Consequences Ch. 06

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It's exhibition night for the Mrs.
11.6k words

Part 6 of the 11 part series

Updated 11/02/2022
Created 06/15/2011
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Julie wasted no time in ending the affair with Dan. First thing Monday morning she cornered him in the break room at work where she unleashed a hushed tirade, cursing him and his two friends. In response Dan simply shrugged casually before strolling out of the room without a word. She had spent the entire morning working herself into a frenzy, shoring up her anger, and going into the confrontation she had been confident. But his reaction shredded her confidence. Shocked by his unfazed reaction she felt her knees wobble, felt the wind being knocked out of her angry sails. In that moment she was struck by just how little their relationship had meant to him, how little she had meant to him. While she had never thought theirs was anything more than the fling it was, she had believed they respected each other. Now she was slammed by the knowledge that this was not so and it stung deeply. With it she knew for sure that Cindy's presence the other night had not been an accident, that her requests had simply been ignored. Feeling lightheaded she grabbed the table edge to steady herself, the full effect of her actions and the damage she had done overwhelming her.

Not only did the realization of just how little she had meant to Dan crush her confidence at that moment, it also weakened her elsewhere. She had hoped that by unleashing on Dan she would find the strength to confront Frank about him and Cindy, but her lover's uncaring dismissal of her destroyed that hope. So she went home and walked around on egg shells during the next few days, anxiously waiting for Frank to say or do something, to claim his next concession. But he made no such moves. He acted like nothing had happened, keeping their conversations to normal everyday topics, and his hands to himself. It was driving her crazy until she got home one night to find him waiting for her.

"We're going out," he told her. "I laid out some clothes for you to wear."

Waves of apprehension and excitement cascaded through her. Although it had only been a few days her constant state of heightened emotions had her ready for a release, and this meant one was at hand.

Walking down the hall she wondered what kind of clothing she would find awaiting her. She was not surprised by what she found. On their bed lay an outfit so skimpy that she had only worn it once, even though Frank had tried several times since to get her to wear it. While Julie was proud of her body and did enjoy dressing up to show it off, this particular outfit did so a touch too much. The powder blue skirt barely covered the bottoms of her ass cheeks and the matching blouse was so snug it clung to her breasts and forced her to leave the top couple of buttons undone. Accompanying the garments was a pair of high heels but no undergarments.

"Lift the skirt," Frank instructed as she stepped back into the living room.

His grin told her he was glad to see she was braless, the blouse clearly showing this fact, and when she did as told his face lit up with even more pleasure. Stepping over to her he reached out and slipped his hand between her legs, cupping her uncovered sex. Bolts of electricity shot along her nerves. She felt a twitch deep inside of her as the beginnings of her arousal were awakened. Reflexively she leaned back, resting her shoulder against the edge of the archway and jutting her hips slightly forward, holding herself out to him.

"I knew you were smart, that you'd understand," he grinned, his hand massaging her just a little.

Standing there, holding her skirt up for him, Julie felt her face redden as more jolts shot along her nerves. "Just doing what I'm told," she whispered.

Her answer and weak tone made him grin even wider. He continued to cup her for a minute before pulling his hand away and announcing they should leave. The loss of contact saddened her a little.

On the way to the restaurant she felt his eyes glancing over at her, felt them caressing her bare legs and defined curves. His hungry leers caused her entire body to tingle with nervous anticipation, fanning the arousal smoldering within her. She did not understand this, why she was reacting so, but she could not think about it for long since they soon arrived at their destination. Her emotions during the ride were quickly over-shadowed by the ones she experienced as they were led to their table while dozens of eyes crawled over her. She had no delusions about the cheap appearance of her outfit, but as the restaurant's male patrons now devoured her she felt an undercurrent of shame flow up to mix with her other emotions. From deep, deep inside her waves of nervousness poured forth, causing her flesh to blush. In that moment she was glad that Frank had chosen a place well inside the city where they were unlikely to see any of their friends. At the table she moved to sit with her back to the room but Frank stopped her with a wave of his hand, indicating the chair which put her facing the room instead. Obediently she took the designated seat, instinctively closing her legs and leaning them to one side.

"Open your legs," Frank whispered after the waiter left to get their drinks. "Leave them open just a little. Just enough that anyone interested can look and see you're not wearing panties."

Until that moment Julie had been relatively comfortable with everything, but this last instruction concerned her. Frank was sitting to her side and the tablecloths were not long. This meant that if she did as he said there would be a lot of people with unobstructed views of her pussy. Her concern made her hesitate, her eyes darting around the room, trying to see how many people would have a clear sight of her.

"Open your legs," he ordered quietly.

His tone caused her to jump even as she shifted to obey him. The waiter brought their drinks then left again with their food orders. That was when Frank explained a little bit about the evening. Leaning toward her he pressed his lips to her ear, his warm breath caressing her nerve endings. He also laid his hand on her thigh, just above the knee. Its warm touch was both comforting and arousing.

"Tonight is exhibition night," he informed her. "You are, and will be, on display all night long. And while that's not all, it is all you get to know right now."

Julie had no idea what he meant but she heard the implications in his voice and a shiver of concern ran down her spine. Strangely this only seemed to add fuel to the heat within her loins which in turn sent a surge of warmth through her, smothering the concern and causing her to relax slightly. Her eyelids grew heavy, she leaned her body toward his whispering voice, and her legs tried to sway shut again. As the one touched the outside of his fingers he jerked the other away a couple inches.

"Open them, slut," he hissed.

Suddenly Julie was no longer relaxed. She felt as though every pair of eyes were staring up her skirt. Her cheeks reddened. She dropped her gaze so that she would not have to face anyone. She was surprised that this additional surge of shame did not quench her embers, but instead made them start to glow hotter, building towards a flame.

"You know they're looking at you, all these men," Frank whispered in her ear. His hand slid up her thigh a little, edging toward the skirt's hem and her sex beyond. "They're trying not to let their wives catch them as they sneak peeks at you but they're staring at your cleavage and looking up your skirt. They see your pussy. They see you're a naughty little slut that's not wearing any panties."

Listening to him she felt her shame grow, and with it, her desire. Tiny electrical sparks radiated out from her loins to the furthest points of her body. Pressing at the blouse's material her nipples were swollen nubs, a reaction to both the night and the restaurant's air conditioning. She was surprised by the level of her arousal. She had spent many evenings flaunting her body, reveling in the attention, but nothing like this. She found it strangely exciting.

"You're teasing them. Their eyes are crawling over your body and they're thinking how much they would like to fuck you. How they'd like to drive their hard cocks deep into your body."

His warm breath tickled inside her ear. His hand was hot on her thigh. She was growing more and more aroused as she listened to his words and felt the truth of them burning into her mind, even as they reminded her of how exposed she was. She felt her passion fanning her desires. Between her legs, up under her skirt where she knew several sets of eyes were peering, she felt herself grow damp.

Just then their food arrived. Julie tried to concentrate on the meal, but found it difficult. It did not help that Frank was able to eat with only one hand, allowing him to leave his other resting on her thigh.

Partway through the meal Julie found the courage to glance up and around the room. In that brief moment she caught at least two men leering at her. A wave of pride surged through her along with the sense of shame she had expected. During the rest of their time there she glanced up several more times. Each time she caught more men ogling her, and each time she felt a little pride mixing with her shame. By the end of the meal she was a bundle of emotions and desire and she swished her ass slightly as they left the restaurant.

"Can I ask where to now?" She asked as Frank slid in behind the wheel.

"To a movie," he answered.

During what proved to be a fairly short ride, she once more wondered what he had planned. After the arousing experience of the restaurant she found that she was anxious to learn what it was. But then he pulled into the theatre's parking lot and that emotion was quickly erased by fear. She now understood why he had picked the restaurant, and it had nothing to do with their friends. He had chosen it because it was near the seedier part of town. And this cinema, where they showed pornographic movies. Even considering their unique situation, this development shocked her. She could not believe he had brought her here. Or that he expected her to accompany him inside to watch a movie. It was not the porn that bothered her. They watched those movies occasionally. But that was in the privacy of their own home, behind closed doors and drawn curtains. This was different. This was watching one in public, among strangers. She knew how those movies could effect Frank. How they could effect her.

That was when she remembered his earlier comment about exhibitionism and what she could not know about yet. Suddenly she found it difficult to breath, her heart skipped several beats. Of course she did not know what he had in mind, but she could imagine several possible scenarios that concerned her. Foremost were ones involving his desire to watch her with other men. Multiple other men. She no longer knew where he stood on that, not after her debacle with Dan and the others, but it would definitely fall under this night's definition. Would he do that, she wondered. Would he bring her here and let strangers do things with her? To her? What had she gotten herself into? These were her thoughts when Frank opened her door. She tried to step out but could not. Her mind simply would not allow it, keeping her frozen in her seat.

"Get out," he hissed, his tone low and threatening as he towered over her, holding the door and waiting.

She knew she had to move, but she was frozen in place, staring ahead at the marquee and its block letters. She heard him sigh impatiently, sensed him glaring down at her.

"I said, get out," he hissed again. This time he reached down, grabbing her arm and pulling. That broke her mind loose, allowing her to finally move. Straightening up she looked into his eyes where she saw his amusement. "You can call this off anytime, you know. Just say the word. We'll leave and go home. And you can start packing."

The threat did what it was meant to do. It strengthened her resolve to follow through by chiseling away at any resistance she might have.

"No, let's go in," she whispered, dropping her gaze.

Moments later they walked through the lobby and into the theatre. Again she felt dozens of eyes devouring her, felt them slithering down her shapely legs, felt them staring at the clear outlines of her hard nipples. About halfway in they took seats near the aisle with Frank making her sit on the inside. She was surprised to find that the cinema had stadium seating, giving them large and roomy chairs.

Settling in, she tried to appear casual as she looked around. The other patrons seemed to be a smattering of society-at-large. Of the approximately two dozen people only a few were greasy looking figures in shabby trench coats. The majority of the other movie goers were clean looking, wearing either business suits or casual clothing. Several rows away were three younger guys, probably college students. There was also what looked like a couple of bikers, and at least two other couples. She was glad for the privacy the low occupancy afforded her and Frank. They were surrounded by a small sea of empty seats. However, just moments before the lights dimmed this lone conciliation was lost. A man in a brown baseball cap slid into their row and chose a seat only a handful away from hers.

"Turn sideways in your seat, facing me," Frank whispered as the screen lit up.

She did as told, resting her right hand on his shoulder.

As the movie began a blond with large breasts was sitting behind a desk in an office. A few minutes after a man entered Blondie was naked on the desk with his face buried between her legs. The events since pulling into the parking lot, her fears and all, had dampened Julie's arousal. No longer were her embers nearly flames. They were barely still smoldering. Watching the action on the big screen though she felt her earlier heat being rekindled. The sight of the man's tongue licking Blondie's clit and his finger pressing at her opening made Julie's sex quiver with the memory of times it had been done to her. Meanwhile Blondie's moans stirred her as well. Slowly her passions were fanned, her desires fueled, and her body began to tingle again.

After about fifteen more minutes there were two new people on the screen and she noticed Frank shifting in his seat. Before she could think why this might be, he took her wrist and guided her hand to his lap. Beneath his slacks she felt his hardening cock. The feel of it sent hot air wafting across her embers. Her fingers reflexively dug at the bulge. His hips lifted slightly, applying more pressure. Glancing over she saw a familiar mischievous grin on his face.

"You--," she gasped with surprise.

"Take it out," he nodded.

Once again she recalled his comment during dinner and she understood more of what he had meant. The idea of going down on him here, where they could easily be seen, worried her. For the second time that night she hesitated, momentarily considering a protest. But she knew it would be useless. He was extracting his concessions his way and if she argued, she might not like the result.

"Do it," he hissed, having grown impatient.

Her hand went to his zipper. Pulling it down she reached inside to find that he had not worn any underwear, making it easy for her to release his cock. Once it was out her fingers wrapped themselves around the shaft, gently squeezing it. Bolts of electricity raced from the feel of his warm flesh to her newly smoldering loins. Slowly she started to stroke him, pulling him to a full erection. The feel of the thickening shaft made her nerves tingle excitedly. She stroked him and watched the woman on the screen, this one a brunette, take the man in her ass. Waves of desire coursed through Julie's body. Her breathing grew shallow, her flesh warm. Her eyelids grew heavy. With a sigh she laid her head on Frank's shoulder. Her eyes slid down from the movie to watch her hand and his rigid cock. She could see the head of it shimmer with the precum she felt lubing them. She licked her lips as she stroked him, her hand gently pulling and squeezing his cock.

"Suck it," he urged.

She thought about where they were and who could see them, who would be able to see her sucking his cock. She knew the guy behind her, the one in the brown cap, would be able to. Even though he could not actually see Frank's cock, or her mouth on it, he would see her lean into Frank's lap and know what she was doing. Other than that she could not tell who might see them. Again she wondered how far Frank intended to take things, if he was only expecting her to suck him off. Or if there was more. But she knew there was no way of finding out in advance without angering him. And so she leaned down. She held his cock straight up while lowering her mouth to it. She reached out with her tongue and licked the head, tasting his precum. This sent a wave of hot sparks shooting along her nerves. She swirled her tongue around the head a few times then slid it down a couple inches along the shaft. Now she tasted his flesh, and that fueled her desire even more. Blast after blast of heated air blew across her embers, fanning them until she felt the first flames flickering to life. Placing her lips on the head she slowly applied pressure. Her lips parted then gradually slid down and over the shaft, engulfing the first inches of it in her warm, wet mouth. She continued down until she was stopped by her fingers. The sensation of the shaft slipping along her lip's delicate nerves added more fuel to her building desires. With her lips and fingers touching she froze for a minute, sucking and rolling her tongue over his flesh.

"Oh God yes. That's so good," Frank sighed happily.

With a slow deliberateness she began to pump her mouth up and down him, sliding her lips along his shaft while squeezing and tugging the base. Her tongue swirled over his flesh, her mouth sucked on him. Her breasts were pressed against the armrest, fueling an ache within the mounds. Her loins grew hotter, her lust becoming fully enflamed. Between her legs she grew damp.

"Mmmm," she moaned quietly.

She heard the movie actress moaning louder, heard Frank's sighs of pleasure. After a couple minutes he laid a hand on the back of her head and applied pressure. She understood, but knew she could not do it properly in her present position.

"Take it all, slut. Deep throat me," he growled, pressing harder on her skull.

Reluctantly she pulled her mouth off his cock while keeping her fingers wrapped around it, unwilling to loose the feel of it throbbing in her grip. Placing her knee under her in the chair she set her other foot on the floor so that she was lifted up and able to position her mouth directly above the rigid shaft in her grasp. This also meant her ass was stuck back and her legs were parted slightly, issues that would not have bothered her except that she realized it gave the guy behind her a tantalizing view. Immediately she became self-conscience and before she lowered her mouth to Frank once more she reached back to pull her skirt down, snugly covering her vulnerable ass as best as possible.

A moment later this purposeful act proved useless though.

As her lips slid down the length of Frank's cock his hand moved away from her head to slip down along her back. With her nose buried in his crotch she felt him pull her skirt up, piling it around her waist and exposing her ass. She imagined what the cap wearing guy could now see; her round, bare ass cheeks swaying in the air. She pictured him sitting back there staring at her, at her defenseless ass.

Then she felt Frank's fingers on the inside of her thigh, felt them slipping up along her flesh to where her legs met. Where her pussy was. With a shock she realized that the guy could also see this, that he could see her sex and Frank's fingers touching her there. At first the idea of being so exposed made her flinch mentally. But as Frank's fingers delved between her legs, as they pressed at her slit and massaged her labia, she reflexively rolled her hips, rubbing herself at the digits. An ache was stirred in her pussy and she felt her juices making her wet. That wetness allowed Frank's fingers to slip between her lips and into her slit, applying pressure at her opening. New, lustful flames ignited within her loins. Her hips jerked from the near penetration. And suddenly their audience fell under a different light, she started to be excited by the idea of the man seeing her husband touch her sex.