Cookies & Cream Ch. 01

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Epic Camping Adventure with ice cream to boot.
5.9k words

Part 1 of the 50 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 03/02/2016
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It was a summer we would never forget. It was a time when love is truly blind and the heat turned up tremendously. That heartfelt camp with an ice cream parlor and diner in the center of it all was magical to me. My friends and I will never forget this place.

It all started on Memorial Weekend, two weeks after our junior year in University of Florida ended. My sorority sisters Rosa and Yuki rode on my blue Honda Fit on a dirt path, looking at the wisteria covered trees. We searched for our summer getaway. Yuki claimed it's much better than Vegas. Well, no offense to my financial saving gal pal, but if this fabulous place is in the middle of swampland, I will spank her cheap ass for any further suggestions!

I would like to tell you people some details about my two besties and I for those who want to fantasize them into your wet dreams. Yuki Tomohari is a Japanese American, five-foot-four and skinny with some exception of her breasts shaped like tangerines and a strong cinnamon bun ass. Her skin is an olive tan. She has long straight blonde hair from her mother's side and has almond brown eyes from her father's. The shape of her head is a heart and she is just a but her heart is in the right place.

Rosa Estévez is a Columbian born woman with a wild temper. She is five-foot-six, athletic built with a bunch of curves including a pair of boobs the shape of cantaloupes and a booty like a big knoll. Her hair is shoulder length but curly and dark brown. Her eyes are big and milk chocolate brown. Her skin was like caramel. Her face is round shaped with dimpled cheeks.

As for me, I am five-foot-eight with a calm sensibility with logic. I have raven hair that goes to the mid-back. My eyes are round and dark brown. My skin is dark as milk chocolate. I am very curvy with a pair of breasts shaped like coconuts and a slim waist and a butt that crack walnuts. With that said, I would like to crack someone's head for being in the middle of a swamp!

"We're lost," Rosa said bluntly, being bored from our dusty humid joyride. "Yo Yuki, you sure that navigational system is workin'?"

"The device is never wrong, Rosa. I got that from Amazon for a reasonable price."

Rosa turned to our Japanese friend and slipped her a finger. Yuki pouted at first, but just for grins, she leaned over and began to suck Rosa's middle finger. Rosa moaned with a blush on her face. "Aww, girl, you're a tease, ya know?"

"You know you like that." Yuki made a tiny smile and took out one of her books from her pink strawberry bag. "Here, read this. It's a bibliography of Michelangelo."

I just looked at them both at the mirror as I peeked at a wooden sign on the left side of the road. There, in carved letters and red paint red "Camp Hattawata". We made it. And we celebrated. "Onward to Camp Hattawata!" We cried.

By the time I pressed the gas petal to move on the road, a song was played at the radio called "Cars" by Gary Numan. It was a catchy song, and my pals and I sang to it as we looked at the camp's picturesque cabins and trailers. We took a look at a three story lodge with bold red letters called simply "Warehouse". This camp even has a beautiful, pristine lake. We could imagine spending some of the time cooling off in that lake. After looking around, I found the check-in cabin.

After I parked my blue Honda at a sign-in cabin, I told the girls to stay in the car as I walked to the vintage wood cabin with a green rocking chair. I opened the screen door and a flamboyant peach man with tight jeans and a loose brown vest walked to me. "Hey, Darling," he said cheerfully, shaking my dark slender hand. "Welcome to Camp Hattawata, home of the one and only Cookies and Cream Ice Cream parlor and diner. You're checking in?"

My reaction to his statement was baffling. I slowly relaxed and replied, "Oh yes, I am. I have ordered a cabin for three."

The owner nodded, looking at his fuzzy pink covered computer. He fanned his fluffy blonde hair with his fedora, checking the reservations. "Ah yes! A camp cabin for three under K. Robins. So who's this Mr. Robins?"

"There is no 'Mr. Robins. The K is for Kendra."

"Oh...I see, hon, I'm sorry. Well hi there! My name is Bill Liberstat, the new manager and chief counselor of Camp Hattawata! Well, you and your friends are going to spend the whole summer here?"

"You bet. Our families would love to come with us, but they're just doing their own thing."

"Ah. Well, I want to give you some advice. You won't see that many families around here. They think it's not so child friendly."

That advice got me suspicious. "How so?"

"Well, I think you'll understand that once you get to know the camp. Oh, but you'll be so busy with the activities, you won't have to think about kids. Oh yes, and you need to stop on by at the Cookies and Cream parlor and diner. They really have delicious food and juicy treats...and it will bring you some magic after every ice cream dish. Believe me, hon, it's not just a slogan- it's a fact." He grinned at me and gave me a brass key with a bunny ring attached to it. It had a number 282 on it. "Here is your cabin number, my dear. Now, if you have any problems with your establishment, please call me. I'm also your to-do man! Anything you want, I'll grab!"

"Uh...thank you, Mr. Liberstat-"

" me Bill."

"Okay," I giggled with a good comfort he is a sweetheart. "Thank you, Bill."

I took the key from the manager and stepped out of the sunny field, heading back to the car to pick up my besties. In the dirt lot, I saw two young men gawking at the car. I figured with their heads all gawking at the car, I thought they were looking at a new ride. But when I got closer to my ride, I realized that the men were more interested in the passengers inside the car. I ran to the car and was surprised to see Rosa and Yuki making out and starting to undress. I blushed as I opened the doors and grabbed the two horny girls out of the car, scolding at them as the men dashed with their semi boners out of their pants.

"Are you girls out of your minds?" I yelled, slapping Yuki's blonde head. "You realize there were men watching you with their trousers down?"

"Wait what??" Rosa cried, looking around the field. "Aww, that guy is gone! Yuki, we lost him!"

Yuki folded her arms. "Serves you right! I told you he wouldn't stop jogging to see us making out."

"No you didn't. You never protested."

"I was about to protest when you jumped on me and kissed me! That's no way to receive a man's attention!" She darted her eyes to me but went surprised when she saw two men stood there with their pants down to their ankles. I was just irate when one of them dared asked me their question. "Would you mind is we join you?"

"The hell you will, pervs!" I shouted, chasing those tripping boys out of the lot. "You stay out of this! As for you two, this is my car! You will not have a make-out party in there! You two want some party, it'll be in our cabin! Come on!" I pulled both girls by the ears and stomped our way to our cabin.

I didn't know what happened between then and the time we reached the cabin. All I knew is that I was furious with my friends, and I hoofed my frustrations until we reached our rented cabin. It was a rustic cabin with some modern attachments. My guess was this cabin had some remodeling recently. At that period of time, I could care less. All I wanted to do was to get inside, unpack and head to one of the good activities I would enjoy.

Rosa, Yuki and I entered the cabin and we were very curious about the place. The retro feeling of many summers rose from the shaggy green carpet in the center room. The smell of oranges intensified our noses highly. The breeze from the drafty window gave us a cool manner. However, something about this cabin we were standing made us...want...something.

We quietly kept to ourselves as we unpacked our clothes in our rooms. My room was at the end of the hall. The bed had a distinguished odor of cheery wood and fresh melon. The pillows had silky purple cases with pink needle work on them. It says "Love me, baby" surrounded by kissing lips. I sighed. I owe the two flirty birds an apology.

"Yuki?" I knocked at the door. I opened. She and Rosa were all ready to go outside and explore the grounds. "Hey, girls. Look, I just want to apologize for my actions earlier."

"Nah, girl," Rosa shook her head, patting her bronze hand on my shoulder. "You were right. Yuki and I didn't think straight enough. We should have waited until we reach the cabin. Right, Yu?"

Yuki nodded shamefully. "Speak to yourself, Rosa. I behaved quite well until you got all caught up in the moment. It's all because of that guy I happed to see while you were registering, Kendra. Tall, dark hair, athletic built, his eyes looked like a June night. Oh, what a man..." Yuki just hopped on her feet, feeling bothered. Then she grabbed me and threw me to the bed, starting to kiss my lips and undress me. I objected loudly, swearing at the horny friend of mine. "Shit, Yuki! Don't you realize about the consequences! We are friends, not sex buddies!"

"But Kendra, that stranger made me horny!"

"Use some damn pussy toys in ya! I will not, repeat, NOT go lesbian for some fantasy guy you saw for about a minute!"

"Girl, you need to see him." Rosa sat on the green bed next to Yuki and me. "There he was walking in the sand with waves from the lake rushing to his feet. Dark wavy hair, skin so smooth as cotton, rugged chin, chiseled he was reading a huge book about Art History."

"That's what got you two hot and heavy in a car? His interest in Art?"

"His brain," Yuki corrected me. "His brain is his biggest sex organ." She then proceeded to unbutton Rosa's yellow blouse. Yes, I thought as I walked out of Yuki's room and leave those two hot girls alone, the brain is the largest sex organ. Too bad men usually don't think with them.

I was fuming over my two best friends as I walked around the campground. The first day here and they already started to corrupt because of some random dude. in the hell did this just start? I started to wonder about those two in the car while I was out. They saw a man with dark hair and an athletic built. Sounds like Rosa's type physically. And this man is an intellect too from the way Yuki described him. That girl knows a good smart man when she saw him. What were they thinking then?

Maybe they were thinking about him without his shirt. Then they'd remove his shorts...or maybe all buff altogether. Perhaps his member was what set those two friends into a sexual frenzy. They probably wanted his attention by making out with each other. Yeah, that was it. They went at it for his entertainment...or better, they would entice him enough to join them on their escapade quest. Man, those two probably got carried away and just started to undress and had some unexpected visitors.

The thoughts led me to the center of camp, which was a diner and an ice cream place. It was a retro style place, fifties glamor with a neon sign on top. It read "Cookies & Cream". I smiled at that because that is, believe it or not, my favorite flavor. I was quite interested how their ice cream taste. Hey, sweets never hurt, especially when you're in a rut. I walked on the two green steps with the tan edges and opened the doors.

The place was half full, the red booths seated by couples and youth eating some treats. I saw a nice modern Nickelodeon all filled with CDs at the end of the diner. There was a nice counter with a bronze register at the end surrounded by red stools. I sat on one of them as a woman with red cheeks exited out of the kitchen.

"Charlie, if you lick that spatula like that again, I will jump on ya and spank your monkey!" She yelled in a good Southern Belle accent. Her voice almost sounds so ladylike, especially when she's embarrassed. I heard a man with a British voice saying to her, "All right love. I'll lick it when everyone is gone for the night."

The woman shook her head and laughed, her cheeks still flushed when she saw me. She fanned herself as she approached me cheerfully. "Well, hello there, stranger! Welcome to Camp Hattawata. I'm Emma Mersfield, co-owner of this wonderful diner slash ice cream parlor. You're not from around here, are you?"

"Well, no," I said with a surprise smile. "My friends and I just got here from the University of Florida. Decided to take a summer vacation here."

"Well, that is so good! Where are your friends now?"

"Oh they're just unpacking and then they would explore the camp shortly." I would have added after they get done fucking each other, but that wasn't my nature. The woman grinned and nodded. "Ah, I see. You're one of those people that wants to get out of the cabin and check out the place first before you work unpacking. Trust me, dearie, this place is full of surprises. Every day is an adventure when you find it. Oh, what am I jabberin' about? What can I get you, Sug?"

"Oh! Well, I would like to sample your cookies and cream flavored ice cream."

"You got it, Sug." The woman goes to a machine that looks like a metallic cow. She put in a cup of crushed Oreo cookies into the top and added cream, sugar, vanilla and milk. She pressed the mix switch and the ice cream was melding splendidly. I looked at the machine with amazement. She actually used natural ingredients and make ice cream from scratch. "Mrs. Mersfield, you actually make your own ice cream?"

"Yep. It's much cheaper to make my own than to buy brand products. Much healthier for you too. Some of the brands use a lot of ingredients that make their treats addictive. Half of them you probably can't pronounce. And please call me Emma. I really don't care for formalities. What's your name, Sug?"

"My name? I'm Kendra Robins. You can call me Kendra."

The woman flashed her white smile at me and chuckled. "Girl, you have such a cute name. Kendra...I'll have to remember that. Oop, the machine beeped! Your ice cream is done!" Emma rushed to the blue cow machine and opened the hatch. She used the red plastic scoop and empty the small machine to dish out the blended Cookies & Cream right into a green plastic cup. She added a spoon on the side and served me my ice cream.

"There you are, honey, one medium Cookies & Cream. I take it that's your favorite flavor."

"Sure is."

"That is a good coincidence. That's my favorite too! Oh, you know, the flavor reminds me of my marriage with my Charles."

I took a bite out of my favorite flavored ice cream and was in dessert paradise. Damn, I felt like my whole body was being absorbed by the taste. No brand would ever compare to this. The cream itself was the coup de gras. Not hard, not soft. It's just the goldilocks texture.

I looked at Emma who was washing the machine as she talked about her hubby. "Yes, he and I clicked when we first started dating. Sure, he was white and from another country. However, I found out he and I had a lot in common. We both love old fashion movies, Agatha Christie novels, strategy games and of course...I mustn't mention that last part. You'll understand it when you meet someone."

There was a barge in at the door and two women entered the parlor, their hair frizzed with sweat. The taller woman carried her backpack and her partner looked at a mirror in her compact. They were both worn out and red from the Florida sun as they slumped on the stools. Emma saw the two and took two bottles of water to give to them. I figured they came here before.

"Jess, Becky, did you two get chased by a cougar again?"

"I told Becky we should have taken my car to this resort. I told you, didn't I, Becky. Did she listen? No! She somehow convinced me that huffing it is best. It wasn't that far from where we live, and it's good exercise. And it was until my ditzy blonde girlfriend realized she forgot to pack the most essential part of our adventure!"

"Come on, Jess, it was a complete accident! I was sure I put water in our bags!"

"Now my hair is all messy and my skin is all burned! I'm not at all glamorous anymore!"

"Baby, you're fine. You won't be red for long."

I looked at the two women and Emma brought out some ingredients for the next order. "Oh, you must have had such a dilemma. No worries, you two. This machine can cheer you both. Cherry Checker Sundae?"

Both women sat straight up and nodded. The woman in the diner outfit tightened her apron and walked into the kitchen, grabbing the most important ingredients of the Cherry Checker; Black and Red cherries. She took the cup with mixed cherries to the machine and dumped them into the top, followed by the same ingredients she put in mine except for the vanilla. While the mixture blended, Emma continued to talk to the girl couple as I listened. From this, I knew she was a smart woman with a kind heart. She was compassionate with people period. Doesn't matter what you look like and who you're in love with, she looked passed it and goes straight to the characteristics.

"Emma, did someone enter our diner?"

"Yes, baby. It's Jessica and Becky! They hiked their way here!"

"Those two birds came back, eh? You two can't get enough of this resort, can you? Last year, you two made such an impact, the whole camp started a fookin' frenzy and-"


"What, baby? They're adults. They can handle my bombs."

"The language is simply unprofessional!"

"Neither was that ten-minute break of yours when you went down on me."

That last comment made the three of us laughed quietly. The machine beeped and the blushing Emma took out plastic spoons. "Did you two have those bowls still?"

The two women brought down their red and blue plastic cups. "We even washed them before we came here." Becky added with a tiny smile on her red face. "You know, Emms, you really have a great catch. You shouldn't be ashamed of a man that truthful."

"Indeed." Jess agreed, holding Becky's hand. "I wish we could have the same happiness as you and Charles."

"Well...that's very kind of you two." Emma scooped the last of the red ice cream with black and red cherries blended and put the filled cups down in front of them with red spoons at the top. "You're all so cheerful already. Pretty soon, you two will forget that fateful hike and just be your laughing selves again."

"After this treat, we will." Becky commented, taking a bite out of her cherry treat. Jess looked at Becky as she was licking the spoon clean, grinning at her. She took off her thick white band that held her long red hair and started to rub her partner's knee.

"You know, Becky," Jess said deeply, rubbing her partner's red leg. "Maybe we should save our ice cream for later."

"Why?" Becky asked before looking at her partner's deep blue eyes, her pale hands touching her thighs. Becky let out a yelp and turned to Emma. "Hey, thanks for the cups again. We'll finish the ice cream later."

"That's fine, hon." Emma said to the girls as they left hand in hand, running. I was confounded...damn was I confounded. Emma shook her head with a sigh. "Well, that is the only side effect of my ice cream."

I looked at Emma with a puzzled look. "Emma, what are you talking about?"

Emma leaned over her polished counter to me, whispering to me. "Well, as you know, honey, I make my ice cream naturally. However, with all the ingredients at my disposal, there is one that makes this ice cream especially special. In the ice cream, there is a syrup-like serum my husband created that guarantees this product will not make our customers gain weight. In fact, our ice cream will make people have energy. Well..." She turned the other way, shifting her eyes to make sure no one else was listening.

"Well what exactly?" I asked with my eyes focusing on the woman. She turned back to me, leaning toward me. "My husband was right about the energy part. However, he didn't know how our customers would react to the serum. Ever since he created that five years ago, people eighteen and upwards just come to this camp just to try our delicious treats to...tap their energy."