 'I have no intention of that.' she said and shifted in her seat. 'I've never trained for that, nor have an interest in it. I grew up in a different world but have found a good place in life now and want to stay there.'

The queen watched her for a moment. 'You know you're still a member of the royal family.'

Mami nodded. 'Which is why we wanted to talk in private before the news gets out.' she said. She took a deep breath. 'I.., well, we..' she said and looked sideways at Guy.

He noticed the twitch in her ears and cleared his throat. 'I've asked her to marry me.' he said.

The standing clock ticked louder in the room. Or the silence was deeper than before. Steam still rose from the teapot with the faintest of noises. The last remnant of the last sugar cube melted into the hot tea in one of the cups. The slight twitch in queen Liadan's ear would cause a hurricane on the other side of the world two weeks later. Fortunately it deviated from the usual path and only hit an uninhabited island where it righted a couple of sea turtles who had an earlier high speed collision with each other.

Liana took another sip from her tea. 'I assume you said yes.'

Mami nodded.

'There's, one more thing..' Guy said and looked left and right to the others. 'I've also asked Feli, Cani, Avia, and Ara at the same time, and they also said yes.'

A sudden freak second hurricane would topple the sea turtles on their back again.

'I think we'll need to let this news sink in.' Liana said and put her cup on the table. 'Why don't you go enjoy the day and we'll talk later again?'

Mami and Guy nodded and left with the rest. Once outside the door they let out a deep sigh of relief.

'Well, you're not escorted out of the country.' said Feli.

'Yet.' added Ara.

'They can't refuse it.' said Mami holding Guy's arm. 'The decision is final.'

Cani chuckled. 'Maybe they'll demand you prove your worthiness by some tests. Like a knight's quest or fight.'

Tilia tugged at Guy's arm and held up a book about the royal customs.

'Wait, have you heard what we said in there?' asked Mami.

Tilia looked down as she fiddled her fingers and moved a little further behind Guy.

Mami put her hand in her face and shook her head. 'That was supposed to be secret.'

'I think she only wanted to help us.' said Guy and showed the girls the open book. 'This is a chapter on courting and marriage in the royal family.'

Mami took a quick look. 'So you wanted to prepare Guy for what he'd have to do?'

Tilia nodded a little.

Guy smiled at her. 'Thank you. This is very helpful.'

She smiled softly and shuffled her feet.

'Okay, so I have to show strength by defeating the strongest of knights in the country.' said Guy. 'But there aren't really any knights anymore.'

'That's why we're at the royal guard headquarters.' Mami said. 'The captain would send his best man when I asked for a sparring partner to compare you to a mouse.'

Feli watched the members of the royal guard walking around the gym of the base. 'One thing is for certain, you have the size advantage.' she said. 'That should give you enough of an edge to defeat him.'

A mouse in uniform walked up to them. 'I heard you're here to measure your strength against our strongest in a fight, correct?'

Guy nodded. 'Yeah. Something about a doing a comparison of sorts.'

The mouse nodded. 'She'll be here in a moment.'

'She?' asked Cani.

The mouse nodded again. 'Sergeant Mira. Is that a problem?'

Cani looked at Guy. He scratched the back of his head. 'Well, I'm not really comfortable with fighting, and certainly not against any woman.' he said to the mouse. 'Not that I think they're not good at fighting, just that I'm old-fashioned that way.'

The mouse nodded. 'I understand, but she might feel insulted if you forfeit for that reason.'

Guy sighed. 'True. Guess I have no choice.' he said. 'I just don't want to hurt her in any way.'

'I won't get hurt easily.' a voice said behind him.

He turned and looked down into an ample décolleté where he had expected the head of the mouse.

'Eyes up here.' Mira said pointing up with a finger.

Guy looked up into the face of a mouse with long black hair tied into a tail. 'Ah! Gomen!' he said. 'It's just that all mice I've seen so far were less in height than you.'