Brothers in Arms Ch. 06

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The civil war romance goes on - with complications.
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Part 6 of the 9 part series

Updated 10/08/2022
Created 09/28/2012
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Despite Sean's trepidations, all had gone well on that emancipation day. A few rowdies had tried to stir something up against the Negroes, but The police sergeant, Sean and Preston, Larson, yes, and even Li'l Mike, had stood up and calmed every thing down.

The next afternoon had been set aside to interview potential employees. Eight candidates showed up. Of the candidates, two had shown up with liquor on their breath. Three failed to treat Cassandra with respect, one of whom actually tried to handle her. Sean was afraid Preston would shoot him before he got him out the door. Of the three remaining, it seemed any would do. All three, while not abolitionists, abhorred slavery in all its forms and recognized the Negro's right to be free.

Sean had hoped that some or at least one of the candidates would be like they were, if for no other reason than to know there was someone in the town who understood what they were, what it was like to be like them. When, however, he thought upon it more deeply, he decided perhaps they had done well at concealing the nature of their relationship. He and Prest left it with all three potential employees that S&P hiring depended upon the jobs the company was hired to do. But they expected to expand soon.

Sean personally favored a particular candidate, Lance Green, but was holding off on commitment because he wanted to be sure he didn't make a decision based on the candidates looks. Lance was 20, short and firmly built, not fat, but very compact and extremely muscular. He was browned as only those can be who have spent long hours in the sun. His biceps looked as if they might split the sleeves of his shirt, his shoulders were broad and tight, his pecs flat and strong. Sean had been slightly amused by the young man's name, musing to himself just what sort of 'lance' he might be equipped with.

Sean was about to close up and end the interviews when he noticed one more man hanging around. "May I help you," Sean asked?

"I think maybe I can help you," the man said, a warm smile gracing his work-worn face.

"Well I was about to leave, but I'll give you a few minutes. What can I do for you Mister, uh?"

"Neal, Neal Harcroft. But you can just call me Neal."

"Hi." Neal was big. Big and square. He stood at least six foot six and had almost no neck. About thirty-five or so, Sean guessed. His hands were square. His shoulders, arms, legs, head; all had that square look of really large men who are well muscled and not overweight. " Mind if I sit down?"

"Okay Neal have a seat."

"Well, Mr. McFadden, I don't quite know how to put what it is I have to say to you." The big man looked around, lowered his voice.

"I know how it is, how you are. You and the other young man, Mr. Dalton."

"I am sure I don't know what you mean."

"It's okay sir, really, I mean it." The large man's soft innocent eyes the color of a robin's egg held Sean's eyes for a long moment, as if in an embrace of souls, and his soft melliflu-ous voice, and gentle open demeanor held strong instant appeal for Sean. Glancing around to insure privacy, Neal continued. "If you know what I mean, sir, I am the same way myself. I don't even know why I came to you. Why I am here. And I don't know that I want anything in particular from you or the other young gentleman. I just wanted you to know that you are not alone, the two of you. There are a few more of us around the town. I am happy to know that you are, er. . what you are. . .er, like you are. A man can get to be pretty much alone around these parts if he is like I am, er. like we are. I hope we can be friends. When one is like, like, er, we are, like I am, one doesn't get a chance to have many friends, if you know what I mean. So I just wanted to say if you, the two of you ever need a friend, ever need my help, I would be happy to help not just because of what we have in common, but because I greatly admire the two of you. So young and so, well, you know. And so brave and strong and, and everything. There are a few of us around and while we can't really get together and have an open community, there is a certain amount of very cautious communication among us. I have come across some information that you need to have, so I have risked coming here to tell you." Neal went on to provide Sean with information about the town and some of its residents. It was vital information that Sean needed and he was very grateful.

"I am the town farrier and blacksmith. People think it a bit strange that I am not married, but I am so big, well," chuckling. "They just think I am very shy. Well, I'll be shuffling on home now, Mr. Mcfadden, thanks for talking to me and remember, just call on me if you need a friend."

When the large man stood, Sean stood and reached up to shake his hand. The grip was firm, but gentle for so large and strong a person. Did Sean detect a slight reluctance in the man to let go of his hand. Did he hold onto Sean a tiny moment too long? Sean handed Neal his business card. "Come by the office here in a couple of days and talk to me. There may be something we can do together. I am flattered by your attention and grateful for the information. Come by this office again and we'll talk some more. You know, about 'various business'. Well thank you Neal, and if you mean what I think you mean, there is a possibility we all three could become good friends, very good friends indeed."


On a warm night, seven days later, after supper and a few beers at Mike's, Sean wended his way home. Entering from the office door, he heard a muffled sound. Whirling quietly and bringing the barrel of his Sharps up, he froze. Soft repetitive mewling sounds came from his bedroom behind the screen. Mingled shadows flickering off the screen by firelight, and muffled passionate voices told him all he needed to know about what was occurring in his bedroom, in his bed. He left quietly and went to Larsen's to drink the night away and did not return until false dawn was breaking and the first rooster cock-a-doodled from the far edge of town. He slinked into his house as if he had something to be ashamed of. The truth was, he had little heart to confront Preston about Cassandra and little business butting into Prest's love life, and had only the boy's best interest at heart. But to have them in his own bed, in their bed, that would not do! That was a hurt and an affront to him.

Also, having her there, lying with her there, for others to see and know, was too dangerous. Why couldn't the boy go to her place, or to Mike's. How could the rebel boy be so naive, coming from the south and all? Didn't he know, didn't he understand how lethal folks could be? And so he was resolved to have it out with Preston.

Preston was snoring softly on the bed when Sean entered, covers thrown half off his luscious white body, looking every bit the angel, his soft, smooth pink cock lying placidly along his inner thigh. "Wake up! Prest, Wake up! Cumon, wake up!" Shaking his shoulder. "Hey beautiful, Wake up!"

"Huh Wha. . . huh?"

"Come on lover, wake up!"

"Okay, okay, whadya wahn? Okay. Okay. Ah'm awake. What's so important you gotta wake me in da middle of da night?"

"We have to talk about Cassandra. Listen, I'm kinda drunk so be patient about how I might say some things."

"Yah, yah, what about Cassie?"

"You awake?"

"Goddamit Ah'm awake. Ah'm awake. Speak!

"Well, lesh talk a little firsh about you and me. How is that? Are you and me still, uh, you know, together? "

"Wha'd the hell ya mean? Here Ah am. Ah ain't go in nowheres! Whadya mean?"

"Well I didn't know if your being with Cassandra meant you didn't want me anymore or what. You know, I got worried about our relationship when I saw you there with her. In our bed. I mean, you didn't ask me or anything. I think you should have. I mean I asked you about Mandigo, I even included you. Also, I came home to be with you and you and she were in my bed. Our bed. That hurt me. Did you not think of me at all? I mean I sit here and I can smell her, smell the two of you. How do you think that makes me feel?"

"Well, gosh, Sean, Ah mean, Ah din't thank ya'd care one way or t'other. Ah really di'nt. Ah surely dint mean ta hurt ya none. Ah ain't spoilt er nuthin'. Ah am still the same guy. And Sean?"

"Yes Prest?"

"Ah am still all yers Sean. Ain't nobody gonna change that. Ah mean this li'l girl. She ain't nuthin' but lak a piece o' candy er sumthin' comparet ta you. You an' me. Well, shit that is fer real. You was ma firs' Sean. An' yull be ma las' too. When Ah am with you and you are, uh, you know, uh" (Blushing). "when you are uh, taking me. uh. . . with uh. . . that big thang a yers. Well shit Sean, Ah ain't nuthin' ever agin without Ah give maself ta you. You gotta unnerstan' that, donja Sean?"

Sean was so overwhelmed by this outpouring that he found himself speechless for a time. Finally, he bent slowly and kissed Preston tenderly on the lips, laying his hand softly on his firm belly. "I love you Preston. Don't you ever forget that. I love you. It may seem sometimes like I only take you. But it is so much more than that. If you were to leave me I don't think I could go on. With all that's happened in my life since I walked off that battlefield and found you lying there like some damaged work of art. Just that one look at you changed my life forever. I never knew before that moment that I first nursed you, first washed you, first held you, that I could love anyone so deeply. And the idea that I cold love another man like that. Huh. That never would have occurred to me.

But wait! There is one more thing I have to say. Actually two more things. First, I find the young woman very attractive, too. If she should ever express the desire, I would love to have all three of us get together. But. And please Prest, listen to me. You have to start being more secret with her. Someone is going to see you together, like that, and be incited to rage. I have been worried about you for weeks. Please, ask her. Find somewhere else where Mike can hide you. If they catch you like that they will kill both of you. Now if you were just her slave master, taking her, using her, that would be different. They all accept rape rather calmly. It's the affection, the caring between you they can't stand, so please, please be more careful." As he spoke, his hands roved over the smooth white body, which slowly began to respond, first yearning gently toward his hand, then squirming more wildly under the probing fingers.

Though quite drunk, Sean was incensed with an inner fire that grew, at least to some degree, from the latent anger he had felt over Preston's seeming infidelity. His hands turned Prest roughly over on his stomach. He laid himself fully out along Prest's tender white body. He was larger, longer, heavier than the younger boy and laid himself heavily upon him. Sean began to nip sharply with his teeth at the back of Preston's neck and shoulders, while his hands on the backs of Prest's arms pinned him tightly to their bed. The sharp impact of his teeth on Preston's tender back caused the young rebel to squirm, his buttocks gyrating wildly against Sean's hardening penis. The more Preston squirmed, the harder the cock became that would eventually pierce him. Its full brown length began to unwrinkle its long loose foreskin, its bulbous head snaking out as if seeking prey, until its full engorged length lay rigid along the sweet crevice between Preston's tender white ass cheeks.

Sean's weight on Preston lessened as his kisses and bites and nibbles moved down his lover's body and increased in intensity. He caught the tiny sensitive hairs at the base of Preston's spine between his teeth and pulled sharply at them, causing Preston to jerk his ass sharply upward against the heavy mass of Sean's cock. He opened his mouth wider and began to gnaw on the muscular globes of Prest's ass, keeping his lover's reaction poised on the brink between pleasure and pain. And now the desire to be taken, entered, pierced, became so overwhelming that the rebel boy began to whimper and beg for the fulfillment he craved. "Oh Sean. Oh, please Sean. Please. Give it to me."

Sean raised up on his knees, but was not so ready to appease, to quickly satisfy, on this night, the night he had found his lover locked in another's embrace. He reached beneath and drew Preston's pale thin cock back under his ass, fingering it, sliding the tight foreskin up and back, and rotating his thumb around and around its pink head. At the same time, Sean moved his hips slowly, sliding the full length of his huge rigid manhood forward and back, its swollen head dripping copious amounts of lubrication between Preston's ass cheeks.

Suddenly Sean stopped all movement. The fat plum-sized head of his pulsing cock sat motionless, poised at the puckered pink entrance to his lover's body. His hands each grasped one of Preston's hip sockets. "You are mine," he declared. "Mine!"

"Yes Sean. Yes! Yours. Please Sean. Please!"

"Please what? What Preston? Say it!"

"Please Sean. Please put it in me."

"Put. What? In. Where? Prest. Tell Me!. What do you want? Say it!"

"Take me Sean. Put your cock in me. In my ass and take me. Fuc. . . AAARGH!"

Just as Prest began to say the word fuck, Sean shoved his hips sharply forward, pulling back sharply on Preston's hips at the same instant. The fat head of Sean's engorged cock popped past Preston's tight anal ring. Sean could see his loose foreskin still gathered outside Preston's ass, nestled in the frizzy pink curls that surrounded Preston's ass hole and now Sean's cock. He bent again over Preston's back, turning his lovers head to fill his face with kisses as he slid the rest of his long long cock slowly deeper and deeper, then drew it out even more slowly, until once again only the fat head remained inside.

Preston tried shoving his ass back against Sean's hips, tried to quicken the pace, but Sean intercepted the thrust with his palms. Slowly, oh so terribly slowly Sean's hefty cock began its long journey back into the depths of Preston's body. Over and over, with a maddeningly unbearable slowness, he sank deep and withdrew again. Again and again he drew out, intensifying and lengthening the agony and the ecstasy, pleasure and pain holding equal sway over his lover's emotions.

Eventually, Sean began to notice his fat cock's journey to the depths become easier, less encumbered. Glancing down, he clearly saw his lover's ass opening before his onslaught as a bright beautiful red rose opens in the heat of the sun. Immediately he thrust hard and deep and fast a half- dozen times. Next, he began a steady rhythm, pulling out completely, entering and reentering Preston's wide open ass, lancing in, piercing over and over and over.

And now a low keening sound began to emanate from deep in Preston's throat, a wild and primitive sound, older than man, older than love. Its savage sound spurred Sean to new heights of abandon and he began to pound into Preston, hard and deep, his massive cock hard as iron. And now Sean, too, began his song, a low fierce growl from deep within, wild and raw and animal.

Preston became free to move and began to slam his shapely white ass back against Sean's massive thrusts. Sean's hips bounced off the slight plumpness of Preston's ass and rebounded, every other stroke became a double thrust. Beneath the fierce and primal song of their combined voices the staccato rhythm of their bodies drummed, slap, slap-slap against one another, louder and faster on and on.

On and on it went. Hard and long and fierce. The temperature in the small room rose. Their joined bodies were bathed in sweat, dripping. A small puddle of their combined perspiration sloshed back and forth in the hollow of Preston's arched back with each forward thrust and withdrawal. The smell of hot man sex, of sweat and pre-cum and cock and ass filled the room and their nostrils, further inflaming their raw all encompassing need. The bedclothes became sodden and twisted and soaked in their frenzied race to fulfillment.

Finally, in one shattering instant, their bodies, souls, hearts and minds joined in a single tremendous explosion that shook them to their very foundations. They were the finest specie of man and the rawest, wildest of animals, The height of beauty and the depth of depravity, their blended voice the music of angels and the howl of the demon. Their souls soared with the purity of their joining and left this sordid earth behind, yet no act had ever been so much a raw fuck, a vile and filthy rutting.

It took the boys many minutes to return to coherence, and many more before they could speak. Their hands could not stop gently touching one another; their lips could not cease their endless roaming, and each tender touch, each gentle kiss, brought another brief surge to each of them, as tiny aftershocks to a major quake.

"Oh, Preston, Sean said, voice choked with emotion, "I love you and need you so much. That day I saw you lying in that ravine, your leg at such an awful angle, like a snow white angel with red hair and a broken wing. That day started my life. Don't ever end it, don't ever leave me."

"Sean, Sean, why cud Ah . . . How cud Ah ever leave you. Thank 'bout it. Ah ain't never so thor'ly ma-se'f as when Ah surrender ma body, ma-se'f ta you. Ah ain't goin' nowheres. 'Specally without you.

The boys reversed positions and slept spooned together, Preston behind, his soft pink cock nestled in Sean's crack, their sleep interrupted often by soft mini-thrusts, whispered endearments and soft touches.

Both woke refreshed and ready for the new day, but Preston found Sean already gone for the day. Prest rotated back and forth between the two businesses they had so far contracted with, and the office, and stopped at the newspaper office to pick up their new posters with their names and logos in black and gold on stark white. The posters said plainly : This business proteced by S&P Protective Services. Violence will not be tolerated on these premises. Preston posted one outside and several inside Mike's place and the Cairo Inn. He did not see Sean all day.

Preston did however, stop several times at the office and each time, Cassandra clung to him and flirted outrageously with him. There had been three responses to their advertisement for employees, which he set side for he and Sean to go through together. By his third visit he decided to speak firmly

with Cassie about the importance of keeping everything between them a secret.

"Lookee here Cassie gal," Prest tried to explain. "We cain't be doin none a this stuff whilst we is at work. An' we gotta be careful, ta touch n' stuff onliest where we cain't be seen.. Damn Gal, you is a Negro! Doncha know what cud happen if'n we was ta be caught bein' well, you know. . . Lak that. There's those out der what would lynch da bof of us. In fac' not so long ago Ah mite ah been one a dem mase'f. Now you find some place fer us ta be tagither before we. . . well, you know, do . . . it. . . again, . . . But you gotta unnerstan' sumthin else, too gal. Me an' Sean is gonna be tagither an' ya'll ain't gonna break us apart, so we ain't gittin' married er none a that. You unnerstan'? Also, you gotta be quiet 'bout me an' Sean bein' you know, lak we are. Cuz folks might not lak thet much either."

"Don't worry, just plain Prest. I care for you too much to put you in any danger. And I certainly am not about to look to marry you. You are a white man. There are laws and I don't need to attract that much attention to myself neither." (Lowering her voice.) "But I sure do crave that so so white body of yours and that long thin white piece of manhood you got there." Grinning, she glanced around to make sure no one was watching and quickly brushed the back of her hand over Preston's cock thru the fabric of his slacks.