Coming of Age Ch. 08


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Go...Amy told her daughter.

Serenity didn't need to be told twice, both minds the beast and the woman focused on their mate, on claiming her properly. She ran off into the night with good natured laughter and encouragement following her. She ran hard and fast and within fifteen minutes she was back at the manor. The house was dark but the doors had been left open just in case someone wanted to come back. Silently she padded into the house and made her way to her room where she and her mate rested.

The door was before her; the beast growled at the obstacle and urged the human side, which was in control, to bash it down.No need... we will scare her.Serenity changed her shape, shifting smoothly into her hybrid form; once the shift was over she willed her body into the room.

Crystal was naked on the bed; a black satin sheet had been kicked down to the bottom of the bed leaving her exposed. She appeared to be fast asleep and laying on her belly.

Serenity didn't move; her great head turned from left to right until she spotted the box Mia had given her earlier. Willing her surrogate into her hands she studied it for long moments before placing it where it was meant to go. Silently she stalked to the bed, gently she leant down, placing her hands either side of Crystal's body she growled and licked her mate's back.

Crystal hummed, "I've been waiting for you to get your arse in here."

Huh?Serenity said even as she started to groom her mate.

"I heard you shift," Crystal explained squirming a little from the rough tongue.


"Shut the flap and lock it please." Crystal asked as well as explained how she had heard her mate. All the rooms in the house were soundproofed if the windows and doors were shut. Serenity turned her head and willed the flap shut and locked it as well as the door.

I hope you've slept... because you won't get any more tonight.Serenity warned as she moved Crystal to lie across the bed.

Serenity growled gently before she snaked her tongue out to lick the crease between arse and left thigh. Crystal tried to squirm away but Serenity placed a paw on Crystal's back and just held her down. Serenity growled a gentle warning, to stay still, she would have to get used to the rougher texture of her shifted tongue, because the beast would not live with tasting her just once. She moved her head and lapped gently at her mate's centre.

"Fuck," Crystal said as she tried to get free, the texture of Serenity's tongue was painful against her sensitive sex. Serenity growled again but Crystal didn't stop, Serenity moved away from the delightful smell of her mate's core and carefully trapped Crystal's neck with her teeth. Crystal stilled instantly, she hadn't been aware that Serenity could use her teeth like this, it made her feel defenceless.

I won't hurt you.Serenity told her firmly,you are my mate, the other part of my soul. Hurting you would be like hurting myself. But you must come to realise that both aspects of my personality want you, want to be with you, want to love you and mate you. You need to get used to this or it will place a strain on us.

"This... fine no tongue." Crystal said firmly.

Serenity growled and Crystal suddenly found her arms and legs restrained leaving her spread out over the bed, she tried to break the ropes but nothing happened, they remained whole. "What are you doing?"

You will learn to love my tongue.The beast within Serenity told its mate its voice was a deep growling sound.I will not hurt you... trust me.

"Undo these ropes and I won't stop you." Crystal said.

There was a sneeze in response to that,I didn't believe that any more than you did when you said it.Serenity rubbed her face against Crystal's back.If Destiny hadn't liked Susan's beast she would have warned you. Relax... please.

"Easy for you to say, you aren't tied up!" Crystal snapped.

Serenity ignored her and started to groom her mate's body with slow long swipes of her rough tongue, Crystal squirmed trying to get away from Serenity's tongue but Serenity met every movement, every squirm and when she came to a particular spot which caused serious squirming she exploited it until Crystal stilled. "Please... no more," Crystal begged as Serenity licked at her left underarm.

Magic words?Serenity asked.

Fuck me,Crystal said starting to quiver, she was surprised, Serenity had been slowly licking her body for at least half an hour, she didn't think that she would be aroused by Serenity's tongue slowly moving over her body, she was wrong,verywrong. There had been nothing sexual about the licking, in fact Serenity hadn't gone near her sex, but her body was dripping, she knew Serenity could smell her but she hadn't taken advantage of it.

Those aren't the magic words,Serenity replied even as she moved into position to join their bodies. She knew this would be a very different feeling for Crystal and hadn't wanted to rush this.

"Please... I love your tongue but I need more." Crystal begged hoping that those were the magic words.

The beast growled deeply as her arms hooked around Crystal's hips and lifted them to make joining their bodies easier. Crystal tensed as she felt hot breath on the back of her neck but relaxed a little the moment she felt Serenity's tongue against the skin of her neck. Crystal relaxed further after a second lick, she felt a poke as Serenity tried to bring their bodies together; she missed and tried again.

Crystal groaned as she felt Serenity finally find her mark, Serenity shifted slightly then pushed forward. Crystal didn't seem to mind Serenity pushing forward, she did however mind when Serenity pulled back. The small barbs on Serenity's surrogate pulled painfully on Crystal's core. She cried out but could do nothing but accept Serenity's cock.

Serenity was being as gentle as she could keeping her thrusts short, she had spoken to Susan about this and Susan had explained that as long as she was gentle Crystal would find pleasure. Crystal bit the blanket beneath her to help with the pain but she couldn't keep back her cries and grunts as Serenity moved. After a short while Crystal's cries were not of pain but of joy as her body adjusted to the barbs and the motions.

Serenity grunted as she felt herself climax, she held herself tightly to Crystal who groaned in disappointment she was so close to her climax. Serenity jumped back suddenly, tearing her body away from Crystal's. Crystal cried out in bliss as that movement triggered her orgasm.

"Fuck." Crystal said as she collapsed on the bed her body a quivering mess.

Serenity chuffed and crawled back onto the bed, she started to lick the sweat from Crystal's already sensitive body. Crystal moaned and wished she could roll over, her nipples needed attention and she suddenly had the thought that Serenity's rough tongue would be perfect for the job.

"I want your tongue on my nipples, my stomach... everywhere." She begged and a moment later the ropes which had bound her for the last forty five minutes were gone. Serenity raised herself up and using a paw turned Crystal onto her back.

I told you that you would come to love my tongue;Serenity said as she leant down and started the pleasurable process of grooming Crystal's front half. Crystal arched up giving her mate the clear message to play attention to her nipples. Serenity took her time getting to where Crystal wanted her.

"Yes I love your tongue, I want your tongue." Crystal said her voice a little rough from all her crying out. She was actually glad the rooms were sound proofed as she was sure they would have attracted everyone in the house by now. Her hands gripped at the fur around Serenity's neck, tugging her to where she wanted her.

Serenity huffed in annoyance but let Crystal lead her to her nipples but didn't lick them, no she licked all over her breasts before finally stroking her tongue over the nipple. Crystal felt as if electricity had been shot through her body, she cried out when the second lick hit her other nipple.

Serenity growled and hooked her arms back around Crystal's hips, lifting them up to the perfect height for their coupling. Crystal panted and wrapped her legs around Serenity, "tie them," she ordered breathlessly as she wanted her legs to stay around Serenity. Serenity did as she asked then licked at Crystal's throat. Serenity found Crystal's entrance and slammed home causing Crystal to scream as she came almost instantly.

Serenity purred as she started to move, jerking her hips in and out as her own pleasure started to build. There was nothing gentle about this, Crystal's body accepted hers now, needed it and wanted it, letting Serenity's beast and cat nature take over.Don't forget to bite her,Serenity reminded the beast before the beast pushed their human side back, this was her time.


Rayven woke with a groan, she stilled instantly as she felt something move beside her. Turning slowly she was met with a little wolf cub on its back with its paws in the air. She went to roll onto her back but stilled as she felt another small body at her back. Glancing back she was met with another small wolf cub only this one was awake. Its tail wagged furiously before it yapped and pounced waking the other cub.

Rayven didn't know what to do so held still even as the cub at her back got her hair and tugged at it, the cub which had been asleep started to play bite her hand. She sighed with relief when Thais walked into the room yawning, he was wearing only a pair of boxers which showed off his body to perfection.If only he wasn't gay...Rayven wished silently. "Help," was what she said aloud.

"They just want to play, be gentle." He explained.

"How did they get in, the door was shut?" Rayven complained as she carefully got her hair free and sat up.

Thais chuckled and shut the door; he knelt and pushed at a panel which swung open like a pet flap. "All the doors have a child size flap in them. We never turn away a cub that wants comfort." He explained. "Those two are Willow and Briar and they belong to Maria and Eric."

"Why me?" Rayven asked as she flipped one of the cubs onto their back and playfully rubbed the little boy's belly.

Thais shrugged and flopped onto the bed only to be attacked by Willow. "It's always interesting the way cub's chose who they sleep with. Crystal woke her first morning to find us in her bed."

"That didn't answer my question," Rayven complained even as she moved her hand keeping Briar from catching it.

Why her?Thais asked the cubs.

She smelt funny so we went to investigate then we just fell asleep.Willow told him.

"They were curious of your scent. Then they decided to sleep." Thais explained with a shrug.

"Will this happen often?" She asked.

Thais shrugged, "Who knows, just accept it."

"How long until..." Rayven paused as the door opened and Amy leant on the door jam. "I guess that answersthatquestion. Can I have coffee first?" She asked Amy.

"I would never deny anyone a coffee." Amy said before she left and started knock on doors waking people.

"Ma is as hopelessly addicted to coffee you are." Thais explained as he stood and scooped up Willow. "Come on Briar, let Rayven dress in peace."

Maria as if on cue appeared and gave her twins a disapproving look which had both putting their ears down. She turned to Rayven, "I hope they didn't bother you, I know you aren't accustomed to cubs."

"It's okay, Thais saved me. It was just a shock to find them there this morning." Rayven answered as she got up.

Maria nodded in understanding, "if you like we can lock the swing panel."

"No... it's okay... I'll get used to it." Rayven answered.

Maria smiled, "you'll fit in fine." She said and closed the door once Briar was out. Thais put Willow down and the two cubs followed their mother.

Sky walked out of her room as she yawned and stretched.

"Sleep well?" Thais asked.

"Not really, not until you guys were a few miles away and I couldn't hear you." Sky answered.

"If you like I can get da to have someone look at the sound-proofing; you shouldn't have heard us last night." Thais replied.


"Coming down for breakfast?" Thais said as he turned and went to walk away.

"Are you going to get dressed or do you usually run around in boxers?" Sky asked.

Thais glanced down and suddenly a pair of sweats appeared on his body but nothing else. "Naked isn't wrong in this house." He reminded his friend.

"Just don't do naked at our house." Jasmine said joining them.


Destiny met Amy at Serenity's and Crystal's room. Amy grinned at Destiny, "Let's wake them up." They both grinned a little deviously, Amy unlocked the door and they walked in, the scent of sex and blood washed over them. They walked further into the room and over to the sleeping pair. Serenity was curled protectively around her mate, the moment she had fallen asleep her body had shifted back to its human form.

A growl came from Serenity as she smelt their approach, an eye cracked open but it took a moment before the beast recognised the people and retreated. Serenity yawned and stretched rubbing her body against Crystal who mumbled a complaint.

"Wow... you wore her out." Destiny said in a teasing tone which caused Amy to laugh.

Crystal opened her eyes and moaned as they focused on the clock, the cat had only let her go to sleep an hour ago. "Let me sleep."

"Aw come on, today is fight day and you'll miss it." Destiny complained.

Amy's nose was twitching, the beast within her wanted a closer sniff, Amy pulled her back but she now had a good prompt to get them out of bed. "You have a choice, get out of bed or we'll join you."

"You wouldn't!" Serenity exclaimed.

"My beast wants to taste, she has no qualms about you being our daughter." Amy explained.

"And if I get to taste Susan will be here in an instant to get her own taste." Destiny added.

"Wolfgang would probably come to see what I was up to." Amy agreed although inside both she and Destiny were laughing at Crystal and Serenity's mortified looks. Serenity was out of bed in a flash and helping Crystal up. Crystal moved slowly to the bathroom, her body was tender, she was glad that Destiny and Amy remained silent as she hobbled pass them.

Amy and Destiny left the room and shut the door firmly before both started to laugh.

"Just curious..." Destiny asked as they stopped laughing, "If they hadn't gotten out would you have crawled in?"

"The beast... doesn't care that Serenity is our daughter, she was curious about the smell and wanted a taste. Hell Serenity can't talk; all three have tasted and smelt us." Amy answered.

Destiny shook her head, "I could live with Were for a thousand years and still not get them."

Amy chuckled, "You need to spend more time in Susan's mind when her beast is in control. You'll understand us better when you do." Amy continued down the hall knocking on doors.


Crystal grimaced as she tried to move her left arm but couldn't as pain shot through her. "Sorry," Serenity said and helped Crystal get dressed.

"I know and it's not your fault... I blame your beast, she just couldn't get enough, it was sex, rest, sex, groom, sex, rest, sex, groom..." Crystal said her voice still rough from all the screaming she did last night, explaining her current state.

Serenity chuckled, "You obviously don't know much about cats, that is how they breed. It isn't a one shot deal but a long succession of mating."

Crystal sighed, "And I know that isn't a one shot deal."

Serenity gathered her close and kissed her deeply. "True, but tonight it's your turn."

A goofy grin appeared on Crystal's face as she realised that it would be her turn to make Serenity scream. Serenity wrapped an arm around Crystal's body putting the paralysed arm between them to protect it but not make it obvious. They left their room as Jay yawned and stretched as he left his room, followed by one of Haley's omegas.

"Enjoy yourself?" Serenity asked and Jay grinned.

"Immensely," he replied hooking an arm around the woman in question and gave her a kiss, "but it was nothing on the sexual energy radiating out of your room." The woman in question slipped from Jay's embrace and straightened her clothes. Her eyes didn't meet Serenity's as she mumbled something and went to flee back to the kitchen or some chore.

"Are you new?" Serenity asked stilling the young woman.

She nodded her answer.


"She is Gina's daughter, you remember Gina right?" Amy said as she joined them.

"Gina..." Serenity thought about it carefully, "oh yeah, the building super, she married Mike right?"

The young woman nodded.

"Her name is Mary, her parent's decided she needed to gain confidence so asked for her to come here to work." Amy explained.

"And you would do anything for Gina." Serenity stated to which her mother nodded.

"I'm not the only one; your uncle Gillian is just as protective of Gina." Amy answered as she wrapped an arm around Mary, "when someone asks you a question... answer it verbally."

"Yes Alpha..." Mary answered.

"Amy..." Amy corrected, "I used to change your nappies young lady so no need to be so formal."

Mary blushed, "Sorry, excuse me I have duties to preform," she bowed her head and quickly left.

Amy turned to Jay and gave him a knowing look, "Mary hasn't really lived a pack life, her step father has tried to get her to integrate but her mother has issues and is over protective because of them. Hurt her and Mike will hurt you and Gina will become over protective again." She warned before she turned and walked off.

Serenity shrugged to Jay and followed her mother.

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tjb50caltjb50calabout 7 years ago


lonesomedove66lonesomedove66about 8 years ago

I have just finished the whole series right up until here then gone onto read the rest and have to agree why aren't you published. Amazing story, amazing series and very well thought out.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago

Who is Gina?

sweetallissweetallisabout 11 years ago
Noooooo I'm caught up :(

I have been reading your story from start to finish going on now for days, hours on end not being able to put it down and now ...i'm caught up now i have to wait just like everyone else *cries*

I was reluctant at first, first chapter didn't totally grab me but it kept my interest, by chapter 2 well what can i say...i'm a fan!

I will be trying to send you a comment in private, a little fact that you might find interesting...

Thank you for your hard work and also to your editor! I'm sorry i couldn't contain my self and leave comments on other chapters, i will from now on :)

Truly LOVE this story and world(s) you have created and hope to read much much more from you in the future!

- Sweet

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago

Just love and enjoy your work. Well done! Why then my title? Simple.. I've been reading non-stop since I've started on your work, sigh.. I hate that I have to wait for another chapter and a possible new series? Grr...

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