Daddy Likes His Camera


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"You had a thigh-shakin' orgasm that way. That was sweet. Ain't nobody loves it the way you do."

"Not even Momma? Does her thighs go all spazzy like mine?"

"Yeah, you two cum alike. Real alike. Makes me happy I still get to see it."

"You still get to do it, too, Daddy. Are we done editing for the night? Wanna go to bed and make my thighs all spazzy?"

"You know I do." Daddy shut down his computer, jotting down a few quick notes about the editing. "Did you hear Bobby say his son's girlfriend looks like you?"

"Does she? Well that's kinda fun."

"Yup," Daddy said, smiling. "I'm guessing she's got an ass. That'd explains a few things."

I smiled, too. "Well that is fun! I'm glad you told me that. I wish I'd known, I coulda let him call me her name, even off camera or whatnot."

"Christ no, he woulda cum even quicker."

Me and Daddy chuckled about that, then we went to our nice warm bed and fucked ourselves to sleep.


Over the next few weeks I got to fuck a few more nice guys, an interesting variety of them that seemed like a very awesome new kind of all-you-can-eat buffet. This new project of porn-making that Daddy and I'd begun had the feeling of a fun wander through the county fair, with entrants submitting their nice pies or animals for judging or whatever, and me being the judge and the one who gets to eat all the sweet tasty pies. 'Course their pies was nice big cocks, and their animals was inside 'em, unleashed to fuck this little country girl till I begged 'em to keep fuckin' me some more. Yup, this website idea of ours was crazy good, and it kept growing, and more and more money was coming in.

We was three months into it when a brand new subscriber, Luke, applied to be a volunteer, him a real stud type in looks, a bit younger than Daddy. Contacting us from all the way out in Vegas, he said his job is being a bouncer at one of them legal prostitution places out there. 'Security' he said it was, but Daddy said he's probably just a bouncer.

I liked him right off, maybe even more so than any of the others, but Daddy got a weird vibe from him when we all did the FaceTime interview. I'm the boss of this here show, though, as Daddy keeps telling me, so I told Luke to get on a plane if he wanted to, and he did, flying the farthest distance of anybody to come play with me for an evening in the truckstop motel bed.

When he got here Daddy didn't like him much, but I sure did, taking to his strange, rugged charm like a little girl takes to the color pink. I downright loved fucking him, felt so good there with him, I even went so far as to get us all to take a break, a real dinner break over at the truck stop's diner, then go back to the room and do it all over again, somethin' Luke was all into and happy about.

When I gave him my ass for doggy style that second time around, Luke loved on it with his mouth and hands like we was real lovers, and he fucked me slow and deep, so sweet and pure, like he knew my insides and my heart instinctively. After him makin' me cum like that, so warm and amazing, I rolled on top of him and sixty-nined him till the cows came home. It was so sweet and relaxed, and went on for so long, I know Daddy got bored. Not wanting the night to end but knowing it needed to, I finished up with a slow cowgirl ride on Luke's nice cock, so he could have all of my tits with his hands, and so he could see the pure and thankful pleasure in my eyes as we ended things so nicely.

That's why it was a double, or maybe even a triple surprise when Luke called Daddy on the phone an hour after he'd left, claiming that something illegal had been done and he'd sue us legally if we posted the video of him and me to the website. Daddy got mad after he hung up, said it's not right, said we did nothing wrong. The next morning Daddy called our lawyer, explained everything, and was told by him that this Luke fella had no legal ground to stand on. Everything we'd done was right, the proper papers had been signed, I.D. had been checked, the whole nine yards.

Working on the editing the next few days, I could tell that Daddy was quietly fuming, but he worked up the video real good, made probably the best one we'd ever done, making extra double sure to keep Luke's face and my face from being recognizably seen. Daddy and I both knew this video would be a popular one, what with Luke and I fucking each other so pure and hot, like the best kind of perfectly heated-up real lovers going at it for a super-sexy long time.

The lawyer did tell us that Luke made a mistake by not telling us we couldn't use his real name, so Daddy went all-in and titled the video Las Vegas Luke Makes Country Girl Cum Twelve Times. We posted it and it was a big hit for sure, and we never heard a word from Luke.

It was just the next day, though, when we heard from my momma. She called Daddy on his phone, and I heard her yelling some, Daddy taking it with a calmness that I swear showed up on his face as a little smile.

"Your momma got whiff of things," Daddy said to me, soon as he put his phone down. "It's a shit storm. You know your momma."

"Oh, hell, really? How'd she hear about it?"

"Don't know," said Daddy. "Maybe some folks we all know knows what we's up to. You tell anybody?"

"Not that I can think of," I said, knowing I'd probably slipped up and told little bits to maybe more than one person.

"Yeah, well..." Daddy said. "You want me to tell you the big part?"

" 'Course I do."

"That Luke's your momma's man. The one she left us for. I guess he's not no more, but he was."

"Jesus God, Daddy! You serious? Oh my good Lord! What the fuck!"

"Yup," Daddy said. "You got all that right."

"What'd Momma say! She mad at me?"

"She was all wound up crazy at first. Said she's gettin' on a plane. Not mad at you. Mad at me, probably."

Gettin' on a plane? Comin' here, you mean?"

Daddy nodded. "She's out there in Vegas. I never told you, didn't want you to know."

"Why, Daddy?"

"That cat house where Luke works, I'm guessin' that's the one she's at. I knew she was at one of 'em, but..."

"Oh my Lord. Momma? Workin' that kind of a job? What happened to her modeling career?"

"It's sorta...not too different," said Daddy. "She was always hot for sex, loved the shit outta it when I let her start having fun with other men with me watchin'. I mean, she flat out was crazy about it. Woulda done it every night if I hadn't kept her sorta reined in some. Shit, little girl, you got that same kinda horny for it. You think that just grows on trees? That's your momma in you. She give you that."

"Yeah, I sorta been figurin' that," I said. "I mean, all them pictures, and you lettin' her play and all. That's what led us here. But I know that, and I'm happy with it. What's Momma gonna do? Come here and try and stop us? Daddy, I'm grown now, I can do what I want."

"You sure can. Problem, though, is...what's she gonna do to me? I'm still crazy about her, and here I am fuckin' up any chance. She seen my dick in you in some of them website pictures. She knows my dick."

"Jesus, Lord, she knows we're fuckin'? Oh, that's not good. I'm suddenly all fucked up inside. I don't feel good."

"I don't feel so good myself," said Daddy. "I guess...what can we do? We got this new work we do, the money's real good. I say fuck it, fuck your momma, we just do what we do, I mean as far as you and your subscribers. You and me, we'll cool it here at home and see what that crazy woman says when she gets here."

"So, we pickin' another man, then? Another subscriber?"

"If you're up for it, I am too," Daddy said. "Let's pick one we both feel good about this time."


The next day, I still felt all fucked up in the head, so I called Mandi, needing her advice, deciding it was high time I told her about the website Daddy and I'd been working at. She got all freaked out about it, then I got her to look at the website while we was talking, and I think the sights and sounds of me fucking all those interesting guys blew her mind more than a little.

"I can't believe you're able to do all that and not show your face," she said. "How does your dad know how to do all that?"

"You seen his pictures," I said. "He just knows it, knows all the angles. He's learnin' the computer part real good, too, things called digital zooms, and crops, and that blurry stuff he sometimes does to faces if he needs to. He even changed my voice some, did you notice?"

"Yup," said Mandi. "I still think you're crazy, though. It's fuckin' bonkers."

"Made over three-thousand dollars last week alone," I said. "Every week it gets more. Guessin' it might be four-thousand next week. Daddy might get pissed at me for lettin' our secrets out to you, but hey, I don't care."

"Jesus, that's a lot of money! All those guys who watch, they like you that much even though they can't see your face?"

"It's 'cause I'm real, I think, and I let them in on things if they want to volunteer. They make requests sometimes, too. Lots want me to get with a girl. I may do it. There's no volunteers yet, though. Maybe I'll have to ask for one of them guys's girlfriend or wife or somethin'."

"," said Mandi, her voice all small for a minute.

"Jeepers and Christ, Mandi, do you mean it? 'Cause I'd love that like anything."

"You would?" she said. "I mean, it's too fucking crazy for words, but...I sorta want to."

"I'll give you a whole week's worth of money from the website if you do it. I'm not tryin' to bribe you, just tellin' you what's what."

"For real? Oh my god, I could get a car for here at school."

"Fuck yeah. Let's go all-in, then, so you can get a better car. You and me, we'll do one of the nice volunteer men, a real threeway like you and me done with Daddy when we was at the ocean, and you'll make five-thousand dollars for it. You can't tell no one, though, 'cause Daddy's lawyer won't like it that you're gettin' money. He'd say it's being paid for sex, and that ain't legal. Our way, it's different, but you'll still get the money."

"Five thousand dollars? Christ, girl, you remember I'm fat, right? Maybe I'll scare away all your money men."

"We call 'em subscribers, and they ain't goin' anywhere, not when they get a load of your big tits and the way your ass looks when it's all bent over. Fuck, Mandi, they'll be creamin' all over their screens."

I think Mandi must have been lonely up there at school, wishing for some good sex, because she blew off a few days of classes and rode a Greyhound bus to get here when she found out the next volunteer was all excited about doing a threeway with her and me. It all came together real quick-like, the whirlwind of it sort of putting my momma right out of my head. Daddy was happy about that, I think, him probably doing all the worrying for both of us.

It all seemed to crash down at the last minute, though, when Momma knocked on our front door just as Daddy and Mandi and me was heading out to meet the nice volunteer man over at the roadhouse bar just down the road from the truck stop motel. There was a moment, a long one, when we all just looked at each other, Momma standing there in the living room with us, her smelling of alcohol and weed.

"Jesus Christ," she said, looking at the pile of camera equipment all bagged up and ready to go, then looking at me and Mandi, the two of us all sexed up in hot-girl clothes, with makeup on our faces and an excited look in our eyes. "Mandi, what the fuck, girl! You in on this shit too?"

I could tell Mandi didn't know what to say, me seeing her nodding even though she probably thought she shouldn't be.

"Momma, Jesus Christ yourself. You don't even hug me after runnin' off like you done?"

'Course Momma hugged me then. I wiped a tear from my eye. "You stayin' or you comin'? I got a job I gotta get to."

Momma looked right into my eyes. "I comin', girl! Damn right I am." Then Momma looked Daddy in the eyes, conversing silently like they used to do.

"Well all right then," Daddy said, bending to pick up some of his gear. "Jesus Christ, this circus keeps on growin'. I don't want no complaints, and no fuckin' bullshit."

"Who's bullshittin'! I ain't bullshittin'," said Momma. "Fuckin' complaints, you're the one complains all the time, not me."

"Yeah, well...maybe I quit doin' that," Daddy said.

"He's an old softy now, Momma," I said.

"Hard as fuck in them pictures though," Momma said, hitting me with a deadly smirk. "When did you become such a powerful slut, little girl?"

"It's in them genes you give me, Daddy says. Them DNA things. You laced it all into my brain, he says, like a good drug that nobody wants to stop. Remember when you told me that, Daddy?"

"I do," he said. "Now pick up this here gear and let's get a move on."

I saw Mandi standing there like she was full-on confused. It looked cute on her, for real, so I smiled at her, saying, "You best be horny, 'cause I am. I can taste your pussy already."

"'s your Mom," she whispered. "Is...she there? She's coming with us?"

"Looks like it. I'm willing to give her the benefit of whatever it is I'm supposed to be doubting. I lost track of it all, other than her runnin' off. I kinda want to see what happens with her and Daddy."

Mandi nodded, still looked confused. She comes from a normal family, nice folks that sing in church on Christmas and such, so all this crazy shit going on in my life sets her head a spinnin' sometimes. Especially when she had all that nice sex with Daddy down at that beach motel. That really had her wondering about stuff for a few days, mostly about how she loved it and craved it so much. Damn, she even sucked his cock on the drive home! She's such a horny girl, it truly saddens me that she's not gettin' any up at that so-called 'party school' college she's going to.

"I don't know if I can do it," she whispered close to me. "You know, in front of everyone."

"Remember how you liked havin' Daddy's camera on you at the beach? It'll be just like that."

"Jesus and crackers, why do I have to be so fat," she said. "Why can't I be hot like you."

"You are! Mandi, you ever catch a man lookin' at your tits? That's 'cause your hot."

"My tits are fat, too."

"That's how they like 'em! That's how I like 'em, too!"

The nice volunteer man, Wayne, liked 'em plenty, him saying how awesome it felt to have his cock all squeezed between 'em, his naked self straddling Mandi as I kissed him with the cameras rolling. It was real fun to have things underway, especially after the meet and greet with drinks and the first little while in the motel room seemed a little nervous and tense. But now, with me going full sexy on him and Mandi all moaning and naked on her back on the bed, the world seemed extra right to me because Momma was back and her interested eyes was watching it all.

It was Wayne, too, though, who hadn't expected such an audience, almost more so than Mandi. He'd gotten all shy when we arrived in the room, his eyes glancing at Momma now and then, him whispering to me, "She's your mother, isn't she."

I whispered back, "Yup. My Momma and my step-daddy. They's as cool as they come, though. It's all good."

Wayne nodded at me, but it was a slow start, his nice biggish cock only able to half harden up while his nerves were still embarrassed.

"Momma, do us a favor. You got nice underwear on?"

Momma smiled, knowing what I was thinking. "I do," she said. "Wayne, wanna watch me take off my clothes?"

Wayne nodded, of course, and soon his cock came to real nice life, him watching Momma strip to her hot little bra and panties while Mandi and me began a double blowjob on him.

It was so nice, seeing momma dressed that way, smiling, so near Daddy. She nearly clung to him as he moved around with his camera, maybe just trying to stay out of the shot, but deep in my heart I felt she wished to be close to him for other reasons.

It was maybe a half hour into the full-on threeway fucking when I looked over at Momma and saw her unhook her bra, her big tits-just-like-mine suddenly all bare and nippled-up and beautiful looking. Daddy had a big ol' lump in his pants, which I was so used to seeing, but new was seeing Momma's hand go there, her now standing sort of up against the side of his behind, her finger's now massaging Daddy's bluejean-covered lump as he kept on shooting video.

It was when Wayne was fucking me so deep doggy style, while I had my mouth on Mandi's writhing pussy, that's when I watched out of the corner of my eye my Momma opening Daddy's pants to begin her own blowjob of his super hard cock.

"Oh, Baby, I'm gonna cum!" I said to Wayne, me mumbling it against Mandi riled-up pussy. "Fuck me harder!" I looked over at Momma and Daddy, saying to them, "You two, leave them cameras workin' on their own and get yourselves over here on this old bed. Let's give all our nice subscribers a real orgy to watch for a while."

I said it out of pure horniness, not knowing if Momma or Daddy would be interested in such a thing, but they was, her stripping Daddy bare, with a wild kind of love in her eyes, her leading him to the bed where the five of us tangled into the most beautiful kind of orgy I ever seen. Momma and Daddy went at it like animals, all pent up with desire for each other, the kind that made Momma scream and Daddy cry out, over and over again as they rekindled their past love into a freshly burning fire.

Wayne appeared to be in seventh heaven having Momma so near, him kissing her as he fucked me, then later on him fucking her while his moaning mouth devoured my just-like-hers tits. Yup, it was real good for him, this 'subscriber session' gone wild, this first-ever mother/daughter on camera that we'd ever done. He doggy-styled me while I ate her pussy, and she and I rode him, me on his face, while we kissed for the first time, all while Daddy fucked the shit out of Mandi. Then we all tangled up in a five-way that was pure filth and glory, and the cameras rolled on it for what seemed like the best hours of our lives.


"This here video's epic," Daddy said, speaking of the amount of good stuff and the long length and how well it was all stitching together.

"It's fuckin' hot as fuck," I said, sitting at his right side, my hand on his right thigh.

"You're really good at this," said Momma, her on his other side, her hand on his other thigh. "You really oughta charge double for this one."

"No, we's keepin' it cheap, growin' it," Daddy said. "Country Girl is blowin' up. Views and subscribers is way up. Just today we got forty-seven new volunteers."

"Fourty-seven! Jesus and Crackers!" I said.

Daddy nodded. "Maybe, now that we got three girls, we could divide things up, put a notice on the front page."

"Three girls! Daddy, you serious?"

"You're Momma wants in, little girl," Daddy said to me. "You willin'? I know this is your thing. You're the boss."

"Momma makes two."

"Yup. I talked to Mandi, too," said Daddy. "She's horny for it, said she can skip outta school once in a while, maybe a lot, long as I keep her face and voice out of it."

"Jeepers and Christ!" I said. "This is turnin' out incredible!"

"I wanna stay here and be a part of everything," Momma said, "but you two can only fuck each other when I'm home, or on-camera or whatever. Got it? I don't want any cheating behind my back."

I must not have answered quick enough.

"I know he's your step-daddy, and that's hot and everything," said Momma. "And it's clear as day you love his sex like I used to, and still do. I don't blame you none, and...I guess I don't blame him none, either. It was me who left you two alone, and cripes almighty, kid, you blossomed into a woman more than I could imagine. I mean, you was pretty much there when I left, but you matured these last three years into somethin' like God's own vision. I'm proud of you, serious I am, and...oh, what the hell am I talkin' about! Your step-daddy's both of ours now, I guess. I left the door wide open for it."