Christmas Interrupted


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Then he went back over to Mom, and kissed her. Not a real kiss, I noticed. Just a peck on the cheek. Mom's words came back to me. They hadn't had sex since Valentine's. That made me feel a little bit better.

It was weird, thinking of Dad as my competition. We always got along fairly well in the past. Not great, but alright. He wasn't ever around that much when we were growing up, since he always worked late. But when he had been home, he had been okay.

Was Mom cheating on him? Technically, I supposed she was. But did it count if it's your own son? There wasn't anybody I could ask.

"You look like you just finished running a marathon," Dad commented on Mom's appearance.

"Oh, I was just doing Yoga," she explained, gesturing at the blanket in front of the fire.

"Why are you here?" I blurted out.

"Right, I guess we should tell them," cut in Lydia. "You dumbos forgot to call the sheriff today. When we heard that you guys hadn't checked in, we got worried something might have happened. They're working on clearing the road right now, but they probably won't be done until tomorrow. So we rented two snowmobiles. It's really, really cool driving one. Maybe Thom and I can go for a drive later, and give you guys some alone time."

"I hate snowmobiles," I retorted.

I did not hate snowmobiles, but I hated the implication in her words. Mom looked at me with a smirk on her mouth. She clearly understood.

"Why don't you guys get changed, and then we can catch up on celebrating Christmas first," Mom suggested.

"We haven't actually brought anything with us," Dad responded. "We hurried over here, and the suitcases didn't fit on the snowmobiles. I'm afraid we're going to stay like this until tomorrow."

"Well then, who wants some sweets, and hot chocolate?"

Dad and Lydia fervently indicated that they did, and settled on the couch in front of the fire. Dad said he was going to call the sheriff, and let her know that we were okay. As soon as Mom disappeared around the corner, I muttered something about offering to help Mom in the kitchen, and followed her.

When I entered the kitchen, Mom stood there motionless, pinching her forehead. Without saying anything, I walked up behind her, and embraced her in a hug. Some of the tension left her, and she let out a sigh.

"That was close," she whispered.


"I almost had a heart attack."

"Me too. I pretty much just threw on the first clothes I could find."

Mom twisted out of my arms, and flashed me a wicked grin. She grabbed her dress, and lifted it. Her bush came into view, just briefly, before she dropped the fabric again.

"Me too. Come on, let's make some hot chocolate before they investigate."

I got some milk and cocoa powder. Mom got more of the macaroons, and cookies.

"What do we do now?"

"What can we do? Nothing. We put everything on hold for now."

Mom arranged the pastries fashionably on the plate, and I put the mugs of milk in the microwave.

"We could do it right now, and here," I suggested.

"Yes. But they could also walk in on us any second. We're putting everything on hold. For now."

I let out a long sigh, but I knew she was right. Even if her and Dad were having problems, there was pretty much no way anyone would be ok with her and me together. Scratch that, there was definitely, absolutely, one hundred percent no way anyone would be ok with it.

"I can't believe we forgot to notify Sharon. I feel like such an idiot," Mom said in her normal voice.

"I know, right. I guess we had other things on our mind."

Mom started giggling, and I got infected. That significantly brightened my mood, and I felt a lot better carrying the tray with four mugs of hot chocolate back into the living room.

Dad and Lydia sat on the sofa. I couldn't help but think of it as "our" sofa now. The place where I lost my virginity. Where Mom and I had sex multiple times. It wasn't big enough for four people, but Mom solved that problem by sitting on Dad's lap. His hand moved to her waist, and I wanted to get up, and punch him in the face. I didn't.

Lydia told us about their version of Christmas at the hotel. They had tons of people, and a live band. The tree had been twenty feet tall, and they even hired a Santa. A black one, which Lydia thought was really cool. Everyone staying at the hotel got a complimentary gift. A mug with the hotel's logo on it. They also had a heated hot tub, and a sauna.

Dad wanted to know how it went for us, and I let Mom do the talking. She said that it had been really boring. We lost power on the first day, and then we just spent the time reading, doing homework, or yoga. She emphasized multiple times how boring it had been. Unexciting.

If only they knew...

And then we got around to finally opening the presents. Years ago, our parents made an agreement with us. They'd pay for college, and in return we wouldn't get any more Christmas presents. That had been a far more than fair deal. Naturally, they didn't keep up the no gift rules. It wasn't ever anything big, but it was a lot of small stuff. Clothes, for the most part. Sweets, and little knick knacks. Somehow, we always ended up with a big pile of just "stuff."

Lydia and I both had cards from Grandma, with fifty bucks in it. I got Mom her favorite pralines, and Dad got a white chocolate Santa Claus. He really loved white chocolate, for some reason.

Mom broke out another bottle of wine, but between the four of us, nobody got more than tipsy. Throughout the night, I had a knot in my stomach. I knew that just a few feet away, Mom was naked under her dress. But I couldn't do anything about it, other than excuse myself for a couple of minutes, and jerk off in my room.

At least Lydia being there too made it interesting. She was a great storyteller, and updated all of us on her time at college. If her stories were only a little true, it sounded more like she went to clown college than an ivy league school.

In the end, it was also Lydia who cut the night short, by declaring that she was really knackered, and wanted to get some rest. Apparently she'd been up since 5 AM.

Mom and Dad retired to their room, and I went back to mine. It was eleven, and I wasn't anywhere close to being tired. But I didn't want to do anything. I undressed, and laid in my bed. It felt cold, and empty without Mom there with me.

Were the two of them in the other room making love right now? I strained my eyes, but other than the faint hum of the fridge, I couldn't hear anything. Was Mom going to break up with Dad? What was going to happen between us?

The longer the night went on, the more questions I had. I yearned for answers, and when it got to be too much, I got out of bed, and turned on my laptop. In a text document, I started writing all the things I wanted to ask.

After that was done, I felt like a weight had lifted off my shoulders.

I closed the lid on my laptop, ready to go back to bed, when I heard voices outside in the living room, muffled by the walls. It sounded like Mom and Lydia.

I opened the door, and investigated. Lydia sat on the couch, looking over the back rest. Mom stood in the middle of the room, wearing a really short pair of pink shorts, and the really old shirt she often used in lieu of pyjamas. The colors were faded now, but it used to be grass green, with the text "WORLD'S BEST MOM" in big black letters. It had been a gift from me, once upon a time.

The door to the other room opened, and Dad came out. He wore just boxers, and nothing else. He scratched the back of his head.

"What's going on out here?" he asked.

"Mom's stomping about," answered Lydia.

I couldn't help but notice Mom's eyes flicker to me. Did she try to sneak into my room?

"I'm not stomping. I was just getting a drink from the kitchen," Mom protested.

"You stomp like an elephant."

"I do not."

"You do walk pretty loud sometimes, dear," Dad interrupted.

"Not. Helping," Mom snarled at him. "Everyone, back to bed!"

Dad shuffled back into the bedroom. Lydia's head dropped back down under the back rest. Mom sighed, and slunk towards the kitchen, shooting me a wistful look. I wanted to follow her, but didn't dare with Lydia there.

I went back in my room, and threw myself on the bed.

Five minutes later, my phone buzzed with an incoming text.

MOM: I totally forgot I can do this

MOM: I just wanted to say you dont have to worry

MOM: Your father and I are still on the fritz

ME: Did you try to sneak into my room?

MOM: Yes

MOM: Im in the bathroom right now

My phone buzzed with an incoming picture. Mom in front of the mirror, She held the bottom of the t-shirt between her teeth, and her free hand pushed the skimpy pink shorts down. Instantly, my cock got hard.

MOM: Sweet dreams <3

ME: I miss you

MOM: I'm going back to bed. Don't send any more messages or he will hear the phone

And then my phone remained silent. I pulled up the picture she sent. An actual nude selfie, from my forty year old Mom. Despite everything we had done, it took me only two minutes before I came.

After that, I felt better. Not tired enough to sleep, but definitely better.

***** December 27th *****

That night, I didn't dream about anything. When I woke up, the entire house seemed to be a mess. The floor of the living room was covered in wrapping paper, and empty glasses, and dirty plates covered the coffee table. The couch was a pile of blankets, and pillows.

Everyone was already in the kitchen, and Mom had cooked up a veritable feast. Scrambled eggs, breakfast sausages, pancakes, toast, and lots of other goodies. The more we ate, the less we had to take back home.

Around noon we heard the "rescue" crew from Ashbrooke arrive. A massive, orange vehicle slowly ate its way through the snow, spewing clouds of white mist high into the air. It took another half hour for it to actually make it to the cabin.

Dad and I went outside to make sure that they didn't accidentally run over the parked vehicle. There were three of them driving the big rig, two men, and one woman. Dad invited them inside, and we thanked them by feeding them coffee, tea, and the last of the macaroons.

They didn't stay for too long, since they still had a lot of work left to do, leaving the four of us seated around the kitchen table.

"Doesn't feel right that we already have to leave again, right after we got here," voiced Dad.

"You could take some more time off work," suggested Mom.

"Sorry, but we're in the middle of a transition, and they really need my—"

"Ok, ok, it was just a suggestion."

"And we still have to return the snowmobiles, too. Our stuff is back at the hotel, too."

"Thom and I can ride them back, and wait for you guys in the hot tub," voiced Lydia.

"If it's ok, I'd really like to stay and help clean up," I said.

Dad and Lydia looked at me like I had gone insane.

"You... WANT to clean up?" Lydia sounded incredulous.



"Well, in that case, I sure wouldn't mind spending the rest of the day in the hot tub," said Dad, smugly.

Mom didn't say anything, but under the table, her hand rested on my leg. My heart beat a little faster, and I couldn't wait for them to leave.

They did leave, after about an hour, mummified in the thick snow suits. The whirr of the snowmobiles hadn't even faded yet, before Mom's panties were on the ground, and I was six inches deep inside of her wet pussy.

Mom was pressed up against the wall, moaning. I slammed into her with all the strength I could muster, driven by a raw, animalistic need. Maybe it was just my imagination, but her pussy felt better than ever before.

I slipped my hands under her sweater, and squeezed her breasts. She wasn't wearing a bra. Wet squelches accompanied every slap of my thighs on her legs.

With a rush of white hot energy, I came. Filled her with my seed. Held her, and kissed her neck. One of my hands moved down to her pussy, and I started rubbing her clit. I gently nipped at her earlobes, and kissed her shoulder. My cock slipped out of her, and cum dribbled down her thighs. Her breathing got faster, and her moans became more serious. Her body shuddered, and her legs wobbled.

With a long, satisfied sigh, she came.

"Oh god, I needed that," she gurgled.

"Me too."

"I wish we didn't actually have to clean."

"Don't worry, I'll help you."

"I know you will."

She turned her head, and we kissed until my cock was hard again, pressing up against her crotch from below.

We lost the rest of our clothes on the way to my bedroom. Ten minutes later we were both sweaty, exhausted, and satisfied.

"Ok, but we REALLY have to start cleaning now."

Looking at my laptop on the table reminded me of something.

"I have some questions. About us."

Mom let out a sigh.

"Yes, I suppose we should talk. But later. Cleaning first."

She sat up, and walked out of the room.

It took us three hours. Wiping the bathrooms. Making the beds. Doing laundry. Fucking her on all fours until she was a quivering, moaning mess incapable of human speech. Cleaning the kitchen. Collecting trash. Vacuuming the carpets. Packing suitcases.

Outside the sky was dark already. Inside, it looked like nobody had lived in the cabin at all. Everything was just like the day we arrived, apart from the fact that there was now plenty of firewood for the next tenants.

The only thing I had left now were my memories. Well, those and Mom herself. We got dressed, and carried the suitcases, leftover food, and the pile of presents to the car.

I took a last look at the cabin. It was... just ordinary. Halfway buried in snow. The roof was surprisingly devoid of a white cover, probably because we kept the house well heated. Once we left, it might get completely buried under a blizzard.

It should have looked different. It seemed like at least a week ago, but I had lost my virginity in that cabin. There should have been a big sign somewhere. "In this historic monument, Thom experienced his sexual awakening at the age of twenty. With his mother."

Maybe it was better to leave out that last part. Which brought me back to my questions.

We got in the car, and Mom turned the key in the ignition. The engine complained, and refused to turn on. It took two more tries, before it finally turned on. The windows fogged up, and we just sat there with the heating going at full blast, waiting before we could leave.



"What's going to happen now?"

"I don't know. I didn't really think this part through."

"Really? But you were the one who—"

"I know, but I was drunk, and then you had such a nice cock. I thought I could just... let you lose your virginity, and then that was it. That it wouldn't mean anything. I was lying to myself."

"And Dad?"

"We talked a lot last night. About the future, and things. Neither of us is really happy with our situation."

"Are you going to break up with him?"

"I don't know. Not right now. I don't know."

"Are we going to keep having sex?"

"I really hope so. It's gonna be hard to make it work, with you being at college, but... it's only a two hour drive."

All the other questions I had seemed to evaporate into thin air. It didn't matter anymore. I just heard the only answer I really cared about.

I leaned over the center console, and we started making out. Wonderful, warm kissing. Her experienced lips, and darting tongue were pure pleasure. We kissed until all the fog cleared from the windows of the car, and the air inside was toasty warm.

And then we started driving back down the winding, snaking road. Back into the real life, and an uncertain future.

But with the taste of her chapstick on my lips, it was easy to stay optimistic.

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ToughSailorToughSailorabout 2 months ago

There appear to be too many situational contradictions. "She placed the phone back into the charger" Why since the power was out? - "Glass, after glass, after glass..." Jeez, was that a gallon jug of wine? - The shift to actual sex was way too abrupt - Was somehow expecting dad and sister to get involved instead of just that lame ending . . . .

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

Loved the story would have taken her backside near the end though

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago


AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

@DebbieX: I suppose if he were flexible enough he might be able to give himself a blow job? ;-)

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago


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