Choto Temple Ch. 13

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Donor X tells of his first days at the Temple in Japan.
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Part 13 of the 14 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 08/13/2015
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"OK, I'll try to start at the beginning. I guess that makes sense," Zerzinski said.

Once again, he looked toward the corner of the room. Where he kept his memories, apparently.

He was finally seeming to be more or less at ease with telling me stories that include intimate details. I would certainly understand if he never got used to it. But it sure flows better when he can relax, as with anybody else.

"I probably said this before. But it was like coming up for air.

"Going from being largely responsible for running a clinic, and deciding how everything worked there. As well as being the person they were coming to see.

"From that, to just hanging out in this wonderful place. With absolutely everything taken care of by someone else. And so much better, as well as more outrageous, than I ever could have done or even imagined."

"What were your initial impressions?" I asked.

"Well, I knew I was fascinated with Japanese culture and history, But I realized once I got here that I knew nothing about the Japanese climate."

"It's hot in the summers," I chimed in helpfully.

"Yes. Way too hot. But that's the only real downside, so I can live with it. And the rest of the year it's gorgeous. Although the locals think the winters are cold. They associate snow with cold."

"When it's snowing, that means it's not all that cold, actually," I noted. "That means it's not all that far below freezing."

"Yes, exactly," said the fellow northeasterner. "But you can't tell that to someone who's not from a colder climate.

"Anyway, the summers are hot. And it was still close to summer when I first got here. Otherwise, initial impressions were a veritable flood.

"It's so green, so beautiful, in Yamaguchi. The women running this place were so cordial, so respectful, and so fun from the beginning.

"And everybody else in society above the age of two also really gives you space to breathe.

"It feels like in the US people are going around hitting each other with emotional baggage all the time, in comparison.

"And then I come here, to paradise. To the mountains where I can breathe. Where I'm being treated like a king, where people are always cooking for me and looking after all of those things. If it were 'just' that, it would be amazing."

"But then of course it's not just that," I pointed out. "They have a purpose for you."

"Yes. Not just that. From the time I got here, I had to begin to fulfill my obligations.

"Which involved a 'date' with a beautiful Japanese school girl every weekday evening, that usually culminated in some of the most memorable sex ever. Once I got over my guilt complex."

"Was there a new guilt complex going on once you got here?" I asked.

"Well, partly the same one. That feeling like I should be able to deliver this thing that people want in a less invasive, less intimate way.

"It shouldn't be so much about me getting my rocks off, you know? That kind of guilt.

"But the new guilt here was about the age thing. In Oregon, all my clients were at least 18. Often quite a bit older, like well into their thirties.

"Here, with the Purification Temple girls, eighteen or nineteen is old. They're usually more like seventeen. Sometimes younger."

"How young?"

"Well, the age of consent here is thirteen. As long as she has permission from her parents. But the girls here are all high school seniors. So whatever age they are when they enter their senior year. Which varies, but is usually seventeen."

He wasn't directly answering my question, I noted, but I didn't ask it again.

"You know," he continued, "here in Japan there's a major, widespread, longstanding, almost totally accepted fetish throughout society aimed at high school students. Who mostly wear easily identifiable uniforms, like they do in England. Little skirts.

"The Purification Temple's aim, as I understand it, was to basically incorporate this school girl fetish into a sort of coming-of-age ritual.

"The appropriate time for this ritual, they thought, was the last year of high school.

"They rightly projected that demand for this would be so big that they would have to limit it to the prefecture of Fukushima. As it is, it's only a small percentage of eligible girls who are able to join the Purification Temple. Even with that limitation."

"And that's where the Choto Temple comes in," I noted.

"Yeah, it was a process," he said. "They knew I could potentially serve more clients. But they didn't want to just double up with Fukushima school girls."

I must have been smiling at that phrase, because Zerzinski momentarily put his hands over his face and chuckled.

"I know this is nuts," he commented before continuing.

"So then I was here, happily going along, living the life. Seeing to the school girls during the week. And having time on my own or with visiting friends on the weekends. Occasionally going to visit other places in Japan just to see the sights, and so on.

"Then the board of directors, which is basically three somewhat stern but wonderful older women who live over that way" - he pointed toward the other end of the property - "one day announced to me that they were considering starting a second, but different, temple. And they wanted to know if I was OK with that."

"What did they tell you about it initially?" I asked.

"Just that it would be open to women from other parts of Japan as well as Fukushima. And that they might be older than school girls. And even more dedicated to being my particular version of the feminine ideal."

"Nothing more specific than that?" I wondered.

"That was it," he said. "So then I had two appointments every weekday from the time they started that temple, only a few weeks later. The school girls every evening, and in the afternoons, the Choto girls.

"It was immediately obvious," he said emphatically, "how different they were."

"How so?"

"Well," he said, breathing deeply and taking a sip of his cappuccino, "they were clearly, consciously submissives. In the BDSM sense."

"How do you know they're for real, and not just playing a more involved role in order to get their inoculations?" I asked.

"First of all," he said, once again with great emphasis on every word, "some of them stay."

I pretended to look like I wasn't sure I understood his point. And he continued, as I'd hoped he would.

"They stay beyond getting their inoculation. And for those who don't, well, it's hard to know for sure. But they wouldn't have been picked in the first place if they didn't fit the bill."

He was holding out his fingers like a child trying to count something.

"First of all," he explained, "they have to answer questions in such a way that the board is convinced they are truly submissives.

"In the sense that submission is something that turns them on. Not just something they do out of a Japanese sense of obligation. Of course in some cases they may have just answered the questions right. That's OK, too."

"Can you explain that?" I asked.

"Oh sure - if they're not submissives, but they're trying to act like they are, just to accomplish something here, well, that's even sexier, as far as I'm concerned.

"I don't expect to be loved unconditionally by thousands of beautiful women. I know it's conditional. And it's not love, either, generally. I accept that.

"It's still really good. And sometimes completely, outrageously transcendentally good."

"What other qualifications do the Choto girls have to possess?" I asked.

"They have to be fit and look really good.

"By which the board does not mean they have to have certain measurements or something. Just be fit. And I guess they have to be under forty. Because they're never over forty."

"You don't know the rules yourself?" I asked, perhaps sounding as surprised as I was.

"No. As I've explained, this is not my thing. They don't explain all the details. They ask for my opinions on different things. But otherwise, I learn and surmise things as I go along."

"You're OK with that?"

"Oh yes.

"I guess I'm like the opposite of a control freak. I'd just rather go along with whatever they're doing. I trust the board more than I trust myself."

"What other rules have you noticed?"

"Well, clearly they're not allowed to be women who are capable of having vaginal orgasms. Because none of them do.

"Unlike the school girls, who often do. Just like approximately one third of women in the world do.

"And," he went on, "they're not allowed to come in any other way. The whole time they're here."

"How does that work?" I asked.

I pretended not to know, curious how much information he was going to divulge here. He sighed.

"I was indifferent to the idea of sharing all this information. But the board says it's time that we be more transparent."

I made a note of that. He paused to allow the significance of this statement to sink in. I'm giving you a scoop, he might have said if we wanted to be a bit less subtle.

"When they join the Choto Temple, they are fitted with devices that cover their clits. Devices that are operated remotely.

"By the time they come to me for inoculations, they have generally gone two or three weeks without an orgasm."

"What's that like?" I asked.

"For them? I wouldn't know. Seems awful."

"For you?" I asked.

"For me? Unbelievable.

"I would never have been cruel enough to figure this out on my own. But it turns out if you prevent a woman from coming for weeks on end, she tends to become really tense.

"So there's this incredibly scintillating thing - these elegant, refined, fashionable young Japanese women who have trained their whole lives to have stoic 'outdoor faces,' who are roiling with this tension from not coming for so long.

"And the tension very much goes to their pussies, inevitably. After weeks of not coming, their pussies are almost always so tight I can barely get inside them.

"OK," he went on, "and if you've got that picture in your head, now imagine this: every afternoon, Monday through Friday, my duty is to have sex with a Choto girl who has been conditioning herself this way, at the direction of the board, for weeks."

"You have no control over whether they come?" I asked.

I knew he did have control over their Devices. Was he trying to evade the fact that he has some responsibility in this whole thing?

"Well, that depends on what you mean," he explained. "I do have control over opening their Devices. That's what they call the things that cover their clits. Which are fastened by piercings on either side of their clits.

"But if I told them to come, they wouldn't. I can open the Devices now and then so they can edge for me. Which a Choto girl also does at a certain time, every day. Now more than once. But earlier it was just once."

"You can open the Devices for a very specific purpose, yes?" I asked. "For them to essentially torture themselves for your pleasure?"

I was trying to sound light-hearted about it, but I knew my question might seem provocative. I thought he'd be OK with it.

"Well," he said quickly, "that depends on how you define 'torture.'

"But yeah, they're not allowed to come, even if I told them to. And I'm sure it's very, very difficult for them.

"And I'm sure that some of them relish the challenge, and others are more beaten down by it. Luckily they can leave the Temple any time they want to. And if they stick around for a few weeks, if they were mainly just coming to receive an inoculation, they'll get that."

"Why," I asked, pursuing a different thread, "was there just one Choto girl coming per day before, and now, if I got it right, there are two?"

"Yeah, it used to be one Choto girl and one Purification girl per day.

"Then, soon after they started the Choto Temple, they started having the situation of girls who wanted to stay in the temple past the initial two or three weeks."

"After getting inoculated, you're saying?" I asked.

"Exactly. So the board asked me if I wanted to see those particular girls who stayed at another time during the days. With the understanding that I was not expected to come inside them. Since I would have already inoculated them."

"And what's that addition to your schedule been like?"

"The most amazing of all," he said. "I mean, they're for real. I'm in awe.

"Their own denial is my pleasure. And my pleasure is their pleasure. A stronger pleasure than the pain their own denial causes.

"I know I may be weird, but for me, there is probably no turn-on bigger than that."

"Not even nubile school girls?" I inquired.

"Not to belittle that pleasure at all," he replied, "but no. Not even them. Not even close, in fact.

"These longer-term Choto girls, I mean who knows, maybe they have lots of other motivations. How much can they take is one of them. How much of a challenge like this can they bear? It's definitely a thing for many of them.

"And maybe they feel competitive about proving how much they can take. Some of them probably are in it for a sort of notoriety."

Zerzinski looked slightly pensive for a moment, before he continued.

"People always have lots of different motivations, you know. But whatever other motivations they have, the one thing I know is part of the picture is they are not just in it for the inoculation.

"It's something else, something more. And whatever it is, it's amazing."

"Do their motivations make sense to you?" I asked.

He didn't often seemed stumped by a question, but this time I thought he might be. After a pregnant half minute or so, though, he responded.

"That's hard to answer. I only know what it's like to be me. Do my motivations make sense? I don't know.

"I might, at least to some extent, understand my own motivations. Theirs? I'm not sure. There are things they all say. They talk about service. What's at the root of that, though?

"I'm not sure I need to understand. What I do understand is people are complicated. And there are all kinds of different, conflicting motivations people have with regards to all sorts of things.

"But as long as it's all consensual and no one's getting seriously hurt or traumatized, I think it's OK."

Often the word "consensual" might be phrased something more like, "consenting adults," but I noticed he didn't include the word "adult" in that sentence. I didn't revive that line of questioning, though. I'll let someone else worry about the distinction between sixteen or seventeen and eighteen. If there's an important one to be made.

"Any particular stories come to mind when you think of those early days here in Yamaguchi?" I asked him.

"Well, yes, probably." He looked thoughtful again.

"It was all so new. For me and everyone else. And rumors hadn't really spread so much yet. I mean in the sense that the women only had a vague idea of what they were signing up for. Aside from the inoculation part.

"I guess it'd be pretty easy to say that the most intense early experience was with a girl named Sachi.

"Ayumi was the first of a very few Purification Temple girls who went on later to join the Choto Temple."

"Does someone like that count as a first-time Choto girl or a long-term one?" I wondered aloud.

"Long-term. Morning," he answered.

"Most women in society in general may have various submissive qualities, but very few of them are actual submissives, in the kink sense, you know. Sachi was, and is."

"Is she still here?" I asked, perhaps with a little too much excitement.

"No, but she keeps in touch," he answered flatly.

"What was especially memorable about Sachi's time here?"

"Many things. She was unusual. Back then my Japanese sucked, so for one thing, she was fluent in English. And very conversational, with a lovely dramatic flair about her.

"She was one of the few Purification Temple girls who was also clearly a young kinkster. Though I was still surprised that she came back. I always am. But back then especially.

"But rumors hadn't had time to really get around back then. And certainly public information was scant. So especially then, women joining the Choto Temple often had only a very vague idea of what they were getting into."

"Although they were a very particular group, no?" I asked.

"Yes, they were, and are, women who share a whole variety of things in common. And that's definitely part of the thing.

"But if you're a submissive, you still may have a background in, and perhaps an attraction to, certain forms of submission."

"And that was the case with Sachi?" I asked.

"Very much so," he said emphatically. "People do all kinds of things for all kinds of reasons. And you can't generalize very easily.

"But for most people, if they're into a certain kind of sex or a certain kind of sexual practice or form of kink or whatever, they're into it because it turns them on."

"That makes sense," I concurred.

"Yes. So what does someone often do when they're turned on?" he asked. A rhetorical question...?

"Have orgasms, among other things?" I suggested. I sensed where this might be going. Apparently correctly.

"Yes," he said. "So say you're a submissive female and you get turned on by, say, a guy telling you what to do.

"Maybe the guy tells you to get into a certain position and stay there. Maybe he fucks you. Maybe that makes you come. Maybe he tells you how to eat him, and that turns you on. And then you ask him if you can touch yourself. And he says yes. And then you come several times."

"That sounds like a sort of rebellious form of submission," I commented, at the same time painfully aware that I had no idea what I was talking about.

"Does it? Perhaps because you've been spending time here. With other people," he continued, "submission can mean all kinds of things.

"Orgasm denial is only one little form of DS behavior, among many others.

"Sachi was a submissive, for sure. But despite being a very adventurous sort, and growing up with the internet and all that, she had never even heard of this particular phenomenon."

"Hm, that sounds potentially intense," I said. "Going from knowing nothing about it, to a three-week-long course of study in it."

"Indeed," Zerzinski agreed, solemnly.

"The thing is," he went on, "weeks of edging without coming for anyone can be very intense and very difficult, no doubt. But if you're already familiar with forms of denial - not just things like pain and obedience, which are closely related, but different - then you get into the situation with a certain kind of ascetic orientation.

"However, if you've never associated submission with ascetic behavior, but only with getting your rocks off, well, that's different," he concluded.

"She had a really hard time?" I asked. "Did she consider bailing early on the Temple?"

"Yes, she had a hard time, and no, to my knowledge she never considered leaving early.

"She was tremendously turned on by the idea of submission. She immediately understood the attraction of the Device. Of that degree of 24-7 submission. It turned her on a lot."

"Which, under other circumstances, might have meant her having lots of orgasms in response to being so turned on." I was starting to understand his point.

"Yes, that's generally what people do," he agreed. "Even submissives."

"But not Choto girls," I said.

"No. Not them. Not her."

Zerzinski once again looked like he had retreated deep into a very happy memory, as he leaned back in his chair and took another sip of his now-cold cappuccino.

"At the time she joined," he said, "she was the only Choto girl who wasn't a first-timer. So she had the morning slot all to herself.

"She'd come in every morning, and kiss me on the cheek when she greeted me. Which is not a Japanese custom. And I liked that right away."