Central High Blues Ch. 02


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"It might have helped, but I had to fuck him," she giggled.

I shook my head and grinned at that thought. On the other hand, I knew now that I could not trust her self control. I would have to take charge of this situation moving forward or it would end in disaster. I gave her a soft kiss on her neck, then jotted down my phone number on her post-it pad.

"Call me tonight," I said. She nodded, tearing off the top post-it and putting it into her purse.

I grabbed my bag and textbook and headed out the door. I made a beeline for the bathroom and washed my face and hands before going back to my locker. I had a few minutes of lunch time left, but I wasn't starving. I really wanted to be able to savor the taste of my English teacher's pussy for the rest of the day.

Instead, I made my way back to the science wing. Mr. Delgado was in his classroom; evidently he ate his lunch at his desk there. I knocked at the door before entering.

"Hey, Josh!" he said. His face lit up with a nice big smile.

"How are you doing today, sir?" I asked.

"Pretty good," he responded, "Listen; I realize we didn't get to talk about what you are going to be doing in my class yesterday." He got up and walked over to his printer, bringing me a schedule he had worked up for the class. "We've got these labs scheduled. Those are the times I'll really need your help the most. During the lectures, though..." he spread his hands in a helpless gesture.

"Actually, sir, I would like to follow your lectures. If you don't mind, that is," I said, "You know I placed out of AP Chemistry, but I'm sure I could learn some of the stuff that wasn't clear when I was reading in the book. Thank goodness I had my dad there to help with that—Oh! That reminds me, my dad was talking to me this morning. He said to tell you he said 'Hi,' but also he would love to have your family over this weekend. We'd like to have a pool party while the weather is still nice."

"Okay," he chuckled at me, "That was a lot. Let's see...I would be happy to have you follow my lecture. Glad to hear from your dad. I will have to clear it with the boss—you know, my wife—but I think a pool party would be a lot of fun." He ticked each of those points off with a finger. "Did I miss anything?"

I had to smile as I thought over what I had said. "I think that covers it. Do I need to do anything before class starts today?"

"Here," he said. He handed me a breath mint. I'm sure the color drained from my face when he said, "I don't think I can concentrate on my lecture with that smell. Did you have a fish sandwich for lunch?"

His look said that he knew exactly what I had eaten for lunch. I sucked on the mint and stammered out, "Thanks."

I stayed well clear of the doorway and the students' desks until I had finished the mint. I was awfully self-conscious of my breath, now. I sat at a lab table in the back of the room and followed the lecture. Nothing that he covered that day was anything that had mystified me. I did catch a couple of the girls in the class looking back at me. I just smiled at them when they did, and they went back to following the lecture.

As I followed the rest of the class out, Mr. Delgado said, "I'll call your dad this evening."

I nodded and waved. "See you tomorrow, sir!"

I stopped at a drinking fountain and swirled cold water around in my mouth before swallowing it. I could no longer taste Miss Cahill's pussy. When I looked up from the fountain, Trina was standing there.

"Hey," I started, but she jumped in.

"What the hell did you do to piss off Miss Cahill?" she asked.

I started walking with her as I said quietly, "I don't really know if she's pissed off. She's a new teacher, and I think she feels like she has to be especially mean to keep control of her class. Does that make sense? I mean, look at how tough it is for Miss Green."

Trina thought that over and nodded. She had her Calculus class, so we separated at that point. "I'll see you after school," I said.

I barely made it into my Home Economics class before the bell rang. I was lost in thought, and it wasn't until the class broke up into groups that I realized I had no idea what we were doing. I walked over to Miss Smith, the student teacher. I made sure she could tell that I was sincere as I whispered to her.

"I am really, really sorry, Miss Smith," I said, "I missed that last part of what Mrs. Bollinger said. I have no idea what we're doing now."

"We're just going over basic kitchen equipment," she said, "Laying out utensils and stuff like that." She looked around for a group for me to join, and guided me over to what had to be the four shortest, youngest girls in the class. They all blushed when I walked up with Miss Smith.

"That's a bad idea," I murmured to her out of the side of my mouth. "Those girls will be way too nervous to work with me."

"You'll have to be extra nice and get them past that," she replied.

I smiled at the girls and did my best. One of them had learned some basic cooking skills, but the others...well, I couldn't tell if they had never cooked anything that didn't require a microwave, or if they were just paralyzed by intimidation of me. Mrs. Bollinger made her way around the classroom and then went back to the front of the room to lecture some more. I paid very close attention this time.

At the end of class, I leaned down to ask the girls in my group softly, "Hey, I am sorry if I put you girls off. If you want, I will find a different group tomorrow so you're not so nervous."

Rachel, the one girl who had shown some promise, blurted out, "No! You should stay with us." She colored immediately, but the other girls seemed to agree. They all wanted me in their group. I tried to break the ice, shaking each of their hands before we left. I watched them walk away. They were whispering and giggling to each other. Miss Smith came over to my side then.

"See," she said, "those girls all adore you."

I looked into her eyes and found I could not read her at all. I gathered up my things and gave both teachers a smile as I left. "See you tomorrow," I said.

I sat and doodled while Art class rolled by. I didn't miss anything in that lecture, and we didn't have any homework. I was able to give some thought to my morning classes. It occurred to me that I could check on Miss Green right after or during lunch, since her classroom was just down the hall from my Chemistry class. I probably needed an excuse like that until I figured out how to deal with Miss Cahill's insatiable appetite.

I really wasn't trying to picture it, but when I thought of the two of them, I could see Miss Cahill just dominating Miss Green. It made me think of the way Heather had been all over Charlene back at the hospital. I was sitting in Art class getting a hard-on imagining two of my teachers going at it. I had to shake my head to clear that thought out and pay attention to the lesson.

In PE class, we had to change into the shorts and tank tops even though we wouldn't be playing basketball until next week. I walked into the locker room and changed quickly. When I turned around to leave, I realized that all these younger guys were staring at me in disbelief. That made me look down at my crotch reflexively, but that wasn't the problem. It was the fact that I was so much taller and more muscular than any of them.

I couldn't blame them. I would have been terrified of the prospect of having to compete with someone of my stature back when I was an underclassman. I shot them all a grin and said, "Hey, look at the bright side. Some of you will be on my team."

Out on the court, some students were dribbling basketballs around and taking shots. I grabbed a loose basketball and just dribbled around the outside of the court until Coach Perrine blew her whistle to start class. I was at the far end of the gym, so I was the last one to return my ball to the racks. Coach waved me over to her.

"Josh, I'd like to use you to demonstrate for the class if you don't mind," she said. I nodded and stood next to her.

For the first half of the class, that meant that I had to try not to stare at her cleavage while she lectured at the portable blackboard. Instead, I looked toward the rest of the students sitting in the bleachers. I tried to ignore the blatant stares that I was getting as I stood there. I was relieved when Coach Perrine finally grabbed a basketball and we started demonstrating the things she felt everyone needed to be able to do to pass this portion of the class.

We passed the basketball back and forth, and then she did some dribbling. After that, though, she had me try to defend her while she dribbled the basketball. She was talking to the class the whole time, but she had her back to me and was pushing her shapely butt right into my crotch as she tried to push me back. I had my hands in the air in the 'proper defensive stance' she wanted me to demonstrate. I couldn't help it. I was getting hard.

I knew that those gym shorts would make my condition obvious, so I turned my back slightly toward the class. Coach used that opening to drive past me for an easy lay-up.

"And that's how you wear down a defender," she said to the class.

She retrieved the ball and had me drive the ball toward her. She was constantly talking as she slapped at the ball and then put her arms back up. I knew the guys in the class were getting an eyeful of her charms as she worked up a sweat. I was sweating quite a bit myself by the time class concluded. She was a surprisingly skilled basketball player. She was really making me work at it just so I wouldn't look inept.

"Thank you, Josh," Coach said. She turned to the class and concluded the lesson, dismissing them before turning back to me.

"You didn't have to take it easy on me, you know," she said.

I laughed at that. "I wasn't!" I protested. "I thought we were going to be walking through this stuff. You caught me off guard there, and then it was all I could do just to keep up with you."

Her eyes flicked down to my crotch, so quickly that I barely caught it. Her nipples were hard and poking out her top noticeably. "You'd better hurry so you can get a shower," she growled at me. She turned and walked into her office. My eyes followed her muscular thighs and ass before I shook my head and jogged into the locker room.

Most of the guys had already changed and cleared out by the time I got in and stripped for a quick shower. I did catch a couple guys checking me out, but they quickly finished changing and were gone. I showered quickly, but I took too long. Coach Perrine was standing in the locker room looking impatient as I emerged wrapped in that small towel.

"Coach...?" I asked hesitantly. She looked annoyed rather than aroused, and I didn't know what I might have done to aggravate her.

Her eyes raked me appraisingly. She shook her head, looking like she didn't know where to start. She had clearly not showered; her tank top was plastered to her chest now with her sweat, and it made her breasts stand out provocatively. It was all I could do not to stare at them. Finally, she spoke.

"Josh, this is really bad. You should not be here alone with me in the gym."

"I'll hurry up—" I started. She shook her head, cutting me off.

"You don't understand," she said, "The rumor mill at this school is just ridiculous. Even though...What's so funny?"

"Oh, Coach, I know all too well about the rumor mill at this school," I said. "We weren't even back to school one day and there was already a rumor going around that I had a huge...um..."

I was a little embarrassed, then. I realized I was talking to Coach Perrine, and I just couldn't bring myself to say 'dick' or 'cock' to her. It seemed disrespectful. She looked at the front of my towel and licked her lips as she looked back up at my face. Her voice was a little softer as she resumed.

"I heard," she said, "Which just makes it worse now. Everybody has gone except the female gym coach and her big-dicked student."

I couldn't help it. I started getting hard again just hearing her say that. I had fantasized about her when I had been a freshman in her PE class. Now she seemed attainable, standing there in that locker room. The front of that little, thin towel did nothing to hide my arousal as my cock tented out the front of it. Coach made a quiet whimpering noise in her throat as her eyes were drawn to my crotch again.

Now, I would like to tell you proudly how I controlled myself and asked her to leave so I could get dressed. I would like to tell you that I had enough composure to think about her career instead of how much I wanted to fuck her tight little body. Come on, I was a horny eighteen-year-old. What would you have done?

I removed my towel, and draped it over the wooden bench between the lockers. Coach groaned when she saw my dick in all its glory. I found my 'dad voice' then.

"Coach, you are absolutely right. We can never mention this to anyone," I said. She nodded, her eyes locked on the tip of my cock as she slid off her shorts and thong. "After today," I continued, "We will never be alone in the gym again. So this will never happen again, right?"

I sat on the wooden bench, and she nearly knocked me over when she hopped into my lap. Unlike Miss Cahill's slutty pussy, Coach Perrine was impossibly tight. She could not get the bulbous head to fit between her stretched little lips even though she was drenched. The frantic look on her face was priceless. Unfortunately, she was even tighter than my sister had been.

I would not be fucking the gym coach that day. I lay back on the bench and grabbed her hips, sliding her wet pussy up and down the underside of my cock. I knew I wouldn't come that way, but she would. I looked down at her hard clit being dragged up and down my length. It was really hot to watch that and even hotter to watch her face as she came repeatedly. After two intense orgasms, though, she was done. Coach collapsed onto my chest, panting heavily.

I tried to kiss her, but she pulled away from me. She looked alarmed as she struggled to stand.

"We have to get out of here," she said, "The janitor will be here in a couple of minutes!"

She pulled her shorts back on and fled from the locker room. I got dressed in my regular clothes as quickly as I could. I did not see Coach Perrine as I left the gym and headed to my locker. Trina was waiting for me there.

The hallways were already thinning out as students exited the school. Trina raised an eyebrow at me as I approached.

"Sorry," I said, "I had to grab a quick shower after gym class. I was a little funky."

She shrugged. "Hey, you're saving me time by giving me a ride. I'm not complaining about waiting a couple of minutes."

I grabbed my Calculus book. It was the only homework I had. I noticed that Trina had the same book.

"What did you think about Mr. Roush's class today?" I asked as we walked out to my car.

"I hope I didn't make a mistake signing up for that class," she said, "That was a lot to cover, and it was only one day. I hope this homework doesn't take up my whole afternoon."

I nodded at that. "That's what I was thinking," I said, "My dad talked me into taking that class. He's almost always right about that sort of thing, but...I wish we could work on it together."

She looked thoughtfully at me as we reached the car. I opened the passenger door and held it for her. As I walked around to the driver's side, I realized that I had an audience. They weren't close, but a small knot of girls were definitely watching from closer to the school. I didn't see anyone that I recognized. I slid into my seat with a sigh and pointed them out to Trina.

"We have an audience," I said, "Anyone you know in that little group there?"

There was just enough window tint on the Mustang's windshield that the girls outside were unaware that we were checking them out.

"I recognize two of them, but there's nobody that I know well in that group," Trina responded. She looked over at me as I started the engine, "You think they...oh, crap."

"Yeah," I said, "Whether you like it or not, I think the rumor now is that we're dating."

"You sound awfully grim about that," she said. I could see that she was smiling. "I thought you wanted to date me."

"Oh, I do," I said, smiling at her before backing the car out of its parking space, "I just wish it didn't have to be like this. It's so much extra pressure that I never would have expected. Do you know what I mean? I feel like half the school is going to be watching us every day now, and some of them will be rooting for us to break up."

"You mean, all the girls?" Trina looked a little annoyed at me as she said it.

"No, I mean half of them—guys and girls. You really haven't noticed all the looks you get from guys every time you walk down the hall, have you?" I looked over at her as we stopped behind a truck at the first traffic light. Her look said she didn't believe me. "Seriously, Trina, if you don't want to date me, you'll have your pick of plenty of guys who would love to go out with you. It just puts you in the same predicament I'm in."

"What 'predicament' is that?"

"They're all underage. If it goes badly, their parents could have you brought up on charges."

"Oh," she said softly. The look on her face said that she had not considered that possibility at all.

"Granted," I continued, "That's far less likely to happen to you than it is to me. I don't think I've ever heard of an eighteen-year-old woman being charged with statutory rape for dating a younger guy."

"True enough," she said. There was a long pause. I could see her looking at me, but I was driving again and couldn't safely make eye contact. "Josh, is that why you want to date me? Because I'm old enough for you?"

"Trina," I said firmly, "I want to date you because I think you're hot. You have been turning me on with that sultry online routine of yours for years. Also, I wanted to date you because we have been friends for a long time and I thought it would be a lot of fun to go out with you. Even if you weren't interested in me as 'boyfriend material' we would still have a great time."

We finally pulled up in front of her house, so I was able to stop the car, kill the engine, and look at her.

"There are some reasons that I really didn't want to date you, though," I said. Her eyebrows went up at that. "Look, we have been friends for a while. I didn't want to screw that up if we date and break up. I would hate to risk ruining what we already have. Also...I got to date Leanne Spencer over the summer. Did you know her?"

"Not personally, but everybody knows Leanne," she said. "Did you guys...?"

"Have sex?" I guessed that was what she wanted to know. She nodded. I wasn't sure how much I should tell her. I wasn't sure how much she really wanted to hear, if she had to follow in those footsteps. I remembered that my dad had told me to tell her everything, though. I sighed. This wasn't something I really wanted to talk about, but it had to be done.

"Trina," I started. Then, gunshots rang out less than a block away. We both ducked down instinctively. I looked around but couldn't see anything from my seat. Like I said, Trina didn't live in the best neighborhood. I started the car and pulled out of her cul-de-sac with a squeal of tires. I was trying to look every direction at once, but I still didn't see the source of the shots.

I grabbed my cell phone out of my pocket and handed it to Trina.

"Call your mom and let her know I'm taking you to my house," I said.

Trina called her mom's gym. It took them a couple minutes to get her on the line. "Hey, Mom," Trina said, "Josh was dropping me off at home, but then there was a shooting nearby. He's taking me over to his house. No, we're fine. We never saw what was going on—it wasn't that close. We have Calculus homework, so we're going to do that first." She colored a bit then, and looked at me. "Mom!" she said, "He's not like that! We're not...I'll talk to you about that later, okay? I'm in the car with him right now! Hold on."