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"John. And my last name is Spencer, correct." Noel handed them each a box. They opened them and took out the scarves. "Noel, this is beautiful. Wait, you made these? And the patterns are different on the two. Sophia, these are incredibly difficult to make and take forever. Oh, Noel, thank you. I'm sorry I don't have anything for you. SOMEONE didn't let me know you were coming."

"Dang, Noel, you're making me look really bad. I mean school and work and baking and knitting. How do you find the time to do all this stuff?"

Using a gruff father's voice, "Well, young lady, if you'd keep your mind off boys and your eyes off your phone, you'd be amazed at all the things you could accomplish." All three laughed and then hugged.

"You've actually met my dad, haven't you?" More laughter.

"So show us some pictures of your apartment. I'll bet it's beautiful." Noel looked at Sophia, then looked down.

"I don't have any. It's, well to quote Mrs. B, 'it's kind of a shithole.' But it's what I could afford and it's mine. That's what mattered. Up until the 24th, all I had was a foam pad, chair, little table, a lamp, a bunch of plants and my goldfish, Herbie. She got me a bed, dresser and a bunch of stuff. No one had ever done anything like that before.

"Mom, I think we need to keep her. And I think we need to help her some."

"No, really. I'm doing fine. I don't need anything. That's not why I came, but, Mom, I am so happy to see that you're doing well and seem happy. You don't know how much I hoped that you were happy. Happy, even if your daughter is a little sketchy." More laughter.

"I take back what I said. Kick her out, Mom."

"Could I ask one question and you don't have to answer, but Sophia is fifteen and you left when I was five and I'm eighteen..."

"I'm not following."

"Geeze, Mom. Noel, our mom is worthless in math. Couldn't help me at all with algebra or geometry. Mom, what she's saying is that you had five kids instead of four and you took me with you instead of Noel."

"No, I...," then stopped.

"What my marginally verbal mom means is that I came with my dad. We were a twofer and then she adopted me. So, we're not blood, but you're still my sister, right?"

"Absolutely! Forever."

"Great, although truth be told, I would have selected me too since I'm so dang cute." She batted her eyes and cocked her head. Her mom swatted her.

"Enough of this stuff. Your home is amazing. I've never been in a house like this. And your yard! It's my dream yard. I always tried to do things around Dad's, but I didn't have any money and the boys always wrecked things anyway. Not intentionally, just being stupid. So I gave up, but always had plants in my room."

"Mom! It gets worse and worse! We have to do something. We have to take her shopping. I'll bet you have no clothes to put in that dresser or anything."

"Wait. Let's just get a couple of things straight. I didn't come here to play some kind of guilt trip or anything. It's starting to sound like a pity party or poor Noel. Woe is me. My life is not like that. Not at all. I love school and have lots of friends there. I love work and the people and clients I work with. I love helping out with the Baxters.

"I'm fine. I concentrate on what I have and not what I have not, or whatever. I wear scrubs at work and I have a couple pairs of pants, a few tops, t-shirts. And I have a number of things from the thrift store, a dress for interviews, pajamas, belts and what not. It's not like I go anywhere.

"Between my apartment and my car and my friggin' phone, I'm pretty much tapped out. Hence, the knitting. And all of that is just fine. Mine. Compared to last year at home? Heaven. So much better."

Maggie could see that Noel was starting to feel uncomfortable. "No, Soph, all in good time. It sounds like Noel has it all under control and is happy with the way things are. And she should be. I am so, so proud of you, dear. You have accomplished so much and you are just such a lovely young woman..." She teared up. "I wish I had something to do with it, but you did it all on your own! Congratulations. You should be proud of yourself too."

"I am, or at least most of the time. But you two have heard so much about me, what about you two? When did you marry, how did you meet, what do you teach? Heck, I have a night's worth of questions."

"In that case, you have to spend the night, at least. How long can you stay?"

"I have to work tomorrow night, so I have to leave tomorrow afternoon. It's a little over four hours or so."

"You should call in sick or something."

"Sorry, Soph. I'd like to do that, but I never would. Someone has to be there. If I call in it means someone else gets dragged away from home to fill in my place. It's not fair to them. But I want to come back, I mean if it's OK and everything." Maggie, shook her head slightly. Amazing! How the hell had she turned out to be so put together when she grew up in the house of crazy?

"Of course it's OK. And we'd like to come and visit if we could. I'd like to meet this Mrs. Baxter."

The door from the garage opened and a tall, slightly gray, well dressed man walked in. Maggie, jumped up, gave him a kiss and a hug. Noel stood. He looked over her shoulder, "Oh, hi. I don't think we've met. Are you one of Sophia's friends?"

"No, John. It's Sophia's sister, Noel." His head swung to his wife's and she nodded. John released his wife and then stalled. He reached his arms out then just a hand. Then grabbed her a pulled her into a hug.

"Well, very pleased to meet you, Noel. I've heard a fair amount about you, but I kept picturing you about three feet tall or so." They laughed, "But you're beautiful, just like your mom. And you have her eyes...I don't know what happened to that one over there."

"Daaaad! I taking back your Christmas present."

He went over and pinched her cheek and pulled her into a hug. "Oh, Sweetums, you know I was just kidding. You're the most wonderful daughter I father could ever ask for," and made a gagging sound.

"I'm about to puke too, Pops. Get out while you can, Noel."

"Come on, Noel, give me a hand in the kitchen getting things ready. Sophia, why don't you come and maybe pick up a few tips."

"I'll come, but that's what take out is for."

"Noel, do you think we can whip up some home made bread?"

Noel looked at her phone to check the time, " As long as we make some that we don't have let rise a couple of times and that stuff. Oh, and if you have some oatmeal and chocolate, I could put together some cookies real quick."

"NOEL! We talked about this. You're making me look bad. We're going to have to limit your visitation rights. Next we'll be hearing that you volunteered at the homeless shelter and helped with toy drives and all that stuff."

"Well, actually, before I started school and working I did. I helped with meals AND the toy drive."

"You're disgusting. Send her home, Mom."

Using her gruff, paternal voice, "Well, young lady, if you..."

With a laugh, "DON'T! Don't even go there." And so it went.

She drove straight to work and changed into the scrubs she always carried in her car, just in case. As she unpacked she found an envelope with a letter and a check for a thousand dollars.

My Dear Noel,

I loved you from the moment I knew I was pregnant and missed you every day since I left. Thank you, thank you for taking the time to find me. I could never find you and I'd about given up hope. Then there you were, standing in the rain on my front porch.

I am so proud of you and you should be equally proud of yourself. You have become an amazing, incredible, wonderful woman and you did it all by yourself. I don't know how you did it, but you did.

Please, please. Remember, you are a full member of our family. We all love you and the Baxters love you, so really, you have two families. You have done all these things completely on your own, but you don't have to do it all by yourself. You have a huge support team: us, the Baxters, your friends, classmates, colleagues...Let people help you! Please. YOU ARE NOT ALONE, EVER!

I love you more than I can ever tell you,


CASH THE DAMN CHECK! You need at least two new tires, insurance, your inspection sticker is out of date, your car sounds like a tank. Throw in a few groceries and it's gone. If you need more CALL! Please. If things were different, if I had been able to take you with me I would have been paying all that plus your college expenses, right?

She cashed the check. The thousand was gone. Mom was right.

Eighteen months later, Noel had completed her nursing degree and it was graduation time. No way were the Baxters going to miss it, but then Jonah came home for a few days before his summer of survival and outdoor training began.

"Wait, where are you two going all dressed up?"

"I'm sorry, Jonah. Didn't I tell you? We have to go to a, uh, funeral. We have the service at the church, then the cemetery and then a little reception. They're making a really big deal out of this one."

"Why? Who is it?"

"Oh, just one of the big wigs your father knows. It's a political thing more than anything else, but you know, I cry at everything so this'll be no exception. See you later. I have some dinner in the fridge for you."

Jonah eyed his mom again. Those didn't look like funeral clothes. What the hell was with all the secrets?

The Baxters drove to the college and took seats in the front row. It was a small ceremony, just the nursing students.

Maria turned to Henry, "Oh, just look at Noel! She's just beaming! I'm so proud of her. And remember, she said she was getting that award for being number two in her class. She never could quite beat that one girl with a photographic memory. What was her name? Emily, that's right. But they've been such good friends. A very friendly rivalry and I think they both drove each other to do better. It's wonderful."

She felt a tap on her arm. "Excuse me. I'm sorry to eavesdrop, but you know Noel?"

"Yes indeed. She is just like a daughter to us. We love her to death and we're so proud of her." She found herself in a hug. "What? I'm sorry..."

"I'm Maggie. Her mom. I have heard so much about you and Henry. Thank you for getting her to call me and thank you for taking such good care of her. You've been more of a mom to her than I've been." She hugged her again. "So this is my husband John and Noel's sister Sophia. Can the six of us go out to eat and figure out a time to get together? I really want to get to know both of you."

"Absolutely! We were going to take her out to eat, but you're from out of town. You should just take her. We get to eat with her plenty."

"Absolutely not! We should do it all together."

Jonah was on his way to buy some beer when he passed his parent's car with a woman in the back seat. "Damn! I swear that was Noel. Why would she be in my parents' car? It makes no sense. None of this makes sense."

His folks didn't get home until nine. Late for them. "Whoa, you guys are burning the midnight oil. It's past your bedtime isn't it? I thought you weren't going to be gone long."

"Wise ass. We stay up at least until ten. Uh, we ran into some friends at the reception and went out to eat. Sorry we left you alone all evening, but you know how things go sometimes."

"I passed your car when I ran to the store and there was a dark haired young woman in the back seat." His parents froze. "Looked like someone I used to know."

"Well, maybe you've seen her before. There wasn't enough room in her mom's car, what with all the relatives, so she road with us to the restaurant. She's such a nice girl. If you were staying in town longer we'd have to introduce you two. I think you'd like her. She just finished her nursing degree and will be working at the hospital once she passes her certification exam. But that shouldn't be a problem for her, she was number two in her class."

"Seems you know quite a bit about her."

"Well, you know how parents like to brag. We had to listen to it during dinner. So what did you do while we were gone..."

Just like before with that photograph which suddenly disappeared. The scarves. It just didn't ring true to him. But how would they ever have become connected with Noel? And why? Made no sense. No sense at all.

The state certification exam was not available until a month after graduation and then you had to wait for the results. Noel studied a lot, bound and determined to beat Emily, but also started working full time as an aide at the hospital on the ortho/spine unit.

The exam was a monitored, computer generated affair. Do well and it doesn't take long. Mess up and the computer adds additional questions. She thought she was doing well, but looked up to see Emily leaving. Their eyes met and Noel stuck her tongue out her. Emily laughed and mouthed, "Real mature."

She loved the ortho unit and once she received notification of passing her exam she started full time as a nurse. This! This was her element. She thrived, she was happy, she excelled.

Being new, she was frequently pulled to other units to fill in gaps, but instead of grumbling, she took each as an opportunity to learn more. Each unit was so different. ICU, cardiology, oncology, peds. She liked them all, but ortho was home.

Almost immediately she enrolled at the local college to work on her bachelor's of nursing degree, BSN. It was almost entirely online and designed for those who were actively working. More to learn, more to do, but she kept up with the Baxters, helped in the store and continued to give Mrs. B every other paycheck. What she didn't realize was that every check went directly into the special 'Noel' account. Unspent.

But as busy as she was, the hole in her heart persisted. She tried to ignore it, but it got worse. Maria showed her photos of all the things Jonah was doing. Camping, rock climbing, ice climbing, skiing. She started noticing the same girl in many of the photos. The hole was becoming a ragged chasm.

"She's in a lot of the photos, isn't she, Noel. He hasn't said anything, but I think they're getting serious. Are you OK?"

"Oh, yea, sure. I knew I could never be 'that girl' and I just want him to be happy. And, well, I think I'd better go."

Maria hugged her. "Noel, I'm so sorry."

"It's fine. Really." It wasn't. It ate at her every night. In fact, it was all she could think about, when she had the time.

A year later, three years from high school, Jonah's Spring semester had ended and he had a couple of weeks off with his girlfriend. Zoey was wonderful, just what he wanted, just what he needed. She was in his classes. They were both EMT's and now ready for all their advanced training. They started as friends, but the friendship grew and evolved into something much, much deeper. They'd been living together almost the entire third year.

As he told his mother, she was the one--Maria did not share that with Noel. He knew it, no doubts. He was surprised when he'd told his mom about her that she didn't seem to share his excitement. Guess they're just getting older.

But this was it, his big day, the grand gesture. Once they got to the top of the mountain from which they could look all 360 degrees...that was going to be the time. He had a big fancy speech all prepared. This was going to be great.

"Ready, Zoey? If we get up there by noon or so we can make it back before dark. Weather's great, not much wind and we only have to climb to 10,000 feet not 12,000 like some of the other mountains we've done. Fun and good training for this summer."

"Oh, shut up and quit making this larger than life. It's a regular day and a great hike. Done." He never understood her lack of excitement. They were outside! The sun was shining on them! It was Spring! Oh, well.

"Remember what I always say..."

"Yes, Jonah, I do. 'Make today so special that yesterday is jealous.' Or some shit like that. Gag. But it'll be great. Hurry up slow poke, we don't have all day." She loved to test herself, push herself. The faster they made it to the top the better, but he could always beat her, easily.

Unless he got distracted. Frequently instead of racing to the destination, 'I like the journey just as much as the destination.' What kind of crap was that?

"Look, Zoe. There's that grove of twisted up aspens. Let's stop a bit and explore it. We always just rush past. Those poor guys just picked the wrong spot to grow. Right at the bottom of that avalanche chute. Looks like they've been crunched a bunch of times. Look how crooked this one is."

"No! No stopping, Jonah. We have to get to the top and remember, it may be June, but there's still some snow up there. It's a lot slower going in snow shoes, so let's hit it."

Yup. Jonah was never in a rush. 'Take time to appreciate the little things.' She swore sometimes he was like a wayward child. But she loved him. Never had she felt this way about anyone else. "Come on, Jonah. No lollygagging today. Onward and upward."

He felt the same. They were different, to be sure, but God, she was beautiful, smart, confident and he couldn't imagine spending the rest of his life with anyone but her. Their one big problem was kids. He wanted a bundle. She wasn't sure she wanted any. 'I don't want to be tied down with a bunch of rug rats. Not until I'm older and by then it'll be too late.'

But they could work through that. Right? Once they were married and their friends started having babies. And, after all, they were young--just 21--so no rush anyway. She'd change her mind.

He still did his workouts every day--except for swimming-- and practiced his forms. Some days like today he pulled his punches. They had a long hike and then they were going to celebrate.

And... he was going to need his energy for a night of sweet delights. Maybe they could do it up on the top. That'd be great! What a memory. Even though the top would be snow covered, 'And what did you do when he asked you to marry him?'

But what the heck was going on? He was always super aware of his body and something didn't feel quite right. He had that vomiting and diarrhea episode a few weeks back, but had been fine since then. But today? Must just be tired, but his feet were numbish and his legs just didn't work right. They felt weak or something like he'd worked out way too hard.

Four thousand feet of elevation gain. Six thousand feet at the base to ten thousand. No sweat. Through the aspens, then the spruce and fir, and finally just rock and a few scrawny things trying to grow. But he was panting as they reached the top.

"What the hell is wrong with you Jonah? You never pant on a climb like that. I'm always the one lagging behind. You getting old or something? Sneaking a lot of junk food behind my back? No, I reckon it's the way I wore you out last night. You know what the football guys say, no sex before the big game. Makes you weak."

"I believe I was the one that wore you out. I think you are misremembering."

"Sure. Whatever helps you sleep at night, Big Guy. But you're all sweating and stuff. What's up?"

"Nothing. I'm fine. I...doesn't matter. Look at the view. It's like looking off into a whole universe of mountains. All around."

"Yeah, great."

Getting down on one knee and pulling out a small box, "And, Zoey, as we look off into the universe.." She turned and saw what he was doing. She froze, but her hands went to her mouth. "As we look forward, there is only one girl I want to share my universe and my future with. Zoey? Will you marry me?"

Without hesitation, "YES! YES!" She lunged forward and together they sprawled in the snow that capped the top. "Oh, Jonah, I love you so much. It took you long enough, darn you. Hell, you took so long I was just about to ask you. Slide that thing on and then we're going to do it. Right here, right now. But! You're going to be on the bottom, OK?"