Brodricksburg Pt. 02


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I was joking but I hoped that I might be able to get some information from Ralph. I hoped that he had seen Farlow come through and might mention that without me having to ask too many questions.

"If that's what you are looking for, you picked the right night but you are too late."

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"The rich and famous were here for dinner but they left a few minutes ago."

I wasn't sure if the information would be helpful but I asked anyway. "Who did I miss?"

"Congressman Freewater, Mayor Gargas, George Kasperek, Glen Buske, Robert Kelly and Richard Mitchell were here for dinner."

I felt a cold chill run through my body. The significance of these people being together was not lost on me. The fact that Richard Mitchell, Carrie's boss, was there really bothered me.

"I am sorry I missed them. How long ago did they leave?"

"They left just before you came in. Mr. Farlow came in and then they all went off to one of the meeting rooms upstairs."

Trying to keep the excitement I was feeling out of my voice, I said, "Sorry I missed them. I would love to have gotten their autographs."

Ralph laughed and then said, "You can always come back next week."


"Well, they meet here every Thursday. They don't always have dinner first and not all of them come every time. The Congressman only comes once in a great while but the rest are here every Thursday. I call them the Thursday Night Club."

Ralph wandered off to take some drink orders and I thought about what I had just learned. I was beginning to see the full pattern and it scared me. These men were powerful and I didn't have evidence that they had broken any laws. For the first time since I started investigating Commissioner Buske, I felt like I was in over my head.

I was just finishing up my beer when I felt a hand on my shoulder.

"So what brings you out here, Lt. Hobbs?" Captain Ross said.

"I was on my way home from the gym and decided to stop in for a beer." I lied. "What brings you here?"

"I was supposed to meet some friends here but I guess they didn't make it yet."

"Can I buy you a beer?" I asked.

"No, thanks. I need to make a call to see what's keeping my friends."

"In that case I am going to head home."

Ross moved over to where Ralph was mixing a drink and I put a dollar on the bar for a tip and got up to leave. As I walked away I heard Ralph say, "They're already upstairs."

When I got to the door I looked and saw that Ross had taken a seat at the bar. I guessed that he might be the Sergeant-at-Arms for the Thursday Night Club members.

I decided to keep what I had learned at the Inn to myself until I could decide what it all meat. It might have just been a meeting of friends, although I doubted it. I also wondered how Ross fit in. Was he a member of the Thursday Night Club or was his appearance at the Inn just a coincidence?

My original investigation of Commissioner Buske had taken a strange turn and was now overlapping my investigation of Mr. Boland's death.

I didn't sleep very well that night as I tried to understand how the different players fit in. By four o'clock in the morning I had put things together in my mind in the only way they seemed to fit. I still needed a couple more pieces of information to confirm my theory. The problem was that even if my theory was correct I still didn't know how I could prove that anyone had broken the law and considering who I was dealing with I had better have lots of proof or I would be the one in deep shit.


Hanratty Reports to Ross


When Hanratty came in Friday morning, I didn't mention anything about my being out on River Road the night before or anything that had happened afterward. I was sure that Captain Ross would want to talk to him and I wanted Hanratty to be able to truthfully say that he didn't know what I was up to Thursday night.

The morning was pretty much routine. Hanratty suggested we hit the streets and we did. After breakfast we cruised by the schools and then checked out a couple of items that had been on the OAR that morning.

When we got back to the station after lunch I went to my desk to make a phone call and Hanratty disappeared for a while.

"Pennsylvania Department of Parks and Recreation, Peter Alston speaking. How can I help you?"

"Mr. Alston, this is Lt. Hobbs of the Brodricksburg Police Department. I was wondering if you could answer a question for me," I said.

"I'll try."

"If the city of Brodricksburg wanted to buy some land that is a portion of one of our state parks, how would they go about it?"

"I really don't know. I have never heard of that happening before. I think you will need to ask Mr. Wrestler. He is the head of Pennsylvania's Department of Parks and Recreation. Unfortunately, he is out of the office today. He should be in on Monday. Can I have him call you?"

"If you would," I said and gave him my cell phone number.

Hanratty came over to my desk as soon as I put the phone down.

"Ross was all over me," Hanratty said. "He asked if I knew why you were at the Brodricksburg Inn last night. I told him I wasn't sure but I thought that you might have been meeting Carrie there for dinner."

"Good. What did he say to that?"


"That's all he said?"

"Yep. He is a man of few words," Hanratty said. "So, you got anything else for me?"

"Not right now, let's take a ride. We can take another pass by the schools before three o'clock.


The FBI's Impatience


The weekend was uneventful. Carrie called me from her parent's home on both Saturday and Sunday evenings. The residents of Riverview Apartments played volleyball again on Sunday but I didn't play. My ankle was feeling a lot better but I wasn't ready to put that much stress on it yet so I sat and watched and later I took a dip in the pool.

It was raining Monday morning when I got to the station. Chief Pasiak was in his office early and flagged me down as I passed by.

"Just wanted to let you know that Agent Van Horn was in again. I believe he thinks we are not doing anything about Commissioner Buske. I assured him that we have investigated the matter thoroughly and as soon as we can prove any wrongdoing we will go to the DA for an indictment."

"Do you think he bought that?"

"No. I don't think he has a lot of confidence in you."

"Well, screw him. What has the FBI done about CSC? Nothing. I know what Agent Van Horn is up to and I don't see any reason I should be in any hurry to help him."

"I am certainly glad I was able to cheer you up this morning," Chief Pasiak said as he laughed at my anger. "So where do we stand in the investigation?"

"This may be something bigger than just a bribery scandal involving the Commissioner of Works. I am waiting for a phone call that might answer the last of my questions. Until I get that answer I am not ready to say anything more."

"Okay, Brian. Hopefully it won't be much longer. I would like to get this behind us before the end of the year," the Chief said.

"Me too."


Mrs. Boland


Hanratty was waiting for me at my desk.

"Saw you meeting with the old man again. Ross isn't in yet. Should I tell him about your meeting when he gets in?"

"Yeah. That should get his day off to a good start," I said. "Are you ready to hit the street?"

Hanratty said, "I am always ready for that."

Hanratty and I got back to the station at 12:30 PM. Ross was sitting in his office and I saw him give Hanratty a little nod. As soon as we were past the office Hanratty said, "I think the Captain wants me to stop by for a chat."

"Go make his day," I said.

When I got back to my desk I placed a call to Mrs. Boland at her daughter's house.

"Mrs. Boland, have you by any chance remembered the name of the man that called your husband about selling your farm?"

"No. I'm sorry. I wish I could be of more help."

"Do you think that you might recognize the name if you heard it?"

"I don't know, I might."

"Okay, I am going to mention some names and you tell me if any of them are familiar."


"Glen Buske?"

"No. I know Glen and his wife. It wasn't Glen."

"Carl Gargas?"

"The Mayor? No, it wasn't him."

"How about Robert Kelley?"


"George Kasperek?"

"Kasperek? That might be it. Yes, I think that was the name. Kasperek," Mrs. Boland said in an excited voice. "Does that help?"

"Yes, it does. Thank you very much."

"Did he have something to do with my husband's murder?"

"I don't know yet but I am going to find out."


Pennsylvania Department of Parks and Recreation


It was 3:15 when Alan Wrestler called me back.

"Mr. Wrestler, what I am trying to find out is how a city can go about buying land that is part of a state park."

"Can't be done. The only way land from a state park can be sold is if the legislature approves the closing of the park. At that time the land would be put up for public auction."

"Do you happen to know if anyone from the city of Brodricksburg ever contacted your department to ask about the possibility of buying land that is part of the Fort Brodrick State Park."

"As a matter of fact I do remember that. It was my first year as head of the department. I don't remember the man's name but I remember that he said he was the Superintendent of Schools in Brodricksburg."

"Robert Kelley?"

"Yes, I think that was his name, but I can't be positive because it was about six years ago. He asked about buying 300 acres of the park. He said he wanted to build a three-school campus there."

"What did you tell him?"

"Same thing I told you. There was no way we could sell him that land."

"Would you happen to have a record of that call?"

"It would be in my calendar notes in the archives. It would take a while to find it."

"I am not sure if we will need your notes but I'll let you know," I said. "You have been a big help. Thanks.

I was feeling a little apprehensive as I left the station that evening. I was in the middle of a big mess and I wasn't sure how I was going to get out of it. I decided that it was time to lay the whole thing out for Chief Pasiak and I planned to do that later in the week.


Agent Kyle Van Horn


I was staring into my nearly empty refrigerator when the phone rang. I was hungry and debating what to do about dinner as I picked up the phone.

"Lt. Hobbs."

"What do you want now?" I said as soon as I recognized the voice.

"I just want to tell you what your wife is up to tonight."

"And what is she up to?"

"She is meeting her lover tonight. They will be at 37 Third Street at eight o'clock."

"Why should I care?"

"Because she is making a fool of you. She is telling everyone that you are getting back together soon but she has no plans of ending her affair with him."

"So, who is this lover of hers?" I asked, not expecting an answer.

"His name is Glen Buske."

"The Commissioner of Works? I don't believe that."

"Didn't you get the pictures I sent over to your office today?"

"No. I didn't get any pictures."

"Well, you'll have them tomorrow but why wait. If you want to catch your cheating wife in the act, just be there at eight o'clock tonight," the caller said and then hung up.

I almost laughed. Apparently my mysterious caller didn't know that Buske was a closet homosexual. I did wonder about the pictures she mentioned. I looked at the clock and it was 7:30 PM so I picked up my keys and headed out of the apartment.

I was about two blocks from my apartment when I saw him. I was being followed. The driver obviously had been trained in how to tail a car but not well enough to fool me. He stayed back behind a couple of other cars but I immediately noticed the way he moved around in his lane to make sure he could keep me in view.

I drove down Fort Street and turned right onto Allentown Road. About a mile down Allentown Road, I pulled into a small shopping center and parked in front of a Rite Aid drug store. I got out of my car and went into the store and peeked back into the parking lot. My tail had pulled his car into a spot directly in front of the store about three spaces to the right of where I had parked. The driver didn't get out of his car. He knew I would have to come back out so he was going to wait for me.

I walked to the back of the store and spoke to Bill Gleason, the Pharmacist, who just happened to be a friend of mine. Bill led me through the stock room and let me out the back door. From there I worked my way around the right side of the building to the front. I peeked around the corner. His car was the second one in from the corner. There was no one in the first car so I bent down and moved over to the car closest to me and worked my way around behind it. Then I crawled up between the cars until I was at the passenger side door of the car that had been following me. The driver had made the second mistake of the evening. His first was to think he could follow me without being spotted. His second mistake was even bigger. He was sitting there with his windows opened.

I didn't know if the door was locked so as I stood up I reached inside the car and opened the door from inside. Almost before he realized what was happening I was sitting beside him.

"How are you this evening, Agent Van Horn?"

Agent Van Horn had turned to look at me as soon as I started to open the door but it was too late for him to stop me.

"What the hell are you doing?" was all he could manage to say.

"Just thought I would make things easier on you. I am heading over to Dominic's on Seneca Street for dinner."

"What are you doing in my car and what are you talking about?"

"Come on now, Agent Van Horn, we both know that you're following me so don't try to pretend that you aren't. I just thought that rather than taking a chance on losing me, you might rather join me for dinner. That is if you like good pizza."


Angie set the pitcher of Yuengling on the table and asked what we wanted to order.

"How about a large pepperoni pizza?" I said and looked at Agent Van Horn.

He nodded his head and Angie headed back to the kitchen. As soon as she was far enough away from the table that she wouldn't hear our conversation, I turned to Agent Van Horn and said, "Let's get the formal introductions out of the way. I am Detective Brian Hobbs of the Brodricksburg Police Department."

I could tell that Agent Van Horn was still embarrassed that I had caught him following me. "I'm Kyle Van Horn, I am a field agent out of the FBI's Philadelphia field office."

"Tell you what, I'll call you Kyle and you can call me Brian. That work for you?"

He agreed but I could tell he didn't like it, or maybe it was just me he didn't like. He just stared at me as I pulled the pitcher over and started to fill our glasses.

"Okay, Kyle, would you like to go first? Why were you following me?"

I could tell that Agent Van Horn was not used to being the one being questioned.

"I am not at liberty to say," he responded.

"Okay then, why don't I tell you what I think is going on and then you can correct me if I am wrong."

Van Horn didn't respond.

"I'll take that as agreement," I said. "I am guessing that this all started because the FBI was investigating a company called Comprehensive Supply Corporation. The FBI had reason to believe that they were bribing government officials to help CSC win contracts to provide automotive parts and supplies to government agencies.

"As part of this investigation, the FBI had an agent or agents spy on CSC's activities at the Automotive Aftermarket Products Expo last October in Las Vegas. During their surveillance the agents observed Glen Buske, Commissioner of Works for the City of Brodricksburg, interacting with representatives of CSC on numerous occasions. It was the belief of the Agents involved that Mr. Buske was probably in violation of several laws regarding relationships between government officials and vendors.

"How am I doing so far?" I asked.

"Am I supposed to be impressed by that? All you did was repeat back to me what I told your chief back in February," Van Horn said.

"That's true, but I am just getting started," I said. "The rest of this is what I have since figured out. It is my belief that you were one of the agents, if not the only one, that was in Las Vegas watching over CSC. After spending a week watching them you had no hard evidence that they had broken any laws while they were at the show. "

I could see that Agent Van Horn was getting uneasy, which told me I was on the right track.

"When you got back from Las Vegas, your superiors either decided to put the CSC investigation on the back burner or to close it down completely. My guess is that the FBI knew what CSC was up to but decided that the investigation and prosecution would be too costly and time consuming to pursue.

"You didn't agree with their decision so you decided to keep trying to nail CSC. In order to prosecute CSC, you would need to get someone who actually accepted bribes from CSC to help them win contracts to testify against them. Your problem was that the CSC investigation was closed and you had no authority to investigate further. So out of the goodness of your heart you decided to turn over the information you had on Commissioner Buske to the Brodricksburg Police.

"Ever since your meeting with Chief Pasiak back in February, you have been waiting for us to indict Commissioner Buske. I have to admit, it was a good plan. We indict Buske and the next day you show up to offer Buske a deal. The FBI will grant him immunity from prosecution in return for his testifying against CSC. With a live witness ready to testify, the FBI would certainly reopen the case against CSC and you would be the hero.

"As to why you were following me? My guess is that you were becoming impatient with how long the investigation was taking and you were losing confidence in the ability and or willingness of the Brodricksburg Police and me in particular to investigate one of our own city officials.

"Now what do you think?" I asked.

"How the fuck?" he muttered. "How could you know all of that?"

"I am a detective," was my response. "Any questions?"

"What do you have on Commissioner Buske?"

I told Agent Van Horn what I had found out about Commissioner Buske's trip to Vegas and that CSC had given him ten thousand dollars while he was there but I couldn't prove it.

"How do you know all that?"

"I have an informant."

"Can I talk to your informant?"

"No." I wasn't going to give him Stephen Farlow.


"He is part of a much larger investigation I am working on."

I could see that Agent Van Horn was getting pissed.

"Listen, Lt. Hobbs, this case is important to me and I will need Buske to make my case."

"I told you to call me Brian. I would like to help you out, Kyle... But I care more about solving a murder that I do about whether Brodricksburg buys its automotive replacement parts from CSC or someone else. I am not prepare to talk about the investigation I am working on yet, but if I am right about what is going on I may be able to give you Commissioner Buske and maybe even a bigger fish."

That got Agent Van Horn's interest.

"What can you tell me about your other case, Brian?"

"I can't say anything now but hopefully in the next couple of days I will have it all figured out."

I could see that Agent Van Horn didn't like that answer but just then our pizza arrived.

"So, what gives here?"

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"For starters, you have a police chief that seldom puts in more than 6 hours a day at his job and then there's you. You only have five years on the force and you are already a lieutenant and you're in charge of the homicide squad. Why would Brodricksburg even have a homicide squad? I admit I may have underestimated you but that doesn't explain everything."