Broken and Bonded Ch. 09-10

Story Info
Sequel to By choice or by force. This is Trudy's story.
4.3k words

Part 5 of the 11 part series

Updated 03/17/2024
Created 02/24/2024
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Chapter Nine

"Trudy!" several of the girls called out in delight and Trudy was suddenly engulfed in a swarm of happy laughing teenagers.

"It's so good to see you all!" she laughed as they slowly dispersed, and Seline grinned as she clapped her hands, to attract everyone's attention.

"Come on then let's sit down and eat."

It was a fun meal with plenty of food and chatter.

Clara and Sandra were presently the eldest girls there at nearly nineteen and twenty years old, then there was Amy, and Fliss at sixteen and Sindy, Theo, Tilda and Megan who were the youngsters at fourteen down to twelve.

"Where's Cora and Caroline?" Trudy asked suddenly, of two of the oldest who were now almost independent women in their own right.

"Cora is away at University still -- on her last year now as you know, and Caroline is working at that large hotel in Devonshire, she's being trained up to be management eventually."

"Oh, that is good to hear; I must look her up when I'm next down that way... but I'll call her first to make sure it's convenient, I think."

"She'll love seeing you," Clara said smiling. "She's always talking about you -- you know."

Seline chuckled softly. "Trudy was the one who taught her to drive, and I think that she came here with the intent of starting you two off as well, if that little blue car is anything to go by."

"I'm late with both of you I know, but yes, Seline is right about the car!"

"Oh, I say!" Sandra gasped. "That would be splendid!"

"How long are you staying for?" Seline asked with a smile.

"Well, a few days -- if you can have me, perhaps until the weekend."

"That will be wonderful," Sandra said excitedly. "We can really get a grip with the driving and then we can go and have some proper lessons."

"Yes, that's the plan," Trudy nodded. "I've contacted a woman not far from here and she will come and see you both, next week." she looked at Seline. "She will ring your first, her name is Nancy Cassington."

Seline nodded in acknowledgement. "It'll give us time to get their provisional licences sorted."

The meal continued in good spirits and after they were finished, Seline led Trudy through to the lounge.

"Marcie will organise the girls and get the dishes sorted, and she's probably already sorted your room and bed for you."

Trudy smiled as she thought of the older woman -- the stalwart of the estate, and the heart of this home. "The woman really is a treasure."

"Yes, I still bless the day you brought her to us, I do not think that I could have managed on my own."

"Well, we knew when we started this that you would bear the brunt of the day to day. As much as I would have liked to have been a permeant fixture in the girl's life, I think this way has worked out best for everyone... but are you still happy with this arrangement?"

Seline smiled. "This was my cause in the first place, but I do not think that I could have got it off the ground without your support -- both emotionally and financially."

"The money is and always was nothing," Trudy dismissed with a flick of her hand. "I had more than enough -- more than I knew what to do with."

"Oh, I think you knew exactly what to do with it -- that's why you are so successful and why you are so much in demand. You have money and you use it well."

Trudy smiled. "Well -- perhaps it is as you say. But any way onto other things, such as why the brothers grim were haunting you."

Seline chuckled. "Oh, Jon is not so grim, he never was -- you just need to know how to look at him... and as I recall you could always bring out the sunnier disposition in Matt."

"That was then," Trudy said sadly. "He doesn't even remember me now -- remember?"

"Perhaps harping after the past is where you are going wrong now." Seline said thoughtfully.

"What do you mean?"

She shrugged and smiled a little smile. "He fell in love with you once..."

"We're both much older now," Trudy shook her head and scowled. "I am too old to be playing that sunshine girl who was so besotted with him."

"Well, yes, that is as gone as his memories seem to be. But your natural personality is a bright and cheerful one, you are happy and energetic and everyone who 'knows' you -- warms to you immediately -- and everyone who really knows you -- loves you unconditionally."

"That's sweet of you to say, Seline, but it has not been true for many a year now."

"We don't change our nature... and we rarely change our tastes either, and as I said before, he fell in love with you once..."

"Perhaps." Trudy sighed. "But what were they doing here anyway?"

"Ah... now that is a tale to be told."

Trudy grinned, as she sat back and made herself comfortable. "Then tell, Seline dear -- tell all."


"And so, I have agreed to let these young men come and stay here, and although I am not too sure what Jon, hopes to do with them, my role is fairly simple... come up with as many hard-working jobs and get them working on my property." Seline finished telling her.

"I have met the Frawnings boys several times over the years," Trudy murmured thoughtfully. "But our last encounter was rather unfortunate."

"Oh, how so?"

Trudy made short work of her Laurie's abduction, and her rescue, and everything else that came after.

"This was how Matt came back into your life?"

"Yes," Trudy nodded. "Oh, I have been aware of him over the years as he stalked his way through the world, gaining that awful reputation on his way."

"He has power -- as much as he tries to restrain and bury it; you only have to look at him to see it, and that makes some people nervous." Seline said quietly.

"Yes, I know, I remember the very first time I saw him."

"So do I," Seline murmured on a laugh. "I remember very well the first time that the two of you met, it was as if the whole world had just melted away, and Belle and I felt like intruders, in a very private scene.

"We did wonder where the two of you disappeared to," Trudy grinned.

"I'll just bet you did... eventually!"

"Well, anyway," Trudy cleared her voice in embarrassment and the colour came to her cheeks.

Seline was reminded of the girl that she had been, and she smiled, as a vague idea formed in her mind.

"Even though I do not condone what the Frawnings boys did," Trudy went on unaware of her friend's silent plotting. "I suppose it does suggest that they are aware of their deficiency, that they see the solution in a similar way to how Jonathon Richards might see it."

"Yes, let's hope that they are willing to make the changes necessary as well then."


Trudy spent almost the whole week at Seline's home for female shifters -- young girls and women who had been orphaned or abandoned or who had simply fled, from some intolerable situation. It was the latter that most of the girls seem to fit into, a problem that Seline has spotted a long time ago, in her role on the council. But when the council had refused to intercede despite her repeated pleas for assistance, then she had turned her back on the elders and their bigoted ways and gone her own way -- on her own cause.

Seline had some wealth in her own right, when she started her project, but nowhere near enough to be able to fund it all. To do the things that she wanted to do, the things that she knew were needed. It was impossible for her to go to the council for help, and she herself was without family, and only a few friends, and so in desperation she had sought out her good friend Trudy, for advice.

At that point Trudy had been mourning the end of her relationship with Matt, and the loss of her sister-in law Belle and had seemed driven on her own cause. She had been quietly buying up properties and investing in business ventures, but her first response to her friend was to hand over half of her growing fortune, and the two women became partners in their venture.

Trudy's visit this time would also give her a chance to go over the estate's household accounts, with Seline, as they did at this time every year, and the two of them would plan out what was needed for the next six months or so.

"I shall arrange for the usual funds to be moved to your account by end of the week... now how many girls are here at the moment?"

"Eight permanents, plus Cora and Caroline intermittently."

"And you have enough rooms still?"

"Yes, now that Beth and Pru have moved out and into their own places, their rooms are still empty."

She smiled widely. "They both visit as often as they can, but if they stay then they bed down wherever, and both of them have donated to the home -- there, look."

Trudy had noticed the new column and had meant to ask -- thinking that perhaps she had found a new private benefactor -- or something.

"Can they afford it?" Trudy asked.

"Yes, oh yes. They both wanted to start contributing back, as soon as they started earning, but we discussed it at length and agreed that when they achieved enough money to cover their own needs and left more than five hundred a month spare, then they would pay over half of what the amount was."

"They were always good girls." Trudy smiled.

"Yes, they were -- in spite of their rotten start in life. They both keep their ears to the ground too and Pru works with social services, so if any more girls come into their sphere, then we can act quickly, before they get too deep into the system."

"Yes, part of the need to keep our society secret has been useful to this cause, with the right people in the right places to ensure no one comes to check up on the girls."

"That's true but it doesn't stop the families from causing grief sometimes." Seline sighed.


"Just the one. Sandra's father and brother came a knocking recently, demanding that she return home with them; I'm afraid that we may not have seen the last of them."

"Did they cause any trouble?"

"Oh, I think it was more distressing for Sandra; and a little frightening for the younger girls. But Marcie came charging out with one of the girl's old hockey sticks, and I fear that she would have done them some damage had they not backed off."

Trudy chuckled. "We must give her a good wage increase again this year."

Seline laughed. "Yes, I think so too."

"Perhaps having a few strong men -- and the likes of Jon and Matt, around for a while will turn out to be a good thing after all." Trudy suggested.

"Perhaps," Seline shrugged. "We shall just have to wait and see."


Chapter Ten

It was the Friday and Jonathon's meeting with Bill Frawnings would occur within the next hour or so. Jonathon made himself comfortable on the patio and waited patiently for him to arrive.

He mentally reviewed his plan and what he would say to Bill first, and then later his boys.

Matt had been away for the last few days but had arrived back this morning looking a little more relaxed -- or rather as relaxed as Matt could look.

He had retired to his room soon after lunch with some mumbled excuse of needing a little rest after the drive back.

Jonathon didn't have the time to worry about his brother now though, as he heard the car pull in at the front of the house.

He sat up straighter in the chair and waited for his guest to arrive.

"Mr Richards," Bill Frawnings came and stood in front of him, and half bowed.

"Please do sit down, Bill and call me Jonathon, since we are to be co-conspirators in this little venture of ours."

"As it pleases you... Jonathon."

Jonathon knew that asking him to call him Jon would have been stretching things a little too far, but he felt that Jonathon would be just the right amount of familiarity.

"Now, then," Jon said once Bill was seated, and he was certain that he had his full attention. "To business..."

An hour later Bill sighed and shook his head tiredly. "I suppose that what you say is the right thing to do, I just can't help feeling that I could have -- should have done more."

"You did the best that you could and no more could be asked of you, but you do understand just how serious this could get if we sit back and do nothing, now?"

"Yes, oh yes I have been becoming more and more concerned with their increased levels of aggression, I felt like it was only a matter of time before one of them tries for pack leader, and once that happened then any influence I might have had would have been crushed."

"Yes, and that is why we cannot afford to delay any longer... we are at that point where literally every day counts."

"Yes," Bill sighed again and then sat back and braced his shoulders. "Ok then -- we know what must be done, so when and how do we do it?"

Jonathon smiled and leaned forward slightly. "We shall drive over to your home presently, and there we will..."


The house was as foul as Matt had led Jonathon to believe and worse.

"Yes, I think we might be only just in time, here," he murmured under his breath. He lifted his chin, and a steely glint came to his dark eyes. "Gather your pack Bill, and let's get this thing started."

The rag tag bunch of young men who stumbled blearily into the room were fitting for their environment. It looked like none of them had bathed recently, and one glance at them told Jonathon that they spent their time waiting for the full moon by boozing and rotting in this home.

He opened up his shoulders and allowed his disgust to show.

"Just because we can shift into animal forms, it does not mean that we can live like animals!" He snarled as he allowed the anger and outrage to fuel his strength.

The younger pack members looked anywhere and everywhere except at him, and more than one of them actually whimpered and whined a couple of times.

"You are all a disgrace to the human race -- to our race!" He turned to Bill, then and further opened up his shoulders and stood up straighter. "You Bill Frawnings -- pack leader to the Frawnings pack -- have failed in your duty -- you have failed your responsibility... I have no choice but to strip you of your leadership and assume the responsibility myself..."

Frawnings head lowered, and his shoulders hunched miserably, as he seemed to shrink in the face of his superior's anger.

"Do you accept my decree? Do you release this pack to my leadership -- Bill Frawnings? Will you bow down to me?"

Bill seemed to be battling some inner demon, as his pack looked on, in horror, and bewilderment.

Suddenly he sighed and dropped down to his knees before Jonathon. "I do," he whispered hoarsely.

There were yelps of dismay, and Jonathon turned on them.

"You seek to argue this?" he demanded dangerously.

Ben stepped forward. "If my father is deemed not fit for leadership anymore -- then it should be my right -- my responsibility to assume the leadership."

Jonathon towered over him, and his dark eyes blazed with fury.

"You! You think you can lead this pack back into humanity? You are as unfit as the rest of them!"

Ben stood his ground, nervously though and Jonathon realised that if he did not force this issue here and now, then this could lead down a dangerous path.

He leaned forward suddenly, and deliberately crowded the younger man, getting right in his face and allowing him no space to look anywhere or move anywhere or even breathe anything other than what Jonathon allowed him to breathe.

"You think you can do better than me?" he demanded in a low hostile tone. "You seek to challenge ME!"

It hung over them all for a long moment, and Ben tried to brace himself, to push back his shoulders and lift his head, but he could not, Jonathon would not allow him the space to.

For long moments the silent struggle raged between them.

But then like his father before him, Ben lost the battle of wills with Jonathon Richards and his shoulders hunched and his head hung low.

"No, I do not seek to challenge," he mumbled and there were more whines and whimpers around the room.

"Kneel then -- as your father knelt then so will you -- all of you; kneel now before my dominion over you!"

They struggled only a little as they slowly fell to their knees in full submission of this stronger more powerful being, one who had bested both the older pack leader and the younger leader still in his prime; Jonathon had bested them both all without breaking a sweat -- at least that was how the youngsters saw it.

They bowed down in fear, in awe, in respect of the natural order of things, they bowed down in total submission -- which was what Jonathon needed to bring these creatures out of their animalist behaviour and drag them back into humanity's world.

For long moments he simply stood there wallowing in the strength of this pack. They had so much potential -- if he could just channel them properly.

"Now I will tell you soon what is to happen -- but for now you will all go and wash and change and become more fit for company."

They rose to their feet and slowly ambled away -- talking and grumbling in low tones, as they went.

There were five of them in all ranging from, he guessed, early twenties to late twenties in ages.

He turned to a miserable and dejected looking Bill, who was still on his knees, and smiled sympathetically. "Come; let us take a stroll around your grounds and consolidate our plans."

Bill sighed and led the way slowly.

But within moments of leaving the house, he seemed to regain his vigour and it was as if a weight had been lifted from his shoulders.

"Well, that went pretty much as we expected," Bill said thoughtfully, "And it was not nearly as painful as I thought it would be."

"That is because you were not really fighting me, you had already had several days to adjust and reconcile yourself to this, and so there was no real internal struggle... I am afraid it was rather more painful for your son. I had to stamp down hard on him before he could work himself up to the challenge."

"Yes, thank you for pre-empting it and not making an example of him. That could have gone a much worse way for him -- and the rest as well."

Jonathon patted Bill on the shoulder. "I have no wish to hurt anyone -- I came here to help you all remember!"

"Yes, and thank you -- however this turns out -- thank you for caring enough to intercede like this."

"You are most welcome, Bill."

They strolled away from the house and across to the barren looking land adjacent to it.

"Now then this is what I plan to do... the whole thing needs tearing down and rethinking..."

Bill listened first in horror that his family home was to be demolished and then with growing awe and hope that so much was to be done for his pack and his family.

"These people... they are all willing to help us?" he asked in disbelief. "Young Laurie -- after everything that happened, she will come into these new buildings and turn them into real homes?"

"It is her job, or rather it was before those events that ended in her dismissal. Now she is working for herself, so this project is sort of an apology and reimbursement to her; she will charge for any work she does -- as will James, and anyone else involved with this project."

"It is of course the right thing to do," Bill nodded. "But I am not a wealthy man -- not to those sorts of standards anyway."

"Fear not my friend -- the council will finance this wholly and without restraint. You have already paid a heavy price today; and I shall ask nothing more of you."

"So, what is to become of me?" Bill sighed after a moment. "Without the boys to worry for -- without even a roof over my head, I won't know what I will do with myself -- or do you plan to ship me off to this farm too?"

Jonathon laughed. "No, no Bill, I do not think you would benefit from a visit to this farm; you have managed to keep a hold of your humanity even in if you could not keep your boys in touch with theirs."

"Probably my biggest regret -- definitely my biggest failure," Bill said sadly.