Daily Life with Furry Girls Ch. 06

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A school project saved, and a school surprised.
6.7k words

Part 6 of the 29 part series

Updated 06/14/2023
Created 05/24/2017
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*The girls help out with a school project about them done by the baker's daughters. With a little surprise at the end for the entire school.

*Literotica rules apply


'Please?' asked Anna and Michelle at the same time.

Feli and Cani looked at Guy.

He held up his hands. 'Hey, you don't have to ask for my permission to give them a hand with their project.'

'All right.' said Feli. 'We'll ask Avia and Ara too. I'm sure they'd love to help.'

'Thank you!' the girls said hugging Feli and Cani.

The baker smiled looking at his daughters. 'They're so happy to get to work on their project.'

'A lecture on foreign species and their culture.' Guy said and nodded. 'I think it's a wonderful idea for school.'

Later that day Guy served drinks while the whole group went over what Anna and Michelle had come up with so far. They all made suggestions and the girls wrote down everything that was said. When his phone rang he went back to the kitchen.

'Miss Tesha.' he said into the phone.

'Can we talk in private?' she asked.

'Sure?' he said with a little worry.

'Meet you downstairs at the coffee shop.'

'Okay.' he said and she hung up.

He put down a plate of snacks for the girls. 'I'm just off for a bit to the coffee shop.'

'Hurry back.' Feli said.

'Don't tell me you'll miss me when you're this busy.' he chuckled.

'I miss you when I can't sense your presence.' she said and the others whistled to his embarrassment.

'I feel the same though.' Ara said.

Anna and Michelle looked at Guy. 'Do you have some sort of black magic?'

I'm not telling.' Guy chuckled. 'Then I'd have to reveal my black heart and the evil things I've done to get these lovely creatures into my clutches.'

'New topic.' Anna said writing. 'The love life of foreign species.'

'Nooo!' the other girls said and wrestled for the paper while laughing.

Guy laughed and went downstairs feeling worried again. "I don't have a good feeling about this private meeting." he thought walking down the street.

Inside the coffee shop he saw miss Tesha in a corner and sat down at her table. She had already ordered a cup of tea for him and he stirred it slowly.

'I don't want the girls to know this yet, but Nymina has gone missing again.'

Guy's eyes went wide. 'Missing? When? How?'

'It seems she ran off on her own. No indication that it was a kidnapping or anything.'

He frowned. 'Why? She's only been there for a few weeks.'

'No word on that. They're keeping things quiet for now. They asked me to check if she was hiding at your place.'

Guy sat back. 'You think I'd hide her?'

Miss Tesha shook her head. 'No, you would have told me anyway and asked me to keep it secret. I told them she's not with you.'

He nodded. 'Yeah.'

'I'd like you to keep it secret from the others as long as you can.' she said. 'I know eventually you'll have to tell them but I hope she'll show up before then. There's nothing you can do other than stay put waiting for her to show up.'

He nodded again. 'I understand.'

Miss Tesha sipped her coffee. 'So, anything new on your side?'

Guy ordered a bunch of the different cookies they made at the shop while he finished his tea and told miss Tesha about the school project.

'Sounds like fun.' she said.

He nodded. 'They enjoy talking about their own cultures.'

The bag with cookies arrived and miss Tesha took the bill. 'It's on me.'

'Thanks.' Guy said and smiled as he got up to leave.

'Try not to worry too much.' miss Tesha said.

He nodded. 'She's one tough girl. I have faith in her.' he said and left.

Back home the girls were still busy writing and discussing.

'Cookies!' Cani said and wagged her tail as soon as she smelled them.

'These are for later. Dinner first.' Guy said.

'Aww.' she said flattening her ears.

'The similarity of the effect of cookies on domestic dogs and the canine species.' said Michelle as she wrote it down.

'Hey! Wait!' said Cani and the others laughed.


The next day the girls came over after school to tell the project had been approved and they could even use the gym to present it to the whole school.

Guy smiled as he saw them all getting busy with making plans and looked out the window. "Mami, come back safely as fast as you can." he thought.

The next two days they all spent at the gym setting up the exhibition. Anna and Michelle got permission to skip their classes for this since they already had good grades. Guy came over at the end of the second day to pick them all up for the drive home.

'Can I talk to you for a moment?' Ara asked Guy as he took a quick look at what they had done.

'Something wrong?' he asked seeing her worried expression.

'I spun some threads around the building to see if someone would try to take an early peek at what we've done.' she said. 'A couple were broken at the back door and I saw that the door lock had been disabled.' She took him to the back to show him. 'Call me paranoid but I don't like this.'

Guy examined the lock. 'You're thinking possible sabotage?'

Ara nodded.

He hummed while thinking. 'Want me to keep an eye out here tonight?'

'Would you? I'll be here too.'

He smiled. 'If anyone tries anything, we'll catch them.'

Guy and Ara told the others of their plan in the car after they had dropped off Anna and Michelle at home.

'You really are a protector of all girls.' Feli said folding her arms.

'Gomen.' Guy said. 'I just don't want their and your hard work to be destroyed.'

Feli sighed, pulled him to her and kissed him. 'This is why I love you.'

He blushed and smiled.

'Keep him safe.' she said to Ara.

Ara grinned. 'No worries. My web will catch any bad guy.'

Guy and Ara returned to the gym via a detour and Ara set up threads and trap webs.

Guy handed her something to drink when she was finished. He had placed a few blankets in a corner to sit on. 'And now we wait.' he said.

'I just hope I'm wrong.' Ara said.

He nodded. 'Know what you mean.'

'And it would mean more time alone with you.' she said and snuggled up to him.

He stroked her hair. 'Aren't you quite the predator?' he chuckled.

'You know it.' she said with a little grin and kissed him.

They spent quite some intimate time when her suspicion was proven right.

'My signal threads.' whispered Ara as she felt trembling at the tip of her leg when someone touched them.

'Showtime.' Guy whispered.

'I'll get them for not just sabotaging this but also ruining our time.' she said and they took up their positions at the back of the gym.

Not long after they heard the backdoor open and a couple of flashlights shone inside.

'You take that side, I'll take this side.' a girl's voice said.

'Okay.' another girl said.

The first girl held up a baseball bat to swing it up at the table when she saw something move behind it. 'Someone here!?' she whispered.

The second girl held up a hockey stick, ready to hit the board in front of her. 'What!?'

'I think I saw something move here..'

'Don't be silly. No-one's here.'

The first girl shone her flashlight around the back of the table when she suddenly lit up Ara, holding her legs up in attack position and hissing loud.

The girl screamed out her lungs and scrambled back to get away. The second girl turned around to see what happened and Guy lit up his face with his flashlight. 'Got ya!' he shouted and the girl screamed in terror.

She almost stumbled running away to the backdoor and reached it just after the first girl. Ara had lowered her web in front of it though and both ran right into it. They screamed trying to untangle themselves, pulling at the threads surrounding them.

Ara let out another hiss and the girls cried for mercy before Guy switched on the lights.

He let them scream until they noticed nothing happened to them and calmed down a bit.

He leaned closer to their crying faces. 'Mind telling me why?'

'Oh. I've seen them before.' said Ara. 'Anna said they are the two most popular girls at school.'

He sighed. 'Don't tell me, you were jealous and afraid Anna and Michelle would get more attention?'

The girls nodded quickly.

Guy put his fists in his sides. 'Tell me, is your popularity so shallow that you had to resort to this?'

The girls looked down.

'So, what shall we do with them?' Ara asked.

'I don't know.' he said and the girls pleaded not to eat them.

Ara sniggered. 'I have better tastes.'

'Oh, I know.' Guy said snapping his finger. 'Let's make you prove you popularity. Meet me at the end of the exhibition here, okay?'

The girls nodded and Ara removed her webbing from them. They stood meekly in front of Guy a moment later, wiping their cheeks dry.

'Are we agreed?' he asked.

The girls nodded.

'All right, let's get you home safely. You shouldn't walk alone on the street at this late hour.'

Guy drove the girls home before returning to his with Ara. He parked the car and stretched after getting out. 'What a night.'

'What's that?' Ara asked looking at a small dark figure halfway down the block.

Before he could take a good look a car stopped next to it and men dressed in black suits ran out to catch the figure.

'Let me go!' shouted a familiar voice.

'Mami!' shouted Guy and ran to her.

'Mami!?' said Ara, then ran after him.

He saw her struggle as two men tried to pull her into the car and pounced them, hitting one in the face. 'Let go of her!' he shouted.

The other man swung his fists at Guy but he ducked and rammed his head into the man's stomach, bending him over.

A third man rushed closer but Ara caught him with a sticky thread. 'Oh no you don't!' she said, pulling him back.

Guy punched at the first man while Mami fought the second man who tried to grab her. But he had no experience fighting and expected to get knocked out soon after a punch against his chin. The man got ready to deliver another punch when a black shadow rushed him.

'Cani!' Guy said when he recognised her.

'We heard you shouting while we waited for you to come home!' she said and snarled at the man who crawled back in fear.

Another car arrived and more men jumped out to join the fight.

Guy saw Feli jump them and Avia flying down.

'Avia! Take Mami!' he said hitting her attacker and snatching her up as he ran towards Avia.

Avia took Mami between her legs and flew higher while avoiding the webbing above the street.

'No! I can fight!' Mami shouted as she saw Guy taking on another man in a fist fight.

'Get to safety!' he shouted to Avia just before he got hit hard onto the ground.

He looked up to see Cani save him again by jumping the man.

Then he looked quickly at Feli who took out the last of her prey with Ara.

He stood up and Cani, Ara and Feli joined him.

'Are you okay?' Cani asked checking his face.

'Yeah, thanks to the three of you.' he said and moved his jaw. 'If only I was more of a man you wouldn't have to save me.'

'Hey, you saved us in other ways, remember?' Feli said.

At that moment several more cars arrived and more men surrounded them.

'Looks like we're not out of trouble yet.' Guy said. 'I'll try to do better this time.'

'You leave them to us and take care of us afterwards.' Feli said tensing her body. 'That will give us enough incentive to take them down with the three of us.'

'Ready?' Cani asked, preparing to pounce the closest one.

'You take them down, I keep them down.' Ara said pulling her thread.

Before they could attack a small grey figure in skirt suit stepped out of one of the cars.

'Grandma!?' shouted Mami.

They watched the elderly mouse walk up to them, escorted by two mice dressed in black suits similar to the men.

'So you're Guy?' she said looking at Guy, then looked at the others. 'Cani, Feli, Ara. And the one flying above us is Avia, right?'

'Ehm, yes.' said Guy. 'If I heard correctly, then you're..'

She nodded. 'Yes, Liana, former queen of our country, grandmother of Nymina.'

He bowed. 'Your majesty.'

Liana smiled. 'Polite as ever. I expected you'd be.' She gestured for the men to stand down. 'No need to be violent anymore.' she said and the girls relaxed a little but kept ready to fight if things turned sour again.

Liana moved up close to Guy who got down on one knee so she wouldn't have to look up.

'You were more concerned with my granddaughter's safety?'

'She has been through enough trouble already.' Guy said.

She looked at the girls next to him. 'And you fight hard for this human?'

'He does his best for us.' Feli said.

Liana nodded and smiled softly. 'I can see why she kept talking about you all the time, even if you've just been together a short while. I'm glad she found such good friends.'

She looked up at Avia. 'Please let her down.'

Avia looked at Guy who nodded and she flew back down to the ground, letting Mami go and who hurried closer.

'Grandma?' she said. 'Why are you here?'

Her grandmother looked at Guy. 'She has been so difficult to handle.' she said. 'Constantly trying to do things on her own, trying to help the staff with their work and never letting go of that plush animal.' She glanced at Mami who looked down. 'Instead of learning how to host receptions, support a future husband on official business, attend events.'

Guy smiled and looked at Mami. 'I can imagine, but I think I speak for all of us when I say we like her better that way.'

'I guess I do too.' her grandmother said to Mami's surprise.

Mami looked up. 'You mean that?'

Liana looked at Guy again. 'She had a rough time growing up, but I can see she's better off with you.'

'We do think of her as part of the family.' Guy said.

Liana nodded. 'I hereby put her officially into your hands. Guide her well into her new future.'

Guy bowed his head. 'It's my honour.'

'Hear that?' Cani said to Mami. 'You're not getting away from us.'

'I only need to get away from you.' Mami said.

'Not until you grow up.' Cani said and pounced her playfully.

'Ah! You damned dog!' Mami said and wrestled her.

'Looks like they're having fun.' Feli said.

Liana chuckled when she saw Mami's eyes brighten while fighting Cani. 'She did prefer to be called Mami while she was with us.' she said. 'I think it reflects her better than her royal name.'

'Looks like things have been settled already.' miss Tesha said coming up the street.

'You're late.' Ara said.

'I waited to see if things could be settled peacefully before pulling out this force.' she said snapping her finger.

At that moment several dozen men appeared at the rooftops and a couple of helicopters arrived above the street.

'I see I can count on your protection as well.' Liana said to miss Tesha.

Miss Tesha gave her a quick bow. 'Your majesty need not worry. So far Guy and the girls have been able to handle things in their own way. I doubt even this many men would be able to take them down when it comes to it.' she said with a wink to Guy.

'We'll take care of her.' Guy said to Liana. 'I swear upon my life.'

Liana nodded and gestured for her men to return to their cars. She then turned to Mami who sat next to Cani, the both of them panting. 'Nymina... No, Mami, take care of yourself, and your friends.'

Mami hurried up to her grandmother wanting to hug her, then hesitated and did a curtsy instead.

Her grandmother held out her arms. 'Oh, come here.' she said and Mami hugged her tight.

'Thank you.' she whispered.

Liana and Guy exchanged contact information and they all waved her grandmother goodbye as she left.

'Looks like I'll have to buy a round for these guys.' miss Tesha said as her men packed up their gear.

'Thanks.' Guy said. 'I'm glad you have our backs.'

She smiled. 'Just get some sleep. Big day ahead.'

'Right.' Guy said. 'We have to be ready in time.'

Mami picked up her bag and they went back home together. She pulled Guy into the bath to make him wash her back as she hadn't bathed since she ran away.

'What's this big day?' she asked.

'The baker's daughters are giving a presentation about the cultures the girls came from. They've been at it for the last couple of days.'

'Yeah, we wished you could have been here.' Ara said who had joined them to freshen up. 'Or we have to come up with something at the last minute.'

Guy stopped massaging Mami's back for a moment. 'I might just have.'

Ara looked at him. 'Thought of something at the last minute?'

He nodded and rinsed Mami. 'If you're willing to help, Mami.'

'What are you thinking of?' she asked and Guy explained what he had in mind.


Guy brought everyone before the end of lunch when the whole school would gather at the gym for the presentation. Anna and Michelle felt rather nervous but Cani and Feli reassured them everything would be just fine.

When the gym filled up the lights dimmed and Anna started presenting Cani's country with her. Cani did her usual playful thing and made everybody laugh. Michelle followed up with Feli who impressed with her grace. Then Anna went on again with Avia who got their attention with her impressive wings and flying skills. And last Michelle presented Ara's country and showed off her skills by lighting the webbing created from the stage up along the roof of the gym at the beat of dance music.

The teachers tested their knowledge by asking Anna and Michelle questions about their guests and having Cani, Feli, Ara and Avia tell if their answers were correct.

They did very well and were correct on all answers. Their home room teacher got ready to conclude the presentation when Feli took the microphone.

'Actually, we also have a couple of questions for you.' she said to Anne and Michelle.

They looked at her not sure what to expect.

'First question, which species have recently found a lost member of their society?'

Anna and Michelle whispered together, then Anna answered. 'Mouse.'

Feli nodded. 'Correct. And who are we talking about?'

'Princess Nymina.' Michelle answered.

Feli nodded again. 'Correct. Now, do you know where she is right now?'

The girls whispered amongst themselves again, then Anna spoke up. 'We guess, at home?'

'Almost correct.' Feli said with a grin and the girls looked a little confused at her. 'She's actually at a school presentation close to her home.'

The girls wondered what she meant when spotlights came on at the end of the gym showing Mami in royal dress with Guy in suit escorting by the arm.

'Ladies and gentlemen, I present you the seventh princess Nymina.' Feli said.

All the students looked back in awe, then applauded as Mami and Guy walked up to the stage. Anna and Michelle curtsied and Feli handed the microphone over to Mami.

'Thank you.' she said to the students in the hall, then turned to Anna and Michelle. 'And thank you for a great presentation about my dear friends.'

'She called me a dear friend.' Cani said with a smirk.

'Don't push it.' Mami said and got a burst of laughter from the students. 'I didn't get back in time to help Anna and Michelle add something about my own country, but I would still like to contribute to their presentation with something popular in my country.

Music started playing and Mami started singing softly while light played with Ara's webbing. The students and teachers couldn't understand her speech, but they felt the emotion in Mami's voice. Her tones touched heir hearts and told them about the wide open countryside, young couples in love and the long happy lives they would live.

When she finished the students cheered.

'Looks like it has been a success.' Feli said to Guy.

'Indeed. So there's just one thing left to wrap it all up.' he said.

Crissy and Medama, the girls they caught the day before, showed up backstage as promised. Anna and Michelle saw them and walked up to them.

'How did you like it?' Anna asked.