Best Office Slut

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A slut gets a special award from Japanese attorneys.
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Anonymous said:

Hey, slut, I wanted to submit a request, but I had no idea how to do it anonymously :( Anyways I wanted to request a story about a work Holiday party. The girl shows up in a fitted king dress (a bit of a fancy party), and she gets fucked by her manager or co-worker. You're so creative I can't cum up with more ideas. I'm sure you get the hint. Can't wait to see what you put together.


Best Office Slut

I hadn't been working at Nakashima and Associates for long when I was put in charge of planning the big company party. It wasn't supposed to be a Christmas party since that wouldn't have been politically correct. It was supposed to be called a Holiday Party. I was in charge of sending out all of the invitations to the associates and their families. It was a law office, and honestly, all of the men were so uptight. I was used to being flirted with and asked for sexual favors. Still, at this office, all of the men were so professional that I started to doubt my feminine abilities.

I dressed relatively sexy for work, rolling into the office in skirts that were too short and tops that revealed way too much of my fake tits. I thought that if I dressed sexy enough, the men would eventually give me the attention I wanted. I was used to drawing stares everywhere I went, so it was odd that my workplace wasn't like that.

I gathered the party invitations and circulated through the office, handing a crisp cream envelope to each of the male associates. One woman, Janet Tonawanda, worked in the office and couldn't tell what she thought of me. I handed her an invitation, and she barely looked up when she muttered, "thank you."

As I walked away, I heard Janet say something in Japanese to another associate, and they laughed. They were always doing that to me, speaking in Japanese to each other so I wouldn't know what they were saying. Sometimes it made me feel stupid, but I chose to keep a smile on my face. I would never let them know it bothered me.

I skipped back to my desk and took note of the instant RSVPs from all of the associates. Even Janet got back to me right away. These lawyers were so on top of their messages that I barely had to work. My job was simply to transfer phone calls to the right associate or take messages, which I hand-carried to each of their desks to make sure they received them, just as my boss had asked me to do.

The phone rang. I picked it up. "Nakashima & Associates, how can I help you today?"

"Kate, I need to see you in my office right away." It was my boss, Mr. Hiroshi Nakashima. His thick Japanese accent made it almost impossible to understand him when I first started working with him. Still, somehow I had cracked the code and could now understand him clearly.

"Yes, sir," I said, hanging up and quickly making my way to his private office. He sat in his oversized office chair, the crow's feet at the corners of his eyes pulled tightly by a strained smile. He rarely gave an authentic smile, opting instead for a more contrived version of happiness.

"Kate, thank you for distributing the invitations. I expect you to be at the party as well. There is a special honor for you."

"An honor? What kind of honor?"

"Oh, it is a surprise, but make sure to wear a gorgeous dress. You will be on stage in front of everyone. I want to make sure you understand that before the party."

"Yes, sir. I will wear a nice dress," I said with enthusiasm.

"Here is some money to purchase a beautiful dress." Mr. Nakashima smiled with more warmth than I'd ever seen him display as he handed me a stack of cash.

"Oh, thank you! This is very generous!" I gushed.

"You are welcome, Kate. You are a good secretary. I will see you at the party for your honor."

"Yes, see you there, Mr. Nakashima." I didn't count the cash until I left his office, but there were two hundred dollars, and I knew I'd buy a cheaper dress and pocket most of the money. This was my lucky day!


It was cold the night of the party, so I threw on the fake fur coat I'd bought at the Bargain Bin for less than $20. I decided to just choose something to wear from my already existing wardrobe. My "dress" was actually two separate pieces in pink and white; a short, ruffled skirt in stark white and the top a bubble-gum pink cropped knit with a keyhole cutout to show off my breasts. Both the top and skirt were tighter and more revealing than they should have been, so I decided to wear a bra against my better judgment. Since I'd gotten my implants, I rarely wore a bra unless I was at work. I paired all of this with some iridescent silver heels that shimmered in the light as I walked.

I knew that my outfit didn't look like I'd spent a total of $200 on it. Still, I needed the extra money, and my outfit was sexy enough that it more than made up for the fact that it wasn't exactly a fancy party dress. Men didn't know anything about fashion most of the time, anyway. I made my way to the curb to wait for the ride I had called. I was planning on drinking on Mr. Nakashima's dime and wanted to be responsible by not driving.

When I arrived at the party, it seemed like no one even noticed me. I made my way to the open bar to grab a drink, and not a single person stopped me to say hello. No one stared at my tits or even tried to flirt with me. I looked around to see if I recognized anyone. To my amazement, I noticed that my co-workers all looked exactly the same as they did at the office. They were all wearing the identical suits they had worn earlier in the day. Only now they were toting their families along with them.

I realized that I had made a few mistakes planning the party, one of them being the D.J., who went by Ultra Retro. The associates and their families seemed to despise the nineties music, which was freely flowing. I hoped that the booze would remedy the situation. If everyone got drunk, then maybe they would all forget that I had planned this shit show of a party.

I went to the open bar and got my drink. To my horror, I realized that not many of the associates were drinking. I hadn't spotted Mr. Nakashima yet, but I was sure he would be angry when he saw the dark, empty dance floor. I glanced around, hoping he hadn't decided to fire me. There were even some children present, which I realized was my fault as well. I should have indicated that this was an adult activity and to get a babysitter.

Wives and mothers huddled close together, trying to make conversation over the loud music. The associates looked like they were in hell, and maybe I had overestimated their attachment to their families. I decided that I could correct the problem by announcing that there would be a private party for associates and employees after the party. Obviously, none of the wives wanted to be there, and the children didn't look any more enthusiastic. Mr. Nakashima had planned on giving out a few awards at the end anyhow. I would fix everything!

I made my way up the D.J. and asked him for the microphone so I could make an announcement. He handed over the mic, and I greeted everyone with as much enthusiasm as I could muster.

"Hello everyone! I'm Kate Saunders. Welcome to the Holiday Party for Nakashima & Associates. We have had a very productive year in which we've won many cases and helped a lot of people. Now, we are here to celebrate this progress! Let's all have a toast to Nakashima and Associates!" I held up my glass and then threw back the bit of champagne that was still left. I watched as everyone humored me, taking tiny sips of whatever was in their glasses.

"If you are an associate or employee, there will be a special ceremony at the end of the evening. Your families can all go home, but employees need to stay for that special event. At nine p.m. your families and friends can go home! Sounds fun, right?" I asked rhetorically, trying to take another sip of champagne and finding my glass empty. "See you then!"

I handed the microphone back to the D.J., who shrugged and went right back to playing shitty nineties music and shouting at the bunch of wallflowers, "Come on, everyone! Let's get on the dance floor! Grab a friend and get dancing!"

I felt terrible for the D.J. as everyone except for two grade-school-aged kids ignored his attempts to get them onto the dance floor. I made my way back to the bar several more times before nine-o-clock rolled around. I was so drunk by then that I almost forgot that it was my responsibility to announce that the families could go home. I made my slightly tipsy announcement and watched as most of the crowd began to make their way out of the building.

"That dress is extremely inappropriate for an event like this," a lady told me on her way past me toward the door.

"Thanks!" I replied with a bright, fake smile. She was probably just jealous.

When the women and children were gone (except for Janet), I made my way to the D.J. Booth to make another announcement.

"Okay, everyone gather around or take a seat if you can find one. Mr. Nakashima? Are you ready to begin the awards ceremony?" I looked around for Mr. Nakashima and was shocked when he finally poked his head out of the small photo booth. His cheeks were bright red, indicating that he had ingested a bit too much alcohol. That made two of us.

I could barely stand in my iridescent heels at this point, but I did my best to remain upright and hand off the microphone to Mr. Nakashima.

"Thank you, Kate. That's a lovely dress you have on."

"Thank you!" I called as I made my way toward the associates, seeking a chair to collapse into. I hadn't been this drunk in ages, and it felt good to have the alcohol coursing through my veins.

"I have a few awards to give out to associates. Let me begin with the award for tenacious spirit..." Mr. Nakashima went on and on giving out awards. I had printed most of the awards myself, so I already knew who was getting what. I tuned most of it out until I heard him call my name.

"Kate, come on up here and accept your award." The associates were clapping loudly, and a few of them even hooted. I even heard a whistle as I approached Mr. Nakashima. I had no idea what award I was accepting until he handed me a tiny trophy.

I thought my vision was fucked up from all the champagne, but even after blinking my eyes several times, the award still said the same thing, "Best Office Slut."

"Um, does this say Best Office Slut?" I asked, confused.

"Yes. Thank you so much, Kate, for wearing such sexy outfits to work. You are the best kind of entertainment. Even Janet appreciates you!"

"Best office slut!" Janet yelled from her seat.

"I see. Well, thank you for the award." I gave my best fake smile, and I made my way back to the chair I had been sitting in.

"That concludes our ceremony. Please take this time to congratulate your peers on their awards and contributions to our business! Thank you for coming, and the bar will remain open until 2am or until everyone is gone, whichever comes first!"

Everyone cheered, and I realized that I could get even more trashed or I could go home. I opened my tiny purse and looked at my phone for the time. It was only ten. I had plenty of time to have some fun.

"Kate, here you go!" One of the associates handed me another glass of champagne.

"Thank you, Jin. That was really nice of you."

"Well, you've done so much for us," he gave me a slight bow, which I had learned was a sign of respect. The trophy was still in my hand. I knew that Mr. Nakashima's first language was Japanese, but even with his thick accent, his vocabulary was still much better than most native English speakers. It was slang that he struggled with. That was why he had hired me to be the customer service part of the team and help with complex slang-filled English translations and that sort of thing. Still, they had really botched my award by calling me a slut. I giggled as I realized how horrible their mistake really was and how I could sue them for such a thing. Of course, they were all lawyers, and I would probably lose.

Mr. Nakashima was very drunk. I could tell as he staggered across the room and right up to my chair. "Can you come to the backstage with me?"

"Um...sure," I answered, getting up slowly and smoothing my ruffled skirt down, so my ass wasn't hanging out. I followed Mr. Nakashima to an adjacent room.

"You sit here, Kate." He pointed to a metal chair, and I sat down with my arms on each armrest. Once I was settled, he called out something in Japanese that I didn't understand. "Sate, min'na de kite kudasai!"

"What?" I asked, dumbfounded. I hated when he spoke in Japanese.

"Close your eyes, Kate. I have another surprise!" he said in English.

"Oh, okay," I said, confused by Mr. Nakashima in his drunken state. I had never seen him drunk. He was laughing now, and I wanted to open my eyes to find out why, but I did my best to keep them shut.

I didn't realize what was happening until it was too late. I felt movement around me, and by the time I opened my eyes, I was already mostly tied to the chair. Some of the associates were wielding the rope, strapping my forearms down. They wrapped a thick rope around my abdomen before securing it to the back of the chair. My legs were still free, but two of the associates grabbed one of my legs and held me in place.

I screamed loudly, scared by what was happening to me. I never thought that anything like this could occur. I had mistakenly believed that they had accidentally called me a slut. Now I realized it was no mistake.

They spoke to one another in Japanese as I screamed. Someone put a piece of duct tape over my mouth, and I realized that I was in for some serious trouble.

"Are you done screaming now?" Mr. Nakashima asked.

I nodded since I could no longer scream with the duct tape over my mouth.

"Good. Now it's time for you to earn that slut award!" The way he said the word slut made me shudder a bit. I had never pegged Mr. Nakashima for a gross pervert, but he was sure proving me wrong!

He pulled his suit pants down, throwing his tie over his shoulder. Some of the associates pulled my panties down over my silver heels and then held my legs apart for Mr. Nakashima. Things were getting a lot more interesting than I ever imagined they could. Still, when I saw Mr. Nakashima's cock for the first time, I let out a scream that was muffled by the duct tape over my mouth. His cock was much bigger than I could have imagined. I guess I had always thought Asian men had small dicks, but Mr. Nakashima was definitely not small.

"Good thing we have such a good slut in the office. I need to get my dick off!" Mr. Nakashima smiled hungrily at me as he guided his cock into my pussy. I looked down, watching it go in. He was relatively thick too, which was even more enjoyable. He was actually stretching me out! I screamed into the duct tape as he had his way with me. It was unreal! Mr. Nakashima seemed to know what he was doing.

I softened a bit as he hit a perfect spot inside my pussy with the head of his dick. His eyes met mine as his mouth pulled up at the corners into a sadistic smile. He was enjoying my shock and surprise, and to my amazement, I was enjoying the fuck.

None of the associates said anything. They huddled around us, most of them watching with their hands on their cocks or down their pants. I realized that they were all waiting for their turn. I should have been scared or maybe even offended, but it had been such a long time since I'd gotten gangbanged that I welcomed this new chance. I didn't care about my job or any other things that I should have cared about. All that mattered was the orgasm that was building inside of me, stirring the cravings for cock that I tried so hard to stifle.

I know this sounds a bit racist, but when I took the job at Nakashima and Associates, I figured that it would be the last place that I would misbehave and fuck all of my co-workers. Mr. Nakashima had no way of knowing that this was a pattern with me and that this was the very reason I had taken a job with a bunch of smart, Asian men. I thought that they would treat me with respect and like any other employee, but somehow they had seen through my bullshit, and now I was stuffed full of my boss's dick.

I screamed as my orgasm materialized and spread through every inch of my body, hitting the tips of my fingers and toes at the exact same moment. My body began to shake violently as the pleasure expanded further than my body could hold it. My muffled screams were punctuated by several guttural growls that seemed to make Mr. Nakashima's cock even harder. I looked up to see that a line had formed. I was most shocked to see Janet standing in the queue. I couldn't believe that she was somehow a part of all this.

"I will cum in your slut pussy!" Mr. Nakashima's sadistic words hit my senses with force I didn't recognize. Had he really been this dominant the whole time I'd been working for him? I barely recognized him as his orgasm face gripped his features until he moaned loudly with each squirt of his thick cum. "Who is next?' he asked in English.

"I am," Jin called out. Jin was a younger lawyer, just out of law school. The other men seemed to look up to him for some reason. As he approached me, our eyes met. I couldn't say what I was thinking, but I could tell that his thoughts were focused on destroying me. Jin's cock wasn't much smaller than Mr. Nakashima's, but he wasn't quite as adept at using it as Mr. Nakashima had been.

Two associates still held my legs open while Jin pounded my pussy hard and fast; doing what felt suitable for him, I took the full force of Jin's cock between my legs. I came again, screaming into my duct tape. A few more associates fucked me before they realized that I wasn't exactly an unwilling prisoner. They pulled the tape from my mouth so I could suck their Asian dicks with my slutty, white mouth.

"This is why we hired you," one of the associates said, but I couldn't tell which one had said it. It didn't matter. This wasn't why I had taken the job, but I should have known that my slut habits were die-hard. I would never be able to escape my slutty past, not with my big, fake tits and the plastic surgery on my cheekbones, lips, and chin. I looked like a fuck doll, and that was why I was being treated like one.

They had my top pulled up and my bra off so they could see my tits. Hands grabbed them from every direction. My skirt was still on my body, but it was pulled up so far that I might as well have been naked. I wasn't embarrassed. I finally felt like I was free and didn't have to pretend to be a real secretary anymore. This was why they had really hired me.

They finally untied me from the chair, and we began to fuck right there on the nasty, old carpet in the banquet hall. I knew it was getting late, but there were still several more men from the office that wanted their turn in one of my holes. I was letting them fuck me in the ass now, taking cocks three at a time.

"I never knew she was this big of a slut," Janet said with a curt laugh.

"Why are you just watching, Janet?" I taunted her. I wondered if she was just taking notes to decide if she wanted to be a slut like me or whether she was attracted to me and wanted a turn.

"Oh, I'm next, Best Office Slut!" Janet laughed.

"I can't wait," I giggled and then came on the cocks in my pussy and ass.

Janet insisted on being last, which I thought was strange. The rest of the associates were back in their clothes, waiting for Janet to give them the girl-on-girl finale. It was definitely getting late, and the hotel employees had already come to the door a few times to warn us that our time in the banquet hall was almost up.

"Sit here." Janet pointed to the chair I had been sitting in when they tied me up.