Candice in Suburbia Ch. 01

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Naked and spanked by her mistress.
6.2k words

Part 1 of the 6 part series

Updated 07/08/2023
Created 02/28/2022
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One thousand days is a long time. I did the math, and it comes out to two years, eight months, and twenty-seven days.

That's how long I was a naked slave in the Kingdom of Verborgen. My time there had a huge impact on me and radically changed my sexual identity. I now have a strong desire to be surrounded by strong, dominant women, to be the only one naked, to be exposed, to take orders, to feel helpless and to be cruelly punished for the most trivial of reasons.

I had to wear clothes when I returned to the realm of mortals. After almost three years of constantly being naked, it felt weird to wear a bra, panties, pants and all. It all felt so extraneous and constricting. I spent the first few hours after I returned to the United States squirming and tugging at my garments, it just felt so foreign to have them wrapped around me. I felt like a caterpillar in a cocoon.

Of course, there were some good things about being back in the United States. In Verborgen they don't have chocolate or coffee. I love both of those things, so, one of the very first things that Anna did after I was returned to my homeland was take me to Starbucks.

Anna got me a Mocha Frappuccino and the very first sip was liquid magic. Oh, God!" I exclaimed as my eyes glazed over.

"Good, huh?" Anna asked raising her eyebrows and smiling playfully.

"Oh, you have no idea!" I replied. "This is the nectar of the gods compared to the food and drink they gave the slaves back in Verborgen."

"Well, you're in America now," Anna replied. "We do things differently here."

Anna spent the day driving me around, reacquainting me with Starbucks, Elite Jewelers, Empire Hair Salon, Victoria's Secret, Spencer's Gifts, and other fun places that didn't exist in the Kingdom of Verborgen.

It seemed like a great way to welcome me home. I luxuriated in familiar sights, got my hair cut and styled, engaged in girl talk and had fun window shopping. It felt diverting being a carefree American girl once again and Anna made certain that I enjoyed it.

When it got late, Anna drove me to her house for dinner. Anna lives with her parents but I I'd known her mom from years ago, so we hit it off immediately. Mrs. Stepanov greeted me with a friendly smile. I couldn't help but smile back.

"Well, you look healthy," Mrs. Stepanov said. "It doesn't look as if your time in Verborgen did any lasting damage."

"In Verborgen slaves get plenty of fresh air and exercise," Anna explained to her mother. "They're expected to be physically fit, so they're exercised relentlessly...sort of like professional athletes or supermodels."

Mrs. Stepanov nodded her head as if digesting this new information and then said, "All that exercise agreed with you. You certainly look like you could be a professional athlete."

When we arrived, Mrs. Stepanov was preparing dinner and I instantly offered to assist her. My slave training made me automatically assume a servile role when I saw menial labor being done in a kitchen. I'd served in that capacity so many times, it was basically a reflex. I assumed the role of a kitchen menial without thinking, it just felt natural for me to do it.

"So, where's Mr. Stepanov?" I asked Anna's mom as I helped to prepare food.

"He's in Seattle right now," she replied. "He's now the road manager for a band and they're on tour until mid-October."

I made small talk with Anna's mother while we worked together to make a very delicious-smelling chicken stir-fry. When the food was ready, I was given instructions to set the table. I had set the table for huge feasts back in Verborgen, so settling the table for just three people seemed like no work at all.

When we were all seated, the three of us fell into conversation. I regaled Anna and her mother with stories about my time in the faerie kingdom, and at some point, Mrs. Stepanov asked me about my plans for the future.

"I was thinking of getting a job at Sharp Fitness," I explained. "During my pony training in Verborgen, I developed powerful leg muscles and superhuman endurance. I could kick ass as a spin instructor."

"Actually, I've already made plans for your future," Anna said. "I've entered into a business partnership with Irma Scholl. I promised her that you'd work for her."

This was the first I'd heard about Anna making plans for my future employment. It was also the first time I'd heard the name Irma Scholl.

"Who is Irma Scholl?" I asked. "If I'm going to be working for her, shouldn't I know who she is and what sort of work I was supposed to do for her?"

Anna turned to her mother and said, "Isn't she cute?"

I squirmed in my seat and felt my face go hot. It was such a patronizing thing to say. Now that I was back in America. I didn't feel that people should be making plans for my life without consulting me first.

"Anna, I'm twenty years old!" I protested. "Old enough to make my own career choices! Don't you think you should ask me first before telling this Irma person that I'll work for her?"

Anna set down her glass and gave me an imperious look. It was the sort of look Princess Bedrohlich used to give me when I'd disappointed her somehow. It was a look that caused my heart to beat triple fast. It was the sort of look I associated with harsh punishments.

"Candice, if I'm going to be your mistress, I cannot tolerate outbursts like that from you," Anna said firmly. "I'm going to have to punish you for your lack of slave etiquette."

I felt as if I'd walked into a trap. Anna had spent the entire day treating me as if I were a normal American girl with rights and privileges. Being treated in that manner made me forget that I was supposed to be servile and obedient.

It was highly likely that Anna spent the day conditioning me to make me feel like a normal girl so that I would forget my slave training and then commit some sort of transgression. She wanted an excuse to punish me, and I obliged her by giving her one.

My heartbeat sped up, and suddenly I was filled with a delicious fear. It would be dreadful and humiliating to be punished in front of Anna's mom, but at the same time there was a wicked tingling in my loins.

"You're going to punish her right here?" Mrs. Stepanov asked her daughter.

"It's the way these things are done," Anna explained. "If I delay too long in punishing her, it'll weaken my authority. When a slave misbehaves, it's best to punish them right away."

My heart pounded painfully in my chest as I waited for Anna to pass down sentence on me for my behavior. Then, she ordered me to strip naked and to go over her lap for a spanking.

A look of motherly concern crossed Mrs. Stepanov's face. She turned to her daughter and said, "Honey, are you sure about this? I know you and Candice have some sort of slave/mistress relationship going on, but aren't you worried that you'll lose her if you're too harsh?"

Anna shook her head in negation and said, "She already has a slave mindset. She craves strict rules and harsh punishments. If I deny her those things, she'll feel deprived. I'll run the risk of her seeking those things out from some other dominant female."

Mrs. Stepanov gave Anna an incredulous look and then turned to me. She gave me the same look and said, "Candice? Is any of that true?"

It was embarrassing to admit it, but Anna had summed it up quite nicely.

"It's deeply ingrained in me now," I explained to her as I stood up, reached for the front of my shirt, and began undoing the buttons. It felt shaming to strip naked in front of Anna's mother, but what choice did I have? I had agreed to be Anna's slave. Protocol demanded that I follow her orders without argument or hesitation.

"I need to feel overpowered and subjugated," I explained as I finished undoing all the buttons and shrugged out of the shirt. "It's an emotional need. And if I don't get it, I'm going to feel something essential missing from my life."

Anna's mother frowned as I continued to strip. When I removed my bra, my nipples were noticeably erect, and I caught Mrs. Stepanov staring for a few moments before she turned to make eye contact with her daughter.

"Does she have to be punished right now?" Mrs. Stepanov asked. "We were right in the middle of dinner."

"This won't take long," Anna assured her mother, "and then we can all go back to our meal."

Anna's mother made one last attempt to ameliorate the severity of my punishment, and before I was fully naked, she called out, "Stop! Can't she at least keep her panties on for the spanking? Do you have to add full frontal nudity to her punishment?"

My thumbs were in the waistband of my panties, but I hesitated and turned to my mistress as if to ask for her approval before stripping completely naked.

Anna placed a gentle hand on my upper arm, calming my emotions somewhat, then she turned towards her mother and said, "I can't make any special allowances for Candice."

"But-...," her mother began to protest. Anna cut her off in mid-sentence.

"Candice has almost three years of conditioning as a naked slave. She knows what it's like for a slave to be entirely subject to the authority of a mistress. She won't be satisfied with half measures."

Then Anna nodded to me, indicating that I should finish disrobing.

Stripping off my panties was far more humiliating than I expected. When I pulled them off and bared my shaved pubes, I felt at least three times more humbled and submissive than I did before. It was like I'd crossed over some important barrier and surrendered all my dignity, self-esteem, and self-respect.

Anna pulled out a chair and sat down. Then she patted her lap and said, "Okay, Pretty Girl, get your naked body over here. Once you've been punished, I can forgive you and we can go back to having a nice, congenial family meal."

The way Anna phrased it, she made my punishment sound like something wholesome, like you might see in a Norman Rockwell painting. I might have laughed at how out of place her words were if not for the heavy, foreboding knowledge of how much this was going to hurt.

My arms and legs were shaking as I climbed over Anna's lap. It was a new level of shame for me to submit to a spanking while Anna's mother watched, but I bit my lower lip and I forced myself to go through with it. I tried to ignore the excited throbbing in my loins as I draped my naked body across Anna's thighs. and I lowered my hands to touch the floor.

As I lay over Anna's lap, my body was flooded with potent sensations of crushing shame and feverish excitement. The way I was positioned, my head down, my thighs parted, my bottom raised up high and prominently on display for everyone to examine. My delicate pink anus and bald, swollen pubic lips indecently on display for all the women to stare at.

Anna ordered me to raise my ass up as high as I could, insisting I make it a more inviting target. I felt my face heat up with shame, but I obeyed without a word.

Anna's right hand cupped one of my buttocks and then she stroked the curve where the thighs and buttocks merge. She spent a good deal of time fondling my buttocks before spanking them. I began to pant, somewhat impatient for my punishment to begin and then I felt her fingers working their way into the furrow between my buttocks.


I gasped when I felt fingertips stroke the soft, pink flesh of my anus. I wriggled my hips. I had never truly gotten used to being anally penetrated, and I desperately hoped that Anna wasn't going to thrust her fingers into my ass while her mother was watching.

The thought of being anally violated while Anna's kind, congenial mother watched was just too unsettling for words. I bit my lower lip and struggled to maintain my composure. I didn't want to come off like some sort of blushing schoolgirl, but anal penetration was a huge emotional trigger for me to have to control.

I sighed with relief when Anna pulled her hand away. Of course, immediately thereafter I felt the stinging slap of her hand across my bottom.

My whole body tensed up at the pain. Anna proceeded to bring her hand down on the innocent curves of my ass again and again.

"Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Ooooow!" I cried out as my mistress brutally assaulted my buttocks. Reflexively, I squirmed across her lap and kicked my legs. Tears welled up in my eyes and droplets of sweat began to bead on my torso as she inflicted red-hot torment on my innocent buttocks.

I sobbed and writhed across Anna's lap. I was squirming so much that I was in danger of falling onto the floor. Several times Anna had to grab me around the waist and pull me tightly towards her to keep me from falling. Then she began to spank the backs of my thighs, which hurt even worse than when she spanked my buttocks.

"Aaaaahhhhhhh," I cried out and continued to bounce and writhe across her thighs. My ass felt cooked by the time she was finished, and I was sobbing uncontrollably. Anna ordered me to get off her lap.

Once I was standing on shaky legs, she allowed me to cry on her shoulder.

There's an emotional bond shared between a slave and her mistress, and punishment sessions like this do a lot to strengthen that bond. At that moment I felt so drawn to Anna. I loved her, I trusted her, I respected her. I felt a powerful need to touch her, to feel her smooth skin and warm body pressed against my own, to smell her scent. Laying my head on her shoulder and pressing my naked flesh against her clothed body gave me a delicious feeling of connection to her as well as making me feel deliciously submissive to her.

"There, there," said Anna as she held me close, "my brave little slave. You were very obedient and took your punishment with good grace and fortitude. I'm proud of you."

My ass felt scalded after Anna was finished punishing me for my outburst, however her sweet embrace and her words of praise filled me with contentment. I melted inside and when Anna's hands gripped my poor, abused buttocks I embraced the pain and made a sound halfway between a whimper and a sigh.

My poor bottom was a riot of pain but Anna's arms were soft, and I could feel the fabric of her shirt rubbing enticingly against my nipples. My mind drifted and I completely forgot that Anna's mother was in the room, watching us as we held each other. It was as if Anna and I were the only two people in the universe.

Anna wiped some of the tears from my soaking wet face and surprised me by leaning in and kissing me passionately on the mouth. I melted into the kiss and when Anna's tongue slid forward, I eagerly parted my lips and allowed her tongue to explore my mouth.

Anna squeezed my sore, reddened buttocks, while simultaneously probing my mouth with her tongue, deliciously exciting nerve endings in my mouth. I moaned into Anna's mouth and the red-hot stinging sensations from my recent spanking were masked by the erotic sensations stimulated by Anna's bewitching lips and tongue.

The erotic, tingling sensations that began in my mouth spread all across my naked body, finally spreading to that sacred place between my thighs, creating an aching in my loins that just became stronger and more potent the longer we kissed.

I could feel moisture beginning to seep from my swollen labia when Anna broke from the kiss and said, "I think that's enough for now. You've done your penance. We should get back to eating dinner."

Dinner? Oh, crap! I'd completely forgotten where I was and what we'd been doing before Anna had reddened my ass.

I looked over my shoulder and saw Mrs. Stepanov seated at the dinner table, staring at us with an attentive look. I suddenly felt ten times more naked than before, and all the blood rushed to my face as I was overwhelmed with embarrassment.

I shunned her gaze and turned to Anna instead. I was standing naked in front of Anna's mom with dozens of stinging handprints all over my abused bottom. I gave Anna a pleading look and said, "May I get dressed before I sit back down?"

Anna shook her head in negation and said, "Wearing clothing is a privilege that a slave needs to earn. And you haven't earned that right. You can sit down and finish your meal with your tits and ass out on display."

I sat back down at the dining room table and winced as my wounded buttocks pressed onto the surface of the chair. Secretly, I was pleased that my request had been denied. While it was humiliating, it was also thrilling for my mistress to force me to keep my naked body exposed. I squirmed with pain and embarrassment as I ate, however, my heart pounded in my chest with excitement.

* * *

It was a few days later when Anna took me to meet Irma Scholl.

Irma Scholl lives on ten acres of land just east of Stoneman Field. It used to be a dairy farm, but they sold all the cows and the milking machines back in 2016. Since then, the land has been just lying there. It had a rustic, barbaric look to it and Anna thought it would be a great location for filming BDSM videos.

At first, Ms. Scholl just charged a fee for filming on her property. At some point, she decided she could make more money by setting up her own website, filming her own BDSM videos and charging people a monthly fee to access her website.

"It's a sound business model," Anna explained. "Her contacts in the porn industry helped her to find a customer base. She was able to advertise directly to thousands of potential customers, so as soon as she had content she had paying customers."

I got into Anna's Volkswagen Taos, and she drove me away from the familiar streets and sights of Fairhaven and towards the rural lands outside of town.

As we got closer and closer Irma Scholl's home, the roads were hemmed in by tall grass, weeds and brush. Guard rails and traffic signs were barely visible as if they were being strangled by aggressive weeds. It seemed as if vegetation was trying to take back the land from civilization and any day now the roads and the traffic signs would be engulfed and everything manmade would be devoured.

Somewhere in the center of all this was Irma Scholl's foreboding residence. It reminded me of the horror movie, Husk and my eyes darted around looking for a killer scarecrow to emerge from out of nowhere, brandishing a pitchfork.

This wasn't the sort of place where a girl wanted to strip naked and get tied up, but Anna had insisted that I come out here to perform for Ms. Scholl, so there I was.

"So, if she makes enough money with her B&D website, is she going to move to the suburbs? This place gives me the creeps."

"I doubt is," Anna said as we got out of her SUV. "This area is idea for BDSM videos. Slaves seem more vulnerable and abused if they're viewed in an inhospitable environment."

Irma Scholl was an impressive-looking woman, at least six feet tall and attractive in a tough, weather-worn sort of way. She had dark eyes, raven hair and she looked down at me like some sort of vengeful goddess, preparing to pass judgment on me.

"This is the girl from the videos?" she asked Anna.

I turned to my mistress and asked, "Videos?"

"I emailed Irma several videos of your pony training," Anna explained. "She was impressed. She thought you made a sexy pony-slave."

"Are you sure this is the same girl?" Irma asked, frowning. "The one in the videos seemed like she had a better body. Also, she seemed far more submissive."

I felt insulted that Ms. Scholl didn't believe that I was...well, me. But I allowed Anna to handle that issue.

"This is definitely Candice," Anna assured the statuesque woman. "She looks a lot less submissive when she's wearing clothes."

"Well then, maybe we should get her clothes off," Ms. Scholl replied, and I was directed to an old, weather-worn barn where I was told to strip.

The whole interior of the building smelled of old wood and sawdust and I ominously noted that there were ropes, chains, whips and riding crops hanging neatly on one of the walls. On the opposite side of the room was a camcorder on a tripod. It seemed obvious to me that Irma Scholl made bondage videos in this space.