Daddy Jack Pt. 01

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A landlord has a surprising encounter with his cute tenants.
6.8k words

Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 08/21/2018
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A Nice Young Couple

North Riverside, Chicago IL: July, 2015

"Mr Walker, are you okay?"

I pried an eye open and saw Jackie's cute face with her slicked-back hair and raccoon eyes looming over me. My head did about three loop-d-loops, so I closed my eye.

"I'm good," I replied.

I felt delicate, cool fingers on my cheek. "Mr Walker, did somebody beat you up?"

I smiled. It was Lauren - Angel, who sounded so concerned.

"Mr Walker, did someone beat you up?" Angel asked again.

I had to think about that. I vaguely remembered a parking lot, shouts...pretty sure I threw the first punch. Was Melanie there? I couldn't remember if my current, on again-off again, girlfriend was there. I hoped not.

"Fuck, look at his eye, and his lip. Is his nose broken?" Jackie asked.

I felt someone wiping my nose, which stung a little; but it would've hurt a hell of a lot more if it were broken.

The old line worked its way up through the alcoholic haze of my brain. "You should see the other guy," I croaked without opening my eyes.

I heard them giggle - well, Angel giggled, Jackie's was more of a chuckle. For kids, they had a pretty good sense of humor.

"Okay, let's get you inside," Jackie said.

I remembered getting out of the taxi; I guess I never made it to the door. The thought of standing up was not appealing.

"No, I'm good," I protested.

"Here's your stick." I felt the grip placed in my right hand. It was slick; was I bleeding that much?

I managed to open both eyes. "Don't worry about me, I'll get up in a minute," I said.

Angel's face filled my vision; Angel with her impossibly large green eyes. "Mr Walker, it's raining. You're soaked; we have to get you inside," she said.

Raining? That's why her face was wet. Good! I'd thought maybe she'd been crying.

"You're cute," I said.

"Up, you get," Jackie insisted.

Jackie was the younger of the two, but she was the leader, and I guessed the dyke of the relationship - if that was a thing. I found gay relationships confusing even when my brain wasn't soused. I turned my head to look at her.

"You're cute, too," I added. Jackie made a dismissive sound. "No, really. You're cute, in a butch sort of way," I added with drunken sincerity.

I was pretty sure Jackie was a girl even though most of the time she dressed like a guy.

It was obvious that my thoughtful, young tenants weren't going to leave me in peace, so I helped them as best I could. I leaned heavily on my forearm crutch on one side, and Jackie's shoulder on the other and stood up. My head wobbled, and so did my brain.

"No offense intended," I added. I tried to focus on Jackie's face.

Jackie smiled up at me as she settled her shoulder under my arm. "None taken," she replied.

That made me chuckle so hard that long, sharp knives dug into my eyes. "That's a great line," I said through gritted teeth. We made it to the door, bum leg, fermented brain and all.

"Your keys, Mr Walker?" That was Angel; there was always a lilt to her voice even in a short sentence like that.

The thought of digging out my keys was too great a trial to contemplate. "Right pocket," I said.

I suppose I wear jeans too tight for a man my age, and with the rain and all, Angel had to do some feeling around.

"My, what big keys you have, Mr Walker," she said in a mock breathless tone.

"Hey, those aren't my keys, young lady," I protested, but even drunk, I liked the way she gave my balls a pat down.

I was hit with a big brain swoop, thought I was going to be sick for a moment, but wasn't. Next thing I knew, I was sitting on the toilet seat in the harsh bathroom light while the girls fussed over my face.

"Your nose isn't broken, Mr Walker, but you're going to have a hell of a black eye," Angel said. "Fat lip, but not busted," she added.

She gave my fat lip a quick, soft kiss.

"You took some on this side, too." I could feel Jackie's fingers on my other cheek.

I opened my eyes, caught a brief look at myself in the mirror, and closed them again. "Drawer on the right, the pink pills; be a darling and give me a couple, will ya?"

"For my heart," I explained as I washed them down with the glass of water Angel gave me.

Complete lie; they were dexies. I was overtaken by a case of the shivers, full body trembles, and suddenly felt cold and clammy all over.

"Come on, let's get you into the shower." Jackie helped me to my feet.

"Seriously?" I asked. The thought of a shower was excellent, just what I needed but...

"Hey, you'd do the same for us," Angel said as she unbuttoned my shirt.

Jackie unbuckled my knee brace. "Your jeans are torn, too," she said casually, like she stripped her landlord every day.

Jackie set my brace aside while Angel took my shirt off.

'I'm not sure..." I protested. Jackie hauled her wife beater t-shirt over her head exposing firm little tits and lean belly. "Well, okay," I conceded.

I was surprised, but not put off. I knew from the rental agreement that Jackie was nineteen, and Angel was twenty-two. That made them much younger than me, but legal.

I thought they were lesbians, but kids these days are into all kinds of things. So, if they had the freaky inclination to have their way with a man old enough to be their father, who was I to judge? Even completely sober I would've gone for that.

I sincerely regret that I was too drunk to remember what happened. The shower was fantastic; the heat on my cold body, and my cuts and bruises was enough to make me groan.

I had only a dreamy memory of their warm, slick bodies pressing against me in the tight space, soaping me up. They kissed me, they kissed each other, their faces streaming with water, Jackie's heavy mascara running down. In the small shower-stall I couldn't get a good look at their bodies, but I felt their tits rubbing against me, their hands on my butt and semi-hard cock.

Another mind swoop, and we were all lying naked in my king-sized bed. Then, the hammer came down and I fell into total darkness.


I woke with a stone-cold, thick-brained feeling that comes with the drinker's hour. My head pounded, but I hardly noticed because my cute tenants from the basement apartment were in my bed. They lay entwined with each other under the sheet, sleeping. The sight of their beautifully rounded, naked shoulders, and their tousled hair drove everything else out of my mind.

I slipped out of bed, grabbed my crutch, and hobbled to the can. I pissed for about twenty minutes, took a handful of pills -Advil, Cialis, Wellbutrin, a couple more dexies, and brushed my teeth. I looked ghastly, but hey, maybe that's what turned them on.

When I returned to my bedroom, they were awake and waiting for me. The room was softly lit by pale morning-light that seeped through the curtains. They'd separated and lay on their sides in the same pose, upper leg drawn up, thigh crossed over, crotches covered.

"You look like you're feeling better, Mr Walker," Angel said.

Her big smile illuminated the dimness. Jackie patted the bed between them in invitation.

I carefully crawled over Angel, and as soon as I lay down between them, they closed-in on me. Jackie looked much younger, more innocent without her hard-assed makeup. One hand gently held the side of my face, while the other stroked my rapidly stiffening cock. Angel was on the other side; she sucked my nipple, while she fondled my balls.

My head was clearer. I was still a bit pissed, but the fog had lifted and the pain had stopped. I tore my mouth away from Jackie's.

"So, we might have an issue here," I said.

"What's that?" Jackie asked; Angel didn't stop sucking my nipple.

"Well, I'm your landlord. There might be, you know... power issues here. Are you guys late on your rent or something?"

Angel stuck her tongue in my ear. "It's not like that, Mr Walker, we don't want anything from you - just you."

Strange as it was, I was willing to accept that - almost. "So, just to be clear, you guys are doing this because youwant to do it?"

"Yes," they both answered.

"This has nothing to do with you being our landlord. Areyou cool with that?" Jackie asked.

The way they stared at me with dark, liquid eyes while they stroked my hard cock and played with my balls made it difficult for me to concentrate. And there was more. Something hard poked my thighs from each side. I grabbed one hard little cock in each hand.

"Holy shit!" I exclaimed.

Their cocks were throbbing, but otherwise the "girls" were very casual, not nervous, or embarrassed, or apprehensive. They sure didn't try to push my hands away. They smirked at me.

"Imagine that!" Angel said. Her eyes widened dramatically while Jackie chuckled.

Gingerly, I explored their groins. They both had tight hairless sacks that easily fit into the palm of my hands. Jackie's cock was bigger, maybe five inches, and very hard. Angel's was no longer than four inches and had stiffness somewhere between a full garden hose and a proper boner.

I've always thought of myself as an open-minded guy. I never had anything against gays, in or out of the military; never had much of an opinion on it one way or another.

"Hunhh," I said.

I wasn't attracted to men; that's something you learn about yourself pretty quickly in the army. But I didn't think of these two lovely girls as men, even with their hard cocks in my hands. I thought of them as sexy young women.

"Do you have a problem withall that?" Jackie asked.

"No..." I replied honestly, a little surprised at myself. "I don't know what to do with'all that'. But, no, I don't have a problem with it. Hell, it could be fun."

"Oh, it's going to be fun all right, Mr Walker," Angel promised.

"I think you guys should call me Jack."

"Okay, Jack," Angel said, stroking the back of my neck.

"Okay, Jack," Jackie agreed.

I drew Jackie's face to mine. I held her firmly, but gently by the back of the head and stared into her eyes. "You're really beautiful," I said. "I want to kiss you."

Jackie closed her eyes, tilted her head back, and parted her lips; not what I was expecting. She received my kiss submissively and welcomed my tongue with a quiet, "mmm". Her tongue retreated until I cornered it and lashed it with mine. She wound her arms around my neck and murmured again. "Mmmm."

It was a great kiss. Her acceptance urged me to press harder, to thrust deeper, and learn more. Jackie's lips were uneven - the top one quite thin, the bottom lush and plump. I could've spent a long time kissing Jackie, but I was aware of Angel, and felt bad about leaving her out. I broke off the kiss and turned to Angel. She waited, smiling eagerly, affectionately.

"You're beautiful, Angel. I thought that the first time I saw you," I confessed.

When Angel'd moved in three years ago, she'd been with a pothead, guitar-playing bum. They were always late on the rent, and after missing it for three months in a row; I started the process of having them evicted. The slime ball offered me Angel in trade for the rent. I punched him in the nose (he was definitely a guy), and tossed him out on his ass.

I let Angel stay - no favors asked, none given. Once that loser was out of her life, she never missed the rent again.

"You're my hero, Jack," she whispered. "I kinda hoped, just a little, you might take him up on that offer." I guess it'd been on her mind all this time, too.

"Not like that, Angel. Isn't this much better?" I asked.

"Oh fuck, yeah," she said breathlessly. She threw her arms round my neck.

Angel's kiss was also submissive, but more playful. Her lips were perfectly symmetrical, equally full, top and bottom; soft and giving to the light pressure of my teeth. Her tongue tangled slyly with mine, coy yet confident. While Angel and I kissed, Jackie returned to my crotch and wrapped her strong hands tightly around the shaft of my dick.

"Fuck me, you've got a big cock, Jack! Oh fuck, I love it."

Jackie's tongue darted all over my cock, and then she engulfed the head in her hot, wet mouth.

"Umm." Jackie started to suck.

I'd never had sex with two girls, or guys, or whatever. I'd never had sex with two people at the same time before in my life, so it was confusing, especially with the extra dicks poking around everywhere.

That I was having sex with a couple of guys didn't register at all. Jackie did an excellent job of sucking my cock; Angel's sweet mouth was wet and yielding. I followed my natural instincts and left Angel's mouth so I could kiss her long, slender neck. I kissed down her neck into the hollow of her pronounced collarbone.

I pulled her up; she was light as a feather. I brought her tits to my mouth. Angel had soft, tight mounds, more than a handful; high-set and upward-thrusting; no piercing, thank God. Angel had small, delicate pink nipples set in the middle of areolas no bigger than a quarter. I took them into my mouth one at a time and sucked them hard.

"Oh Fuck, Jack," she moaned.

As great as Angel was, it was hard to ignore Jackie. With her lips tightly over her teeth, she bobbed up and down on the head of my cock, expertly catching the edge of the helmet. She stroked my shaft in a corkscrew motion with one hand, and fingered underneath my balls with the other.

"Jesus," I moaned. "You are good at that, baby. Fuck."

"You have a beautiful cock, Jack. Big, so fucking big. Angel, come on down here and get some of this," Jackie said.

Sitting up straight against the headboard, I watched from beneath drooping eyelids as they sorted themselves out at my crotch. Obviously, they'd both sucked cock before, but it seemed they'd never shared one, because they kept getting in each other's way.

"Oh, fuck," I said.

"Oh God, itis big! It's fucking huge! Oh, mphhhhhh," Angel yanked my cock straight, so she could lower her mouth on it.

I spread my legs and Jackie settled between them. She licked my balls with the flat of her tongue. I watched their tangled heads of hair bobbing over my cock; Angel's dark brunette, streaked by blonde, and Jackie's jet-black.

They stopped and looked up at me, lips slick and shining, Angel's lovely green eyes and Jackie's, soulful brown filled with lust.

"Alright, Jack?" Jackie teased.

"Oh, fuuuuuuuuukhhhh," I sighed, unable to believe my luck.

They licked my shaft from either side, their quick tongues, tangling up with each other. They playfully bumped foreheads then their lips met at the top of my soaked, leaking cock.

"Oh fuck, you're killing me," I groaned. They fought with the tips of their tongues before coming together for an exaggeratedly slurping smooch.

I felt a massive load building in my balls, could feel it in the root of my cock.

"Up, up," I moaned. I grabbed them by the hair and grimly tugged their faces to mine.

"What's the matter, Jack?" Jackie asked while Angel flicked her tongue in and out of my ear.

Jackie kissed me, her tongue darting playfully into my mouth. I bit at her lower lip to make her pull back.

"You're gonna make me come," I panted.

"Oh Jack, wewant to make you come," Jackie replied.

"Fuck yeah, I want a big load of your spunk in my mouth, Jack. I want you to fill me up," Angel added.

I gritted my teeth; such language coming from their darling lips! I'd never heard either of them talk that way before.

"I want to feel your hot jizz shoot down my throat," Jackie said.

All the while they were talking, they were stroking my cock, stroking, bringing me dangerously close to the edge.

"Where I come from, it's ladies first. How do I get you off, you little scamps?"

"Don't worry about us, Jack. We're gonna come like rockets when you fuck us up the ass," Jackie said.

"Fuck! Really? You want me to do that?" I panted.Up the ass?

"It's kinda the whole idea here, Daddy," Angel said with a happy grin.

I didn't catch the 'Daddy' at the time. I had other things on my mind. I looked at Jackie.

"Both of you?" I wasn't sure about the whole butch thing.

"You aren't leaving me out, Daddy, you've got to do us both. This is all about getting that big, fat cock of yours up both our tight little butts.

"Son of a bitch," I shouted. "Look out!" I warned.

The girls were ready. Jackie lowered her mouth over my cock and sucked, riding my bucking hips. She took her mouth off and swallowed while Angel slurped at the stuff that was dripping down the side like a water fountain.

"Fuck, fuck ahhhhhh!" I pounded the bed with both my fists.

When it was done, I sagged onto the bed, feeling like I had been wrung out, and hung out to dry. Dizzy, the world spinning. I guess I wasn't completely over the effects of the night before. With deep regret, I could feel myself sinking into the quicksand of sleep.

"That was good, girls. That was fantastic...ah, Jesus, you're gonna have to wait a bit for know..."

They giggled as they licked me clean. "That's okay, Daddy, we've got all the time in the world. You rest; our bums will be here when you wake up."

"Ah, fuuuuukhhhhhhh..."


I must have dozed for quite a while because when I woke up, they were gone. Physically anyway - I could smell them, and remember them. I could still feel their presence brightening my room. I cleaned myself and took some more pills. The house was warm, the windows were open, and the AC was off. I put my brace on, threw on a work shirt, and headed for the kitchen where I smelled bacon.

"What time is it?" I asked standing in the kitchen doorway.

"It's lunch time. One o'clock," Jackie replied.

They were standing next to the sink, leaning against the counter, smiling at me. Jackie was wearing a T-shirt that came down to her belly button - it was red and said 'Coke,' in faded old script. She had on a pair of short plaid boxers that rested low on her hips inviting my eyes to her loins. I hated that look on young men - it looked great on her.

"Sunday, right?" I was pretty sure it was Sunday.

"Don't you remember being in church?" Angel giggled.

She was wearing cute baby dolls with high-hipped, frilly panties. She was a few inches shorter than Jackie, but her coltish legs seemed to go on forever. Around her neck was a black velvet choker with a cameo. She was drying one of my frying pans. Angel was obviously "the little woman" in this version of playing house. Wavy and bobbed, her hair looked perfect.

"I remember a couple of naughty little angels, or was that a dream?" I replied.

"Oh, that was no dream, Daddy, and we're not done with you yet. Come and eat, you're gonna need your strength," she replied.

Angel put the pan on the counter and with a flourish, bent at the waist and retrieved a plate from the oven. I admired the cute little can she pointed at me. From that angle there was no way to tell that she had the standard male package.

"What about you guys?" I asked, sitting at the kitchen table, my chair cocked so I could keep my leg stretched out.

"We ate already," Jackie said.

Jackie was at the counter, hips thrust casually towards me, watching me with hungry eyes. She didn't have any make up on, but her hair was slicked back like some fifties rocker.

I sat down and wondered just how much I really knew about these two scamps who'd invaded my kitchen and started calling me 'Daddy'.


I got to know Angel a little in the year and a half since I'd tossed her boyfriend out. Sometimes, in the evenings, or on the weekends, when Melanie wasn't around, she'd drop by to say 'hi'. Angel worked a lot, and rarely had anyone over at her place, a couple of girls some times, but not often, and I had the feeling she was pretty lonely. We'd hang out, talk a bit, and I would introduce her to some classic old movies like 'Casablanca' and 'Cool Hand Luke'.

If I was in a cooking mood and made a big batch of spaghetti sauce or lasagne, I'd invite her up, but I never went down to her place except on official landlord business. I never invaded her privacy, or her space. I was very aware of having a single female in the house, and I didn't want there to be any misunderstandings.