Claimed by the Futanari Ch. 03: A Price to Pay

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Ali's not out of the woods yet.
4.9k words

Part 4 of the 15 part series

Updated 11/12/2022
Created 02/07/2014
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That was the second time she'd sent me home naked, and this time the night was darker and colder. I was exhausted from both abuse and pleasure, and was feeling decidedly icky from all the cum that coated my breasts and matted my hair and filled my belly and dripped endlessly from my pussy and ass. While I hadn't minded Annabel's cum so much, this was mostly the witches' cum and it left me feeling dirty. I wiped off as much as I could using leaves pulled from the bushes by the path.

And again I didn't have my handbag. This time I didn't even have a clear idea of where I was, let alone how to find the place where my clothes had been torn from me. It was so cold! I wished I had something - anything - to wear.

I stopped as a thought occurred, and retraced my steps to the scene of my last ravishment. Annabel was gone, as were the witches, but the demonic circle and pentagram gleamed faintly. I walked around it, searching the ground, and breathed a sigh of relief as I located the black robes and fur boots the witches had worn. Squeezing my feet into one pair of boots, I wrapped myself in a cloak. Surprised at its weight, the pockets obviously stuffed with who-knows-what, I picked up the other two cloaks also and fled in the direction of town - as near as I could guess.

But the path eluded me. I criss-crossed through the undergrowth searching for the woodchip trail my feet had followed only minutes before. Exasperated by the impenetrable shadows, and sensing that I was getting further and further from where I ought to be, I forced down the panic that was urging me to run, and stopped. Instead, I rifled through the many pockets of the cloaks looking for a torch, or something, and discovered not only more thick candles but also a small cardboard box with a distinctive rattle.

Seconds later, a match flared to life in my fingers, and I lit the wick of a black candle. And I could see again! It was only a little source of light, and it made the shadows not only deeper but seemed to bring them to life, so that they danced and writhed about me, but I least I could see something of the ground I was treading and the trees that stood in my way.

There was still no path. I thought to retrace my steps, but that proved no easier. All I could do was walk and hope for the best.

And so I walked, glad that there was no wind or rain to extinguish the candle, but anxious as the air felt heavier and heavier in that way it does before a thunderstorm. No matter which direction I chose - and I resisted turning back, but had at some point started following a small river downstream, sure that at some point it would feed into the river that meandered round the village where I lived - I worried that it was wrong. A distant peal of thunder hastened my steps, however.

I spotted a red ribbon tied about the trunk of a tree, and rushed to examine it. There was nothing remarkable about it other than it being there, but leading off through the trees from that point was a faint trail, the sort made by feet over time. It was the first clear sign of life I had seen in what felt like hours, and the rumbling thunder was getting closer and closer. I left the river behind and hurried along the path as if chased by devils.

The forest shivered around me as a gust of wind swept through the branches, blowing the candle out, and behind me there was a great roar as rain lashed the canopy. Blind again, there was nothing for me to do except continue forwards, and soon the rain was battering the leaves over my head and dripping down to soak into my cloak.

At the moment of my greatest despair, I spied a light in the distance. Lightning broke the sky over my head and thunder crashed around me barely a second later, even as I stumbled out onto a road that was little more than a dirt track. I could see more lights clearly now, windows in a large mansion house. Perhaps it was even a castle - I had glimpsed the turrets of a castle peeking above the trees not far from the village (though Sasha, who had lived in the village all her life, insisted I must be imagining it). Not far by car, anyway. A long walk, however, back to civilisation.

Lashed by freezing wind and rain, I ran towards the lights, and to the huge front door that stood dark and forbidding, a great iron knocker shaped like a dragon's head. I knocked twice, the iron dragon like ice in my hand.

Lightning struck a tree by the road, right where I had emerged moments ago, and thunder hit me like the blast from an explosive, tearing a scream from me. I reached for the dragon again, only for the door to open, revealing the silhouette of the largest man I have ever seen.

Before I could react or say anything, a huge hand grabbed me by the neck, its muscular grip so strong that I couldn't breathe or speak or escape, or do anything really except dangle as it lifted me off the ground.

A woman shouted from inside the mansion. 'Eric! Put her down!' The pressure from the hand eased slightly, but I wasn't released. I caught a glimpse of the woman behind him - a young woman in a dark blue dress, an attractive face, with long black hair. 'Put her down, Eric,' she said, touching his arm. 'She's not a witch, though she is dressed as one.'

With a grunt that echoed distrust and disgust, Eric lowered me to my feet and released me, and I stood there clutching my aching throat and gasping for breath. The woman grabbed my arm and tugged me through the doorway. 'Close the door, Eric,' she said, and waited until the door was locked. 'Quickly,' she said, 'go check all the doors and windows. When you're done, prepare a room for our guest, and warm some water for a bath.'

Eric nodded, then lumbered off. Not only was he the largest man I had ever seen, he was quite possibly the ugliest too. I turned to the woman. 'Thank you,' I said. 'There's really no need. If I could please just use your phone to order a taxi?'

She laughed at this. 'I don't have a telephone, but even if I did you wouldn't last a minute out there. I'm sorry, but for your sake I must insist that you stay. Besides, I'm simply burning with curiosity to know why a girl wearing a stolen witch's cloak and stinking of sex should be pursued by this most unnatural storm all the way to my front door.'

Stinking of sex? Was it really so obvious? Is that why she had told Eric to prepare water for a bath? My cheeks burned with embarrassment.

She chuckled. 'Follow me, my dear,' she said, and led the way up the stairs, her sharp stiletto heels echoing loudly, to a sitting room where a large fire blazed, filling the space with warmth and light, only to stop me in the doorway. 'You can't come in here with that cloak and those boots. You shouldn't really be wearing them anyway. Not only are they wet, they're almost certainly cursed. Which would explain why you've ended up at my door instead of your own.'

I sighed in recognition of my own folly. I had ignored Annabel's instructions and turned back, and in so doing had sealed my own fate. 'But I'm naked under this,' I said.

She shrugged. 'I don't mind. I do think it's better for you to be warm and naked than wet and wearing those. After you've bathed I'll find something for you.'

I hesitated. It wasn't simply a case of being naked in front of a strange woman. It was a case of revealing the large cock that would be mine for a few hours yet. It was a case of revealing skin that had been splashed by so much cum that there was sure to be clear evidence of it still. It was a case of revealing thighs that were sticky-wet, and that would be unmissable.

And yet, I felt she knew already about the cum, that she wanted to see the evidence.

I kicked my boots off, and let the cloaks fall to the floor, revealing myself completely to her. Her eyes glittered in the firelight, not even the slightest sense that she was shocked, or surprised by anything about me - except my cock, which merited a raised eyebrow. 'Come in and have a seat,' she said, indicating a leather chair near the fire.

As I sank gratefully into the chair, feeling comfortable for the first time in hours, my host took the chair opposite me. On the one hand I felt wonderfully relaxed in the warmth of the fire, on the other I felt utterly exposed as she studied me in detail - but also a little aroused, and it was pointless to try and conceal the cock that erected slowly between us.

'My name is Eloise,' she said after a while.

'Ali,' I said. 'Thank you for taking me in.'

'I didn't do it out of the goodness of my heart. There is a price to pay.'

'A price?'

'Yes. And more - for every hour that you remain alive in this house there is a price to pay. But at least you will remain alive. Trust me, the alternative is far worse.' As if to prove her words, lighting split the sky outside and a sudden blast of gale-force wind rattled the windows in their frames.

I shivered at the thought that the storm raging outside had me in its sights. 'What price?'

'Well, you can start by telling me your story, and then I imagine your room and bath will be ready for you.'

That wasn't a hard price to pay - except that, throughout the telling, I was very hard indeed.


I'd found myself looking forward to a bath, not only to clean myself at last but also just to relax and feel warm and safe without goddesses or witches or whatever-the-hell Eloise and Eric were lusting after me one way or another. But I was not so lucky.

Eloise accompanied me to my room, a large and spartan affair that wasn't a bedroom at all. There was a large sheepskin rug in front of a fireplace, and a fire had been set, and there was a free-standing bath with lion's feet, a bucket full of steaming hot water (to top up the bath) and a bucket with a lid - that I guessed was the latrine, since there was no plumbing at all in the house that I had seen yet, though the water had to have come from somewhere.

Indeed, the electric lighting seemed to be the only concession to modern technology, and even that looked decades old. I waited for Eloise to leave so that I could bathe and wash and do my necessaries in private, but she closed the door from the inside and stood watching me patiently, until I accepted the inevitable. Of all the things that had happened to me so far that night, nothing had been as embarrassing as being watched as I squatted over a bucket to pee.

As I sank into the bath, Eloise sat down behind me and reached round to massage my breasts with soapy fingers while her lips where hot against my neck, reminding me of Annabel - but Eloise's teeth were sharp, penetrating me. I tried to break free of her embrace, but she was too strong, and I was too confused because despite the pain of her teeth, there was such pleasure from her lips against my neck and from her hands on my breasts, my nipples teased by her fingers. My cock was hard with arousal, thrusting lewdly from the bath water and twitching hungrily.

She pulled away at last, twisting my head round so that she could kiss me with lips that tasted of blood. 'Hurry!' she whispered, and singing happily she danced around the room, disrobing as she did until she collapsed naked onto the sheepskin rug, laughing quietly to herself as the fingers of one hand teased a nipple and the fingers of the other delved between her legs.

She had made it quite impossible for me to relax in the bath. I desperately needed to come, and it was clear that Eloise wanted to help satisfy that need. I scrubbed myself clean in record time, and even washed my hair, determined to clean away every last drop of the evil witches' cum from me. Normally when I have a bath (rather than a shower) I can be there for hours. This time I was out in minutes, drying myself hurriedly with the large towel that had been provided.

Eloise lay on the sheepskin rug, luxuriating in the warmth of the fire, and watching me as she played with herself. Even like this she looked refined and elegant, and almost painfully beautiful. Vampire she might be, and exuding an unclear sense of extreme danger, but I found it difficult to see her as evil. It was clear that I had no choice but to do whatever she asked, but somehow she was making me complicit in my own submission to her.

She stretched her legs wide as I approached, and I fell to my knees between them. I'd had so many orgasms during the past few hours, but this was my first chance to use my new cock for penetration - and no, a witch sucking the head does not count.

I pressed the head between the wet lips of her pussy, and pushed in slowly, sighing with pleasure to feel that warm softness envelope my shaft. Eloise did not seem at all bothered by my unusual girth and I slipped in easily. Using shallow thrusts, I worked deeper and deeper into her, surprised that she was able to take me completely. But also delighted.

The speed and depth of my thrusts increased gradually, and Eloise seemed content to let me do most of the work, though she grabbed my breasts and massaged them, pinching my nipples in a way that made me shiver with pleasure.

I pulled her ankles over my shoulders and pounded her as fast as I could with the full length of my cock. She pushed a foot into my mouth and I sucked and licked her toes as I built towards my climax. By that point I couldn't have stopped if I had wanted to. The only thing that mattered was answering the vital need to empty my seed as deep inside her as possible.

'I'm going to come!' I hissed.

'Okay,' she said.

I couldn't tell if she was close or not, and I was past the point of caring. I cried out as the pain-pleasure of climax gripped me. Before I knew what was happening, I was on my back with Eloise on top of me, her fangs once again penetrating my neck while I seemed to explode with cum inside her. She moaned in ecstasy as I convulsed inside her and as my blood pulsed into her mouth.

Moving with unnatural speed and dexterity, she twisted off and around, fastening her mouth about my cock that was still spurting cum, thrusting her pussy against my mouth so that I had no choice but to lick her clit and the soft folds of her labia as my own cum trickled out.

My climax came to an end at last. Eloise turned around and kissed me, filling my mouth with more of my cum, this time mixed with my blood. 'The goddess was right,' she said. 'You are a beautiful little cumslut.' She kissed me again.

'So have I paid the price?'

She laughed. 'You have paid my part of the price, but you must satisfy Eric too.'

'Is he a vampire too?' I asked, worried that I might not survive further loss of blood. I was already feeling a little dizzy.

Eloise laughed again. 'No, no. Something very different.' Standing suddenly, she swept up her clothing from the floor and walked to the door. 'I do suggest you go to him before sunrise makes you human again.' And then she was gone.


Naked again, but blessedly clean except for the odd taste of blood and cum in my mouth, I took a deep breath and marched out into the house to look for Eric. I suppose I could have stayed in the room or found somewhere to hide until the sun was up and the storm had passed, but Eloise's calm suggestion felt more like a dire warning, that whatever I suffered now at Eric's hands, the alternatives would be far worse.

I followed the distant sounds of hammer and steel down to the kitchen and found him busy slaughtering a deer. The enormous and fearsomely ugly man who had wanted to strangle me earlier was now a mess of blood and guts and wielding a terrifying cleaver. I hovered in the doorway, my heart pounding, ready to run for my life if he made a move for me.

And yet when he did notice me, he merely pointed the great knife towards a high chair across the oversized central table from him, and returned to his task, cutting muscles away from sinew and bone, separating out the sweet meats, and doing it all with an easy elegance and efficiency that seemed at odds with the lumbering figure he presented.

After completing his dissection of the deer, he washed his arms and hands and removed his blood-soaked apron, revealing a densely muscled torso. Seeing this magnificent figure stirred a hunger in me. I had sought him out prepared to pay a price, but for the first time it occurred to me there might be a pleasure to pay as well.

A large and ancient range oven stood against one wall, next to a pile of chopped wood. He took from this a large ceramic pot and placed it on the table between us, reaching into a cupboard for bowls and spoons. The lid came off to reveal a thick, meaty stew, the smell of which grabbed me by the stomach and chased away all thoughts except my extreme hunger - I hadn't had solid food in hours!

He filled my bowl and I pulled it to my nose, breathing in the intoxicating steam. I hesitated for a moment, the thought crossing my mind that this was the remains of the last poor girl who had come knocking at the mansion's door, but right then I was too hungry to care. I grabbed my spoon and dived in, devouring the richly flavoured dish with uncultured haste and daring to ask, 'Please, Sir, I want more.'

He snorted at this, a trace of a smile crossing his deformed lips as he ladled out more for us both.

It was certainly a pleasant interlude, but from the way he watched me I knew he was calculating the price I was to pay. Somewhere in the distance a clock struck five, and I knew that time was running out, yet Eric was being the perfect gentleman, even cooking dinner for me. Maybe if I did nothing, he would give me a polite peck on the cheek and escort me safely back to my room. And just maybe I would never leave this mansion...

The threats and dangers in this place were all unspoken. If I wanted to survive, I had to navigate treacherous waters.

My bowl empty again, I stood and walked round the table to face my charming dinner companion. 'I wish to pay the price, now,' I said, and reached out to caress his muscular chest, the sensation of awesome strength sending shivers of excitement through me. I'm not one to obsess over body builders, generally disliking the sense of artificial body image, but Eric's astonishing physique felt quite natural. A hunter's physique. I wondered whether he had killed that deer in the woods with his bare hands. I was a fragile thing in comparison.

There was a definite bulge in the hessian weave of his trousers, and given the size of the man I expected the size of the cock to be proportionately large - and perhaps, given Eloise's vague warnings, it was very large indeed. It was time to find out.

Eric had other plans. He reached under the table and pulled out what could only be some kind of bondage device. It looked a little bit like a leather-padded high chair, but before I could ask any questions Eric had me belly down on the leather, my legs, head, arms and breasts all dangling, the tips of my toes brushing the kitchen floor. A wide belt was fastened over my back to keep me in place.

Next my ankles and wrists were bound to the steel legs with leather straps, and my knees pulled wide. All of this was done with the same proficiency he had used to slaughter the deer, his every move precise and quick, ignoring my resistance like a cat ignores the wriggling of a mouse that is already caught between its sharp teeth.

And yet, despite my panic as I was restrained, my arousal built swiftly. Once again I was utterly helpless and completely exposed, and there was nothing I could do stop him using me any way he wished. I could feel my cock grow hard, hidden from my view by my breasts. I cried out in surprise as something soft but firm was fastened around my shaft, just behind the head.

I saw Eric's trousers fall to the floor, and looked up to see him entirely naked, his legs as beautifully muscular as the rest of him, his cock fully erect and fearsome. In length it nearly matched Annabel's cock, and in girth it may even have exceeded hers, but where hers had been soft and smooth, Eric's looked like the gnarled and knotted trunk of an ancient tree, projecting above balls the size of grapefruit.