Brother Wolves Ch. 05

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All is not well in Thailand.
4.8k words

Part 5 of the 10 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 08/11/2015
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The family meets up and danger comes.

Chapter 5

The next morning, the group met and Ciara had a surprise for them. As they met in the lobby, a beautiful, older woman waited. Ciara entered, and the lady smiled. The two old friends greeted each other and Ciara introduced her friend at her new family.

Madam Gao nodded in greeting and was well aware that the people she greeted were not ordinary people. She knew Ciara had special gifts, and often she guided her. Soon, Mari and Suni shook her hands as their mates held the children. Madam Goa smiled, and she saw that deep inside these girls were so very special. She then greeted their mates and the young ones. The children were curious and then they smiled. Madam Gao laughed and she felt decades younger.

Madam Gao spent most of the day with the couples. The pups loved her, and were constantly seeking her attention. The longer she stayed with them, the more comfortable Sun and Mari were with her. By the end of the day, they had no qualms about leaving their young in her care for a few hours.

"I promise you they will be safe with me. Go, enjoy your time. Call and check on them, but we will be fine. We will stay here in the hotel until you return." She explained.

Then she smiled at the little ones, as their fathers reluctantly placed then near her. "Have you seen the aquarium little ones? Come, let's eat, and I will show them to you."

Suni hesitated, but Rayan hugged her. We will not be away long. Rayan sent. Naru moved to Mari and did not want to release her. Rayan hugged Dreya and told her to be good for Madam Gao. Madam Gao coaxed Naru into her embrace and whispered something to him. He smiled and Mari relaxed. Soon the adults waited as the children settled for dinner, and then they went out.

Suni and Mari were silent. Neither wanted to show that they were anxious about leaving their young with someone, but as soon as they drove off, both parents got a message from Madam Gao.

Suni relaxed and the adults simply enjoyed being together. The brothers joked and shared stories of their childhood causing the women to laugh uncontrollably. Suni relaxed and Rayan was so happy. His dragon brothers shared a look because although they too had their mate and were happy, seeing their wolf brothers so content warmed their souls.

As they arrived at a small eatery, the group entered and the host seated tem immediately. Ryan and Brecken checked on the kids. Even though they tried to appear calm, they were nervous about leaving there young ones in someone else's care.

Satisfied that the children were fine, the men focused on their mates. The waiter came and they ordered. Brecken ordered for him and Mari, which kind of annoyed her, but he sent her a mental hug and she smiled. Soon, everyone had their drinks. Suni noticed that Mari had a mild red wine, where everyone else had more adventurous drinks. She did not comment. Soon, the ladies went to the restroom, leaving the four brothers alone. Mari and Suni called and checked on their young as both Rayan and Brecken vanished in. The kids were engrossed in story time.

The couple talked waiting for their meals. Ciara asked the girls about their pack. Mari smiled and she and Suni told them about their home. Aidan and Layton were tickled at the proud looks on their brother's faces. Ciara was captivated. Soon, she told the girls about her home and her son. They felt a kinship because Ciara was a single mom like them.

As they talked, Brecken checked on the twins and they were sleeping, content.

Rayan smiled and the women never caught on. Soon, their meals arrived and the group ate. Leaving a generous tip, the group complimented the chef. The group left and Ciara took them to see the magnificent night spots in the area. Brecken held Mari close as Rayan cuddled Suni. Both Aidan and Layton held on to Ciara. They would visit Thailand for a few more days, and then the entire group was traveling to Scotland.

A few hours passed and the group returned to their resort. Madam Gao and the children met them. The children were so excited and told their parents about the fish and pictures they drew. Suni and Mari hugged the much older woman and thanked her. She smiled and told them to call her anytime. She loved watching such well-behaved children.

Aidan and Layton wanted to carry the babies. So as uncles, each took a little one as their fathers watched. Layton and Aidan smiled hoping the Gods blessed them soon. Carrying the children, the adults walked to their rooms. The kids did not want to separate so tonight Brecken and Mari agreed to keep Dreya. Then as kids always do, they demanded a bedtime story. Ciara did the honors.

Before long the kids were bathe, dressed, and tucked in. Brecken wanted Mari to rest and she was now curious. He'd been acting strange the past few weeks. "Brecken, what's going on with you? You're hiding something?" She queried.

Goom, tell her. His daughter sent. Brecken laughed, She had to have heard her older brother.

"Lay down love. It's nothing." He explained.

Goom! His son called.

Brecken lay across the bed and placed his ear on her stomach. Mari gasped. "One and two." He counted.

"Brecken? Are you sure?" She asked as tears filled her eyes.

Brecken looked at his beautiful mate, the mother of three of his children, "I can hear their heartbeats. So strong, so sure Mari. Our son and daughter are perfectly healthy."

"Baby, are you sure. I can't risk..." She babbled. Brecken moved and pulled her into his arms. "They are perfect and happy. They love you so very much Mari. Can you feel their love?" He asked and she could.

"I know I've been a pain, but I was waiting for the first few months to pass. You are ten weeks, well past your first two months." He stopped.

Mari was crying. She would be a mother again. She would give her mate children. "Wait, can I carry the babies to term? That's why you wanted me to see a healer after we mated. You knew." He asked awed.

Brecken nodded. He never lied to her. And he would not know. "I believed my dragon healed you when we joined. He told me so, but I needed to be certain. The healer at Jackson and the one at Bertrand told us we can have children. What happened before was unexpected, but I'll be there every step of the way with you."

Mari hugged her mate and the wept tears of joy together. Rayan shared his brothers' joy as his slumbering mate murmured for him to sleep. Layton and Aidan lay beside their mate. Each holding her between them amazed at her. She accepted their sisters and brothers with no hesitation. The children loved her and they knew when they had there one little ones they could not have chosen a more perfect mother. Snuggling into her, the brothers shared in Brecken's joy.

But all was not well, in a room across the way a handsome dragon sat. He hated the MacLean's and those wolf brothers of theirs. He watched them with their women tonight and fumed. How did those cretins attract such beauty? Soon, he returned to Scotland. The wolves would visit home, but he'd make sure it was their last visit. His friends had not hunted werewolves in a while now they had six to kill.


Ciara's eyes flew open. Her family was under threat. Aidan and Layton became alert. Someone upset their mate. Reading her thoughts they knew, they wanted t harm their brothers. Love, we will destroy them before they harm a strand of hair on their heads, The whispered. Ciara relaxed, but could no longer sleep.

Rayan and Suni slept peacefully until Dreya called out for her daddy. Not wanting to wake Suni, Rayan took care of his daughter's needs and rejoined his mate. He felt a tension from his dragon brothers and checked in. Layton assured him that nothing was wrong, but Rayan was not convinced. Soon Brecken checked in and both brothers quickly vanished to their brothers' rooms.

Ciara was awake and the wolf brothers knew something serious had occurred.

"Sister, tell us. What have you sensed?" Brecken asked.

Ciara looked at her mates and the brothers sent, Tell them.

She disclosed the feeling of anger directed at them and the fear that someone wanted to harm them. Brecken was ticked, so ticked that he forgot to hide his emotions. Like clockwork, Caitlyn popped in.

Boys, what's wrong? She demanded.

Mother, it's nothing. We will handle this. Aidan replied.

That was definitely a wrong answer. Where are my daughters and grandchildren? Caitlyn demanded. Has someone harmed them? She asked.

Mother Caitlyn, I am fine, Suni and Mari are sleeping. Ciara sent, sending a calming shaft to sooth her agitated mother.

Caitlyn relaxed, but she also knew her new daughter was gifted. Listen, all of you, if you are in danger I will destroy anyone or anything that tries to hurt you. Stay safe. As a matter of fact, leave that place and come home today. she demanded.

Mother, three more days and we will fly to Scotland. You might make Rayan and Brecken take their mates and babies back to America if you keep making demands. He warned.

Caitlyn growled, and Brecken and Rayan spoke immediately, Mother, he said that, not us. They deflected. Caitlyn sighed.

Protect them. I'll check in each day until you get here. She explained and the four brothers sighed and glared at Brecken.

Caitlyn disconnected and Layton hissed at his brother, "Momma's boy."

Brecken looked contrite. He didn't mean to alert her and he was the one that always did. Aidan spoke, "Ciara sensed a dark spirit. We will protect our sisters. We will protect you." He assured his wolf brothers.

"No, tell us Ciara. Don't try to protect us. We need to know." Rayan explained.

Brecken stood beside him and waited. Ciara faced her lovers and sighed. Then she told all four men what alarmed her.

"I sensed an angry spirit. He hates you. He wants to cause havoc but not to you to someone that loves you. Your mates are what he considers tools and that's why he is fixated on them." She explained.

"How do you know it's a man?" Brecken asked.

Ciara sighed, "His aura is masculine. I can't explain it. I just felt that he is watching us."

Layton and Aidan forced their dragons to heel. They knew no one would harm their brothers. But for now, they needed rest. Suni and Mari were alone.

"Go back before your mates awake and find you gone. We don't want them worried." Ciara suggested.

Brecken and Rayan agreed and vanished back to their suites. Their mates were sleeping and their children were still content. The two brothers sat and waited. Each male watched over his family, now anxious to leave this place and return home to the highlands.


Ciara sighed. In a matter of minutes the perfect day had turned into a nightmare. The day went perfectly until she felt this hateful man. Her mates sent her mental hugs and reassured her that everyone was safe. She closed her eyes and recalled her magnificent day.

Ciara had asked her friend Madam Gao, if she would babysit the little ones giving their parents a bit of adult alone time. She had been very happy too, having grandchildren of her own and often doing so for her own grown daughters. Madam Gao had known upon meeting Ciara and her Dragons that neither was human. She had calmed Ciara when they had first met, due to her fear of the older woman possibly not wanting to know her when she knew of her two mates and her own gifts.

Ciara had been pleasantly surprised at the older woman's very warm welcome. Putting her at ease and teasing her about her two 'mates'. She was so happy for Ciara and was even cheeky to her two mates. Madam Gao knew they loved Ciara with such a fierce passion, that they would do so for life. She knew of Ciara's background and suspected she may still be able to give her Dragons children despite Ciara's claim her body had changed.


"Love, stop worrying. Lie down. No one will get near our brothers. Come." Aidan suggested, his dragon checking as his brother too insisted that their mate rest. Ciara smiled,

"We are fine. I promise. I know you will defend us. But I hate the way he ruined a wonderful time just by projecting his hate. Everything was so perfect." She sighed.

"Rest." They demanded. She closed her eyes and remembered her friend. The memory was so old, but still brand new. Gao was more than just someone she knew.

Madam Gao had just chuckled patting her hand saying "My dear, life can work in many mysterious ways, we should never say never to any aspect of giving life. Especially to those we love and who love us."

What a strange thing to say Ciara thought, but the memory would not fade.

Sighing Ciara had silently hoped it might be possible. She knew her Dragons would be so excited and they had hinted at it earlier. Her cat had more or less confirmed she was going to have kittens! She didn't know what to feel now, too many thoughts racing in her mind.

She knew her mates were slightly concerned at her rambling thoughts and unsure what she was so upset about. Ciara moved outside to get some air and enjoy the sound of the river flowing past their unit. It helped her calm a little, just focusing on the water passing by and the sounds of the jungle around them.

Ciara jumped as strong arms from Layton encircled her tightly then felt him inhale as he nuzzled her hair saying "Love what's wrong?"

She sighed "I'm pregnant."

He chuckled "Love there is nothing wrong with being pregnant."

She snapped "You both know don't you!"

Ciara jumped again when Aidan appeared beside them grinning answering her "Yes sweetheart."

She gasped, suddenly sagging in Layton's hold as he now picked her carried her inside their rooms. Aidan sat with them on the bed, Layton still holding their mate as Aidan took her hands.

Layton softly spoke "We suspected the other night love, and can only just sense new life forms within you Ciara."

Gasping she said "More than one?" A look of dread appeared on her face as Aidan chuckled.

He added "Sweetheart you have nothing to worry about. Cats have kittens and twins are in the family as you know. Your age is also nothing to fear, you will have the vitality and strength beyond your imagination to be a mother all over again and this time sweetheart. You will have both of us with you always, you do not have to be a single parent ever again love." She let go now, crying, unable to respond as Layton nuzzled he saying "Love we are always going to be with you and you with us. We are your mates as you are ours. Stop thinking about your age my love and let yourself enjoy this new beginning for all of us love. You will be an amazing mother Ciara, you already have proof of that sexy puss."

Swatting him both chuckled and kissed her before she could speak, then she managed to quietly say "I'm scared my Dragons."

Both chuckled with both hugging her now with Aidan replying "Sweetheart there is nothing to be scared of, as Layton said you will be an amazing mother, we will be an amazing family Ciara. Mother will be so excited and fuss over you."

Layton chuckled. "She so will brother and Ciara we will not say anything just yet if you wish to keep this between us, but be warned she will sense the change within you upon meeting. We can forewarn her to behave on arrival but I fear she will still fuss over you love."

She sighed sagging back into his hold as Aidan took her hands again giving them a gentle squeeze in reassurance.


Lying between her mates, Ciara forced her body to calm. She would be a mother once more. She had two new sisters and two new brothers that would love her and her children unconditionally. Her mates were the most wonderful, generous of all men. But this angry man was still there, still watching; he needed to go. She would do everything she could to protect her family, especially now.

Little ones, your daddies and I love you so much. she sent to her kittens. She felt the love of her babies. Ciara smiled. She thought of the little ones and sighed. Yes, her babies had a wonderful family and strong cousins that would shower them with love. Once she relaxed, she and her mates slept.


In Scotland, Caitlyn spoke with Conor. He was concerned. He knew his old enemy was trying to resurface. Decades ago, unbeknownst to is mate, he almost killed the man. However, he simply beat him and forced him to leave. He took away his powers. Well, somehow he had regained his strength and had returned. This bastard tried to harm his sons when they were babes, and now he returned. This time, he was not walking away.

Sending out a command, before sun rise, several dragons had landed near and around Thailand. His sons and their mates would come home in a few days, and he'd make sure no one stopped them.

"Laird MacLean, they are guarded. No one will get near either of them." The captain of his guard promised.

Conor nodded. Then he vanished.

"Well Old friend, I'm surprised you took so long. I am watching out for your children and your grandchildren. You have no need to worry." A soft voice assured the leader of the Dragon clan.

Madam Gao stepped from the darkness. "Why do you think I came here? They are special, Conor, all of them. Ciara, Suni, and Mari are important to all of us. He is shadowed and has no clue we are watching him." She smiled. "I know his every move, after all he is my brother."

Conor faced his old friend and nodded.

"Centuries ago I begged you to spare him. I talked with him and prayed that he let this go. I do have one request, allow me to give him his last rites. Despite everything, he is still my family." Gao requested of the huge Scottish Laird.

Conor waited and then he spoke. "I know this is not easy for you. I thank you for watching out for them. I don't want to have to kill him, but I will if he goes after my sons or their mates. Call him and tell him I will spare him if he stops this now. If he can be dissuaded, then bloodshed can be avoided. "

Gao sighed. Someone would die. Kulkrit wanted power. He was not after Conor's sons. His sons were just ordinary wolves. However, his newly acquired grandchildren were special. They were the direct descendants of Akeemo. Their blood granted powers being belief. Kulkrit would kill all four parents to drain the blood of the children. Gao was silent. She needed to talk with her brother first. If she could reach him, then maybe he would abandon this quest.

Conor was not foolish. Centuries ago he and the young Chinese dragon fought. The other man swore to destroy his loved ones. He defeated him and with a charm given to him by a holy man, he stripped him of his powers. He allowed him basic powers, but he lost the ability to manipulate others. However, he found a way to regain his strength. It was time to end this. He wanted to see his grandchildren. He checked in Rayan's suite but the babe was not there. Conor smiled. Then vanished to Brecken's suite. Both children lay together in slumber, in wolf form the pups were beautiful. He stroked their fur, careful not to wake them and he returned home where his anxious mate waited.

When the boys woke the next morning, they were on high alert. Ciara slept fitfully as the wolves joined them for breakfast. Suni and Mari shared a look. "Unka, Unka, Tee tee" the toddlers greeted hogging all of the attention. Layton hugged one enthusiastically as his brother showered love on the other.

Don't be jealous brothers. In a few months you can get us back. Layton sent.

Both Brecken and Rayan gasped. You sneaky devils. Congrats. Both sent.

"Ciara, are they taking care of you. If not..." Brecken threatened. Mari gasped and tears flowed once more. Soon everyone was aware of the new kittens. Not to be out done. Brecken stated that both set of twins would be around the same age.