Central High Blues Ch. 09


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Then I slowly remembered where I was. I managed to find my way into the bathroom and turned on the light. I started the water running in the sink and reached for my toothbrush, and then groaned. "I forgot my damned toothbrush." I hadn't bought one either. A quick search beneath the cabinet turned up a new toothbrush, still in the packaging, and I let out a sigh of relief. I opened the packaging and brushed my teeth, watching my reflection in the mirror. My hand slowed and my eyes widened when I recalled fucking Principal Hill.

Oh, my God, what did I do? She's not on birth control!

I struggled to resume brushing my teeth, and had to lean on the counter with my left hand. My legs suddenly felt weak. Jesus! Did I get her pregnant? Was that her plan when she came back over?

Somehow I managed to get through the rest of my morning routine on autopilot, brushing my teeth, showering, getting dressed and getting breakfast while my mind struggled to come to grips with that enormous prospect.

I may be a father!

I actually repeated it out loud between bites of cereal, "I may be a father," and then I chuckled and shook my head. "No way," I muttered. "Principal Hill is too smart and too responsible. She must have gotten a diaphragm or something."

I nodded and went back to eating. That made sense. That was why she went back to her apartment first, so she could insert her diaphragm before coming back for sex with me. I really wanted to believe that, so I did. It allowed me to put the entire incident out of my mind as I drove over to pick up Trina before school.

Deirdre looked...odd that morning. I had trouble putting my finger on it. She was happy to see me, to give me a hug and kiss before Trina and I left. Trina actually leapt into my arms as soon as I walked in, wrapping her legs around me and kissing me vigorously. It was nice, but that was when I saw that odd look in her mother's eyes.

I didn't figure it out, but Trina explained it once we were in the car.

"I told Mom about the apartment," Trina sighed. "I was just too excited about it, I guess. Mom had expected we'd be here, and that she'd get to watch the first time you come inside me. So, she's happy for us, but at the same time she's a little disappointed."

"Ah," I said, nodding. "That explains it." I glanced her way when we were stopped at the traffic light. "Trina, would you like to have her there our first time? We could, if you want."

"I'll have to think about it, Josh," she replied slowly. "Mom only brought it up this morning, right before you showed up. Evidently, she had been thinking about it last night after I went to sleep." She leaned over and rubbed her cheek against my right arm. "All I could think about was how good it's going to feel to have you filling my pussy all weekend," she purred.

"Mmm, I can't wait," I replied.

"Yes you can," she joked. "It's just the day after tomorrow, Josh."

The day after tomorrow ran through my head repeatedly as I parked the car and we headed to our lockers. We smiled and waved at Linda on the way, and she smiled back. There was something in that look she gave me, a sad longing in her smile, that made me wonder what would have happened if I had been home the previous evening. She'd planned to come over to visit with my mother. No doubt she had expected another chance to get with me.

Trina and I split up to go to our lockers, and three different girls drew my gaze when they sighed audibly. They seemed embarrassed when I looked at them, but they had that same look. I reminded myself of the rumor mill, and shook my head. Linda had no doubt passed along the knowledge that I had my own apartment, and everyone had heard how I had carried Brenda to the office after she collapsed.

Those girls all wished they were my girlfriend; that they would be coming over to my apartment after school. They had all been cute, and I had to remind myself that they were also under 18 and therefore off-limits. I mused briefly about what would happen when girls in our senior class began having their eighteenth birthdays, but I knew I wouldn't get with any of them.

This was Central High, after all. Even if Trina dumped me, there would be no way I could date anyone else without the entire school hearing about it. I caught up to her and we smiled at each other as I took her hand. We were still holding hands when we walked into Biology class. Miss Green looked from our joined hands up to our faces, and she gave us a smile.

When Carla joined us at our lab table, she looked from our teacher to me and chuckled. "That's..." she started, and then she shook her head. She looked from Trina's face to mine, and chewed her lip. "Miss Green looks like she wants to fuck you, Josh," she finally whispered.

Trina and I both gasped.

"Carla! That's so fucked up," Trina whispered back. She shook her head. "You know how much Josh meant to her, right when school started. He was already her hero, and now she heard about the way he helped Miss Cahill yesterday..." she stopped, looking over at our teacher for a second. Miss Green had been looking our way before she abruptly turned her head and welcomed in some of our classmates. "Damn, Josh, she does want to fuck you," Trina breathed.

"That is so messed up," I muttered, shaking my head. "How am I supposed to look at our teacher without thinking about that now? I blame you two for this."

It was an unfortunate choice of words. They both immediately looked at my crotch after I'd said it, expecting to see me hard. Fortunately, my loose slacks hid my dick. It was still partially erect from all the thoughts I'd had about Linda, Trina, and now Lisa. I shook my head, looking from Trina to Carla.

"You two are so bad," I growled.

The way Carla blushed reminded me that these two were friends, and had been for years. Trina had a life outside of the time she spent with me and the time she spent online. I had no doubt my girlfriend had given Carla some details about me.

Miss Green was all business after the bell rang. She had become a really good teacher in the brief time we had been in school. Her knowledge of the subject matter had already been exceptional, but now she was skilled at managing her class and fielding questions as well. I would have been happy to have her as my teacher even if we had never had sex. Now it was tough for me to look at her and not think about all the things we had done together.

That line of thought ended abruptly, because we were beginning our first dissection unit. That quickly took my mind off of sex.

* * *

Calculus and English class flew by. Miss Cahill wasn't back, so we had a substitute and it wasn't Dana Lattimore. That meant we got a worksheet and no homework, rather than starting Macbeth.

After that class let out, I walked with Trina to the cafeteria after we'd hit our lockers. She usually ate her lunch in the cafeteria while I had become accustomed to having lunch with Miss Green and Mr. Delgado. Today, because I was thinking about it, I watched her join a group of her friends while I grabbed my burger and chips to take with me. Carla was among those friends, but there were five or six of them who were all seniors and who appeared to be part of a regular lunch group.

It was the first time I realized that I didn't really know my girlfriend's friends at all.

I pondered that as I made my way to the science wing. How much else was going on that I simply hadn't paid attention to? I had scarcely played with my online friends since the school year started. That had been a huge chunk of my life before I'd gotten sick. I knew my best friends who had graduated still found time to play. I hadn't even thought to bring my laptop to the apartment when I had packed up my clothes.

When I got to the science wing, I stopped abruptly. Every one of the classroom doors was closed, and the lights were off in Miss Green's and Mr. Delgado's classrooms. I looked in both of their windows but of course nobody was there. What the hell? I wondered, as I made my way back to the cafeteria.

There wasn't an open spot at Trina's table, so I found a seat near the door where I had come back in and quickly ate my lunch. Afterwards, I found out that Mr. Delgado had left the campus at lunch time. He apologized to the class when he came jogging back to unlock the door and let us in. Miss Green had gone to the teacher's lounge for her lunch, since the formaldehyde fumes in her classroom were so unappetizing.

I watched the other students more than I paid attention to the lecture during Chemistry class. Trina wasn't the only girl giving me those doe-eyes when she looked my way. What was more educational, though, was just paying attention to who talked to whom, and watching the other students whispering during class. It reminded me that I hadn't even tried to make new friends this school year.

My thoughts continued along that path as I looked at some of the guys in the class. I knew who most of them were. Several of those guys were seniors. I had barely talked to any of them, and then only because I was walking around during that first lab. Every one of them would probably have given up their left testicle to trade lives with me, I thought. Still, I should have been friends with at least some of them. My high school experience was just so completely bizarre that I wasn't enjoying just being in school. It felt like Leanne's insistence on breaking up with me so I could enjoy—

I gave a little jump in my seat. Leanne! Good God, I hadn't ever called her back after I had collapsed the previous week! How the fuck could I have forgotten her? As I reviewed everything that had happened over that span, it was easy to see how I had been preoccupied. Then I recalled that dream from two mornings earlier. My dick hadn't forgotten her. That made me chuckle. Fortunately, nobody heard it.

The previous weekend had been completely insane. I had to remind myself of that. The past couple days had only been a little better, really. At least I hadn't worn my dick out with excessive sex. Trina caught my eye then and smiled, and my own smile was automatic. Speaking of wearing my dick out... I thought, Trina is going to expect a LOT of sex this weekend.

My dick lurched once again at the thought. Then I had to wonder if Principal Hill would keep "checking up on me" over the weekend. That could get awkward, with Trina staying with me. I noticed Mr. Delgado looking at me from the front of the classroom with a raised eyebrow, and wondered briefly if he had asked me to do something. When I gave him a questioning look and started to stand, he shook his head briefly. Nobody else turned to look at me, so I sat back on the lab stool and watched as he turned back to the board and resumed his lecture.

I had simply been lost in my thoughts and he had seen that distant look on my face.

After he finished his lecture I came up to hand out the worksheets to the class. Afterward he pulled me aside.

"Are you okay, Josh?" he asked softly. "I understand you've been through a lot the past couple of days. If there's anything I can do to help..."

I shook my head and smiled warmly at him. "Thank you, sir, but I'm okay. Just a lot to think about, you know?"

He nodded and gave my shoulder a squeeze. "You know I'm here if you want to talk about anything, Josh. There may be something you're not comfortable discussing with your parents? I can keep it to myself if you need someone to talk to."

It was tough for me not to laugh when I thought about his generous offer. Instead I slowly shook my head.

"Really, sir, there isn't anything I can't discuss with my dad. I don't know if you heard, but I had to move out of the house so Miss Cahill could stay with my family while she recovers."

He nodded, letting me know that he had heard. I didn't doubt that everyone had heard, since Linda had been at the house the whole time. I think that had been part of my mother's plan, actually. Everybody would know that I had moved out, so nobody would think anything was going on between me and my English teacher. Also, everyone would have heard that we had a nurse staying there as well, to take care of her. That would make it clear that her condition was serious.

Mom also knew that Trina's birth control would take effect this next weekend...

My eyes widened when I realized how my mother had set all of this up. Damn, that woman never ceased to amaze me!

"What's the matter, Josh?" Mr. Delgado prompted.

"Oh, nothing," I replied, shaking my head again. "It's just...I was thinking about what you said, and realized how lucky I am to have my parents. It's a lot to deal with, but my mother really thought everything through more than I gave her credit for."

My eyes drifted over to where Trina sat. She looked so sexy as she chewed her lip thoughtfully and focused on the worksheet in front of her. How lucky was I?

Mr. Delgado had me sort out some chemicals that had been delivered to the school, putting them away in the storage closet where they needed to go. Now, I keep saying "storage closet" because that's what he called it, but it was really a rather large room. It was almost half the size of the classroom, with four long rows of shelving and additional shelves on the walls going all the way around the room. I was still in there when the bell rang, but I was almost finished.

He ducked his head inside the door and told me, "Josh, you can finish that tomorrow. You need to get going."

"Yes sir!" I replied, carefully setting that last glass container on the shelf in front of me.

Trina had waited for me, and I smiled at her as I gave her hand a squeeze.

"Are you okay?" she asked softly, after we were in the hallway.

"Yes," I replied. "I just couldn't stop thinking about this weekend, and it left me a little distracted."

* * *

I arrived in my Art class just after the tardy bell because of my late start. The room was a hive of activity when I walked in the door. Everyone was putting together their portfolios, and I was impressed with how much work my classmates had done the previous afternoon. The storage area at the side of the classroom had always been cluttered before, but now it was neatly organized and clean. Almost all of the artwork had been moved into the shelves with the student portfolios.

I gave out a low whistle as I looked around. When I bent to retrieve my portfolio from the second shelf from the bottom, I let out a gasp to feel hands squeezing my bottom. I glanced over my shoulder before I stood, and was surprised at how Miss Chase looked. I'd never seen her wearing makeup before, and her bright red lipstick really stood out.

Her back was to the classroom, so nobody could see the way her hands fondled my butt and then slid around to squeeze my dick. She spoke up slightly, so that her words covered her actions.

"You were right to recommend Raul and Bethany. They were extremely helpful when we cleaned this room out yesterday. Doesn't it look great?"

"Yes ma'am," I replied.

I managed not to gasp when her right hand slid into my pants and her long, slender fingers wrapped around the shaft of my hardening cock. Then she was pressing into me from behind, guiding me forward and into the small bathroom. The art classroom was unusual in that it had its own bathroom. I suspect that was mostly because they needed the extra sink. Miss Chase carefully closed the door behind us, then pushed me back against the sink.

I watched open-mouthed as she slid to her knees and opened up my pants, and then her bright red lips engulfed the swollen head of my dick. It looked absolutely spectacular, and felt even better. I had been hard for most of the school day, lost in my thoughts. This felt surreal—like I was having another weird sex dream.

Miss Chase didn't even look like the same person with that carefully applied makeup and bright lipstick, and I could hear my classmates talking not twelve feet away on the other side of that door. Miss Chase was looking up at my face intently as she took more of my cock into her mouth and deftly worked her tongue around the sensitive ridge of my cock head.

When her fingers wrapped around the base of the shaft and started stroking me insistently, I saw her bright-red nails had been painted to match her lipstick. I understood then that this was a show she was putting on for my benefit. Oh, she wanted to suck me off, but her makeup and nail polish were supposed to make it more visually appealing. I wondered if Miss Rogers had been in on planning this. I was pretty sure she was keeping the class occupied while Miss Chase savored my cock in her mouth.

She pulled her lips off of me with a wet slurp and finally stopped staring into my eyes long enough to take a good look at the cock she had been sucking so beautifully.

"Damn, that's impressive," she groaned softly. "I've never had a cock this big before. It's beautiful." She ran her tongue around the head once more and murmured, "I can't wait to feel this spreading my pussy wide open. Umm!"

Then she was sucking me insistently again, jacking the base of my shaft and looking hungrily into my eyes. She gave out a lusty moan as she began feeding on my pre-cum, urging me closer to release. After two more minutes of that intense suction, I felt my balls clenching up.

"I'm going to come," I whispered.

"Mmm-hmm!" she moaned, sucking me even harder.

I closed my eyes and bit my lip as my dick erupted into her talented mouth, and her moans and gulps were music to my ears. She eagerly drank down every drop I had to feed her, and my eyes fluttered open to watch as she sucked the last of it out of my shaft. I gave her a weak smile.

"Thanks," I murmured. "That was spectacular."

She moaned once more and then pulled her mouth off of me. "You're welcome," she replied.

I stepped aside so she could use the mirror over the bathroom sink to inspect herself. She hummed happily as she touched her face lightly and licked her lips. That left me standing behind her, and I let my eyes roam down her back. She was wearing the paint-stained smock she usually wore, but beneath it she wore a pale aqua dress. Unlike her usual baggy outfits, this one hugged her curves and let me see the outline of her hips and ass.

She let out a surprised gasp when I lifted the back of her dress. I guess she assumed we were done; she looked completely shocked when I pulled her thong to the side and slid my still-hard dick into her tight little pussy. I had become so accustomed to coming five or more times a day that her marvelous blowjob had merely served to prime me for this main course. She did her best not to cry out as I bent her over the sink and fucked her hard and deep.

It was an added thrill to be taking her in school like this, in the middle of the school day. It reminded me of the fantasies I'd had about taking Principal Hill in her office, and the first time I had taken Brenda Cahill in her classroom. I only fucked her for two or three minutes, though. I was pretty sure she had been too loud, and I did not want to get suspended or get her fired. I pushed my length balls-deep inside her, leaning forward to look at her flushed face in the mirror and turning just enough to whisper in her ear.

"You said you couldn't wait to feel it in your pussy," I hissed. "But we're going to have to wait before you get to feel me coming inside you, Miss Chase. We need to get back to class."

She shuddered as I slowly pulled my dick out of her, and turned to stare at me as I carefully tucked it away and straightened my pants and shirt. I looked at her and she shook her head.

"I can't believe you did that," she whispered. "I was supposed to be the one teasing you."

I gave her a lopsided smile as I reached for the doorknob. "I guess we're even, then," I replied.