Crash And Burn Pt. 02

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April 15th: The Ballad of Madelyn Carson
14.3k words

Part 2 of the 2 part series

Updated 07/31/2023
Created 01/19/2022
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Benjamin had driven around town now over 30 minutes looking to find a spot to park. He had searched through back alleys and abandoned lots but found nothing to his liking. Every store at the mall had a security camera at their back entrance and someone patrolling around in a car with a flashing yellow light. He thought the city park would be a suitable and private enough space, but soon saw that there were just too many other people there with the same idea that he had in mind.

He left the park and drove towards the less populated west end of town. There was a place there he was familiar with that had previously skipped his mind but now, in a pinch for time, he thought that it just might be able to work.

He had washed the truck, vacuumed it out, and thrown away all the rolled up burger wrappers his dad had let fall under the seats. He then sprayed air freshener between the arm rests and in the air vents. He even had tucked blankets and pillows in the back bed of the truck for foreseen future comfort. The hardest task was done as he already secured a nice secluded spot at Lake Eastman to relax at and look up at the starlit August sky. Everything was going well and as planned, but as he drove to the lake entrance he came upon two local deputies blocking his way.

"Turn this car around! Access to the lake is closed. We've got a fire at a campsite we're trying to get under control. Now move it!" the first cop barked as Benjamin came to a stop.

A look of panic came over Benjamin's face, and he sat frozen with the truck steady idling as the only thing that could escape his lips were the words, "But! But..."

The second cop made his way around the truck, shining his flashlight in the cab and bed of the truck. He smiled and then gave a slight, knowing head nod back to his partner.

"Look, son," the first cop said, now leaning into the driver side door, his voice turning fatherly and sympathetic, "I get it. I was young once, too, but we can't let you in here tonight. Try going back to town."

All of his planning and effort was now in jeopardy because someone had failed, on this night of all nights, at trying to make s'more's. Forced now to wing it, Benjamin was running out of options and ideas if this last place was not available. He looked to his left and then to his right and, now certain that no one had seen or followed, he looked both ways once more for good measure before he finally backed the pickup truck into a hidden space behind the dumpster at Deely's Hardware. He then turned off the lights, sighed a deep breath of relief, and attached his iPod to the radio of the truck and hit play.

Benjamin had put in two days of dedicated work making this mix tape - figuring out the best songs, and then putting each one of them in just the right order for how things would play out in his mind in this here very moment.

Alone at last, he feigned a deep yawn, stretched out his hands and placed his right arm across the shoulder of the girl sitting beside him. He slid his body snugly next to hers, bent his head over, and kept his eyes wide open to make certain not to miss the target of his tongue's intent. He locked his full open mouth sloppily unto hers, started counting numbered beats in his head, and released his lips from hers in time to sing as melodically as his untrained voice would allow, "You're beautiful. You're beautiful," perfectly on beat and in sync with James Blunt's voice and chorus.

"Um, that was kinda nice," the girl giggled, "But what exactly are we doing here behind the store where your dad works?"

"C'mon, don't play coy, you know I'm only allowed to get my dad's truck on a Friday. I told you I was going to make our date unforgettable and I intend to. This is the last weekend we will have together before we both go off to college. I wanna make the most of the little bit of time we still have together and I just sorta figured," Benjamin stammered, "I sort of thought..."

"Yes, go on. You thought what?"

The girl placed her hands up to Benjamin's cheek and started caressing his face. She rubbed her finger back-and-forth across his earlobe and felt his body shudder from her touch. She enjoyed making him squirm.

"You're going to make me say it, aren't you?" he asked shaking his head.

"Uh-huh. You know how much hearing you say it turns me on."

Benjamin rolled his eyes and let out a sigh. He had put a lot of care and effort into coming across on this date as a sincere and thoughtful man and a mature minded lover instead of a hormone driven teen. He especially didn't want this night to go like all the other nights before.

"You know exactly how I feel about you. You know where I would like for us to go. I don't think I've done all that good a job of hiding it these last few weeks of summer."

"Why, Benjamin Tyson Sullivan, I don't know what at all you could possibly be talking about. Are you meaning to tell me that we are not out here to check on rakes and the price of chicken feed?" the girl said, barely being able to hold in her laughter, "Just say what you know I like to hear. That's all I'm asking."

She was deflecting. It was another one of the many tactics she constantly used to regain control of any pressing situation they found themselves in. He was not going to fall for it tonight. A devilish smirk formed on the corner of his lips and he quickly blurted out, "Madelyn Carson! I brought you here cause I like you and I want you and tonight I want to get into your panties and make love to you and drive you crazy and kiss you down there and do all the things to make you feel good and like a woman because we belong together and I know you want me just as bad as I want you! There! I said it!"

"That's not what I wanted to hear!" she laughed, hitting him sharply in the arm, "Say it right! Say it right or I'll squeeze your ear ragged until you do!"

"Okay, ok! You win!" he cried, "Damn, you know you're a lot stronger than how your small body looks!" he said holding his hand over his ear in an attempt to avoid the pain threatened to his head. He straightened himself up and frowned, folding his arms in frustration and looked into her eyes in hopes that she would be sympathetic to him and skip over her request.

"Well? I'm waiting," she smiled, making a pinching motion with her thumb and forefinger.

"Ugh, ok!" he groused, then, as if reading the lines from a worn and tired script for the millionth time, he slowly began reciting in a monotone, "We're just friends and we've always been. We're not only friends, I swear, we're the very best of friends. Best friends forever! That's what we are and that's what we will always be."

"Mmmmmm, that's so sexy," Maddie purred.

"Dammit, Mads, why do you always insist on getting your way with me? You've had me saying that since when we met at the age of 9 at summer vacation Bible school!"

"And it's never been more true than right now," Maddie said gently tapping his crotch, "You don't need me for anything like that. You don't want to use this on someone you only 'like'. You want to use this on someone you love."

"Gee, thanks, what sappy love song did you take those uplifting words from?" grumbled Benjamin.

"This wouldn't make either one of us happy if we did this. It would ruin a great thing between us."

"Well, can we at least give it a try to see how unhappy it could actually make us feel? Just once?"

"Only a best friend would tell you honestly what I just told you. I've had you telling me we were friends since way back then because it's true," Maddie said, "I would not have gotten into American University without you helping me study and dragging me everyday to Mr. Lawson's boring history classes. We've kept each other sane these past four years through all the silly and petty classmates that surrounded us. You're my shoulder to cry to when things go wrong. We know each other like no one else at school. We depend on each other. Look, Benjamin, we went to the movies tonight and had fun and we had a blast eating out at Burger Kingdom. I think this has been a perfect night for us and we will see each other again. We live right down the street from each other and we are always just a phone call away if need be. Can you just take me home now? This night has been, like you intended, unforgettable. I can promise you that I'll remember this forever, but I'm just really tired now."

Benjamin gave Maddie the best puppy dog eyes he could muster but she just stared ahead out the front window, purposely ignoring him, and pointing her fingers forward.

She was not budging and there was no changing her mind. He had lost again. He cranked up the truck and started making his way towards her home. His mix tape continued playing through the rest of the tunes he had selected as he drove on through the empty streets in silence. Maddie rolled down the window and let her hand flow up and down in the oncoming wind, occasionally humming along and tapping her foot to the beat of the songs.

"Oh, I like this one! It's so good! Sing it with me, ok?" Maddie said excitedly to the start of the popular and recognizable tune, "Now and then I think of when we were together. Like when you said you were so happy you could die..."

Benjamin shook his head, angry at himself for including this track and thinking such a bittersweet song would be perfect to make out to. If she didn't want to play with him, then he wasn't going to play along with her. He kept his eyes looking ahead and focused on driving.

"Awwww, don't be mad," Maddie said rubbing him on his thigh, "You want me to tell you how great a kisser you are? That always cheers you up."

"You tease me like one does a jackass. You dangle carrots in front of me that I never get to bite and, dammit, you're doing it now. A man like me can take but so much!"

"Now and then I think of all the times you screwed me over," Maddie playfully sang. "You're really not gonna sing along with me? You know you like this song, too!"

"You know you've helped me just as much as you think I've helped you. We're starting a new chapter in our lives and, I have to be honest with myself, I mean, for the first time, you won't be around. We won't have each other. We will be in separate states and I just figured..."

"What makes you think us having sex would somehow cement the bond that we already have? You're disappointing me if you're now telling me that, even after all these years, you've never taken the time to listen to the words I have you say over and over to me. We will always be friends no matter where life takes us. There are no borders to restrict us in that way. Understand? Good, now sing!" Maddie said sternly, "No you didn't have to stoop so low. Have your friends collect your records and then change your number. I guess that I don't need you though. Now you're just somebody that I used to know."

"Somebody!" shouted Benjamin, his voice cracking under the strain of trying to reach the note, and then they both tried their best at harmonizing together as one: "That I used to know! Now you're just somebody that I used to know!"

Benjamin pulled into the Carson driveway and turned off the truck.

"Well, this is it. This is our last goodbye."

"Stop it. You sound so final," Maddie laughed, "We both have plenty more living to do. Don't you start shoveling dirt over my 18 year old body and tossing my coffin underground just yet."

"But we're both going off to college as virgins," Benjamin sighed, "Virgins! How is kissing and holding hands going to look compared to what everyone else has done?"

"I won't tell anyone if you won't tell," she said kissing him, "Benji, you will always be my best, little friend. Why change something that has worked so good all these years? You want to know what would've not made this night memorable? Losing our virginity next to bags of fertilizer on a dusty loading dock and behind a smelly dumpster. We both deserve better than that. We both deserve better than even a make-out session at the lake in the back of a truck and you know that. Besides, come this time next year, you will be telling me all about life at Princeton and all the pretty girls who were knocking down your door to be with you."

"You really think so?" asked Benjamin.

"Where's the biggest sexual organ located?" Maddie asked, ruffling her hand through Benjamin's hair.

"The brain."

"And who has the biggest one at Highland High? Who is the class valedictorian?"

Benjamin blushed.

"Yeah, I know so," Maddie said kissing him again on the cheeks, "Good night."

Maddie waved bye and waited until Benjamin turned onto the street and his back lights could no longer be seen. She then opened the front door, bounced up the stairs without checking to see if her parents were still up waiting for her return and ran to her bedroom, shutting the door behind her.

She went straight to her bathroom and drew herself up a warm bath. She added some lavender oils to the water and then some bubbles. She placed her hand under the running water to make sure the temperature was just right, then she hurriedly undressed, and eased her body into the water.

"Ahhhhhh, I've been waiting for this moment all day."

She raised one of her legs out of the tub, placed her fingers over her clit, and gently pressed down. Maddie's body trembled instantly at her touch and she came close to losing her grip and sliding beneath the bubbles. Water splashed up into her face and hair as she regained her balance and scolded herself to manage her excitement better.

"But this feels so good," she said softly.

She pressed her finger down again on her clit, holding it in place for three seconds and then releasing it. She found, through steady practice, that her clit was especially sensitive and could cause her to quickly orgasm if she wasn't careful with her touch. Tonight was not an instance that she wanted that.

The whole date with Benjamin had been enjoyable and led her to be here, in her tub, slowly savoring the close moments from their night. She wished she could keep these feelings bottled in portions to steal sips from throughout the day like some kind of addict. Every flirty touch of their feet under the table while eating their burgers; all the times she gripped his hands in fright during the movie; him kissing her and and singing to her one of her all time favorite songs had sent waves of pleasure that ricocheted through her body all night long and now met together, as one huge wave, here at the clean shaven shore of her clit.

Maddie's fingers circled around the opening of her vagina as she stimulated more blood flow to her female parts. She took care now to steer clear of her aching clit as her inhaling breaths grew deeper.

She placed the tip of her middle finger just into the opening of her vagina and exhaled. Moving slowly, she then inserted another digit, closed her eyes, and bit her bottom lip as the water made sloshing sounds and fresh bubbles formed between her pussy and moving fingers.

She had thought, on many occasions, on taking her relationship further with Benjamin. They were equal in intelligence and he was attractive. They had the same interests and he always played the part of supportive friend whenever she needed that. Everyone would've said they would have been perfect for one another and made the cutest of all couples in the entire school. Her parents and his father would've both approved of them being together.

His kisses and touch drove her sensitive clit crazy. All she had to do was tell him how him being next to her made her feel. All she needed to do was hint at wanting him for more than just friendship and she knew he would run to her. But she never could bear to give him the green light. It was a something she promised herself never to extend to him.

The in and out motion of her finger quickened and she was now able to place her thumb directly on her clit for more stimulation. She felt the beginnings of an orgasm start to build from deep within and she gripped tighter her hand on the side of the tub to steady herself.

He was so much fun to be around and to flirt and kiss on, but it was in exact moments like these why she never could commit to a sexual relationship with him. He was right to call her a tease. She would use him only to get herself to this point, but whenever it came time for her to cum from her fingers, with her legs splayed wide and her knuckles turned white from gripping hard her bed post or side of the tub tightly; whenever she imagined a lover between her legs, it was always someone faceless - an invisible ghost of a person. It was never Benjamin taking up the space where her fingers played. It was never his dark locks she fantasized grabbing to push further into her aching center. He could light the spark of so many sexual feelings in her but he never caused her to cum. That job belonged to somebody else that she never could see. Every time she masturbated, and was ready to orgasm, she would make it a point to peer down between her legs to try to get a better view of the image, but the one there always remained hidden and faceless.

She pinched her nipple and swallowed hard now as the faceless one worked their invisible fingers and tongue into her pussy. Air wasn't of value to them, they could stay underwater as long as needed to get her to cum, and they knew it wouldn't take much longer for her.

Maddie plunged her finger deep inside her pussy and pressed her thumb hard against her pulsing clit. Water splashed out of the tub and unto the floor. Her foot knocked the soap bar out of its dish and she squeezed her legs together around her hand, curling herself up into a ball. She clenched her teeth tight to hold in her desire to scream and possibly be overheard by her parents, but her orgasm was coming - there was no turning back from it now. She wasn't going to be able to hold this one in, it was building up to be too intense and she needed to yell with her release. She did the only thing available to her to keep her parents and the whole neighborhood from making her private moment into an unwanted social orgy - she deeply inhaled her lungs full, tucked her head under the bath water, and came with a water muted scream.

Her whole body relaxed and she settled on her back in the water with her skin tingling with goosebumps and her senses heightened. She let the bubbles and the warmth of the water wrap around her body and enjoyed the slippery feel of the oils between her toes. She stood up out of the tub and grabbed a towel to dry herself and then used it to clean up the soaking wet bathroom floor.

"Damn, that was a good O," she smiled.

She laid down in her bed, brought the flowered sheets up to her chin, and stared blankly at the ceiling. The other best thing about her using Benjamin to bring her to the door of her orgasms was the breaking of the dam of mental blockage that the release of pleasure brought her. She could rationalize things, do her homework better, and see with more clarity any problem in her life after cumming.

College was going to be, as Benjamin rightfully claimed, a whole new start. Who was going to replace him and his nipple arousing touches? How was she going to find time for herself and fingers in a filled dorm? Would she also find someone to date? Would she ever see the face of the phantom that stimulated her orgasms and made its home between her legs? She determined she needed to approach this new chapter in her life with far more honesty on her feelings on romance and sex than with the previous years since she had made Benjamin her best friend.


Saturday mornings in the Carson household meant breakfast. A good and tasty breakfast to kickstart the day. There was nothing quite like waking up to the smell of hot pancakes rising from the kitchen and wafting it's deliciousness into your sleeping nostrils.