Club S.M.

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If I had to describe Hudson Cruz in one word, it would be DELICIOUS. He gives a whole new meaning to tall, dark, and sexy. He's not only sexy as hell he has an all- star sense of humor to go with his immaculate body. I can't seem to get enough of him. Hours of love-making, and my sex is still dripping, and I want more. He is sleeping like a baby I want to wake him, so I reach between his thighs and stroke that gorgeous cock of his. It reacts to my touch, and soon Hudson's sexy blue eyes are staring at me. Yes, right on cue my sex thumps.

"That little cunt of yours is extra greedy today. You go beyond being insatiable Samara."

"I love the way my name rolls off your tongue Hudson."

Hudson cups my face his lips brush across mine, and I can feel my heart speed up as his lips move to my neck. His hot breath was trailing down my spine. Then he stopped, and there was that look, and I knew what was next.

"I love you Samara."

Those three little words and I felt as if my entire world was crashing down around me. I wanted to run, never look back, and I should have the first time he said it, but I stayed against my better judgment. I couldn't leave now if I wanted to, and I don't. I love him to even though I know we will both be hurt. I wanted to scream at him ask him if he knew the truth would he still love me, but instead I fought back the tears that were threatening my eyes. I couldn't let him see me cry, not now there would be plenty time for tears when it was over. I met Hudson's hungry gaze it was then I knew I would give it all up for him if he still wanted me. He was on top of me now and I lost all sense of who I am. I would hold nothing back. I would make love to him like it was the last time. I arched my back reaching for him he knew what I wanted and was more than willing to oblige.

In one swift thrust Hudson was deep inside me. He pushed in and out of me, and I bucked and strained against him positioning myself at a better angle to take him deeper. I needed this even more I needed him. I can feel myself losing control. I almost laugh me not in control. That makes me weak, and vulnerable, but in this moment I didn't care. If this will be the last time we make love, I want to give him my best. I want Hudson Cruz to remember me as I will always remember him hot, sexy and the best fuck ever. Hudson swirled his hips with each thrust giving me what I needed. His exotic moves were working I could feel myself soaring higher, and higher than my orgasm builds.

Hudson knew I was close his hands pushing my hair out of my face. Hudson loved the look in my eyes as I came undone beneath him. Hudson pummeled my sex I could feel the convulsions as they began in my toes working their way up my body until I was trembling from the inside out. My legs squeezed tight around him my hands gripping his ass he flinched as my nails dug into his flesh. I'm reaching straining hard against him as my orgasm crashes through me in violent waves. I'm screaming Hudson's name, as one, last hard thrust my name is spilling from him as his hot liquid flows into me. Hudson rolls to his side pulling me with him cradling me in his arms. We are both panting and breathless, but sated and content. I feel his lips kissing my hair as his breathing slows. I look up at him and he smiles his eyes flutter shut and once again he sleeps. It's then I can no longer hold back the tears and I cry in my lovers arms. When I was sure my last tear had fallen, I left the safe confines of Hudson's embrace. Finding my clothes I dress all the while watching him sleep. I stand there for what seemed like an eternity watching the rise and fall of his chest. Leaning down I place a small kiss on his lips careful not wake him. He whispered my name my heart clenched a single tear fell wetting the small card I had placed on the empty pillow. I turn away hesitating at the door I want to look back, but I can't I fear I won't leave. I turn the knob, and I'm gone. I wanted to tell him I loved him, but would it matter?

I step outside trying to hold it together, but it's no use I fall apart. If this is what it's like to be in love, I don't want it. The depths of emotions are too much for me to handle. Before Hudson my life was simple, less complicated. Yes, it was lonely, but I had the club to keep me busy. Then I met Hudson, and now my life is one big mess, or maybe it was the lie that was eating away at me. As much as I wanted him to understand and still love me I know that doesn't happen in the real world. After all this isn't a fairytale, and I'm not Cinderella. I'm Mistress Samara, and how can I expect Hudson that. I'm the kind of woman that is always in control, hell I get off on being in control. I wanted to punish Hudson Cruz for touching my heart and making me feel that is for the weak. I know what the perfect punishment will be. I think he'd be sexy as hell down on all fours shining my boots with that tongue of his while taking lashes across his tight ass. Oh yea now that makes my sex ache.

I dry the remaining tears from my eyes before entering the club. It's still early and I'm thankful not wanting to explain myself to anyone. I take the elevator to my fifth floor penthouse. I need to be alone to think. now what I need is to wash Hudson Cruz from my flesh. I know I can wash away his touch, even his scent; it's my heart that worries me. The shower can wait I need a drink. I have never been much of a drinker, but right now I needed it. I wanted to numb my senses; it may the only way I make it through the night. I grab the Jack from the bar deciding against the coke and a glass. I turn the bottle up and take a long pull. The burn in my throat reaches my stomach with a vengeance, but I take another long, hard swallow like its water, hoping the burn will erase Hudson from my heart. I slump back into the chair praying intoxication soon claims me.

I open my eyes to the sun going down a half empty bottle at my feet. The pounding in my head was reason enough not to be a drinker. I glance at the clock almost seven I still have plenty time. I have decided on only one client tonight if he shows up. A part of me wished I hadn't left Hudson the invitation, but the lies had to stop he needed to know the truth about me. I needed to know if he could love the real me. I reach for the bottle one more pull and I could face anything. I head for the shower to feel the warmth of the water washing over me, but I know nothing will ever feel as good as the warmth of Hudson's arms.

I try to think about living without him, but hell I couldn't even imagine it. What's worse is I don't want to. The hot water felt good cascading down my body, but it didn't stop the tears that were pouring from my eyes. I sank down in the tub letting every emotion surface holding nothing in as I sobbed until I had nothing left. Falling in love had never been a choice for me, so how had I let it happen? I open my closet scanning my wardrobe looking for the perfect costume. I didn't want to just play the part I wanted to look the part to. I spotted it hidden in the back I only used it on special occasions. I was certain that the black, leather, and crotch less jumpsuit would have Hudson Cruz squirming beneath me. I stood back admiring my body as I pulled the jumpsuit up over me. I like the way it screams powerful. The cool material tight against my flesh, and the way it pushed my breasts up spilling them out. I run my fingertips across my nipples pinching and pulling until hard peaks form under the material. I love to watch myself as I enjoy my body.

My hand glides down my stomach; I spread my legs letting my finger dip between my folds. I think about Hudson's tongue licking and stroking inside me. I'm so aroused my fingers probe deeper, first one then two my head lolls to the side as my fingers work my cunt. Using the pad of my thumb I massage my clit. I know how I like it, and within seconds ripple's of pleasure crash through me. Hudson is right I'm sexy as hell when I cum. Licking the sweet taste from my fingers I finish getting ready. My black, thigh-high boots with the eight inch spikes were just right for tonight's costume. I finish my make-up with a coat of cherry red lipstick. One last glance in the mirror and I'm satisfied.

I attach my cat-o'-nine-tails and my cuffs to my jumpsuit. I smile remembering how I had scored my authentic police handcuffs. Officer Costello was a naughty boy who had enjoyed the caning I had given him so much that he let me keep his cuffs, but me I think it was because I made him fuck me with is toes, and then allowed him to suck them. It was my sweet pussy that awarded me the cuffs. I'm full of nervous energy it's not time, but I'm anxious as hell. I want to get it over with the need to know is killing me. My phone buzzes an incoming text my heart pounds, Hudson's here. My palms sweat, and my hands shake. What's wrong with me? This is so unlike me I'm never nervous before I meet a client, but then Hudson wasn't just a client; he was the man who owned my heart.

Stepping into the elevator I knew I had to be strong. I couldn't show even an ounce of weakness. I couldn't let Hudson see me crumble. The elevator doors open I step out standing in the shadows, I watch Hudson at the bar. It's strange seeing him here, but yet erotic at the same time. I watch Shawna make her way towards Hudson, and I cringe as her hand runs down his arm. My blood runs hot, how dare her touch what isn't hers.. Jeremy reaches across the bar grabbing her arm he whispers to her, and she backs off. I calm. Shawna leans in whispering to Hudson, and he stands following her to the back. I'm thankful he was distracted enough not to see me, well at least not yet. I go to bar, Jeremy pours me a drink I toss it back, and it's time.

I slowly turn the knob and enter my lair. Hudson's naked body was beautifully splayed out on the St. Andrews Cross, and my arousal spikes. I move closer and the scent of his aftershave invades my nostrils, and my sex starts to quiver. I grab my cat and run the tails up and down the length of Hudson's body. He reacts to the erotic sensations of the tails caressing his body. Something is missing and then I realize. I reach for a blindfold and move in just enough to cover his eyes.

"Who are you?" Hudson's voice was almost a whisper.

I don't answer instead I raise the cat and bring it down hard on Hudson's ass. He tightens from the pain, first one, then two, and three, and four, and five, and I'm coming undone. I can't stop, and he doesn't want me to. A few more lashes and his screams have my orgasm rippling through me. I was used to this with other clients, but it was the first time I had cum without Hudson touching me. I loved his touch, and his kisses, and the feel of his cock inside me, but this was the release I needed. I needed this connection with him. I needed the control, the power of having Hudson at my mercy. I carefully unhook him from the cross. I fasten a collar around his neck, and hook the leash. I pushed him down on all fours and lead him to what I like to call my torture chair. I pull the leash, and his hands felt the chair, and he pulled himself into it just like any good slave would. I grab his hands one at a time strapping them to the chair, and his feet were next. I thought briefly about a ball gag, but then I remembered how hard I came from the sound of his pain. Hudson tried to speak I pulled on the collar, and he fell silent. My words were strong and demanding as I spoke.

"I'm Mistress Samara, and you will not speak unless spoken to, understand slave." Hudson nodded and hung his head. I circled the chair like and animal would its prey. I leaned in whispering in his ear. "Do you want to talk slave?" He nodded again. "Then speak slave."

"What has happened to you Samara?"

"Nothing has happened Mr. Cruz. This is who I am. Welcome to my world. Do you know how many times I have fantasized about making you my slave? How my body has hungered to control you."

"Then why haven't you?"

Was I hearing him right? Did he really want this? I had to be sure.

"What did you say pig?"

"I asked why you hadn't, because I to have fantasized Mistress. Being your submissive would be my heart's desire."

I removed his blindfold, wanting him to see me, but he hung his head, waiting for permission to look at me.

"You can look at me pig. I want you to see what you can't touch; well I may let you touch me, but only for my pleasure."

I continue circling him allowing him to watch. I taunt him with small caresses letting my fingertips run between his thighs. His cock was long, and hard the veins along the shaft looked as if they were about to burst. The tip glistened with pre-cum, and any other time I would have dropped to my knees and took him in my mouth, but I knew better, so instead I planted my boot in his crotch and twisted hard. I smiled as pain shot through his eyes.

"Does it feel good slave?"

"Yes Mistress."

"Do you want to make your Mistress very happy slave?"

"Yes Mistress."

I unhook the restraints that held him in the chair.

"Down on all fours slave." I pet his head and walk to the closet to retrieve a flogger. I run it across the back of his neck, and down his shoulders. "Up on your knees dog." He looks so delicious on his knees, and his head hung he is the perfect play toy. I slowly run the flogger across his chest, and he starts to beg.

"Please Mistress."

"Did I give you permission to speak dog? I think you deserve to be punished dog."

"Yes Mistress."

I raise the flogger bringing it down across his chest. He took his punishment like a true slave.

"Back down on all fours slave. You're going to shine my boots. Is that tongue ready?"

"Yes Mistress."

Hudson's tongue snaked out and trailed up the length of my boot, first one, and then the other, never flinching as the flogger made contact with his ass. It was building in my core I could feel it intensifying. Hudson's tongue continued its dance up and down my boots switching from one to the other, and my flogger continued flailing his flesh. When I could finally take no more I gave in as orgasm after orgasm tore through my body. I slid to the floor meeting Hudson's gaze, and I was lost. My lips devoured his I was breaking all the rules, but I didn't care.

"Can you love the real me Hudson? I love you and I will give it all up if it means being with you, and I want you to know I don't have sex with any of my clients. I just need you to know that. I want you Hudson and if I have to give the club up I will."

"Samara I love you, and this well it's just a bonus, as for your clients they may have to find another Mistress. I think I may want you all for myself, but we can discuss that later right now I have been a very naughty boy and need another spanking."

I lock my arms around Hudson finding his mouth I capture it in a kiss that reached my soul. I finally had the best of both worlds.

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago

I wonder at the necessity of pig and dog. The negativity they carry don't help things at this point. It doesn't add to her power, in fact I find dominants who don't need such crutches to be more powerful. You demonstrated how well their vanilla interactions work. Will that part be lost now? Even when vanilla, she must have demonstrated a strength that attracted his closet slave. A few hints about how they came to this point would be helpful. Months of dating and learning about each other is far different from a weekend hookup that goes nuclear.

gentleone58gentleone58almost 8 years ago
Response to Anonymous

Obviously Hudson wants what you refer to as a Bitch who just wants to hurt him. There is much more to their relationship that being hurt. Samara even though a Mistress was torn as she was in love with him and she was testing him. She was willing to give it all up for him but I don't think she knew it when she left his bed. I have a suspicion that Hudson already knew what she was and wanted her to come out to him and dominate him, but she chose to leave and see if he would come to her. It is a win, win story although it could have been much different. The heart is what ruled these two characters and I think either one of them would have did anything to have the other as both their hearts felt the same. It is not just a Bitch wanting to hurt him but love.

sixpesixpealmost 8 years ago
Nice Twist.

Two good characters, and the story really made you feel her dilemma. The surprise at the end was great. I like stories where the victim, whether male of female, consents as he does. I gave it five.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago
What A Naughty Boy Needs

It looks like this naughty boy is going to get. Plenty of spankings from a very hot mistress/lover. Five stars.

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