Crime Pays

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A woman and a bank robber meet.
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The line was long at the bank this Saturday morning. No doubt it was made up of weekly working stiffs who had come in on their day off to get whatever banking they could get done that they couldn't do during the week.

I blew out a sigh as I waited. The air conditioning was on, but it was August, and it was somewhat muggy in the bank. It might have had something to do with the amount of bodies in here too. Who knew?

I was thankful then for my distressed, cut-off jean short-shorts and the little white T-shirt I was wearing. I had on a black bra underneath that could just barely be seen through the thin, white, T-shirt material. And, of course, I was wearing my brown gladiator sandals that laced up from my ankles to my calves.

All of a sudden, the doors behind us burst open.

"We want the money. Now!" A gruff male voice yelled.

Everybody in line slowly turned around in shock to see what the commotion was about. Two men had entered wearing balaclavas that completely covered their heads and the bottom half of their faces from their noses down. But their eyes were also hidden because they also had on dark sunglasses.

Both men were wearing all black clothing - even down to their black combat-style boots. The gruff-sounding man was considerably bigger, heftier, than the thinner man. He gave off an older vibe than the other man, though it was hard to accurately guess their ages. Since no facial features were visible, they almost looked like featureless mannequins that could move in the dark.

That was disturbing enough, but what caused the sudden screaming to begin was the AR-15 style weapons that they both held.

"Everybody on the floor! And shut your mouths!" The second man yelled. His voice was clear, deep, and definitely younger-sounding.

In an instant I felt the adrenaline and fear shoot through me. In my mind I knew this was a dangerous situation, but it somehow felt surreal, like it wasn't happening to me but to someone else.

Everyone that had been in line slowly sank down to the floor, me included, my prized, tiny little Dolce and Gabbana purse clenched tightly in my hands. I had just flattened myself and it to the floor when the thinner of the two men approached.

In horror I watched his black boots walk up and then stop in front of me.

"You," he said, nudging my shoulder with his foot, "come with me."

"Aww, Ryan! We don't have time for this!" The gruff voiced man said.

The robber closest to me shrugged and stared at me through his dark sunglasses. "I say we do," he said.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck!" The other robber said, and he went up to the counter seeking the cash.

The robber closest to me nudged my shoulder with his boot again. "Get up. Come on," he said.

I got to my feet and reluctantly followed the man. Eyes from the people on the floor followed us as the man led me into an empty office. He flicked on the light, and I looked around. The office was situated such that it had windows that looked both outside and inside the bank. The windows had blinds on them and the robber went to work closing and shutting all the blinds. Then he closed the office door.

All of a sudden, my world had shrunk down to this tiny little office and to the very scary man inside of it with me.

He surprised me then by taking off his dark glasses and then his balaclava. He blinked a couple times in the light, then looked at me with piercing blue eyes.

He was a rather tall guy, thin, with a shaved head. He sounded very nondescript when described that way, but if one mentioned the tribal tattoos he had covering his head and neck, he actually stood out very much. He even had a few crude tattoos on his fingers.

He was probably around thirty years old if I had to guess.

He propped his gun up in one corner of the office and he surprised me by smiling at me. "Shorts and panties off. Now," he said.

I looked at the gun, back at him, and back at the gun, and then back at him again. "What?" I said.

He snorted, crossing his arms over his chest. "You heard me. Panties and shorts off. I want them off and then I want you to toss them to the other side of the room," he said.

I stood there frozen. Had I really heard him correctly?

"Baby," he said, "we can do this now or later. But if we don't do it now I'm taking you with me. And then we'll just do it later, anyway."

"I...I..." I stuttered.

"Panties. Shorts. Off. Now," he said in a serious tone that brokered no argument.

My hands shook as I reached for the button on my short-shorts. When it came undone, so did the zipper. I worked them down my thighs and they fell the rest of the way down my legs to the floor.

His face brightened as he stared at my lacy, light blue bikini underwear. "Nice. Now turn around and give me a little look-see," he said, rotating his pointer finger in the air.

Nervously I did as he asked and I heard his sharp intake of breath when he saw the back of my panties. There was a little peek-a-boo square cut into the panties right at the top of my crack. The bottom of the lacy panties rode up high on my glutes, showcasing my curvy, perky ass.

"Goddamn," he breathed. "Those panties are sexy as fuck," he said.

I nervously glanced back over my shoulder at him.

"Take them off," he said.

I felt the tears swimming in my eyes as I did as he asked. My hands still shook but I managed to slide my panties down to the floor.

Suddenly he was right behind me, with borh hands on my bare ass. "You're so fucking sexy," he murmured, letting his hands roam. He touched me until I knew there wasn't a place on my ass that he hadn't made contact with.

"Now," he breathed. "Turn around."

I did as he said, and I couldn't help but use my hands to hide my sex. I felt mortified and embarrassed and humiliated. But he didn't stop.

He just chuckled at me. "Move those hands, baby," he said, stepping back and shaking his head. "Let me see you."

I felt a couple tears escape from my eyes and run down my cheeks as I shakily did as he asked.

"Mmmm," he said. "Nice little pussy."

My pubic hair was shaved pretty short and so it didn't leave much to the imagination.

"Okay, now," he said. "Give me those shorts and panties."

I stepped out of them, reached down, and gave them to him. He tossed them into the corner of the office beside his propped-up weapon. "Now, I want you to sit on the edge of that desk."

I looked behind me at the desk in the office. It had nothing on top of the fake wooden surface except for a telephone. Too bad I couldn't use it right now to call the police.

"Baby? Are you listening to me?"

My head snapped back to him. "What?"

"Up on the edge of the desk," he said again.

Very slowly, I did as he asked.

"Good girl. Now put your heels up on the edge."

" heels?" I asked.

He nodded. "Yeah. Lean back onto your hands. Heels up. Legs open. Like that."

"Oh my God!" I murmured.

He chuckled. "I might like taking you with me even better," he said.

"No, no. Okay, okay, I'll do it," I muttered.

As slowly as I could, I did as he asked. I put my heels up on the desk, but my legs remained closed.

"Open," he mouthed.

I awkwardly inched my heels apart. Once I was finished, I could not get any more exposed if I'd tried; my pussy was there and open, just for him.

Next I was expecting him to whip out his dick and...hurt me with it. But he didn't do that at all. He put his hand on his hard clothed cock and closed his eyes for a second, groped himself, and then he got down on his knees on the dark blue, industrial carpet.

I looked in between my legs at him, bewildered, as he leaned in. He glanced up at me with his fiery blue eyes and, very gently, took my clit between a finger and a thumb.

I jumped and shook when he touched me.

"Now, I'm gonna eat this pretty pussy," he whispered.

"You''re what?" I asked. I jumped again when he touched a finger to my vulnerable hole.

He shook his head. "You're dry right now. That's how I like to start out, anyway. But that's going to change," he told me.

I watched - in disbelief - as he placed a kiss on my mound, on the inside of each thigh, and then looked at me with his burning eyes as he leaned in even further. I watched his flat tongue come out and he flicked it several times at my clit. Then he took my clit into his mouth.

"God!" I choked out, his warm mouth a surprise on my sex. "What are you - mmmph!" I gasped again, his tongue licking gently at my hole, his mouth sucking on the most sensitive part of me.

His eyes closed again as he worked, his wet mouth causing light slurping sounds in the quiet office. "Your pussy tastes so...mmmm," he mumbled, and he put his hands on my inner thighs. His thumbs spread my sex even further open.

My heartbeat was working overtime, thundering behind my breastbone, a bass drum that I could feel throughout my entire body.

Just then the door to the office flew open, and the other gunman stuck his head in. My legs nearly snapped closed in surprise, almost pinning a face inbetween them. But the man with his face in my pussy had already slid his hands up to my knees and he pushed with those hands and so he held my legs open.

"Christ. You almost done in here? We gotta go!" The other gunman said.

The man between my legs shook his head and the other robber cursed. "We've got time," he murmured against my mound.

"Why do you get off on doing this?" The older man asked.

He got no response from the man firmly ensconced between my thighs, but just closed the door on us again.

He'd nearly turned me inside out, this man, my head was so confused. "Why are you...?" I gasped as he focused his tongue on the underside of my clit.

"Put your feet on my shoulders," he whispered. He helped guide my legs where he wanted them and then again his mouth focused in on the flesh between my thighs.

He ran his hands slowly up and down my legs as he worked. He reached up and tweaked my nipples that were still hidden inside my bra. Suddenly my legs started to shake uncontrollably, but that didn't stop him. If anything that made him more determined to eat me, his tongue seeming to move against my clit at lightning speed.

Finally I let out a soft cry when I felt my pussy come. My thighs squeezed against his face, but that didn't deter him in the least. He kept licking and licking at me, thrashing his tongue at my clit. I squealed once my clit became too sensitive, and only then did he stop.

He moved his fingers to my pussy again, spreading it apart. "Now look at how wet this fucking pussy is," he said. He took two fingers and slid them inside me. Indeed they went in with no hindrance whatsoever. "Fucking beautiful," he said.

The office door flew open again. "Are you fucking done now?" The man at the door said.

Ryan looked up at me. "Sure."

"Let's go," the other man commanded. "Now."

Ryan stood up and my legs snapped shut. He quickly jogged over to where his weapon and his balaclava were and he put them both back on. He glanced at me, saw my Dolce and Gabanna purse on the desk, grabbed it, and ran out the office door.

I heard them run out the main doors of the bank and my ordeal was at an end.

Or so I thought.


That night, I sat alone in my apartment. I was still shaken up from my experience earlier in the day. I was mortified at what had happened to me. Ridiculously, I didn't call the police. Could they even get DNA from what he had done to me? Just from spit? I wasn't even sure. But what I knew for sure was I didn't want to spend hours at the ER with my legs open while people probed me taking sample after sample of what was in my pussy.

I was dressed for bed in my short pajama bottoms and matching T-shirt. I was eating ice cream in bed and kept dozing off to the TV show I was trying to watch. Finally I just turned off the light and the TV and put the empty ice cream bowl on my night table.

"Shit. I need to brush my teeth."

I dragged myself out of bed and did that as quickly as possible, peed for good measure while I was in the bathroom, and returned back to my bed.

My apartment was warm but I felt unsettled. I felt too exposed if I kicked all the covers off, so I kept my body under the covers for safety, though what "safety" my sheets were going to provide for me, I didn't know.

Finally I dozed off listening to some thunderstorm sounds on a podcast.

When I woke up to the bright flash of lightning and to the loud sound of roiling thunder, I sat up quickly in bed.

It was a thunderstorm and it was real.

I took my earbuds out of my ears and blinked. The room was dark again but there was something...a shadow in the corner...and it started to rise up and move towards me.

I felt the fear jackknife in my system, but instead of running I remained frozen in place in my bed.

"No," I whispered. "It can't be..."

The shadow materialized into human form. It took the shape of a man. A familiar man from earlier in the day.

His face was no longer covered and his blue eyes bore into mine.

"Deanna," he finally said.

I swallowed hard. "How do you know my name?"

"Yeah. I took your purse, remember?"

I shook my head. Of course. It had taken me hours to get my apartment complex to go into my apartment to retrieve my backup set of car keys so I could drive my car home. He would have had my house key too. And my address. Fuck!

"You need to go. Now," I told him, scooting up the bed. I grabbed the sheets up tightly around my neck.

He stood watching me, unarmed, still dressed all in black. "I don't think so," he whispered.

"What do you mean you don't think so?!" I blurted out. "I've got a gun under my pillow. I'm not afraid to use it!" I said.

He shook his head. "You lie," he said. "If you had a gun, you'd have already shot me by now."

I swallowed. He was right, of course.

I leapt off of the bed and sprinted toward the bedroom door but he easily cut me off and grabbed me around my waist.

"Let me go!" I screamed, but he did not.

"I want to finish what I started today," he told me.

"What?!" I squeaked. "Finish what you started?!"

"Shhhh," he whispered. "I need for you to relax, baby," he said.

I continued to fight but his arms around me got tighter and tighter. Finally I could hardly move.

He placed his lips right behind my ear. "I'm gonna get inside that pussy again tonight," he told me.

"The hell you are!" I grunted. I discovered that I could still fight but I couldn't get out of his arms.

He started walking me over to the bed.

"No!" I shouted, and his big hand came up to cover my mouth.

"You liked what I did to you today. Didn't you?" He whispered to me.

I continued to struggle, shaking my head.

But he only chuckled. "That's right. You liked it. You loved my mouth on you. You even came on my tongue. Now tonight? You're going to come around my cock," he said.

I kept fighting but he used his leverage to lift my feet off the ground and covered the distance back to the bed. He pushed me down onto the bed and he fell onto my back, crushing me down into the mattress.

Our legs entertwined and my foot felt something on his ankle. "Is that an ankle monitor?" I asked. "You're on house arrest!" I blurted out.

But he just chuckled. "I know how to get around that," he said. "It's pretty easy to do," he said.

He ground his pants-covered cock into my ass crack. "How many times can I make you come tonight?" He asked me.

"None! Because I'm calling the police!" I yelled.

He chuckled. "I'm laying on top of you. I don't see any phone. How are you going to call?" He asked. "Besides," he said, yanking my sleep bottoms down my thighs, "you'll be screaming out my name soon enough, anyway," he said,

"Wha...I mean, you..." I spluttered.

"It's Ryan," he said, his lips right against my ear.

"Huh?" I said.

"My name is Ryan. For future reference, when you do want to scream out my name," he added.

"Please! No!" I begged, squirming mightly underneath him.

But his hand went to my panties. He felt the little cut-out part on the back right where my asscrack began. "Still wearing these fucking sexy panties?" He asked, surprised. He put his finger through the little cut-out hole and tickled just above the start of my crack.

Instantly desire shot through me.

"Fuck!" I spat.

He'd found one of my secret erogenous zones and hadn't even been trying.

"Now I don't want you getting too squirrely on me," he said, "so I've got to tie your wrists together. Then I'll tie them to the bedpost."

"No, please!" I begged.

But he ignored me. "On your stomach is great," he said. "That works for me," he added.

Suddenly he was wrapping some thin rope around and around my wrists. Where had it come from, I wondered? Maybe a pocket?

When he was finished and satisfied, he took the ends and tied everything to the bedpost as he had threatened to do.

"There," he said, satisfactorily. "All trussed up and going nowhere."

"Please," I begged again, testing out my binds. "I don't want -"

"You'll love it," he whispered in my ear. "Trust me."

I was flabbergasted. Stunned into silence. I had no words, no comeback to that.

He scooted down my legs and was silent for a few seconds. "That ass. Those panties," he groaned. All of a sudden something wet and wiggly tickled the top of my bare asscrack.

"Oh, God!" I moaned.

He was tonguing me through the little peek a boo cut-out.

"Like that?" He asked.

I struggled underneath him but it got me nowhere. In fact I think the rope got tighter around my wrists the more I fought.

Suddenly his hands were on my ass again, kneading and squeezing. He worked his fingers of one hand between my thighs and cupped my sex.

"No!" I whispered.

"Shhh," he told me. "I've been thinking about this pussy all day," he said. "Your taste. Your smell," he said.

Suddenly he pulled my panties down to my middle thighs.

"Stop!" I begged.

I stiffened as he wormed his hand between my thighs again and cupped my - this time very - naked sex. I felt his fingers spreading me apart and gently, just barely, a finger breached my hole.

I squealed at his unwanted touch.

"Shhh. I feel how dry you are. So I'm going to get you sopping wet again," he murmured.

My eyes were big and wide in the dark as he tugged my panties completely down and off my legs.

"Now," he said quietly. "I don't want to hurt you, but I am going to eat you. You need to be a good girl and do exactly as I say. You wouldn't want me to hurt you...would you?" He asked.

"Please, God, no. Don't hurt me!" I gasped.

"Okay. Then you have to play by my rules. Understand?" He asked.

I frantically nodded. "Yeah. Sure," I said.

"I'm going to get off your legs and you're going to climb up on your knees and elbows for me. Got it?"

I nodded.

His weight left my lower body and I did as he asked - I got up on my knees.

"Now spread those knees apart," he said.

I did, my face heating at the indignity of it all.

"Beautiful," he said. "Just like that. Now, I'm going to lie on my back underneath you, and your job is to lower your pussy onto my mouth. Got it?"

I blinked several times. I sniffled, tears rushing in to fill my eyes. "Okay," I said quickly.

I felt the bed shake as he got on his back and eased his body under mine. I imagined he looked like a mechanic sliding under a vehicle, but it was my pussy he was sliding under.

Both his hands landed on my ass and he said, "okay. Lower that pussy, baby."

I did, slowly, and suddenly my clit was being expertly flicked by his all too talented tongue.

I moaned, though I wasn't sure if it was in mortification of my current situation or because of his warm mouth.

My heart began to jacknife in my chest as he slowly, methodically, ate me.

"Shit!" I gasped, when he sucked my clit into his mouth.