Careful What You Wish For

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Husband and wife explore alternate lifestyle.
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Practically everyone I know says I'm a control freak. After a few years in the business world, I've learned the devil is in the details. Even the tiniest things can change the course of events in your life. Oh yeah, I admit it, I'm that guy. I'm the one that won't go shopping without a list and changes my oil exactly every four thousand miles. Each of my days are planned out to the smallest detail. I always found that there is a great amount of security in organization. It is said that "success is when opportunity meets preparation," and I did everything I could to prepare for the future.

I first met Anne at a pickup basketball game in the YMCA. She played at a level that was impressive for anyone—man or woman. At six foot, she was only a couple inches shorter than I was. The first words she spoke to me were when she apologized for knocking me on my butt while setting a pick. When I'd looked up into those sky-blue eyes, I was hooked instantly. I had never expected such tenacious play from such a gorgeous woman. When the game was over, I waited around for her to retrieve her workout bag. I approached her before she went to the showers.

"Hi, I'm Dave," I said, offering my hand.

She looked at me for a few seconds before taking my hand and saying, "Anne... Sorry about that. You okay?"

"Yeah, I think I'll live. It might take a while for my pride to heal, though," I replied with a bit of a laugh, rubbing my swollen lip.

"My best advice for you is to work on your left-hand move."

"Yeah, I've heard that before. You must have played some college ball, right?"

"Nope. But I have three brothers that did. I played volleyball. How about you?"

"I just play pick-up ball. I never tried out for school teams because I was a nerd." I chuckled.

"That's hard to believe. You don't look like a nerd... Well, that didn't come out as I intended. It was nice talking with you, but I really gotta run."

Not wanting to waste this opportunity I stuttered, "Uh... w-what... are you doing for dinner?"

"Sorry, Dave. I'm busy tonight."

I turned to walk away, feeling like I'd blew it, when she said, "You sure give up easy. What about Wednesday?"

My huge grin must have looked stupid.

"Awesome! What do you eat?"

"Food usually."

"Come on... you know what I mean. Italian? Chinese? Greek? Mexican?"

"You choose."

"Okay. Mexican it is. Pick you up at six?"

"That's it? Just dinner?"

"Well, there's a country band called The Travelers playing at the Horseshoe on Wednesday. They have line dancing."

"I've never been to a country place. I'm more of rock n' roll kinda girl—but I'm open to new things. I've always wanted to wear those cowboy boots my dad bought me."

"Great! Well, I guess I'll see you then." I turned to walk away.

"Aren't you missing something?"


"Unless you're psychic, don't you need my address and phone number?"

"Oh, yeah... forgot," I said, feeling like an idiot.

Anne took my phone and added her information.


The days prior to Wednesday drug on slowly. I was distracted at work, unable to focus on anything but the image of her beautiful face. I was what is referred to as smitten, rendered almost useless. I thought about calling her but decided not to because I didn't want to appear needy.

When I finally picked Anne up, she was wearing tight jeans, boots and a loose top that displayed her assets to their maximum effect.

She saw my expression and said, "I take it that you approve?" Her eyes widened as she checked out my Volvo SUV. "A car says a lot about a man."


"Meaning that most single men your age are are driving exotic sports cars to try and impress."

"I told you, I'm a nerd... a pragmatic nerd. This car was rated the safest by Road and Track."


We were having a surprisingly great time at dinner, discovering things about each other when suddenly a guy came up to our table. He looked at Anne and loudly said, "I figured your story about helping your mom was a crock of shit."

"Leave me alone, Randy. You're drunk."

I stood up and got in his face. "Look buddy, I think—"

But the asshole cut me off and gripped my shoulder, glaring at me as he warned, "Sit tight, dude. This doesn't concern you. This is between me and this lying bitch."

Anne threw her iced tea in his face. Feeling the need to be Sir Galahad, I stepped between them and tried to diffuse the situation. His first punch caught me flush on the jaw. I saw nothing but darkness and stars.

I wish I could remember more about that first date, but it's pretty much a blur. I vaguely remember Anne holding an ice bag on my face while sitting in her living room. It seems that Randy was under the impression that they were exclusive. She had evidently broken a date with him to go out with me.

That first disastrous first date morphed into another, and yet another. Before I knew what was happening, we were a thing and moved in together. About six months later we met each other's parents. A year after that, we were honeymooning in Hawaii. Life was good. I never in my wildest dreams believed I could be this happy.

As you probably guessed, Anne took the lead in our love life after we moved in together. What I lacked in technique, I made up with enthusiasm. I knew she was more experienced, but I never asked her about her past lovers. In retrospect, I probably should have because my imagination of her having sex with other men morphed into erotic visions that fueled my libido. That led to fantasies I was too embarrassed to share with her.

After I passed the bar, I spent two years of doing legal research. When I received a promotion to associate, it came with a substantial pay increase that enabled us to buy a four-bedroom house, big enough for our future family. Around the same time, Anne received tenure at her school. With that, we settled into middle class utopia. Anne even embraced my neurotic tendencies to over analyze things and put post-it-notes everywhere.

In my opinion, everything was perfect... until I made the error of not erasing my browsing history. Anne had gone to print out a recipe and discovered my obsession with cuckold videos. I will never forget the day I came in from doing the yard and was confronted by my angry wife.

"What is this bullshit of yours and cuckold porn?" she practically screamed.

I felt like I had shrunken in size: six inches tall, to be exact. I couldn't speak.

"Is that what you want?" Anne yelled. "To watch me get fucked by other men?"

"I... it... was just a fantasy."

"You fantasize about sharing me like some whore? You probably think about that while we make love, don't you? That's disgusting!

I had no way to defend myself.

"Say something!"

I tried to compose myself before saying, "I'm so sorry. It won't happen again, I promise. No more porn."

"I don't give a fuck if you watch porn! That's your business. I'm hurt that you feel you can't discuss your desires with me, and you feel the need to hide them. I thought we were closer than that. How long has this been going on?"

"I don't know... a while, I guess. It was just harmless fantasy. I don't know why."

"David be honest. Is that what you really desire? To share me? I am so beyond repulsed!"

"It's just a fantasy! It's not real. I just pretend when I'm with you to be someone else. Are you saying you never fantasize?"

"I didn't say that, of course I do. I'm human, but it never involves you with other women. Why do you want me with other men?"

"I don't know. Maybe because I don't think I'm that good or as experienced as others?"

"That's ludicrous. When have I ever refused you? After all these years together, we are more sexually active than any of my girlfriends. I love you."

"I don't doubt that you love me. Like I said, it's just a fantasy game."

Later that night, we were in the act when Anne asked, "Who are you tonight?"

"Who do you want me to be?" I replied while driving as deep as I could reach.

"Umm... it's my secret." She panted.

After that, it became a regular role play between us. I didn't worry about her finding out my secret fantasy or bother to erase my search history.


A couple years later, a visit from my old high school buddy Rick would send us on a path of life changing self-discovery and redefining our marriage in many ways. Changes that would challenge almost every aspect of our lives together. In retrospect, all I can say is... be careful what you wish for.

Rick visited us from Nebraska with the intention of seeing Southern California. I hadn't seen him in over a decade. When he told us he'd reserved a room at the Days Inn, Anne insisted we let him stay in our guest bedroom. We had a huge house with plenty of room.

It was great to see him. The night he arrived we talked for hours, catching up and reminiscing. Anne listened patiently and kept our drinks filled. She was always the perfect hostess. Rick revealed he had never married and never would. When I asked him why, he joked and said that he preferred other men's wives. That didn't go unnoticed by Anne, who gave him an icy frown.

During his stay, we all went on a whirlwind tour of Southern California's favorite tourist spots. Rick was one of these guys that had all the natural attributes going for him. He had a chiseled jaw and a long lean muscular frame. Wherever we went he seemed to get looks from almost all the women we came across, including my wife (even though she tried in to conceal it).

What didn't go unnoticed by me was how he constantly flirted and payed extra attention to Anne. I didn't say anything because I trusted her and didn't want to cause any conflict. Durning that week, we ended up going to most of the major theme parks and best eateries. All in all, it was a good week.

On the last night of his stay, while Anne and I were getting ready for bed, I decided to share my thoughts.

"You and Rick seem to be pretty chummy."

"So? I'm just playing the good hostess. Are you jealous?"

"Do I need to be? It seemed to me that everywhere we went, the two of you appeared to be a couple. I felt like like a third wheel.

"That's ridiculous. I've never once been unfaithful to you in all our years together. It was just a little harmless flirting. You know me. Don't make it something that's not there."

"I'm not accusing you of anything. I'm just saying you two seem to be getting pretty close... I'd say almost... intimate. I think to the outside observer, you appeared to be more than casual friends. I'm not blind, sweetheart. I saw the way you looked at each other."

"That's ridiculous, David. I haven't done anything inappropriate," she said, looking away.

"I didn't say you did, but it's more than obvious you find Rick attractive. Do you do you deny that?"

"Of course not. He's a hunk, but I'd never cheat on you."

"Let me ask you something hypothetically: if you had the opportunity to be with him, would you?"

"Hypothetically? What the hell are you talking about? I'm not a cheater."

"I'm not saying you are, but I'm asking you this: is it cheating if you had my permission?"

For me, this was one of those moments that I wished I could take my back my words. The words had escaped my lips and I immediately regretted it. Words are like bullets that can't be retrieved once fired.

Anne stared at me in disbelief before saying, "You can't be serious. Dave, this isn't one of your crazy erotic fantasies! This isn't a game! It's playing for keeps. There are no do-overs."

"You're right, of course. That was a huge brain fart. Forget what I said—all of it. I'm sorry."

"Why would you say such a thing, unless you were considering it?"

"Look, Anne, we've both shared this fantasy for years. I had a thought... with Rick leaving tomorrow... we'll probably not see him again for years... it seemed like the perfect storm. I was thinking an opportunity like this might never come our way again."

"And I think you're crazy. Totally nuts," she said emphatically.

"Yeah, you're right, totally insane. Forget I mentioned it. I don't know what I was thinking," I replied as I crawled into bed.

She slipped under the covers next to me and I gave her a quick kiss before turning off the light. I laid there in silence, listening to her breathing, until I drifted off to Never Land.

"Are you awake?" Anne asked, shaking my shoulder.

"Uhhh... I am now. What time is it?"

"It's just after one. I can't sleep—thinking about what you said."

"About what?"

"You know about what."

"I thought you said I was crazy."

"You are, but were you serious?"

Still groggy and half asleep I replied, "I suppose I was at the time. Why are you asking? Are you saying you want to do it?"

After a very long pause she said, "Will you hate me if I said yes?"

"Of course not, Anne. I could never hate you. I was the one who brought it up. But It's getting pretty late. If you're actually going to do this, you better get going. He leaves early for the airport."

Without saying another word, I watched my wife slip out of bed completely naked and walk out of our bedroom door into an uncertain future. I shut off my lamp and considered what I had just done and what she was about to do. We had fantasized about this for a long time, but I never actually considered it would become a reality, until now.

The Guest bedroom was next to ours. I heard her tap on Rick's door, and I could hear voices quietly murmuring. That was followed by a long silence. I wondered how he reacted, seeing my gorgeous wife standing before him fully nude.

As the silence continued, I thought she might have changed her mind... until the moaning started. At first it was soft, but her cries of ecstasy left little doubt to what was happening. Their sounds became more verbal and more animated. The initial whispers were now bold cries of pleasure. The bedsprings began to squeak in rhythm to my wife's grunts and the headboard drummed against the wall.

This continued for what seemed like hours. I was amazed at Rick's stamina. The whole time this went on, my guts were tied in knots. I considered that this might have been a huge mistake, but my erection said otherwise. Anne was right, there could be no do-overs. I don't know how, but eventually I drifted off to sleep.


I forgot to set my alarm and woke up around ten. I knew Rick had already left for the airport because his flight was scheduled to take off just after nine. The aroma of cooking drew me out of bed. I staggered downstairs to get some coffee, wondering if Anne was all right.

Those thoughts were quickly answered when she said in a cheery voice, "Welcome back to the living sleepy head!"

Anne had that unmistakable glow about her. I looked at her bubbling effervescence and uttered one word, "Coffee!"

On the surface, our life seemed to carry on as normal, but we both knew that wasn't true. I deliberately didn't ask her about her night with Rick, figuring if she wanted to tell me, she would. So, we just went on with our lives as if nothing happened. I knew if you let the genie out of the bottle, you can't put him back. In reality, I was having a hard time grasping the fact that I was now a cuckold; it was no longer a fantasy. I couldn't blame Anne. She gave me so many chances to say no.

At first there weren't any noticeable changes in my wife. However, as time passed, she seemed to carry herself with greater confidence, and she started to dress a little more provocatively. Anne was always a flirt, but she seemed to become bolder in her mannerisms. I didn't say anything because I found it interesting how men reacted to her. Our sex life didn't diminish in the slightest, and I believed we had moved past that night with Rick.

Since we lived at the beach, it wasn't unusual for Anne to wear a swimsuit around the house. But when I saw her in her latest string bikini, my mouth dropped open. The bottom disappeared between the crack of her ass, somewhat covering her privates. The top consisted of two tiny triangles that barely hid her nipples. I gawked at her like any stranger would.

She saw my reaction and asked, "What do you think?"

"What do I think? I think if you wear that in public, you'll be arrested. Other than that, it's hot."

She giggled. "I'm not that much of a slut... yet. This is for your eyes only. I saw this today and thought you'd get a kick out of it. I'll go change. What are we doing for dinner? Eating in or going out?"

"How about I barbecue some ribs and corn? It's a warm evening out."

"Okay with me. I'll be right back."

"Stay. I like the view."

Anne grinned and shook her tits at me.

God, I love this woman!


I was finishing up in the kitchen while my wife went up to prepare for bed. I poured us a couple glasses of wine and took them with me to the bedroom. This had become a nightly tradition since the news report claimed a glass of wine at bedtime was good for your heart. I sat her wine glass down on her nightstand and slipped into bed.

Anne walked out of the bathroom, strutting like a model on a runway. She pulled her hair pin out and shook out her long locks. Then, with a tug at the waist belt, her robe fell to the floor in a heap at her feet, displaying her stunning body.

This was one of those Kodak moments in my life when I wished I had my camera on me. She was incredible and I whistled my approval.

Sitting on the edge of the bed, I attempted to grasp my gorgeous wife, but she stopped short and did a pirouette, like a ballet dancer.

"Do you notice anything different?"

"Hmm, you have a new hairstyle?"

"Well... you're almost correct. I had a Brazilian wax at the spa today. How do you like your bald wife?" she asked, thrusting her hips forward.

"Wow! I like! But when I suggested the idea, you told me you liked your bush. You made it clear you didn't want to look like a little girl."

"I changed my mind. It's a woman's prerogative." She chuckled.

"C'mere, gimme a taste," I said, gripping her hips and kissing her naked mound.

"Your beard tickles!" She giggled, pushing me back on the bed.

Anne wasted no time as she crawled up on me. She straddled my shoulders and rubbed her sex on my face. Cunnilingus is something we both enjoyed. I liked it because it pleased her and left no doubt that she'd get off.

Her scent was intoxicating. I engulfed her in my mouth and slid my tongue between her wet lips. As I flicked her erect clit, she moaned her approval and her body shook. I reached up and pinched her erect nipples, rolling them between my fingers.

"Oh, that is sooo good! Give mama what she needs," she moaned.

I released her tits and held her butt firm, trying to keep her from thrashing around. I always found it difficult trying to lick a moving target. As soon as she slowed her movements, I buried my tongue as deep as it would go and felt her start to spasm. Her vaginal muscles constricted around my probing tongue.

"Ohhh... don't stop!" Anne gasped, grabbing me by the hair.

She started having one of the most intense orgasms I have ever witnessed in all our years together. It gave me a great sense of satisfaction.

I rolled her on her back and pushed her legs open with my knees. With my cock in hand, I positioned myself at her opening and started to penetrate. Suddenly, to my surprise, she placed her hands on my chest and pushed me away.

"Wait a minute!" Anne firmly stated.

"Wha... What's the matter?"

"I'll tell you what's the matter. It's been over six months since Rick visited us and you act like it never happened."

"Couldn't we discuss this later?" I pleaded.