Change Happens Pt. 06

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Robin has to do something she might regret.
3.5k words

Part 6 of the 10 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 08/30/2019
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I sat alone in the diner. I was ten minutes early; I didn't want to come across as someone that wasn't serious about putting all of this behind me. I wanted nothing to do with anything Jeff and the others had done. All I wanted was to be left alone.

"Refill?" the lady asked as she passed my table.

"Yes please," I nodded as she refilled my soda.

Then I saw it, a black car parked next to mine. I saw him get out of the car with three other men and one woman. My heart started to race as they walked inside.

Lucas, as Ray had called him, walked straight to my table. He sat beside me and said nothing. Slowly I watched everyone leave the diner.

Everyone, including the lady serving the drinks, the large man behind making the food. The couple at the end, everyone left the diner and got in their cars and drove away.

Everyone except one man, he looked like a sharply dressed lawyer. He slowly stood up, picked up the large pitcher of soda, and brought it to the table. He looked at me as he poured some of it into my glass.

Slowly he put it down on the counter then sat down across from me. I was left alone with five people. No witnesses, no one to hear me yell or scream. I reached for my drink and took a sip, and settled in my seat. Whatever was going to happen was going to happen. There was nothing I could do about it.

"Hello," the man said as he stared at me.

I nodded back as I felt everyone's eyes upon me.

"First, I would like to say I like punctuality," the man said as he smiled at me.

I nodded again.

"Second I have to apologize for the feeling you have at the moment, and I want to assure you nothing will happen to you, or your dogs, if you answer honestly," he said. "You have my word."

I nodded and sat upright.

"Good," he said as he leaned back. "Did you get the photos?"

"Yes," I replied. I felt like I had reached my limits of nodding. I told myself short and to the point, answers would get me further than anything else.

"My partners had nothing to do with what happened, but we did warn him, that it would happen," the man said.

"I understand," I replied.

"Good, you are doing excellent so far," he smiled again. "You can breathe normally."

I tried to, but everything about the situation was tense.

"Now," he sat forward. "Your ex-husband took out a considerable loan from us and was unable to pay it back. Do you have any idea where he would hide a large case or bag?"

I looked over at Lucas, and he shook his head at me. "It's not in the house," I said. "He wouldn't trust me or tell me about it," I replied.

The man nodded as if he knew I was going to say that. "Anywhere else?"

"He had a storage unit downtown, I believe the unit was Four 0 Five," I nodded. "He kept most of his get rich schemes thing there after we cleared out the mobile."

"Do you know the address?" he asked.

"It's the one next to the laundry mat on fifth," I said.

One of the men started talking on his cell phone. Lucas and the other man relaxed. "It will take a while," he said as he stood up. "Want a piece of cake? They aren't the best, but they are good."

"No thanks," I replied.

The wait was agonizing. I felt like it was taking an eternity. The cell phone rang back, and it was handed to the man in front of me. I held my breath as he looked at me and said nothing. "Thank you," he replied and hung up.

"Good news," he smiled. "We recovered over half of what he owed; you were correct. For that we are grateful."

I knew better than to smile or breathe a sigh of relief. "And the other half?"

"You now owe," he said. My heart dropped. I knew it.

"I can't, I mean...."

The man held up his hand and shook his head. He nodded at Lucas and the others, and they got up and left the diner to stand outside.

"I hate this part of my job," he said as he loosened up a few buttons on his shirt. "Dealing with their type makes me want to just blow my brains out."

I sat still and looked at him. "You must think the worst right now, and I don't blame you," he smiled. "Truth of the matter he said leaning forward, you have absolutely nothing to fear, and trust me if you did, I wouldn't be here."

I sat still. "If one of us are here, it means that they really can't hurt you," he shrugged. "I am highly allergic to violence and don't get me started on blood," he shook his head.

"Why are you here?" I asked.

"There we go," he nodded. "Good question."

"I am what some would call a handler, I handle situations, that are shall we say delicate," he smiled. "You can call me John."

"Not your real name," I nodded.

"Nope," John said.

"Your situation is delicate because, well you're you," John said. "You have done nothing wrong by their rules or ours, so by that we are not in a position to let's say do things the hard way."

"So, you don't work for them," I said, looking outside.

"Oh, no," John said as he shook his head with a smile. "Other way round."

I looked at him with a look.

"Okay, think of it this way, what you think of about them and all the other groups like them, is totally wrong," he smiled. "You think of them as a parasite that needs to be taken care of immediately, all of them wiped out, all the gangs, the groups, the mafia's all of them gone, right?"

I nodded.

"Wrong," he smiled. "Without them there is no high crime, sure you will still have the small crime, but all the large crime, not so much, there goes all the money to the cities, the officials, the special forces or groups to stop them, all of that money gone."

"So, what does that have to do with me?" I asked.

"You're in a position to help us," John said as he sat back.

"And you are?" I asked.

"The people holding the strings," he laughed. "We say jump, they jump, we say stop, they stop."


"They end up being a headline on the front page, a rival might take them out, a task force takes a huge chunk of their cash cow, any number of things," John shrugged.

I turned to look at them standing outside. They didn't look so scary now. I could see it in their faces. They were scared.

"Nothing happens the way you think it does, Robin," John said. "Nothing, I have a handler, that handler has a handler and so on and so forth. You think because you slap a sticker on your truck and wave a huge flag at election day that everything will happen the way you want it?"

I turned to look at him. "Everyone has a handler, someone like me that tells them what to do, when to do it or else."

"You mean?" I started to get the bigger picture.

"Everyone," he said. "In any position of power, nothing happens unless the people I work for want it."

"And you work for?"

"Who knows," John shrugged as he leaned back. "I always picture them in some dark lit room with candles on the walls controlling the destiny of the world." John laughed. "Makes me sleep better."

"And they want me?" I asked.

"No! Hell no!" John laughed. "I want you."

"To do what?" I asked.

"Be here tonight, and I will explain," John said. "Until then, you're free to go."

I stood up as I took the note.

"Oh, and Robin?" John said. "Don't be late, or I won't be sitting next to you the next time they come for you."

I walked out to my truck and looked at them. Things were getting deep, and I knew I had just gotten deeper.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

"Thank you," John said as I sat down.

"Didn't have much of a choice," I replied.

I had followed the instructions to the letter. I had worn an elegant dress that showed more than I wanted. I also had to buy a wig that itched my head. Getting my long hair into it was the hardest part. But I was dressed and ready for what came next.


"I just want to say I won't sleep with anyone, if that's...." I started to say.

John laughed. "No," he put his hand on mine. "Nothing that extravagant."

I sighed a relief as he looked over at the bar. We were in a fancy hotel downtown. I had parked my truck at the restaurant and got a cab here like I was instructed.

"That's." I started to say as I saw one of the local officials. I had voted him in. He was going to put stricter laws into effect for crime. I stopped thinking and looked back at John.

"You're not going to...." I said.

"Of course not," John shook his head. "Well, maybe not, depending on how tonight goes."

I looked back at the official. He was surrounded by men that were looking at everyone. "You're going to get his attention and go up to this room,"

John said as he handed me a room key. "We will handle the rest."

"What do you mean...." I started to say, but John had already left the table. "Shit!" I said as I looked back over.

Now how was I going to get past the men? Getting a man's attention was easy, but a high ranking official and a well-known one at that would cause a commotion.

An idea sparked in my head as I walked towards the bar. I ordered a drink and paid with the cash that they had given me. It didn't take long for my first target to notice me.

"Hi gorgeous," the drunk man said as he came over. His hand was on my shoulder.

"I just came down to drink, and nothing else," I said pleasantly with a smile as I took his hand off my shoulder.

"Not dressed like that you weren't," he said as he moved in closer.

"Please, I just want to be left alone," I said a bit louder.

'Bingo,' I said to myself as one of the bodyguards had noticed.

"You sluts are all the same!" the man shouted. "Dress up all nice and slutty, then turn down every man that comes your way!"

The official nodded at his bodyguard as he walked over to us.

"That's enough," the large man said as he walked the man away.

"Thank you," I nodded at the official and carried on with my drink.

'Five, Four, Three, Two,' I started the countdown in my head.

"The General would like if you would join him," another one of his bodyguards said.

"Of course," I nodded.

"Thank you," I said as I sat next to the Attorney General.

"Hate seeing things like that," he said.

"It's why I voted for you," I smiled.

"Oh really?" he smiled as he leaned in closer to look down my cleavage.

The drinks ran smoothly, and within a few moments, he was following me up to my room. I was sure he was watching my ass sway back and forth under my very short skirt. I held my breath as the bodyguards were the first to enter the room. I stood in silence as they checked everything.

"Can't be too cautious," he said as he stood still watching them doing their thing.

"Of course not," I nodded.

They ransacked the two suitcases that were by the bed. Clothes spilt out as well as many other things. "Clear," they said as they left the room.

"Now where we?" he asked as his hand slipped across my waist.

"Well, you were going to tell me your new action plan," I said as I moved closer to him.

"Yes, please tell us," John said as he came from the balcony.

Lucas and two others appeared behind them. "Don't!" Lucas said as he pointed a gun at the man's head.

"You will be dead, before you can call for them," John said.

"I thought," I started to say.

"Mike here isn't dumb, right Mike?" John said.

Mike smiled and shrugged. "I told your other counterpart..."

One of the other men held up a phone. "You wouldn't!" Mike said as he looked at the phone. Something on it made his face change from shock to fear.

"Take the young lady out of here," John said as he sat down. "It's going to be a long night."

One of the men led me to the balcony. There was a long plank of wood stretching from this balcony to the other one. A lady dressed like me, with her hair like mine, walked across. She smiled as she passed me. I slowly walked across, trying not to look down.

"Get dressed," the man inside the room said.

I changed into different attire and took off the wig, and put on another. The man slowly opened the door. Down the hall, I could still see the three men standing outside the door. "Walk slowly," the man ordered as he walked with me.

We walked slowly as we passed the three men and into the elevator. He gave me a ride to my truck. Then handed me a phone.

"Hello?" I said.

"Your debt is fully paid, you will not hear or see anyone again," John said.

I wanted to know what would happen next for Mike and his bodyguards, but something told me to forget it. "Thank you," I said it was the only thing that came to mind.

"Have a good life," John said.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

"I knew it!" one of the locals said as I tended the bar.

"What?" I asked, looking up at the monitor.

"That bastard changed his mind," the local said as I saw Mike on the news, he said they were reworking the laws that they were going to put into effect.

"It happens," I shrugged. I went back to what I was doing. I didn't want to let on that I had a part in it.

"Shitty politicians," the local said.

"Yup," I nodded.

I wanted to feel guilty, but again, it came down to him or me, and I was sure anyone else in my shoes would have chosen the same thing.

"Taking out the trash," I said as Steven came to take over the bar for me.

"Sure thing," he said as he changed the channel.

I walked out to the trash and threw it in when I heard something. I slowly turned the corner and peeped around. Usually, we got people hanging out looking for scraps or smoking.

I quickly came back from looking. 'Shit!' I said to myself.

I peeped around and saw Lacey bent over one of the other trash cans while Nathan fucked her. Her big boobs were out of the top and swaying back and forth as he gave her everything he had and more. 'What the hell?' I thought he was a married man, and well, Lacey said she had a boyfriend.

Just like last time, I couldn't stop myself from looking. Anyone could come by and see them. It wasn't like they were well hidden. Hell, even someone coming out of the pizza shop across the plaza would have a good view.

And well, Lacey wasn't silent about the fucking she was getting.

'Lacey!' I said to myself as she said the N-word over and over. I had heard Jeff say it a lot, but Lacey was going overboard. But each time she said, it drove Nathan to go faster.

'Fuck me!' I said as I popped back around the corner. Nathan had spotted me, and again he didn't stop. He just smiled at me.

I composed myself and walked back inside. I helped Steven close the register and put up a few more clean bottles.

It was a few more minutes before Lacey and Nathan came out on the floor.

"Nearly ready?" Lacey asked. I could tell her face was a bit flushed.

"Yeah, just closing up," Steven said as he made sure everything was ready.

"Can I speak to you for a moment?" Nathan asked as he looked at me.

"Sure," I nodded.

"We will close up, you guys have a good night," Nathan said as he waved at the others.

"Okay," Lacey said as she looked at me with a smile.

I walked into the back office, then sat and waited for Nathan to enter. He sat in his chair and stared at me. If he was expecting me to look away, he had no idea what I had been through these couple of days.

"Did you enjoy the show?" Nathan asked.

"A bit tame for my taste, but it did have it's upsides," I shrugged.

"Really?" Nathan asked. "What upside is that?"

"It cleared a rumor that I always heard about," I smiled as I stared back at him.

"Oh," Nathan said as he tried not to stare at me.

"Yeah, you know about all black men having large...." I started to say.

"Enough," Nathan said.

"Or that you all last...." I started to say.

"I said enough," Nathan said with a bit of anger.

"I heard you could go to a clinic for...." I started to say, but this time Nathan shot me a look that meant he had truly had enough.

"Is that all you wanted to talk about?" I asked as I stood up.

"Yes," Nathan said as he sat back in his chair.

"Not the way you thought this conversation would go?" I asked as I opened the door and looked at Nathan sitting back in his chair. Nathan didn't say a word.

"You have to remember not all of us are doe eyed and ready to fall for...." I stopped myself and then smiled. "Well, I was going to say the big black... but you know."

Nathan shot me a look. "Oh, and how's Anise these days, she hasn't come in lately. I am dying to talk to her," I said, enjoying the look he gave me as I mentioned his wife's name.

"She wouldn't believe you," Nathan shook his head.

"I bet she will," I said as I returned to my chair. "So, lets put it to the test, or you can give me back my regular shift, plus the bar only on game days."

Nathan leaned forward. We had a staring match for a few minutes. Going through everything with Jeff and the others had taught me that I had to take things. Nothing was given. They didn't wait for things to go their way, so why should I?

"Waiting," I said as I didn't bat an eye.

"Fine, you win for now," Nathan said as he sat back.

"Next time you bring me in here, you better be holding better cards," I said as I stood up.

I smiled as I exited. Lacey was waiting outside. "You could do better," I said as I walked past her.

"Could do a lot worse," Lacey retorted without a single breath. "You might want to try it."

"No thank you," I said as I got in my truck and drove home.

I let the dogs out and saw Ray standing outside the mobile. "Come on," I said as the dogs and I walked over to him.

"I owe you an apology," I said.

"No, you don't," Ray said, shaking his head.

"No, you tried to warn me about Jeff a long time ago and I chose not to listen," I said as I sat in the chair next to him. "You warned me about what would happen if I went to the police and I didn't listen," I nodded. "You were looking out for me, and I didn't listen, and I paid for it."

Ray didn't say anything. "Are they done?" he asked.

"That's what they said," I shrugged.

"If that's what they said, then they are done," Ray nodded.

"Good," I nodded.

I didn't want any part of that world. I liked my world the way it was, but seeing the insights of how things truly worked did open my eyes to a few things. I smiled as I looked over at him.

"She still inside?" I turned to look at him.

"Yup," Ray smiled.

"You do really like the big girls huh?" I laughed.

"Yup," Ray smiled back.

"I will leave you to it," I said as I stood up.

"You know I wouldn't have let them hurt you," Ray said.

"I know that now," I nodded.

"Night Robin," Ray smiled.

"Night Ray," I said as I hit my legs. The dogs came running back to me.

I looked around as I closed the doors. The feeling was gone, and it felt good to be alone again.

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