Company Policy Pt. 14

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Part 14 of the 16 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 04/12/2022
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~Part Fourteen~

Shelby slept fitfully. She had bizarre dreams of being up on the conference room table again. She dreamed that Lillianna had returned as CIO and she had made Shelby participate in another staff meeting. But this time it was even worse. Shelby was chained to a wall and was made to sexually service the entire company, and no condoms were available. It looked more like a gang bang than anything else. At the end of her dream, Nancy was so disgusted and repulsed by her she got fired and sent back home to Mike.

Mike was drinking a beer and scowling when she awoke several hours later. She stumbled out into the living room, a headache very much firmly established. "This whole situation is bullshit," he said, reading a page of notes he'd taken. "We can't do anything to them. We can't touch them! I don't know what to do!"

Shelby sat down on the couch and looked at Mike. "What's wrong, baby?" He asked.

Shelby's mouth moved before she could stop herself. "I...I have to go back," she said.

Mike's mouth fell open. "What?! What are you talking about?" He asked.

"I'm sorry. But I do," she said, rubbing her temples.

Mike stood up from his recliner and walked over to her. "Has something happened? Why would you say that?"

"I don't know if I should tell you," she said. Mike sat down next to her on the couch. Shelby shook her head but a tear fell. "I have to go back to her."

"Shelby!" Mike said. "This doesn't make any sense! Why?"

"I know it doesn't. But...but I just have to."


She trembled all over, figuring Mike would probably find out anyway. "Look, they know where I am. It's not that hard to know where I'd go. They know how to find me. They know I started the fire."

"Wait a second. How do you know that they know this?"

Shelby just looked away.

"Did they come here or something? To the trailer?!" He asked, shocked.

Shelby looked back at Mike and nodded once.

A muscle along his jaw twitched. "Did they threaten you?" He asked angrily.

Shelby shrugged.

"Well, then we'll hide you somewhere! That way they can't find you!"

Shelby chuckled unhappily "No," She said. "I don't think I can go anywhere to get away from them," she said. More tears fell.

"Well, we'll go even higher. We'll call the FBI," Mike said.

But Shelby just chuckled. "The FBI? What, so they can put me in witness protection?"

Now it was Mike's turn to shrug. "If we have to. Yes."

"This just gets crazier and crazier. Where does it end?" Shelby asked.

Mike hugged her. "But baby. Going back to her? There has got to be a different way."

But Shelby shook her head. "I don't see it."

Mike just held her. "What can I do to help you?"

"Just hug me tight," she said.


Shelby took the car when Jamie eventually brought it back. She went by herself to Marie's Dining and ordered her favorite meal there: the chicken salad sandwich, seasoned fries, and a pickle. She coincidentally sat in the same booth and in the same spot that she had sat in with her friends a scant week ago. She stared out the window at the Addington Building. It was going to be her home again. She couldn't deny the foreboding she felt in the pit of her stomach about going back.

Suddenly Michelle was there in a flurry at her table. She looked incredibly worried.

"Michelle?!" Shelby said. She stood up and hugged her best friend tightly.

Michelle slid into the booth across from Shelby. "I stopped by at your place and your stepdad sort of filled me in on what's been going on. No wonder you had been ignoring my texts and my calls! I thought I'd done something to piss you off!" She said.

Shelby shook her head vehemently. "No. Not at all. They took my phone, is all. And I still don't have it back," Shelby said ruefully.

Michelle scowled. "So...tell me everything that happened. It sounds more than bizarre."

Shelby ate and talked. Michelle's vegetable soup came and Shelby still talked. Their dessert came and Shelby was still talking. Finally she stopped to take a breath.

Michelle shook her head. "I don't...girl, I don't know what to say!" She said. "I feel for you. I really do!"

"They've kind of got me between a rock and a hard place," Shelby said.

"Yeah, they do," Michelle agreed. "So...what do you plan on doing?"

"I can't take Nancy coming into my room, or showing up whenever I least expect it. That will drive me crazy. I'll always be on the lookout for her. That's no way to live."

Michelle nodded. "Keep your friends close and your enemies even closer?" She offered.

Shelby shrugged. "Kind of. Though I don't see Nancy as my enemy. Exactly." Shelby put her head in her hands. "God. It's so complicated!"

Michelle nodded. "Babe, it sounds like it."

"I have to move back in with her. At least for the time being."

Michelle just shook her head.

"I have to go back and see if the situation can at all be changed."

Michelle gave her a very small smile.

But Shelby, an optimist at heart, couldn't deny that she also felt a teeny tiny bit of hope about the whole affair. Maybe she really could change some things. Maybe she could change Nancy's mind. Anything was possible, right? Maybe it could be different. She wasn't sure, but she had to try.

She looked out the window up at the fourth floor. There was already scaffolding there. Evidently repairs had already begun to the exterior of the building.

After lunch she and Michelle walked over to the building to get a closer look. The workers high on the scaffolding waved at them and they waved back. Shelby admired them for being able to work so high up in the air without their knees shaking.

She took a deep breath and walked over to the front doors of the Addington Building. She gave Michelle a hug. "I don't know what to say," Michelle said. "Hopefully this isn't really goodbye?"

Shelby shrugged slightly. "I'm going to try my damndest so that it's not."

And she rang the call button.

"Can I help you?" Said the tinny male voice from the speaker.

"Shelby Jacobson to see Nancy Addington."

"Do you have an appointment?"

"No, but you can bet your ass that she'll see me," Shelby said.

She waited a minute outside and then heard the click of the door being unlocked.

Shelby gave a small wave to Michelle as she disappeared into the building. Michelle returned her wave and blew her a friendly kiss.

"She'll meet you in the apartment on the fourth floor," the security guard said after he made a short phone call. "Come with me and I'll unlock it for you."

Shelby felt her stomach clench as she rode the elevator up to the burnt floor. It still smelled like smoke and pieces of the rugs were missing, presumably burnt sections that had been cut off. The place was a flurry of activity. Workers walked up and down the fourth floor hallways fixing what could be fixed and repairing what could not.

The apartment was empty when she got there. She sat down on the couch. It smelled good in the apartment, like the ocean or something. Nancy must have gotten some air fresheners. Nothing in there had been destroyed.

Shelby didn't have to wait long until she heard the doorknob turn and Nancy walked in.

Nancy walked up to where she sat on the couch and just stood looking down at her. "So. You're back?"

Shelby waited a beat and then nodded. "I don't want to go to jail for arson," she said.

"Smart girl," Nancy said. "Now, I want you to go into the-"

"But, I think we need to lay a few ground rules first," Shelby said, interrupting Nancy.

"Oh? Ground rules?" Nancy's eyebrows shot up and she grinned. "Look at you. You're in negotiation mode. Although I don't know that you have anything much to negotiate with."

Shelby scowled. "Do you want to hear my terms or not?"

Nancy sat down next to Shelby on the couch, leaned back, and crossed her legs. "Why not? This might be amusing. Shoot." She crossed her arms over her chest, waiting.

Shelby frowned. She didn't like Nancy's attitude or her tone, but she continued. "You can't keep me a prisoner here. I have a life outside. I have a family and I have friends I like to do things with. This is non negotiable."

Nancy grinned again. "So you want to go out every once in awhile. Hum. What else?"

"So. Will I be able to?"

"Keep going," Nancy urged. "Lay everything out for me. While I'm still listening."

Shelby pursed her lips together. Why was Nancy being so difficult? "Fine. Okay, no more anal sex."

Nancy laughed out loud. "But you like it."

Shelby immediately turned red. "I do not."

Nancy leaned toward her. "When I was in your bedroom, and when I was fucking you with that anal toy, do you realize how wet you were?"

"It was because I had come so many times. That's why," Shelby said tartly.

Nancy shook her head and laughed again. "No deal. You need anal, Shelby, and I'll give it to you."

"I do not!" Shelby's face turned even more red.

Nancy waved her hand. "It's a moot point. What's your next demand?" She asked.

Shelby sighed in frustration, but she pushed on. "I get my cell phone and my purse back. I get a computer that I can check my personal email on."

Nancy nodded. "Fine. What else?"

"Keys. A full set of elevator and apartment keys. If I want to go get my hair cut somewhere other than Skön, I want to be able to go by myself."

Nancy nodded. "Okay. Next?"

"I want to wear my normal clothes."

Nancy shook her head. "No. You wear the wrap dress like every other assistant. I want you easy access for me, at all times."

Shelby frowned. "In the office, that's fine," she said. "But if I'm going out, I will not wear the wrap dress. I'll look like a freak in this town. You have to know this."

"What else?" Nancy said, not addressing it.

Shelby pressed on. "I want this apartment to not look like a mental hospital. It needs glassware and real cutlery. I'm tired of trying to eat everything with a plastic spork."

Nancy nodded. "Only if you promise not to hurt me."

Shelby scoffed, surprised. "I thought it was because you didn't want me to hurt myself."

"Well, that too. It goes both ways."

"Okay. Yes. I promise."

"What else?"

"Nobody touches me here but you."

Nancy nodded with a big grin. "That's the way I like it anyway."

"And if anything happens like what happened in the conference room again, I'm out of here for good," she said. "Fuck everything else, and there will be no charges brought against me."

Nancy nodded. "Deal. What else?"

"No more restraints."

Nancy sighed. "I want you when I want you. Sometimes it's necessary when you don't want to comply."

Shelby sighed. "Okay, then. I'll comply."

"Really?" Nancy asked. But she looked doubtful.

"Yes. But I want to have a say of what goes on in the bedroom...or wherever sex occurs. You're not my Domme. Sex is between two consenting people who both get to decide what happens."

"Well," Nancy said, "that depends entirely on what the situation brings. I know what's best for you, and-"

"You do not know what's best for me!" Shelby exclaimed loudly. "God, you're so unbelievably bossy! Why does it always have to be your way?"

Nancy grinned. "Because it just does."

Shelby rolled her eyes. "So, when do I get to wear the harness? Turnabout is fair play, isn't it?"

"Where did you hear that?"

Shelby chuckled. "I figure if you can fuck me up the ass whenever you want, surely I can do the same to you!"

Nancy blinked. "We'll, you could, but there's more to it than just the fucking. You can't just shove it in and go to town. I gauge your arousal. I make sure you're nice and wet. I lick your pussy. Who's going to lick mine?" Nancy asked.


"Yeah. 'Oh'."

"Well... I've gone down on a guy before. How different can it be?"

Nancy leaned towards her again. "It's so much better."

Shelby turned pink again.

"Okay. Is that all?"

Shelby shrugged. "For now."

Nancy nodded and thought for a moment. "If I agree to let you leave whenever you want, provided you come back, and let you have your cell phone and your purse and a computer with email and a set of keys, you need to agree to a few of my demands."

"Your demands?!" Shelby spluttered. "Like what?!"

"You don't talk about the company to the press or to anyone else."

"Oh. Well, I thought I already agreed to that."

"Just checking. And I reserve the right to touch you anytime and anyplace. And you'll comply."

Shelby hesitated, rolled her eyes, but then nodded. "But not out in public."


"No. You're not going to pull my shirt up or finger me out in public when there's mixed company around. We're going to act like civilized people when we're out and about."

Nancy hesitated but finally nodded. "Ok, fine. Most importantly, I want you to have a ring ceremony with me."

Shelby's eyebrows raised. "What? That again? Why?"

"You're mine. I want the entire company to know you're mine. Nobody else can have you if we have a ring ceremony."

Shelby waited a beat and nodded again. "Fine."

Nancy grinned. "Okay. Now that that's all settled, I want you naked on our bed. Now."

"What, right now?" Shelby squeaked.

Nancy nodded. "Yes. No arguments."

Shelby sighed. "Okay."

They both went into the bedroom. Nancy watched Shelby as she took off all her clothes. She got onto the bed and laid down. "Like this?"

Nancy nodded. Nancy took off all her clothes and got on the bed beside her. "It's time you started touching me. I want you to kiss me."

Shelby felt her cheeks pink up. Why was she so embarrassed to make the first move?

She rolled to her side, leaned in slowly, and kissed Nancy on the lips. When she pulled away Nancy said, "again."

Shelby kissed Nancy again but for a little bit longer this time.

Nancy nodded. "But stop giving me pecks. Give me a deeper kiss."

Shelby sighed. She leaned in and kissed Nancy again, but this time her little tongue came out and pressed against Nancy's lips, asking for entrance. Nancy opened her mouth and Shelby's tongue delved inside. They kissed for a few minutes, then Shelby finally pulled away. "That was good," Nancy said. "Now, kiss me again and touch my breasts. Make my nipples hard."

Shelby kissed Nancy again and she laid her hands on Nancy's breasts. They were so soft and her rosy nipples peaked when Shelby caressed her fingers over them. She lightly pinched them, rolling Nancy's nipples between her thumbs and forefingers.

"Ooh, nice. That feels good. Now, I want you to explore my body. I want you to take a taste of me."

Shelby swallowed loudly but nodded, because she knew exactly what Nancy wanted her to take a 'taste' of. "Okay." She moved to where she was sitting beside Nancy's hip. "Spread your legs for me," Shelby said.

Nancy did, and Shelby looked. Nancy's pussy was now pink and hairless. Her clit was a little bit bigger than her own, and it poked out of the top of her labia.

"Use your thumbs. Spread me apart."

Shelby climbed in between Nancy's legs and touched Nancy's outer labia with her thumbs. She spread Nancy open and felt embarrassment flood her body. How could she do this?


Shelby's eyes shot up to Nancy's.

"You're thinking too much. Stop it. My body is just like yours. I want the same things you want."

Shelby nodded. She leaned down slowly and touched her lips to Nancy's hairless mound. She was so soft and smooth. She smelled earthy and clean. Shelby let her tongue just barely flick out and touch Nancy's clit, but she didn't taste anything in particular. She knew she liked it when Nancy sucked on her clit so she figured Nancy might like it too. So she took Nancy's clit into her mouth and she flicked it with her tongue.

"Yes...yes, baby girl...just like that. Put my clit in your mouth. Yes. Taste me."

Shelby felt a little more confident so she touched a thumb to Nancy's hole. She found some wetness there. She rubbed her thumb all around Nancy's hole while she suckled her clit.

"Mmmmm, Shelby. That feels so good! I want even more!"

Shelby twirled her tongue over Nancy's opening. This was where she got a good taste of Nancy's flavor. Nancy really didn't taste much different than herself, because she'd tasted herself before. Nancy tasted musky and dark. It was a good taste, Shelby decided.

Shelby thought the next logical step was to feel Nancy on the inside. "Nancy...can I put my fingers-"

"Yes! Please. Finger me!"

Shelby licked the tip of her pointer finger and lined it up with Nancy's hole. She pushed, and her finger went right in. She slowly pumped her finger in and out.

"Mmmmm...two fingers now, baby. Please," Nancy moaned.

Shelby brought her finger out, lined up her pointer and middle fingers, and slid them both in. "You're so warm," Shelby murmured.

Nancy nodded. "Now finger me and suck me at the same time. Can you do that?"

Shelby leaned down and brought Nancy's clit back into her mouth. Yes, she could easily suck her clit and finger her pussy at the same time.

Nancy abruptly sat up on her elbows. "I want to play with you a little bit now," Nancy said.

Shelby laid back down on the bed. Nancy pushed her knees up and out so she was spread wide open. Nancy rubbed her nose on Shelby's red heart that was on her mound. Shelby thought Nancy might lick her clit, but instead, Nancy leaned up and touched her nipples.

"You have the prettiest breasts, baby." Nancy went back and forth licking and sucking on them. Shelby's nipples hardened quickly and stayed hard since they were now wet and the air was cool.

Nancy gently kissed Shelby's lips. Then she kissed her harder. Shelby kept up with Nancy's kisses, licking and kissing Nancy just as enthusiastically.

"I want you on your knees, baby girl. Ass up. Face down on your pillow."

Shelby moved into position and Nancy put her hands on Shelby's perky ass. "So beautiful." Nancy leaned down and placed several kisses on Shelby's little puffy pussy that poked out between her legs. Then Nancy abruptly spread Shelby's pussy apart and tongued her from behind.

"Oh! God!" Shelby gasped.

"Feel good?"

"Yeah," Shelby said. She felt heat spread throughout her body. Nancy's tongue was dangerous, Shelby had decided. It felt so incredibly good.

"I want to fuck you," Nancy said. "And use the suction toy on you at the same time."

Shelby looked behind her. "Yeah?"

"Don't move," Nancy said.

Nancy grabbed a special dildo from her armoire that Shelby had never seen before

"This is a new dildo I got the other day. It doesn't need a harness. I put one end inside me like this," Nancy said and she slid the short end into her own pussy. "Then the longer end is for you. I've never tried this before. I don't know how it'll work," she said.

Shelby rubbed her nipples on the bedsheets. When she did her ass tipped up and wriggled too.

"You ready for me?"

"Yeah," Shelby said.

Nancy ran the dildo up and down the girl's slit, getting the tip nice and wet. Then she pushed forward and watched the long, thick pink end disappear into Shelby's body. As it slid in, Shelby moaned into her pillow.

"Ooh, that feels good," Shelby murmured.

Nancy started to rock the dildo in and out of her girl, her mound flush with Shelby's pussy when she bottomed out with each thrust. She paused for a second to reach under Shelby to coat her clit with lube. Then she turned on the vacuum toy and held it over Shelby's clit until it sucked it in.

"Mmmmh!" Shelby squealed.


"It's just really intense," Shelby whispered.

It didn't take long until Shelby started coming. Nancy pulled the dildo out and replaced it with her fingers. She felt Shelby's warm pussy squeezing her digits. "That's it, baby girl. Come for me. Come around my fingers."

Shelby shook and shook. Nancy touched Shelby's clit and accompanied by a moan, her pussy rippled a couple more times. "That's my baby girl," Nancy whispered. "That's my baby."