Comhlacht Gadaí: The Body Thief

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A car accident leaves one survivor with a dark secret.
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This is a story for the Money Honey writing event.

[0] Prologue

"Wealth. What is its purpose in society? At its simplest, it provides food, shelter, and modest pleasures. At its most complex, wealth can be a tool or a weapon. Indulge me, and I'll expound upon these concepts. All of you are stinkingly rich, and that is why you are here tonight. Money can become a blunt tool, like, say, a hammer. Anyone can pick it up and swing it around or drive in their point like a nail. But that isn't the end of the hammer we are interested in tonight. No. The other side is a precise tool. Why? It applies pressure or force to a focal point. You try pulling a nail out of wood with your fingers, and you'll get nowhere. When wealth is applied correctly, it can multiply the energy you put into it for greater rewards. Ah, I see you grasp my meaning. Let me continue. I am here to channel the wealth in this room into a candidate who will, with your generous support, become the next president of the United States. Surely you want that person to understand your needs and guide this great nation in a direction that not only increases your already formidable investments but opens up new opportunities for growth and power."

"Why do you need our help our support?"

"I'm glad you asked. This candidate can bankroll their campaign quite easily, and then they'd be beholden to no one. They could chart whatever course they wanted, pass whatever legislation that took their fancy. Do you want a president that ignores your concerns? I mean, why should they listen to you when at a critical moment, you failed to show your support for them? I know what you are thinking. They could pay for the ads, the air time, and all the countless miscellaneous things that are the backbone of a political run for the White House. You've seen the polls and how popular this person is. Do you want to be behind them or in their way? Will you use your wealth as a blunt instrument, or will you wisely apply it focus it on one person? So, I ask you, ladies and gentleman, who do you want as the next president?"

[1] Breaking Storm

I woke to someone pounding on the door to the bathroom stall. Oh shit, I passed out again. I finished up and apologized. The floor and wall kept trying to trade places, and I knew it was time to call a taxi and get home. I splashed water on my face, but it did little good. I don't remember drinking so much that I'd feel like this I must have hit it pretty hard at some point. Where the hell was Leo? I tugged on the men's room door, and it wouldn't open.

"Push, dumbass," a well-groomed guy in an expensive suit laughed.

I leaned against the door, and voila, it opened. Leo was easy to spot. He was the tall, handsome guy with four fine bitches hanging on his every word. I was his average-looking wingman that, if I was lucky, picked up his rejects and made them forget Leo for a while. Hell, I worked out more than him. I pushed my endurance just to please the ladies because of him. I even reached the top of my classes to prove I wasn't a nobody. In the end, it didn't matter. He had money, good looks, and his father, a federal judge guiding him to success.

"Are you running for Congress?" One of the girls asked.

"It is a bit of a secret, but yeah, once I pass the bar," Leo halted and looked guilty as hell.

"So us going into practice together was another lie," I growled. The blast of thunder drowned out the curses I let fly. "I am calling a cab. I am too shit-faced to drive."

"Wait, sorry ladies, friendship first," Leo poured on the charm. "I hope you understand."

They did. The women always understood poor Leo. I must have been an idiot to think we were friends.

"Listen, I'll drive you home, and we can talk," Leo said.

"You have to be as drunk as I am," I fired off. "You need to get a taxi and get home safe." Despite my anger, I didn't want him to get hurt. I guess we were friends after all.

"I've only had a couple of beers," Leo explained. "Those were over an hour ago. What's with you? You have been drinking soda most of the night. Besides, I can't leave the Bugatti in a parking lot again. Dad will lose his shit. He might even take it away."

"I don't know. I woke up in the bathroom feeling like crap and dizzy as all hell." I looked at Leo, and he looked stone-cold sober for once. He usually hit it hard until they kicked us out. Tonight was the exception, thank goodness. "If you are sure you are sober. Fine, it sounds like the weather is about to turn to shit."

"I will go slow as hell," Leo promised.

That little voice in the back of my head felt his sincerity. I squeezed my eyes shut, fought off the latest wave of dizziness, and nodded. God forgive me, I agreed. He paid our tab, and true to his word, he took his sweet time until the storm broke over our heads. The sky opened up, and a torrent of water fell, nearly obscuring the road. I begged him to pull over, but for once, Leo was right. The two-lane street was not the place to stop the car. Someone would be sure to slam into the Bugatti, and injuries ensue. I looked on the right side of the road for a turn-off, and he searched the left. We were topping a rise when I saw the tiny strip mall's neon sign. It flickered weakly, but it gave us hope and a spot to pull over safely.

"I see it," Leo said, smiling. "I'll call dad and tell him we are going to be late and why."

"He might even call you responsible for once," I said as we topped the rise. The steep angle of the road and the nearly flooded conditions went against us. The soft metallic click preceded the ass-end of the car, starting to slide towards the driver's side. Leo overcorrected, and he lost control from there. I had a sudden flashback to a scene from the Doctor Strange movie. The Bugatti spun off the road like Captain America's shield and into the trunk of the ancient oak tree. Gravity did the rest. I lost consciousness somewhere between the second and third downward rotation.

The next clear memory was floating underwater. Below me is the perfect abyss, and above the dappled light of day. I swam upward, but I wasn't alone. Leo was next to me, and we fought our way to the surface. He desperately tried to pull me down, but friend or no, I wasn't going to drown. My head broke the surface, and I awoke.

[2] Awakening

Six months had passed since the accident. I learned from my night nurse that the doctors placed me in a coma to treat swelling in my brain. I was lucky to be alive. No visitors were allowed for the next three days to allow me time to recuperate some of my strength. I surprised doctors and nurses alike. For a guy in a near-fatal accident, I was walking with a cane for just a day. After that, I was mobile on my own by the fourth day. I was a bit shaky, but it would pass with time.

"Your family is here to see you," the day nurse informed me.

I was sitting by the window soaking in sunlight when they entered.

"Leo, thank god you are alright," June O'Brien, Leo's mother, greeted me.

"Leo? You must be mistaken," I replied. "I'm Stan, Stan Winchester."

"Oh Leo," Mora O'Brien, Leo's little sister, said soothingly. "Stan died in the crash, his body cremated, and his ashes scattered. Daddy paid for the whole thing. It was the least he could do."

"That's right, son," Patrick O'Brien harumphed. "The police cleared you of vehicular manslaughter due to the weather conditions and the markings on the road. Get dressed. We are taking you home."

What the hell was going on? Why are they calling me Leo? The flash of drowning returned, and I felt my body shake. The old man had pulled me from the lake when I was thirteen. I could almost feel the water in my lung once more. A coughing fit took hold as I tried to expel the nonexistent fluid from my lungs—the vision of Leo and me under the water. I had kicked him down and away. Only one of us could reach the surface and survive. Had my soul taken over Leo's body? No! Things like that don't happen, or do they? Mora grabbed my arm and clung tight. I had few personal belongings to take except for my watch, cellphone, and granddad's signet ring that he had given me on my eighteenth birthday. No, not my birthday, Leo's.

"I am so confused," I said, and I was released, wheeled down to the car, and soon we were on our way home, Leo's home.

Leo's memories were there as clear as my own. Did his brain cells retain those patterns, and now my mind imprinted over that? I felt ill, and I hadn't seen my reflection yet. Though I had brushed my teeth and done the necessities, I had not used a mirror. A part of me knew something impossible had happened and protected me the only way it could. I stared out the window at the cloudless sky and the traffic moving around us. Whenever I tried to remember the accident, my head throbbed, and I gave up.

"Patience, it will all come back in time," I muttered softly.

The town car entered the gated community, and soon dad, Mr. O'Brien, pulled into the four-car garage. I recognized two vehicles as belonging to mom and my younger sister. The last vehicle had a tarp over it.

"I need to check my student status. I have a bar exam to pass," I said, and my dad's head, I mean Mr. O'Brien's head, whipped around in surprise. "I have every confidence I will pass it on the first attempt."

"Well, god damn, you are full of surprises, son," he said.

"He is your child," mom said with a brilliant smile. June winked at me, and I felt a sudden physical attraction that a son should not feel for their mother. Was it Stan's crush or Leo's libido?

"That he is," dad replied.

We entered the house, and a sudden bout of dizziness struck, and dad caught me and helped me to my bedroom. While I was in the hospital, they converted the guest bedroom on the first floor for my use.

"Doc warned us you might be a little wonky for a while," dad said. "You take your time, and when you are ready, come out fighting. I am so glad you weren't drinking the night of the accident," he paused, and his tone softened. "I am proud of you, and this new attitude gives this old man some hope."

"Just needed a good whack on the noggin to shake the cobwebs loose. I am exhausted."

"Mora, help your brother to bed," dad said.

"Of course," she replied and joined me. "Let me get you your silk pajamas. You always liked wearing those. Red or black?"

"Black," I said. "I am sorry if I worried you. I'd never do anything to hurt you."

"Water under the bridge," Mora said, and the flashback hit like a ton of bricks.

I was back in the water, struggling to reach the surface. I shoved Leo down and used that momentum to breach the surface. Mora had me in a hug with her head on my chest. She was crying. I placed my hand on her head, and the strangest thing happened. She let out a moan. It wasn't a moan of anguish or pain but one of pleasure and sensuality.

"I remember the first time you touched the back of my head," Mora whispered. "You were drunk, and I needed money to buy a dress I liked. Blow me, you said. If you want that damn dress so bad, get down and suck my cock. So I did. You held my head in place, forcing me to swallow. I gulped it down like a good girl, and I bought two dresses. Run your fingers through my hair like old times."

I stroked her hair and even brushed a few from behind her ear. Mora tugged the hospital shirt off and slid the cool black silk shirt on, and then helped me stand.

"Hmm, something is wrong," she said. "What do we have here?" Mora pushed down the blue scrubs, and my erection popped free. "Someone had a growth spurt, a huge one. No way I can deepthroat that monster. Sorry, Leo, I guess it'll be handjobs for now."

Leo was fucking his sister. Holy shit, how depraved was that son of a bitch? Did June know? How do you keep that a secret? I found Mora attractive, and she was strangely accepting of the situation. Something was going on behind the scenes here.

"I better get some rest. I'm not feeling like myself right now," I said as Mora helped me into the silk pants but not without a brief touch. "Naughty you."

"Mmm, you taught me everything I know on that subject. Thanks. Now get some sleep."

I watched Mora leave the room. Someone has been keeping secrets. Leo, you dirty dog, you, fucking your sister. If I didn't feel so drained, I'd hit that until she screamed and woke the entire house. That put a smile on my face. Um, god's I am so confused. Despite the exhaustion, I got back on my feet and made my way to the bathroom. Motion sensors automatically turned on the lights, and I squinted until my eyes adjusted. I moved to the sink and regarded my reflection. Leo's face looked back at me. My psyche lurched and threatened to start screaming. I leaned in and noticed subtle changes, or were they details I just never spotted before?

"I'll be damned. The Bugatti's paint job matched his eyes, my eyes. No wonder the women flock to you. The soft androgynous features, long red hair, and winning smile." I brushed the hair from his ears and damned if they didn't come to a noticeable point. "And half-elven to boot. Now you are burning in hell."

I had to accept the truth. Somehow, I had swapped bodies with Leo. Beyond any rational explanation, this body belonged to me. I tugged off the silk pajamas and looked at the rest of it.

"That ain't right. Those are my abs, not Leo's. Poor Leo, that is my cock. So, you didn't measure up despite your wealth and good looks. Now, I have both." I turned and looked over my shoulder. "Fine, my ass never looked that good. For a new model, it is an upgrade." Those words echoed in my head like a heavy stone in a still pond, and I faced the harsh truth. Stan Ambrose Winchester is dead. Long live Leo O'Brien.

I dreamt of Leo. The stark landscape was charred and looked like a volcanic eruption had struck the area. The sky was black save a single bright star directly overhead. The thing that had been Leo O'Brien staggered into view. A dull, crunching sound accompanied his movements as his flesh cracked, flaked, and fell off. Beneath his skin, a faint ruddy glow seeped like puss from a wound. The worst part was his eyes. Leo's eyes blazed like red hot coals.

"Give me my body back. It should be you burning here," the wraith of Leo O'Brian wailed. "I am alone. Only the star gives me company. Surrender to me, Stan, and give me back what you stole."

"No. You have been fucking your sister. Why would I let you continue to do that?"

"Comhlacht gadaí!" Leo roared in Gaelic. "I curse you, body thief."

The ground rumbled and cracked open as first a dozen, then hundreds of dark, twisted shapes rushed the spot where I was standing. I willed the dream to end. My eyes snapped open, and I wasn't alone in my bed. Some naughty minx had crawled in and was hiding under the blankets. My erection was in her hands as her tongue lapped at it.

"I knew you'd show up eventually," I moaned. "Can't fight fate."

Her lips brushed the tip, and I shivered. I grabbed a pillow and bit into it to not wake the entire house by crying out. For a girl that claimed to be unable to deepthroat, she was doing a bang-up job. I watched the bulge in the covers rise and fall as Mora sucked me off.

"I missed you so damn bad," she whispered. "Warn me so I can swallow."

Mora's hands double fisted my length as her lips worked as much as she could. Maybe it was the hospital stay or the near-death, but soon I patted her head in warning. That pillow muffled my scream as my load rocketed down Mora's throat.

"Oh my, still hard, there's nothing to it then," she said. Mora shifted so that she could straddle me. I kept my face in the pillow as she pushed off the covers and impaled her body on mine.

"Tight," I mumbled as she rode me.

"So damn thick," she gasped. "I'll come in no time on this beast."

I felt Mora lean back, her hands on my legs, and slam her hips into me as hard as she could. She never spoke, only made crude guttural moans as she fucked me. My sister was on a mission to climax, and in that, Mora succeeded. But like the horny little minx she was, Mora didn't stop until I came deep inside of her. Mora spun around and, with her back to me, continued moving. Her curses switched to Gaelic and sounded sexier than ever. When I cupped my hand and slapped her ass, Mora yelped in surprise as she climaxed again. I caught a brief glimpse of her naked back and ass while she sat there recovering. The line of Ogham characters down her spine surprised me. The ancient writing system was exclusive to standing stones and druidical texts. If I read it correctly, it represented the raven goddess Morrigan. I licked my thumb and pressed it against Mora's puckered asshole.

"Hell no," she hissed softly. "Let me get used to it in my pussy."

I withdrew and let her do the work. I watched her ass rise and fall as Mora drove my cock as deep as it could go with each drop of her hips.

"Close," I warned her as I placed the pillow over my head and howled when I climaxed.

While I caught my breath Mora when to work, she licked me clean, covered me up, and vanished into the night. I cursed and got up to take a much-needed piss. Not eager for a repeat of a fainting spell, I moved slow. After flushing, I moved to the sofa and watched some late-night TV until I fell asleep where I sat.

"Morning, son," dad greeted me. "Rought night?"

"Not too bad," I replied. "I woke up and couldn't get back to sleep. I'm going to call the university and see what my status is."

"No need; before I went to bed, I got everything you need. You'll have to retake three courses, and once you pass those, you can apply for the bar exam."

"Thanks, Dad. I appreciate you helping me out," I said, and his face softened.

"Listen, Leo, I know I might have come down hard on you, but I wanted you to succeed. Almost losing you made me rethink everything. What I am trying to say is that I'm sorry. Whatever you decide to do is fine with me."

"I am going to pass the bar. After that, we'll see what happens."

"I have court today, rest up and don't push yourself," he said.

I got up and started a pot of coffee. Mora appeared when the scent reached her room and awoke her. A scantily clad Mora appeared wearing panties that barely covered her naughty bits and the sheer silk top that hid nothing at all.

"You got your nipples pierced twice," I said. "They look like little crosshairs."

"And sensitive as hell," she purred. As she walked past me, I cupped my hand and slapped her ass cheek. "What was that for?"

"Just a little thank you for last night," I replied. "You got over your fear of my growth spurt quickly enough. I came so hard I saw spots." I kissed her cheek, and she pulled back.

"I didn't go to your room last night," Mora said. June O'Brien strode down the stairs like a queen. "Mom strikes again."

That's right, and she is my mom from now on. Then I noticed the lack of a tattoo on Mora's spine. I had missed it when I slapped her ass.

"You snooze, you lose," Mom giggled. "Nothing like riding a big hard cock to help you sleep like a baby."

"I had my face buried in a pillow to keep from howling," I said.

"Mystery woman one, wishful scamp zero," June said with a malicious grin. "You were right, though. Leo is a lot bigger than before the accident."

I poured coffee and fixed it just the way they liked it. How did I know that? I was sure that Leo's memories remained. There could be no doubt of that. I picked up my mug, and mom stared at me suspiciously.


"You are using your left hand," she said.

"So? I've always been a southpaw," I replied, and even Mora joined the conversation.

"No, you haven't," Mora fired back. "Now that I think of it, you used your left hand when you touched my cheek last night. What is going on?"
