By Accident, On Purpose Ch. 01


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I had just dropped my pants and stood entranced watching her swim. She turned to find me and gave me a look that said 'well, come on.' I dove as gracefully as I could and swam the length of the pool underwater. I surfaced about 3 feet from her. She moved over and placed her hand gently on my shoulder.

¿Mejor, si?"

"Si. Mejor." I answered.

We swam for a while, quietly back and forth. Mari was a picture of elegance in the water. I sat on the edge and simply watched her moving fluidly back and forth; gone was the clumsy limping. Her nude body was perfectly lithe and strong. Her hair streaming beautifully. I realized that I was fully erect when she swam up next to me, and took a long look at my penis. I slipped down into the water.

"¿Necesitas Ayuda?" she asked, "Do you need help?" Her hand came softly to my aching cock and she grasped it with a firm yet tender grip. Her breasts were just breaking the surface of the water, her nipples hard. "I help." She whispered. She made a move to lift me out of the pool, impossible for her, but then I raised myself to sit on the edge. "Usted es muy duro, y... si grande." She added quietly. I understood duro to mean hard, which was an understatement! "I fix good for you." She whispered as she slipped her beautiful lips over the tip and slid my cock into her mouth.

I was so taken aback by this that I didn't speak or move. I just reveled in the sensation of her exquisite blowjob.

"I make all good." She whispered, removing her mouth from me for only a moment. I leaned back on my left hand while my right caressed the back of her neck. "She hummed around my cock, at the gentle contact. "Gusta esto?" she asked.

"Oh si." I moaned. "Mucho gusto."

I moaned to her that I was about to come. Her mouth was so perfect and the unexpected treat had brought me off so quickly.

"Quiero." She moaned. "Yo lo quiero. Dámelo." Her fingertips found my balls and her tender touch did it. I began to shoot in her. She simply held me deeply and swallowed. Her humming around my cock was intensifying my orgasm.

Finally having given my all, she slowly withdrew. As she looked up into my eyes I leaned down to kiss her. She drew back with a look of mild shock. She wasn't mad, simply confused. She had reverted back into her lower caste of untouchability; almost as if to ask 'how could a man like me want a woman like her'. I did though. I wanted her badly, her body, her sweetness, her innate sexiness.

She told me it was time for bed and turned and dove back into the water and swam to the far side in a couple efficient strokes. She swept her glorious nude body out of the pool and immediately became the invalid again. I watched her amazed. Moments before she was sucking me to the most wonderful orgasm, now she was back to the servant. She dried herself and tied the pareo, leaving off the halter.

I stood and grabbed a towel nearby and dried myself and wrapped it around me. She headed for my room. I followed behind watching her hips move hypnotically. Her breasts had the sexiest swing and sway as she moved. Once in my room she pulled back the covers and plumped my pillows. I stood watching. She came down from the bed platform and stood for a brief moment watching me.

"Well, good night to you, Señor. Hasta en la mañana."

I watched as she left the room, turning to face me as she pulled the doors closed. A brief servant's smile and then she was gone. I was completely hard again, reliving her exquisite blowjob and watching her breasts sway as she closed the double doors. Sleep came easily, once I laid down in my huge bed.

I awoke early the following day. It was just before sunrise when the sky was still fairly dark. The sun rose behind the mountain against which the jungle huddled, which made the actual sunrises here fairly late in the morning, around 8:30. I got up and strolled nude to my outdoor shower. The natural stream flows constantly, which was quite chilly in the morning, but there was a supplemental system that added hot water to make it more of a typical shower. I added some that morning and stood under the gushing water for a while.

Maribella's shuffling brought me out of my reverie about last night's blowjob. The memory had given me an erection; fairly typical for me in the morning. I turned to face her and noticed her bringing me a tray of coffee and breakfast treats. She was topless again. I supposed that she preferred to be this way, once the ice was broken.

"Buenos dias, señor. ¿Como estas?" she asked smiling mildly. Café con leche y desayuno." She handed me the coffee cup. "Azúcar?" she asked. I shook my head.

"No thanks, I'm sweet enough." I replied smiling. She didn't get it, looking confused.

I was a bit surprised when she removed her pareo with a quick flick of her wrist and moved to join me in the shower. She set about gathering a brush and the soap and then, turning me, began to wash my back. I sipped my coffee and she scrubbed gently and slowly.

She washed my hair, scratching my scalp so nicely, she knelt on a foam mat and washed my legs, my stomach and then began to wash my cock, with such an delicate stroking motion. Her gorgeous tits bouncing lightly as she worked me.

"Guapismo." She murmured, more to herself than to me. "Tu pene,... Your penis is very handsome. I enjoy to touch you." She commented without looking up. "You explode for me?" I did, wildly, all over her. "Si! Oh, si! Muy bien, señor!"

Afterwards I helped her to her feet. She gave me a grudging smile of thanks, as if it was slightly insulting, to doubt her ability to stand on her own. She then let me wash her body which brought my erection anew. Touching her body was heaven, her tits were perfect in my hands, her tight, fit tummy, her tight round ass. She halted me at her legs.

I shut off the hot water and let the stream continue to flow normally. She dried me but refused to let me dry her. I leaned back and watched, eating my sweetened breakfast rolls. Maribella tied her pareo, took the tray, offered a brief smile and then headed back to the kitchen. I watched her go. I remember thinking that I couldn't wait to fuck her gorgeous pussy. In the shower, her tiny patch of hair was slicked down and her labia were pronounced, more so than last night in the kitchen, or at the pool. This morning they looked aroused and swollen, 2 full lips and her clit pushing out from between them. I longed to lick them and spear her with my cock.

I suddenly remembered that Amy, was also coming. I had the potential to be with 2 women this trip. Amy's father, John Clendening, was a business friend of my Dads. He had been to the house several times on his own, during business trips to the area. The whole family had come for short trips almost every summer. She always made me feel like such a dope, around her. Amy was exquisite, 5'-9" perfect athletic body, Sandy blond hair to the middle of her back, almost always in a loose ponytail. Her big, round, impish blue eyes, the color of the sky just after the sun has set, always took my breath when they fell on me. She was attending college in the northeast somewhere.

The rest of the morning was spent exploring the villa and taking a walk to the beach. Mom, Dad and the other guests weren't due until 3:30 or so. The path to the beach was long and winding, passing over several bridges and under a couple tree-root tunnels. There were several places where the jungle would part and a view of the beach would appear. As I approached the beach I noticed someone moving on the sand. I was worried that this place wasn't as private as I had previously thought.

Stepping out of the trees onto the sand I noticed that it was Maribella on the beach. I was immediately taken by the thought of her hobbling all this way down here, by herself. I was further taken by the fact that she was nude, wet, and working at cleaning a large fish.

There was a rock that made a perfect table for the purpose. She hadn't noticed me yet so I was careful not to make noise. Watching her body in the sunlight, made me long to be nude also. My shorts slipped silently to the sand. My fucking cock was already up and at 'em.

I didn't walk to her but made my way around her and to the water's edge. I then turned and began walking into her field of vision. My cock was straight out from me. I don't know when she first would have seen me, but after a while I turned and saw her watching me. She waved slightly. I waved back and continued walking with my feet in the water. The waves weren't too large, but it appeared as though the tide could be quite heavy at times. Finally I turned and headed towards her.

"Hola." She said not looking up from her work. She had apparently gone swimming and had caught 4 large fish, that were likely to be dinner tonight. She was prepping them with a very practiced hand. I noticed a scratch on her back that was bleeding very slightly. I pointed it out and she merely shrugged at the minor wound. I took a towel from her food prep kit and washed the scratch. She made a sound as if that felt good, to be touched. I asked if that was okay, she told me it was.

I continued to wash off the rest of her back and then forgoing the towel began to simply stroke her skin. It was warm and so smooth. The muscles beneath the skin were fit as they moved, she felt so good. I got the impression that it felt good to her too. She continued working, but at a much slower pace as I explored her naked body.

I slid my hands to her hips. I caressed her bottom. I reached around to caress her tummy. Finally I reached around and cupped both her breasts. She made no effort to stop me, in fact she was moaning very slightly at the contact. My cock touched her lower back a bit and she simply moved slightly into it. It began to slide around her lower back and bottom. Eventually I was pressed against her hard from behind.

I moved a bit and allowed my cock to drop down and rising up, brought it into contract with her pussy. She went a bit rigid. I apologized for the boldness, but she assured me it was fine. I began a very slow movement of my hips, stroking the length over her wet labia.

"God, I would love to fuck you." I whispered.

She froze and then turned to face me.

"You would,..." she began but stopped. I was embarrassed. I apologized. "You would love to,..." She began again, but didn't finish. I was confused. She didn't look mad at all, she looked confused and sad. "You would do this,... with a... a person such as me?" She looked ready to cry. I was really unsure how to proceed now.

"I,... would,...?" I said, cautiously posing it as a question. Then asked, "What do you mean 'a person such as you'?"

"I am not worthy." She blurted. I stumbled back a step. She looked fierce but not mad.

"I don't know,..." I stammered. "I don't know what,... what you mean. What do you mean 'not worthy'?" I finally asked.

"I am not,... I have not the,..." she broke into a hurried statement in Spanish that I completely missed.

"Basura?" I asked, curious about the one word she had said that I did know. What did the trash have to do with her, or us.

We spent half an hour in discussion about her image of herself as broken, unclean, unworthy, without social station of any kind. That she was on a par with the same kind of untouchability that still exists in modern India. She rambled on in Spanish and her broken English about her position in life, the unimaginable kindness of her employer to allow her a place to live and make a life for herself, serving his guests in his villa, cooking, cleaning, taking care when everyone was gone.

By the end of it we were both in tears. She had the same confused expression at my interest in her, my apparent care for who she was and how she felt. She genuinely considered herself without any value whatsoever. To be used by anyone that would, whoever wanted to, anyone who even saw her. She thought of herself as invisible in the world of humans.

I pulled her into my arms and simply held her. She remained stiff as if refusing to allow herself believe, even for a moment, that my care might be genuine. I could not begin to fathom a life so hard that she would conclude her life valueless. I finally took her face in my hands and held her so that I could kiss her. She struggled against it a bit, as if afraid of being momentarily fooled into believing otherwise.

I kissed her. She remained impassive, unresponsive. I kissed her again. She relaxed ever so slightly. Finally she offered a weak smile and turned away, back to her task. I put my arms around her and simply held her. After a long period with my body pressed into hers she began to move slightly against me. I kissed her back and shoulders, cupped her breasts, dipped my cock back into the lovely warm, wet crevice between her legs. She began to work her hips against me slightly; I began to thrust gently over her. She moaned a bit, I moaned loudly.

"May I fuck you?" I blurted, shocked at my own boldness. She made a motion to shake her head no, as if automatically, but stopped herself. She simply continued pushing back against me. My hands released her soft breasts and came around to stroke her shoulders. "I want to fuck you." I whispered. No response from her. "I want your gorgeous pussy." I pressed slightly against her shoulders and she dipped forward slightly. "Oh yeah! Let me fuck that beautiful pussy. You sweet, beautiful, sexy girl." She bent a bit more. My hands caressed all over her back and hips. I was thrusting hard against her wet labia now.

"Oh!" she gasped. "Oh, señor!" she gasped again, every time the head of my cock passed over the opening to her vagina. I could feel it grab slightly at her opening, slipping past, instead of into her. "Ohhhhh, señor Mallory!"

"No. Kevin." I corrected her.

"Señor Kevin." She said.

"No. Just,... Kevin."

"Oh no. I cannot, señor."

"I want to fuck you, Maribella. Do you want it too?"

"Ay Dios!" She cried out. "Oh si, señor! Fuck me!"

"Kevin." I corrected her again.

"Señor Kevin." She said. "Fuck me, señor Kevin!"

I stopped moving. "Kevin." I told her. "Call me Kevin."

"Oh no. I cannot, señor."

"You have to. If you want this hard cock, deep in that gorgeous pussy, you will have to call me Kevin." She was moving, pushing back trying to get contact. "You want me to fuck you?" She was nodding the moaning.

"Por favor!" she whispered.

"Then say it. Say my name." She was shaking her head. "Say my name. Kevin"

"S,..." she was about to say Señor Kevin again, but stopped herself. I waited. She was shaking.

"Kevin." She whispered in a voice so quiet I almost didn't hear it.

"I'm sorry, what?"

"Please fuck me,..." I waited a long pause. "...Kevin."

"That's it." I cooed to her, "Good girl. I like how that sounds. You call me Kevin from now on. It sounds like sex, coming out of your mouth. Mmmm out of your perfect, exquisite mouth." I returned to stroking my aching cock over her drooling lips. "You want my cock now?" she nodded. "Say it".


"Ooohhhhhhhh yes!! That sounds so hot! Say it again!"


I applied more pressure to her back and she bent over. I felt her reach up and caress my balls. I took a few more long swipes over her wet lips and then, using no hands, letting my cock do the work, found the opening to her tight vagina and lined right up.

"Kevin." She repeated. I moaned out loud and gave a slight push. "Ooohhhhhhhh!! Kevin!" The head slipped tightly into her. "Ohhhhh!! Cuidado! Tu es gigante! You cock is so big in me! Slow, slow! Lentamente!" We held still for a moment. "Kevin."

I growled and pushed another tiny bit into her. She was so fucking tight, I was shocked.

"Oh! Oh! Slow! Kevin slow! Fucking! You are fucking!!" I thought to myself, 'Not yet, I'm not. But just you wait.' She was panting and trying to accommodate my girth in her tiny vagina. My hands slid down to her sexy little waist and grabbed her hips. "Mmmm Kevin."

This had become a secret password for 'Give me a little more.' I pushed a bit more then waited; a tiny bit more then waited again. Finally I withdrew completely.

"No, NO!" she cried trying to stand, not wanting me to quit. I kept her bent over, assuring her that I was not stopping, merely going to start all over again. "Yes! Kevin!" she cried out now. I reintroduced my cockhead back into her tight vagina. "Mmmm, Kevin."

I felt her physically relax a bit and this allowed a bit more of my cock into her. Her beautiful brown, tan skin, sexy taut muscles, and perfectly shaped bottom made me wild with the desire to be completely in her. I looked down to see her lips tightly around my shaft; it made em look so big in her. I'm pretty big, but not porn size. I looked like John Holmes in her tiny pussy.

I withdrew again until her lips were gently kissing the tip of my cock and pushed again. "Kevin." She murmured. I began a slow in and out with the half of my cock that she could take in her. I wondered when the last time was that she had a cock in her. My hands were caressing her perfect backside, tiny waist, round buns as I thrust gently but forcefully. She took a bit more.

I took in the overall scene of us, her leaning over the rock and her fishing gear, bent at the waist, as I held her hips and gently filled her with my cock; all alone on this beach, in the sunlight, the waves crashing. She was running a constant hushed monologue in Spanish, that included the work 'Kevin' every 4th or 5th word. I began fucking her in earnest with the half of my cock that would fit, then slowly ease a tiny bit more into her. She was so fucking tight. It felt like anal sex.

Finally, I eased the entire length of me into her. I was burning with the need to bury my cock to the hilt. Slowly, carefully I pushed and pushed until it seated into her with a satisfying bond. My cock seemed to find the perfect spot to snap into position deep in her body, as if her insides had a shape that matched that of my cock perfectly. When complete seated it held me tightly and with the precise shape. Maribella orgasmed heavily. She collapsed onto the rock table, arms out above her, her breasts mashed into rock. She was quivering under me.

I slowly withdrew halfway and then seated my cock again. She cried out and lurched a bit but remained flopped in place. I did it again; so did she. I suddenly felt a pulsing wetness that flowed out around my balls and ran down my legs. I did it again. She was gasping and panting. I began a slow deep thrusting, withdrawing completely and filling her completely. I was mad with the desire to flood her with my cum.

My pace quickened a bit, hammering her sweet little pussy with my aching cock. I had her hips in a death grip as I pounded, her, making her tight bottom shake with each thrust. I was so close. I noticed that her gasping was actually sobbing. She was crying now. Not merely crying from pleasure but from something deeper. I was so close, I chided myself for not stopping, but began to shoot into her. My cum flooded her to overflowing, soaking her thighs and my balls and running down between us. She was sobbing still as I reached down and worked my arms under her and held her body to mine. My body was still thrusting of its own accord, as I held her tightly.

I finally came to a standstill, panting hard. Her sobbing had slowed, but she was still racked with tears. I became worried that she was having a deep emotional reaction, that was not driven by passion, but rather terrible memories of her past. I pulled her up until we were standing. My cock slipped from her tightness. Her arms reached behind her for me and failing to get a firm grip she turned in my arms and threw them around me holding on tight. She was choking the breath out of me. Whatever it was she was feeling it was very profound.