Blood Slaves Ch. 05


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Morgan placed the outstretched hand on Lisa's forehead. The girl gasped, squeezing her eyes shut as if waiting for the inevitable end. Then suddenly, she collapsed and Morgan caught her and scooped her limp body into her arms. I couldn't believe it...she had spared all three of their lives...but what the hell, did she have in mind for Lisa now?

After pushing their car off the road, while Jerry and Mike both still lay unconscious in the grass, Morgan tossed Lisa into the trunk of our vehicle and then climbed back behind the steering wheel. We started driving again, in complete silence as Morgan lit up a cigarette.

- - - - -

I had questions.

I had questions, and something told me that Morgan thought she could just play this shit off, just like she always tried and that I wouldn't bother asking. I looked down at her wounded leg though, seeing that it was still bleeding pretty badly. How was she even still moving, if that bullet had Dead Man's Blood? "Explain," I said a few seconds after that thought.

I knew she could read my mind.

"What the hell just happened back there," I demanded.

"What do you THINK, just happened back there?"

"I THINK, you just got shot by a fucking Hunter with a Blood Bullet...and yet somehow, you still managed to overpower them both!"

"I don't know," Morgan snapped angrily. "Look, it's not like it didn't have any effects on me at all, okay?"

She flinched as she said that, gripping the butt of her cigarette even tighter and doing the same with the steering wheel with her other hand.

There was pain in her voice.

"You're still poisoned then," I asked softly.

"Pretty sure," Morgan nodded. "Maybe the blood they used was older or they didn't use enough of it, I don't know. I just know that I was able to push through the pain long enough to take them down. It's not going to last long though, I can tell."

"S-So what do we do," I asked with growing concern.

"There's a cure for Dead Blood, right?"

"Hmm," she groaned in pain.

"Blood...HUMAN blood. That's the only cure."

Now, I was starting to understand why we needed Lisa...and why we needed her alive, too. If Morgan was poisoned by Dead Man's Blood, she needed the blood of a living human to heal herself and Lisa was the readiest and available victim. In the back of the car, I could hear kicking and screaming, indicating that Lisa was awake again and now thrashing about inside the trunk.

Irritated, Morgan flipped on the radio and turned the volume all the way up to drown out the screaming and crying.

"H-How much blood do you need to heal," I asked.

"As much, as I fucking want Sara."

"Look, if you don't need it all then there's no need t-"

"The bitch tried to kill us," she snapped. "She and her stupid friends were out to get us...YOU, TOO. They know you're not human anymore Sara, you're a target now just like I am. And you want to let them all just walk?"

"We go to Connecticut, just like you said...they don't know where we're heading, so it's not like they can follow us there once they recover!"

Morgan sighed, and I could tell she was struggling to stay patient with me now. The fact that she was even trying though...that meant something to me, considering how reluctant she had been to let me return home when we first escaped Elyse. "Just enough to heal," I insisted.

"And then, we let her go...okay?"

Morgan said nothing in response. She didn't argue, nor did she agree. We fell into silence again for the rest of the ride, except the stereo blasting the whole time.

- - - - -

By the time we came to a stop, Lisa's screaming had stopped and Morgan had turned the stereo off long ago. She must have worn herself out and passed out, with what little air she probably had in that trunk.

We pulled into the parking lot of a small, abandoned building and Morgan opened up the trunk and lifted the sleeping girl out into her arms. We carried her into the building and took shelter inside, laying the girl on an old couch...then we both just sat there and waited.

Waited for Lisa to wake up, again.

It felt like hours had passed when she finally opened her eyes slowly and groaned in discomfort. It took her a few moments to come to. She must have been pretty groggy and I remembered how that felt, to be honest.

Once upon a time, I was the Lisa was.

When she finally sat up on the couch and looked around at her surroundings, Lisa gasped as she realized what was happening. She looked over at us both and then her eyes moved towards the door, as she contemplated trying to run, though surely she must have known we could catch her.

"I wouldn't try it," Morgan said softly.

By now, the Dead Man's Blood was starting to take a much stronger grip over my fellow Vampire. She was panting and sweating, her breathing coming in short rasps as she struggled just to stay conscious herself. "I'm pretty messed up right now," Morgan said, her voice scratchy and weak.

"But Sara's in great shape. You won't make it far."

"Even if you did," I chimed in. "You don't have a clue, where you're even at...there's no stores or anything around for miles. You'd be wandering in the cold, for who knows how long."

Lisa shivered, looking away from the door and down at her feet now as she realized that I was right. "W-What are you going to do with me," she asked, her voice shaking.

"We'll let you go."

Morgan looked up at me, bitterness and surprise burning in her eyes as she shook her head in frustration. Lisa looked up just as shocked as Morgan, and I looked from Morgan to her and smiled.

"But first...we need something."


"I think you know," Morgan gave a weak laugh.

"Your friend back there, shot me with Dead Man's Blood...didn't he?"

Lisa cleared her throat and looked away again.

"I'm good for now," she continued.

"You guys must have used a weak dose."

"We had to," Lisa replied. "Big Bossman wanted you alive."

"Big boss man, huh," Morgan scoffed.

"So, you're working for someone?"

"He wanted info from you, about Elyse. He's an old...friend...of your Mother. Been hunting her for years now and this is the closest he's ever come to catching her."

"Yeah, well Mom's not an easy one to take down," Morgan leaned back in her seat and tried to relax her aching muscles.

"Anyway," I said, after a brief pause.

"We just...need you to help us heal Morgan. She needs your blood, ONLY some of it. She won't take enough to kill you and I'll make sure of that, okay?"

Lisa scoffed, rolling her eyes and Morgan looked just as annoyed.

"After you regain some of your strength and once Morgan's back on her feet, we'll let you go."

"Just like that huh," Lisa asked. "That's it?"

"The Blood and you're guarantee that you and your two friends won't come looking for us again."

Lisa sighed and buried her face in her hands as she struggled with her emotions for some reason. I didn't quite understand the problem, to be honest. This seemed like a pretty good deal, we were handing her right now. It was her friends who poisoned Morgan, so it should be her that helps us heal her.

And in exchange, she would get to walk out of this building alive, whereas I could just let Morgan drain her dry.

"What's the big deal," I asked, becoming a bit annoyed now.

"Would you rather us rip you apart, and let you bleed out?"

Morgan looked at me, shocked at the anger and frustration in my voice. I looked back at her, albeit a little ashamed but Morgan just chuckled and licked her lips.

"No, I really would rather survive," Lisa said.

She kept her palms pressed to her face for a moment, before lifting her head to reveal that her cheeks were a bright red from blushing. "I just...I know, how this shit works."


"Don't play stupid," Lisa scoffed. "When your kind feed, you know...f-frisky."

I looked at Morgan for a few seconds, then we both laughed. We, of course, knew exactly what Lisa was talking about. Morgan flinched from laughing so hard, the poison coursing through her veins at a much faster pace now...she needed that purified blood, and soon.

"It's not that bad," I said, as I looked Lisa straight in the eyes now.

"Seriously, it's not...actually, you're probably going to enjoy it more than you realize right now."

"Ha," the girl laughed.


We were all silent for a moment, as Morgan started panting heavily again and I looked over at her with growing concern. Lisa stood slowly from the couch, folding her arms over her chest and staring over at Morgan as the color began draining from her face, slowly but surely. I looked back at Lisa again, pleading with my eyes for her to just do this and finally the girl heaved a heavy sigh and stepped forward.

I sighed too, with relief.

Lisa stopped right in front of Morgan, the Vampires arms hanging over the sides of the chair now as she tried to muster the strength to sit up and adjust herself in the chair. I reached over and helped her do so, and she groaned in pain from the sudden movement.

Once she was a bit more comfortable in her seat, she looked up and motioned for Lisa to sit in her lap.

With another sigh, the Hunter proceeded to remove her dirty, sweat-covered shirt and tossed it to the floor. Now standing in just her pants and a lacey white bra, Lisa sat down on Morgan's lap and draped one arm around the Vampires neck, to pull herself closer into Morgan's embrace. Morgan forced a smile as she leaned in, pressing her lips to the girl's neck and sniffing her for a moment. "Fuck," Morgan groaned.

"She smells incredible, Sara..."

I had to admit, I could smell the girl from all the way across the room, and just watching Morgan kiss and lick at her neck was making a certain large appendage begin to stir between my legs.

Lisa shivered at the touch of Morgan's tongue, and I couldn't quite make out the expression on her face...was it one of disgust, or one of curiosity and even slight arousal?

"J-Just do it already," Lisa growled suddenly.

Morgan didn't need any more than that.

The next sound Lisa made was a squeal, followed by a gasp and then a pained groan as Morgan's razor-sharp fangs sunk right into the side of her neck. Her eyes widened and she bit her lip hard, grunting in discomfort as Morgan began sucking the blood right from her veins.

As Morgan fed on her, Lisa began writhing around slightly, panting and sweating as she wrestled with the mixture of discomfort and pleasure that I knew all too well, from my personal experiences of being fed upon.

I could also hear Morgan whimpering softly, making tiny little moans of satisfaction as Lisa's pureness filled her body and washed away the toxic blood.

Seconds passed and felt like an eternity, and I could see the color draining from Lisa's face now. I had to resist the growing bulge in my pants, and the powerful urge to reach down and touch myself so that I could intervene.

"That's enough," I said softly.

Morgan ignored me.

"Morgan, that's enough..."

Still, nothing.

Lisa was breathing heavier now, her eyes looking quite heavy as Morgan continued drinking her blood and groaning in pleasure now, as she began gyrating her hips and sliding a hand down the front of Lisa's pants.


Lisa jumped and to my surprise, so did Morgan. I had snapped but it was necessary to get through to her, and break that carnal urge...and it worked. Morgan stopped drinking, making a wet sucking sound as she pulled her lips away from the girl's neck and sighed with relief. "You're killing her," I said, as Morgan stared at me with glowing eyes now.

"That's enough..."

Morgan sighed again, her eyes returning to their normal color as blood trickled down her chin and she lifted an arm to wipe it away.

"Sorry," she muttered, a hint of disappointment in her voice.

"I got a little carried away."

Morgan released Lisa from her arms and I watched, as the girl slid off her lap and fell to the floor with a loud thud. I quickly rushed to her side and knelt to check her pulse...she was alive. Now it was my turn to sigh with relief.

"She's not dead," I said, as Morgan stood from the chair.

I looked up and watched her stretch...the color had returned to her face now and she had a look of renewed strength and power.

"You're okay now, right?"

"I'm good," she smiled, giving me a thumbs up.

"Sara, you should taste her. She's so fucking sweet."

I couldn't deny, it was tempting. I could smell Lisa's blood. From this close to her, holding her in my arms, I could hear her slow but a rhythmic heartbeat. Hear the blood pumping through her veins, and my hunger began to grow.

My cock was also still throbbing, from watching Morgan.

"Not right now," I shook my head slowly.

"She needs to recover first...she'll be okay, right?"

Morgan rolled her eyes at me. "Of course," she answered.

"You know the routine. She just needs some time to recover."

"Great," I nodded.

"When she wakes up, I'll feed on her next. And when she recovers from that we can let her go."

Morgan sat back on the chair again, tapping her fingers on the arm and I couldn't help but think how much like Elyse she looked right now. She eyed me for a second, as if more annoyed now than ever with my still consistent opinion on letting Lisa go later.

But she said nothing.

As Morgan lit up a cigarette, enjoying her renewed strength, I lifted Lisa into my arms and carried her back over to the couch where she had woken up earlier. I laid her down and smiled, as her eyes slowly fell shut completely and she drifted off to sleep.

Rest was all she needed now.

I couldn't wait to have a taste of my own.

- - - - -

Hours passed after Lisa passed out, and Morgan and I had spent the time discussing our predicament with not only Lisa but her fellow Hunter friends. One of which she had revealed to be her brother, the younger guy. We still weren't sure who the older guy was to them though.

We agreed that bit of information wasn't really important at the moment. More important than Lisa's connections to the other two

Hunters, was finding out who their leader was.

Lisa had mentioned that whoever he was, he'd been hunting Elyse for a long time now. Morgan made it a point to say that Elyse had a long list of enemies, and I figured that went without having to say.

So whoever this guy was, it was anybody's guess.

By the end of our little conversation, Morgan concluded that this was not the most important problem for us right now. While she was concerned with the Hunters, she was still much more concerned with Elyse and Amanda.

And, I had my worries.

Like, what Lisa said about Elyse having taken two new slaves as a way to try and draw me back home...something Morgan had predicted, but I had been hoping she would be wrong. Clearly, though she wasn't wrong, according to Lisa and now I had to know...who had Elyse taken?

My mind was racing, knowing there were only a few people back home in Seaway that mattered to me...who I mattered to. Elyse was well aware of the fact, that not very many people cared about me around that town.

That only left three people, that I could think of.

Mark, my brother. Our Father. And Kimberly.

What if she had taken all of them?

Fuck, I didn't know what to do!

Sometime late that night, Morgan stepped out of the abandoned building to make a trip into a nearby town and grab some cigarettes. She left me behind, with Lisa of course. Some might have seen that as a bad idea, but we were Vampires so it wasn't a bad thing to me.

Especially, since I hadn't fed in a while.

I found myself sitting in the chair where Morgan had been earlier, watching Lisa closely as she slept on the couch across from me...she was snoring softly. Even from across the room, I could hear her blood coursing through her veins. I could smell her, and I craved her.

It would be so easy. So easy, just to stand up, walk right over to her, and feed while she continued to sleep. She'd never even know. What was stopping me?

Of course, it wouldn't be the first time I had fed since Elyse turned me into a Vampire. It wasn't even my first time feeding on live prey. That was the problem, though.


Courtney was the only time I had fed on live prey, so far. And every time I imagined myself doing it again, I flashed back on my former cheerleading nemesis and that overwhelming guilt that had plagued me for days after.

Was I willing to do that to another human being again?

This time would be different, I told myself.

I didn't need to kill Lisa. When I did that to Courtney, I was a fresh turn. I was starving for blood, consumed by the lust at that moment and if I HADN'T fed on the girl, I would have gone insane with Blood Lust.

Morgan and Amanda COULD have stopped me before I drank Courtney dry...they just chose not to, because they found it entertaining. Something that I still sort of resented the both of them for.

Lisa didn't have to die, though.

I only needed enough of her blood, to recharge.

There was something else though. As I sat there watching Lisa, I couldn't help but think how beautiful she was. How peaceful she looked, as she slept half-naked, still in just her bra and pants. Her skin looked so soft and smooth and my cock twitched in my pants, as I looked her over.

Finally, I took a deep breath, held it for a moment, and then slowly exhaled to soothe my nerves. It was time, I it or not, I had to feed sooner or later.

What if I couldn't stop myself though?

What if she tasted so good, that I got lost in it again...Morgan wasn't here right now to stop me, and I wasn't sure if she'd bother if she were here.

I had to trust in myself.

Standing up, I hesitated briefly and then started slowly making my way towards the side of the couch. Lisa was on her side right now, facing towards me and still sleeping soundly. Her position on the couch would make it perfect for me, to just kneel and bite right into her neck as Morgan had done...bite right into her, like a crisp juicy apple.

I assumed my position, quietly moving to my knees at her side, and smiled as I reached out to brush her hair away from her neck. The sound of her heartbeat was becoming so much more intense, as I slowly started closing in on her. I could smell her sweat as my lips were mere inches from her now.

And then suddenly, she was moving and I froze.

It was just a slight jerk at first, then she stirred some more and sighed as her eyes slowly flicked open and she looked into mine.


Her voice was a bit weak, and it croaked as she spoke

"H-Hey," I said nervously.


She shifted some more, turning onto her back and sitting up as she moved her hand to touch the bite marks on her neck with her fingers. "What...happened?"

"Oh, uh...Morgan...s-she kinda went a little overboard."


There was panic in her voice as she looked up at me.

"Relax," I said with a slight laugh. "You'll live. And you're not one of us either if that's what you're worried about."

It must have been because Lisa sighed with relief when I set her mind at ease on that matter. She rubbed at the bite marks again, before moving her legs over the side of the couch and sitting up some. "Were you...watching me...this whole time?"

"Uhh...n-no," I laughed nervously, as I sat back on the floor.

"No, not at all."

Lisa smiled, giggling and leaning back on the couch.

"It's okay," she said softly. "Don't have to be shy."


"Nah! I mean hey, shyness isn't a Vampire trait anyway. Plus, believe it or not, this isn't the first time I've been captured and used as a blood bag."

"I take it, that's how you know we like to play with our food?"

"One way," Lisa confirmed.

"I've been on the menu a few times, and barely made it out alive each one of those few times...but I've also rescued a few people, and found out about it from them."