By Accident, On Purpose Ch. 05


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She half-smiled at me, more in sympathy for me, then retreated to clear the table. I watched her go and then drank back the last of my beer. I walked to the edge of the veranda and watched the moonlight on the surf below. My head was exhausted from the entire day. I turned and headed for my bed. Whatever we would do, we would start tomorrow. My clothes practically fell off me as approached the high bed in my room and I flopped on it and slept immediately.

I was awakened in the night by the squawking of something being hunted and captured in the jungle. I got up, relieved myself and then wanted water. There was usually a bottle of sparkling water at my bedside, but not tonight. I headed quietly for the kitchen to grab one. I padded naked past Mom's room and on impulse peeked in to check on her. Her bed was empty, the covers thrown back.

As I approached the kitchen, I noticed light from Maribella's room. I got a bottle out of the fridge then turned at the soft voice I heard from her bedroom. I tiptoed to the door and peeked in. The little light by her bed was illuminating the room softly. Maribella was sitting up in bed, the covers pooled around her hips, beautiful bare breasts on full display, as usual. Mom sat on the edge of the bed wearing a lightweight nightie. I noticed how sheer it was as the faint light came right through it. I supposed it was a recent purchase made specifically for this trip. How different did this trip turn out to be, from what she must have expected, back when she was shopping.

Maribella's eyes flicked over to me when she noticed me in the door. Mom turned slowly, acknowledging that I was there. She had been speaking softly, but stopped when she noticed me. She raised her hand, inviting me into the room. I was suddenly shy of being naked in front of them. Mom's eyes dropped to take in my nudity.

"It's alright." She said softly, "No reason to feel shy by now."

I stepped forward and took her hand. "I was just telling Maribella about my feelings." She said, then was thoughtful. "I don't want to shoo you away, but, ... you're welcome to sit there." She gestured to the small armchair in the corner. "I just want to get my thoughts out without, ... interruption." She smiled up at me. I said nothing and simply went to sit in the chair.

"Yes," she continued with her previous conversation, "of course I adore Kevin." Her eyes flicked over to me. "I always have! I always will. It's just that I think our relationship has changed forever." She was thoughtful for a long moment. Maribella just waited for her to continue. "And, ... I think it's changed in a way that, ..." she turned to face me, "that, ... I really enjoy, god help me." She returned to Maribella. "I am imagining a life with Kevin where we, ... are lovers. Of course, this is dependent on whether he also wants to live a life like this."

I almost blurted out my answer to this, but thought better of it; time enough later. This was not the moment. It was thrilling enough to know that she had come to this conclusion.

"I don't exactly know what this life will look like," her voice drifted off, she seemed thoughtful for a bit. "But, I think we both have enough money now to make it work." She didn't turn to look at me, but I know this last part was directed at me. Maribella just sat and listened.

"But you," she began again taking Maribella's hands in hers, "I've never felt this way about someone before. I don't really know what I think, but I'm learning, I think, to just go with what I feel." Maribella's expression was neutral. I don't know how much of this she was understanding. "What I feel, ... about you, ... is that you are an incredible woman, talented, lonely, had a very hard life so far, and, ..." there was a long pause here, "incredibly sexy!"

Maribella squirmed a bit at this admission. This, she understood clearly. The way Mom had said 'incredibly sexy' dripped in eroticism and sexuality. Even I began to feel a twinge in my penis, hearing her talk like this. "I must admit that I've found women to be sexy before, even, ... had a bit of experience with a woman before." Her eyes shyly flicked over in my direction, but she didn't actually look at me. "And it was wonderful." She added nodding a bit. "But you," she continued facing Maribella directly, "I find myself really wanting you! In that way." Maribella sat up in bed a bit. It had the effect of pushing her gorgeous tits up and out; Mom took note. "Mmmmm, god help me, I want you! That way."

Maribella took the opportunity, during the pause that followed, to gently reach out and touch the soft fabric of Mom's nightie. Mom just sat there and let her explore and begin to unbutton the front. Mom quavered a bit, with a quick intake of breath at this. I could see that she almost looked over at me, but resisted, as Maribella undid the last and gently swept the lightweight garment off her shoulders. I came fully erect at the beautiful display of my mother's breasts, as she straightened proudly.

"¡Tienes los pechos más hermosos!" Maribella sighed in a whisper, gazing at my mother's chest, swooning at the beauty of her breasts. She reached up to gently cup them, Mom quaking at the contact. It was very warm in the room, but goose flesh rose across her skin. "¡Tus pezones se ven muy deliciosos!" she whispered focusing on Mom's hard nipples. She took them gently in her fingers and toyed with them. Mom's head fell back as she sighed loudly.

She drew my mother closer and leaned in so that she could take them in her mouth. She sucked a large portion of Mom's tits in and I could see her tongue working them. Mom pulled har hands free of her sleeves and one hand moved to the back of her head and held her lovingly.

"Yes, Baby! Suck my tits! I love it!" she sighed loudly. Her other hand slowly came up to cup one of Maribella's breasts. She moaned at the contact, kneading it gently.

I tried not to move a muscle. I didn't want to break the magic spell that was creating the most erotic tableau I'd ever seen. Mom slowly rose up on her knees, giving Maribella easier access, her beautiful round bottom coming up into view. I was studying her nude shape in perfect profile. Maribella's hands slowly caressed their way down and around her hips and bottom. Mom head lowered as she kissed the top of Maribella's head, combing her long hair back and gathering it in her hand.

Mom pulled the hair gently, pulling her face up and leaned in and they kissed softly but with so much heat, I almost came without touching myself. Their kiss went on and on gathering intensity as it went. Mom hands cradled her pretty face and Maribella's hands had a firm hold of Mom's sexy bottom. I noticed her pulling Mom up a bit higher, until their kiss broke. Mom now came fully up to her knees and with Maribella's urging threw a leg over her, now straddling her. She grabbed the headboard for balance as Maribella leaned in and kissed her soft tummy.

"Quiero darte placer." she whispered. I trembled at the thought of her wanting to give my mother pleasure! I was even more thrilled when she breathed, "¡Quiero probarte!" into my mother's tummy; she wanted to taste her. Mom threw me a sideways glance but said nothing. I sat stone still. Maribella gently pulled on Mom's sexy ass, as she began to slither lower, making her intention clear.

"Oh baby!" Mom's voice quavered at the recognition of where she was going. Her body tensed at the thought, but quickly she relented. She simply looked down lovingly into Maribella's pretty face as she slid under her and took her first long taste of my mother's wet sex. They both moaned loudly at the contact. "Oh, oh, oh my god!" Mom managed as she gripped the headboard tighter, throwing her head back.

Maribella reached up and took Mom's tits in her hands, kneading them more forcefully as she worked her mouth the wet pussy, moaning happily. "Oh Maribella! My sweet sweet love! That's heaven!" she whispered. "Oh yes sweetheart, do it!" Her hips were moving little circles. "Oh my god! My pussy!"

Mom glanced over at me, looking slightly embarrassed at having used that word. I smiled gently, trying to stay as neutral as possible. "Oh, my pussy." She repeated, actually saying it to me. My smile remained. "Oh Maribella! My sweet, ... you're eating my pussy." She breathed, gazing into my eyes. She seemed to enjoy the freedom to express herself so intimately before me. "Oh Maribella!" she said louder and directly to me, "You eat my pussy so beautifully."

Mom tore her eyes from mine and looked down into the angelic face that was pleasuring her so nicely. She reached down to comb back the long dark hair that had spread over the pillow in a lovely fan. "Yes. My sweet lover girl! Eat my pussy! I'm gonna cum!" Maribella's eyes seemed to smile happily at this news, as she worked Mom's tits even more aggressively.

Mom's orgasm tore through her, violently! She quaked and jumped, alternating between holding her breath and then gasping for air. I was amazed how long her orgasm lasted. It seemed to go on and on and she jerked her pussy on Maribella's face. Her hands moved to Mom's hips and held her tightly when Mom tried to move off her. "Oh my gah, ...Oh! Mir, ... Yes, yes yes!" Mom was shaking wildly, unable to direct a clear thought.

Finally, they both fell still, and Mom's body jerked up and off of her sexy young lover. She collapsed heavily onto the bed beside this gorgeous dark woman. She lay there panting as Maribella moved up onto one elbow to caress her stomach. Both of Mom's hands came to cover it, not moving it, just holding it tightly to her as she caught her breath.

Maribella's eyes came to mine with a mischievous grin, looking across Mom's heaving body, her breasts swaying sexily with each breath. We both just shared a loving look as Mom took her time calming down. "Oh my goodness!" she panted. "It is so surprising to me, ..." she turned a bit thoughtful, "that I can let go so completely in front of you and not feel embarrassed or ashamed." She said this without even looking up. I wasn't sure if it was directed to me, to Maribella, or both of us, but my heart warmed that she felt so open and sexually comfortable in front of me. Finally, she rolled her head to face me.

"Kevin, sweetheart. I love you so much!" she said with a smile. "But would it be terrible of me to ask that you just sit this one out quietly, please stay, but I am really enjoying exploring this with Maribella?" At this she rolled her head to face her beautiful young lover.

"I can go, and let you two, ..." I began.

"No! Please feel free to stay." She jumped in. "I love you both so much, ... and want to share, ... everything, with both of you, forever."

Maribella looked from her to me and back, trying to fully understand what Mom was saying. I think she got just enough of it, to be nervous about misreading the situation. Mom reached up and pulled her face in for a deep kiss. Maribella's hand found Mom's pretty breast and cupped it lovingly. Their kiss was so passionate! Mom pulled away after a bit but remained focused on Maribella. "You know how much I love my son?" she asked her. Maribella simply nodded and waited. "I want you to know that I feel the same about you."

Now Maribella's eyes flicked back and forth between us. I simply smiled wide. Mom kissed her again and then continued, "Kevin was the only child I ever had. I always wished for a second, for a girl, but it was not to be. I don't know why, but I have kind of come to think of you, ... as the daughter I never had. You are so beautiful, so accomplished, you've overcome so much." They shared a long loving look. "I love you. I love you like a daughter, ... but, ... I also love you as a sexy woman, a lover, someone that I'm dying to give pleasure to, to way you did for me."

Mom moved to climb onto Maribella a bit, throwing her leg over her and placing her hand on both sides of her face. "It's been many, many years since I've done anything with a woman, ... even thought about it, ... but you turn me on so much sweetheart. She leaned in for another passionate kiss. "I've never, ... gone down on a woman, ..." Another long deep kiss. "But I really am dying to kiss your body everywhere!" Mom supported herself on one warm and with her other hand caressed down the front of Maribella's body, finally brushing her hand over her pussy. "Everywhere." Mom repeated.

"I would love to try eating your beautiful pussy, sweetheart!" she whispered. Maribella, who had her head raised watching everything, gently laid her head back down, wanting just that.

"Lo deseo también!" she whispered, "I desire it also! Me encantaría el placer de tu lengua en mi vagina." She said breathlessly. "I take many men, to my bed, but never a woman has make me so, ... despertar!" she panted, searching for the word.

"Aroused." I whispered, the first utterance of sound from me since I sat down.

"Oh my sweet baby," Mom moaned, "I'm dying to eat your sweet pussy and make you cum! Let me taste you, devour you!" Mom bent to suckle Maribella's gorgeous dark nipples, as she gently teased around the insides of her thighs, a feather touch over her swollen labia. Maribella's eyes rolled closed as she focused on the sensation.

"Si! Oh, si!" she moaned. "Cómame. Placer a mí!" her body was trembling in anticipation.

I realized that I was gripping the arms of my chair in a death grip, waiting, watching as my sweet mother, who I had only just begun to view as my incredibly sexy mother, was about to touch her lips to another woman's pussy for the first time; another woman who was also a lover of mine, but was going to shortly be 'our lover'. The fact that I already thought of myself and my mother as a couple, as lovers, was a revelation; I shook my head at the thought and smiled. I really did love these two!

Mom rearranged herself, Maribella making room between her legs. Watching my mother's beautiful nude body taking its place between my other lover's thighs, was intoxicating. Mom kissed both of her thighs, as she took a long look at another woman's pussy for the first time in her life. "'Bella, sweetheart, your pussy is so beautiful!" she sighed dreamily.

"¿Te gusta? You like?" she asked.

"Gorgeous!" whispered.

Mom took her time, looking a bit nervous now. She kissed both of her thighs and the swollen mound at the top. "You've done this Kevin?" she asked me without looking at me.

"I have to admit that I have not. I don't know what I've been doing with my time." She giggled a bit. "I can't wait to do it though, but for now, ... you will be the first to sample that gorgeous fruit." I told her.

"Mmmmmm." Mom's eyes were burning as her desire grew. "Gorgeous fruit," she quietly repeated.

"Maribella, my sweet beautiful girl, ..." Mom whispered in a sultry voice, leaning down to gently kiss her labia, "Your pussy is so pretty!" She kissed it gently again. Maribella's head threw back into the pillow. Mom pulled up gazing into the wet, warm flesh of Maribella's sex. Watching it closely as she moved in, she extended her tongue and took a long luscious lick, from the bottom to the top. Maribella pulled her pillow to her mouth and bit it, as her eyes moved to mine with a look of intense animal passion.

Mom took another long lick, then another, moaning into the wetness. "Gorgeous fruit, is right!" deep passionate licking ensued. "You're so delicious!" More moaning and devouring. "Like a ripe peach!" Maribella's hands went to the back of Mom's head pulling her in tighter. "Yes, baby! Show me. Show me what you like. Help me make you feel so good sweetie!"

Maribella's hips were jumping off the bed trying to get more contact with Mom's mouth and face. Mom's arms were under her hips and holding onto her body to keep her in place. "Mmmm! I never dreamed that I would love doing this so much!" Mom mumbled into the pussy in her face. Maribella kept up a panting rant in Spanish that I didn't understand but took to mean that she was getting close to orgasm.

Maribella's entire body went rigid and she cried out is what sounded like agony, if I didn't know better. Her orgasm just kept going and going, as she began to sob loudly. It was as if years of pent-up emotion came bursting forth at once. She was pulling at Mom's head, clawing at the sheets, and trying to lift her entire body off the bed! Mom hung on as best she could but finally pulled back, staring with alarm at the emotional outpouring from this beautiful, lonesome soul.

Mom began to crawl up her body keeping close contact everywhere, as Maribella began to wail and sob. Her emotional outpouring became painful to witness, as she cried out of control. Mom pulled her into her arms, and she clung on as if her life depended on it. Since I'd arrived, Maribella always seemed to be in complete control. Now that the dam had burst, her emotions needed to run their course. A lifetime of loneliness and pain poured forth as she sobbed into my mother's breast.

I remained in my place not moving, as I witnessed this incredible spectacle. Maribella was so raw, so open, that I noted my mother's maternal instinct take over as she pulled this beautiful young woman into her, rocking her gently and whispering quietly into her ear. "Sshhh now. Shhhh. I got you sweetheart. I'm right here baby." She punctuated these cooings with kisses on her face and head. "It's okay baby. I got you. I got you."

I noticed tears in my eyes, as I watched them softly rocking together. "Estoy muy avergonzado!" Maribella whispered, so softly, I almost didn't hear.

"What's that sweetheart?"

"I be, ... have, ...embarrassment."

"Oh, shush now baby. No need for that. I'm here. Everything's fine."

"I never in my life, ..."

My mother tilted her face up to look into her eyes. "You are my precious girl! There is nothing wrong with feeling, ... anything! It means you're still alive." They kissed deeply again. Breaking the kiss, they smiled at each other so lovingly, I almost jumped up to join them. "I would love to take you home with us." Mom told her.

Maribella suddenly had a look of surprise and fear. Mom was perplexed. "What baby?" She asked. Maribella just stared at her for a moment, as if Mom had said she wanted to send her to the moon. She then glanced at me as if she was the butt of some joke. She made a move to get out of the bed, but Mom held her fast. They shared a long look. Mom's honest, loving gaze softened her angst a bit.

"You said, ...?" she seemed genuinely disturbed at Mom's comment.

"What? That I would love to take you home with us?"

Again, Maribella physically shook at the phrase, the idea that we would want to take her with us, to the place where we lived, where our family lived. "Truly?" she asked, disbelieving. Mom looked surprised at the question.

"Of course! I mean if that's what you want. I would love to take you home. Make you my daughter."

Maribella's face swiveled back and forth between us, not trusting her ears. "Truly?" she asked again. "You would take me to your home?" Mom nodded with a loving smile.

"Oh sweetheart!" she soothed and fresh tears began to flow. Maribella's shoulder shook as she cried.

"No one, ... ever in my life, ... ever wanted me."

"Oh baby!" Mom said gathering her close, as she sobbed heavily. Mom reached a hand out to me at last and I joined them, sitting sideways on the bed. Maribella reached an arm around me pulling me into them. We sat there for a long time holding this lovely, aching young woman. Mom's eyes met mine, as we both cried with her.

I realized that this raw, open display of love and caring was even hotter than the intense passionate lovemaking that I had witnessed earlier. This, right here, was the essence of love-making. I climbed further onto the bed and Maribella reached around to pull me tighter. Mom was still cooing to her, telling her that we loved her and wanted her and that she was always welcome to be with us, to come live with us, to be part of our family. I lay there listened to her words, imagining how different my life, our lives were about to become.
