Brother Sister (Rewritten)


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Bec swallowed almost greedily, wolfing down her brother's seed.

"You realise its going to be a bit before I can fuck you now, right?" Matt teased her as he helped her to her feet.

"Yeah, but I happen to know that my brother has a really skilful tongue that will hopefully last until this lovely thing's back up and running. And besides, my bro-friend was good enough to turn down a really hot girl tonight just to be with me!" she told him, bouncing his semi-flaccid cock in the palm of her hand.

Matt responded by scooping her into his arms and carrying her through to her bedroom. He dumped her on the bed and set about peeling her skin-tight jeans down her legs.

"You know as amazing as these jeans look on your perfect ass, they really aren't that convenient for quick access."

"Well I'm lucky I have such a patient bro-friend then, aren't I."

"You absolutely are," Matt agreed, casting her jeans aside. He spread her legs wide and lowered his mouth to her heavenly snatch, tongue slipping from between his lips to delve between hers. He ran it up her slit then swirled it around her clit, delighting in the pleasured flinches it drew from her. He found a comfortable position and settled in to give Bec as much pleasure as she'd given him. He swirled and licked and thrust and caressed, taking her close to orgasm, then backing off, before taking her to the pinnacle again. He looked up over the length of her body, seeing her erect nipples thrust toward the ceiling, hands stretched out to the sides, clutching the bedcovers. He ground his tongue against his sister's clit until she squealed in glee and her body convulsed in orgasm.

"Damn Bro, that was amazing," Bec panted, her body still shuddering. Matt crawled onto the bed and kissed his way up her body until their lips met.

"I think something has found its strength again," Bec chuckled in his ear when she felt his stiff cock rubbing against her leg.

"Something about my hot-as-fuck sister cumming does that for me," Matt replied, positioning himself so his cock nestled against her pussy lips. He thrust forward, driving it inside her, delighting in her post-orgasm tightness and the pleasured moan that it drew from her as he buried himself to the balls.

"Yeah, fuck me Bro," Bec demanded, moving her hips in rhythm with his thrusts as he started to do exactly that. Matt kissed his sister passionately as he worked his cock in and out before dipping his head to a breast to suck on its diamond-tipped nipple. He felt Bec's hands in his hair as he alternated between her breasts, thrusting his cock in and out the whole time.

After a few minutes he lifted himself on his hands, one either side of her shoulders, giving himself leverage to fuck her harder and faster.

Bec ran her nails down her brother's chest and spread her legs wide, her chest heaving with her excited breathing.

As Matt grunted with his efforts, Bec pulled her knees up, but wide, opening herself even further to her brother's thrusts, his cock utterly filling her, feeling like he was going to thrust into her cervix.

"Fuck yes Matt, fuck me there, fuck me fucking hard!" Bec wailed in ecstasy. Her head tipped back and she bit her bottom lip and wailed as she came again, gushing around her brother's rock hard cock. Matt gave her no respite, his revived cock not yet ready for its own explosion.

"Roll over," Matt instructed after a few more moments. Bec happily complied, arms thrust wide, hands again clutching at the sheets as Matt thrust into her from behind, driving her body down against the bed.

"Fuck you have the cutest little ass," Matt complimented her as he enjoyed the beauty laid out beneath him.

Bec gave it as much of a wiggle as she could manage while her brother drove his cock into her pussy again and again.

"Maybe one day I'll let you fuck it," she suggested, head turned sideways to avoid suffocating against the bed.

"Oh God," Matt cried out, the very idea enough to tip him over the edge to orgasm. He drove as deep as he could and exploded, shooting his seed deep into his sister's womb.

Sated, he slipped from within her and she rolled over onto her back again. He leaned in over her and kissed her tenderly. Tongue caressing hers, teeth pulling gently at her lip. He put all his love for his sister into the kiss and felt all that love returned both through the kiss and the look on her face when he held her gaze.

"I love you Bec."

"I love you too Matt."

"Like, I really love love you."

"Damn Matt, if you're trying to make me all mushy, its working," she laughed good naturedly. "And for the record, I love love you too."

--- +++ ---

Over the next couple of months Matt and Bec continued to keep the amorous nature of their relationship strictly at home, settling into a delightful existence where, although they'd socialise together some of the time, they found their own extra-curricular activities as well. Bec joined the university's volleyball team with Erica while Matt got back into Mountain biking. It gave them enough space from each other to prevent anyone from developing any suspicions that they were anything other than a brother and sister who enjoyed each other's company and shared an apartment.

"Hey, I had a call from Mum, Matt. She and Dad are coming to visit next week," Bec advised him one night while she was stirring the pasta-sauce she was preparing for their dinner.

"I guess I should be happy about it," Matt joked in reply. "Even though it means I'm probably going to go without sex for a whole week."

"Yeah, maybe try and turn on a little happiness while they're here rather than thinking about the pressure building in your balls. 'Cause like, you can always relieve that in the shower you know, you don't need my help."

"Great,:" Matt sighed. "Well it will be good to see them. At least we might be able to sponge a few meals out off them."

"Well I promise not to tell them the truth about how excited you are that they're coming or about your desire to welch off them."

"You're too good to me Sis."

"Oh I most definitely am."

--- +++ ---

"Well, I guess that's the last fuck for awhile," Matt sighed, lying beside his cum-filled sister.

"Sadly," Bec replied, smiling at him. "We'd better make sure it looks a hundred percent like we're not sharing a bedroom before Mum and Dad arrive."

"Yeah, probably a good idea," Matt agreed. They snuggled in bed a while before getting up, showering and cleaning up. They spent the day making sure their shared apartment was spotless and ensuring the second bedroom looked like Matt's, which meant actually making something of a mess in the room. Their parents texted throughout the day providing updates on their progress so they were at least unsurprised by the timing of their arrival.

"It's so good to see you two in the flesh again!" Heather declared on seeing them. She hugged them both fiercely and only reluctantly released them to allow Derek to do the same.

"Glad you made it safely," Matt commented while Bec offered her parents drinks.

"It's not the worst drive in the world, not like we're driving across the whole country at least," Derek replied.

"Did you want to freshen up before dinner?" Bec asked.

"We really only need to stow our things," Heather replied. "Then how about we take you out?"

"Well I was going to cook, but that sounds great," Bec replied.

"So, you're really sure our crashing here doesn't cause you any issues?" Heather asked.

"Nah, its fine, I've slept on couches before," Matt replied.

"Seems mean kicking you out of your own room though," Derek suggested.

"Well, if you promise not to snore or be weird, you could always share my room Bec suggested."

Matt gaped at his sister in shock and her parents' reactions weren't that different.

"Seriously?" Matt asked.

"Are you sure you're the same two kids that left our house?" Derek laughed.

"Hey, there will be a massive pillow wall separating us and if so much as a toe crosses the line it will be severed!" Bec threatened.

"That sounds a little more like it," Heather laughed. "Hard to believe you two are managing to live together given some of the epic fights we've witnessed.

"Well, it was tense for a while, but I've managed to train him pretty well," Bec boasted.

"Hey!" Matt objected. Bec simply blew him a kiss and winked in response.

Derek and Heather moved their things into Matt's room while Bec and Matt moved some of his clothes into a bag he would keep in the living room so he wouldn't have to go in an out of his room while is parents were sharing it. They also grabbed cushions from their couch to use as the separating wall between them in bed.

They spent a pleasant evening with their parents, eating at a restaurant they'd been eying off but hadn't been able to afford, then lingering over a bottle of wine. Although they spoke regularly to their parents on the phone, there were plenty of small details about their lives in Melbourne to catch them up on.

Eventually Derek started yawning, tired from the drive and suggested they head back to the apartment to crash for the night.

"Night Mum, Dad," Bec said, hugging and kissing them before heading to her room.

"Yeah, night you two," Matt farewelled them.

"Watch out she doesn't have any scissors in there mate, you don't want any severed toes," his father joked.

Matt joined Bec in bed, leaving the wall of cushions and pillows in place on the off chance one of their parents decided they wanted to check in, or had forgotten something. They did at least quietly kiss each other good night and there was some good-natured fondling as hands found breaches in the defences, but they were mostly well behaved before drifting off to sleep.

--- ++ ---

Matt stirred awake, an incredibly pleasant feeling coursing through his cock. For a moment he wasn't sure if he was dreaming or not, but his rock hard erection and the warmth enveloping it soon had him realising that Bec was beneath the covers and sucking him.

Surprised, he flipped the covers back and was met by a mischievous gaze.

"What the fuck?" he mouthed at her, causing her to stop.

"I'm horny," she whispered, "Listen."

Matt listened for a few moments and then his eyes went wide as he realised what Bec had wanted him to hear. It sounded a lot like their parents might be fucking in the room next door. In his bed even!

"I've been listening to that for like twenty minutes," Bec whispered.

"And rather than be grossed out, you get horny and suck my cock?" Matt hissed back, amused.

"Mhmm. Don't complain," She replied and took him back in her mouth before releasing him to add, "But stay quiet. I'd have fucked you, but given how much I can hear, I don't want to risk it. So no crying out when you cum."

Matt didn't reply because Bec went straight back to sucking lovingly on his erect cock. He closed his eyes, tried not to think of the sounds coming from his bed in the adjacent room and settled in to enjoy his sister's expert attentions.

She used her lips and tongue to great effect, focussing mainly on the top half of his dick, sliding her lips up and down and fluttering her tongue beneath him. One hand cupped and squeezed his balls while the other gently stroked and squeezed the base of his shaft.

Any initial fear Matt might have had about his parents love-making next door putting him off his game was quickly overcome by the incredible sensations gifted by his sister's mouth. He grabbed a pillow and clamped it to his face as she took him closer and closer to orgasm. His toes were curling and he was thrusting at her face, barely controlling himself in the face of his impeding orgasm.

Bec kept going, saliva running down his shaft and coating her hands until he exploded. She clamped her lips around him and swallowed happily, taking everything he had to offer.

"Holy fuck," Matt finally whispered when he thought he was capable of doing so without being heard.

"You're welcome," Bec replied with a grin.

"Your turn?" Matt suggested.

"No way. I'd scream!"

"Well, if you change your mind, let me know."

"Oh I will," she assured him, "Though its likely that I'll just wait until they're gone and make you pay me back for any favours you receive in the meantime."

"Well hopefully you'll believe me when I say I'm good for it."

"Oh I know you are Bro."

Bec left the room first and headed for the bathroom, leaving Matt to assemble himself and head to the kitchen for breakfast. Their parents hadn't emerged as he started mixing batter for pancakes.

Bec emerged from the bathroom wrapped in a towel about the same time their parents came out of Matt's bedroom.

"Sleep well?" Matt asked them as he whisked the batter.

"Sure did," his father replied.

"Wonderfully thanks," their mother added.

"I'll be back in a sec," Bec advised them as she ducked back into her room to change before breakfast. Matt poured mix into the frypan and started cooking the first pancake.

"Did you want some help with that Honey?" his mother asked.

"Nah, its all good thanks Mum. I think I probably owe you a pancake or two from all the times you cooked them for us."

"Wow, is that gratitude?" she teased him, coming up behind and wrapping her arms around him to hug him from behind.

"Sure is," he replied.

"Wonders will never cease," his father commented.

Bec re-emerged as Matt lifted the first pancake from the frypan and gave it to his father.

"I'd give you the first one Mum, but we all know ... the first one is the worst one!" The rest of the family joined in and chorused with him as he finished the well-worn family idiom.

"And aren't I lucky to be the one to get it," his father sighed dramatically .

Bec sat down at the table with her parents to await the stream of pancakes Matt promised them and chatted happily, continuing to catch up with them from the evening's conversation the night before.

"So, any news on the romance front?" Heather asked as she poured maple syrup over her first pancake.

"Nah, too busy," Bec replied. "And to be honest, I reckon this morning might have been the first time I've ever heard any action coming through the wall since we moved in! Which is really weird because I fully expected to have had to put up with it like all the time with him living there."

"Bec!" he mother protested in embarrassment, her face blushing red.

"Hey, good on you I say, someone may as well use the bed appropriately!"

"Aww Bec!" Matt exclaimed. "Maybe I just go back to the girl's place all the time to spare you the embarrassment of having to listen to marathon romps in the room next door!"

"Huh, as if! You're here all the time, remember?"

"Um, I think we're a fair way off what your mother was looking for from that question," Derek interjected with a laugh.

"Yeah, I think you might be right Dad."

Bec simply laughed at their discomfort and focussed her attention on her pancake instead.

"So what do you two have planned for the day?" Matt asked when he sat down to join them after finishing the cooking.

"Thought we might go play tourist and see what Melbourne has to offer, maybe even head out to the beach at St Kilda," Derek replied

"Sounds like a good day," Matt said with approval.

"It certainly should be," Heather agreed.

"Are you two very busy today?"

"I've got a bit going on, but Bec is probably super-stressed with like one lecture or something."

"About right," Bec replied with a grin. "And worst, its right in the middle of the day, so I can't really get out and about."

"That's a pity, but I'm sure we can do a bit together before we have to go back to Sydney."

That night the family were dining at the apartment (Heather having made a delicious lasagne) when the intercom went off to announce a visitor. Bec answered the door and brought Erica into the room to meet her parents.

"Mum, Dad, this is my friend Erica. Erica, my parents, Heather and Derek."

"Nice to meet you, Erica," Heather said, welcoming Bec's friend.

"Yes, very nice to meet you," Derek added.

"And you, I've heard a fair bit about you both," Erica said, then quickly added, "And most of it was even good."

"Erica!" Bec protested.

"Which means we only lied most of the time," Matt teased their parents.

"Ouch!" Derek replied to the jab.

"Sorry to intrude, I totally had a blonde moment and forgot you'd told me your parents were over."

"It's not a problem Erica, its lovely to meet at least one of our kids' friends."

"Was there something you needed?" Bec checked.

"Well, I was kind of looking for a drinking partner, but I won't drag you out while your parents are here."

"We can always drink here," Matt suggested. "We hadn't really made plans for the night, but we could play cards and enjoy a bevvy or two?"

Sounds good to me," Derek replied.

"I'd love that," Heather agreed.

"Well you'll have to teach me how to play, but sure, sounds like fun," Erica replied.

"Just don't listen to Matt," Bec suggested. He'll only teach you enough for him to thrash you."


"True, that is," Derek teased his son.

Matt went to find the cards he and Bec had brought with them from Sydney when they'd moved and Derek pulled the cork from a bottle of red he'd bought earlier in the day, while Bec grabbed a couple of Strongbow ciders for her and Erica.

They reassembled at the table once Matt had a beer and set about teaching Erica the rules of their favourite card game.

They had a great night, with Heather coming out victorious. Eventually it hit a time when they'd have to head for bed. Derek suggested Matt should escort Erica home at the end of the night to make sure she got home safely. It was as much instruction as suggestion, so Matt obliged and did exactly that.

"I can't believe those two aren't dating," Derek said to his wife and daughter when they were alone in the apartment.

"What? No way," Bec laughed at the suggestion.

"I know what you mean," Heather agreed with her husband though. "Erica clearly has it bad for him! Surely Matt can't be that oblivious."

"Well apparently he must be," Bec declared, laughing a little nervously."

"Hasn't she ever said anything to you?" Heather asked her.

"Well she did ask if he was single once, but like, I dunno, I haven't noticed Matt drooling around after her like he normally does when he likes someone."

"Maybe he's holding off because she's your friend," her mother suggested.

"Maybe," Bec conceded, knowing the real reason but of course being unable and unwilling to say it was because her brother was too happy with their relationship to look elsewhere.

"And what about you?" Heather asked Bec. "Now that your brother's not here. Is there anyone you've got even half an eye on?" Clearly without Matt there to answer questions about himself, she was going to be the target until she could find a way to deflect the conversation elsewhere.

"There really isn't at the moment Mum."

"Goodness me. Fancy being around all those intelligent young men and not even dipping your toe in the pool a little."

"That sounds ... a little weird Mum," Bec laughed.

"Oh you know what I mean, kiss a few boys, explore a little."

"Yeah, I know what you mean, but that doesn't mean I want to hear about it from my Mum."

"Personally, I'm quite alright with my daughter not fooling around a lot, or a little even," Derek proposed.

"Typical male," Heather teased him.

Bec managed to steer the conversation away from her love life or lack thereof.

--- +++ ---

Matt walked Erica all the way home, chatting with her and getting to know her in a way that he hadn't when she was simply a friend of his sisters. He'd had no reason to spend time alone with her until the walk home as the times they had been together had been group situations and he'd always been distracted by Bec enough not to end up one-on-one with Erica.