Bella Finds a New Tenant to Enslave

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Bella subjugates her young tenant.
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Bella doesn't just rent a room to young collegiate men, she enslaves them as well.

Bella closed the door, shaking her head. He wouldn't do and he was the third one she had rejected in the past week. Her search for a new tenant had not gone well so far. The problem was that she sooner or later slept with her tenants and she had particular tastes. She wanted a good looking young man, of course, but more importantly she wanted one who was relatively inexperienced, preferably virginal, and with a compliant, obedient personality rather than the cocky, "I am god's gift to women" type.

She had had three of the former looking to rent her room, with the last one intimating in the interview that he would be interested in providing some "side benefits" in exchange for a lower rent. Of course, she thought. And she sighed. Bella had no need for the money. She did have need for the special kind of companionship and the sex that she enjoyed.

Bella loved sleeping with her tenants. It was why she had bought the large house near the college in the first place. There was always a steady supply of young men about.

And at 43, Bella knew she still had it. She was attractive, not gorgeous, but she had a body any red-blooded American male would want: she was 5'11", 155lbs, but with wonderful curves, a tight butt, and while her breasts sagged ever so slightly, they were very large.

Just then the phone rang. "Hello?"

"Uh, hi," came the uncertain reply of a young male voice. "My name is Christopher Stern and I was calling about possibly renting the room you have available."

Bella liked the sound of his voice. It was young, soft, calm, without a hint of bravado or macho in it. "It is still available," she replied. "The rent is $600 a month but includes meals. Would you like to come by and see it?"

"Yes, ma'am," Chris answered. "When would be a good time?"

Bella loved the "yes ma'am." It indicated the boy was polite and respectful and had been brought up properly by his mother. Perhaps his mother had even been a bit overbearing, which provided just the right imprint on young men that enabled the games she liked to play with them. "How about right now? Or are you busy?"

"Uh, no, N-now would be fine. I can be there in about 15 minutes. I have to walk. I don't have a car," Chris said.

"That'll be fine, see you then." Bella put down the phone. He certainly has promise! Hopefully he won't be fat or ugly. She didn't need her lovers to be hunks, but they had to be at least physically appealing. She liked the fact that he didn't have a car. It meant that he probably wasn't going out mush in the evenings.

When Chris arrived, Bella was not displeased with what she saw. The boy looked very young for his age, 19, but had the appearance of a 16-year old. It stirred her loins. She loved corrupting virginal youth.

He was only a sophomore! Usually Bella's tenants were seniors, which meant she only had them for a year or so. So if things went well, she could have this one for up to three years. Chris was considerably shorter than Bella in her bare feet, only 5'5". This was bit unusual in her experience. He wore glasses, seemed reasonably fit, although he did not work out. His body was thin with little overt body hair. She determined that she had a clear physical advantage over him, because her exercise regime always included some weight training.

"Do come in. You must be Christopher. Nice to meet you," Bella declared after opening her door almost exactly 15 minutes later. She liked that he had been punctual.

"It's nice to meet you, too," Chris replied. "You can just call me Chris. Only my grandmother calls me Christopher."

"Certainly," Bella said. "Well, let's not waste any time. The room is this way and if you decide you might want to rent it, we can discuss the terms in a bit more detail."

Both Bella and Chris walked down the hall, passing a locked door. "That is the basement and is off limit to my tenants--lots of storage and junk down there. Very messy. It would be far too embarrassing to show you."

Not all of that is strictly true, Bella thought. All of my tenants eventually spend most of their free time down there and it can get messy, and it certainly can be embarassing--for the young men who find themselves down there.

Bella came to a large room with a private bathroom. "In this house, the mastersuite is on the main level. It is the room I rent. You can see it is quite roomy, with a private bath. You may also use the living room here, if you wish, but it, along with the kitchen, is shared with me. As I said meals are included, if you wish, so they would be with me in any event."

Chris looked around and thought it looked like a good deal. Lots of space, a nice room, private bath. Sharing meals with the landlady might seem a bit odd, but it wouldn't be all the time.

"I would definitely like to rent it."

"Well," Bella said, "let's sit down, then, and talk a bit. I have a few questions for you first--you can't be too careful, you know. And I need to explain a few basic rules of the house. First, why as a sophomore do you want to rent off-campus housing? Doesn't the university guarantee housing to you?"

Chris was a bit surprised by the question, after all, what should it matter why he wants to rent? But he answered all the same.

"Yes, it does, but the dorms are little rowdy and I haven't developed any friendships close enough such that I would want to live with them. From your perspective, you'd be pleased to know that I don't drink or smoke or do drugs and I don't have overnight guests. I need a quiet place to work."

Bella was thrilled with this! No female competition or interference, no "social issues" to be worried about, and the prospect that he would be spending most of his free time at the house with no one likely to come looking for him.

"That does indeed sound ideal. You preempted half the rules I was going to explain. But let me add a few things. Chris, I already like you, so I will make this offer now. When you have laundry to do, you may add it to mine and I will do it for you--so long as you remain a good tenant. Breakfast is at 7:00 am and dinner at 6:30 pm. Miss the times and you miss the meal. I understand that sometimes you will, but I just want to be clear on that. The rent is due on the first of the month, with one month's security deposit. The room is available now, if you wish or I would be willing to hold it for you until the start of term next month, for half a month's rent?"

"No," Chris answered, "I'll take it now. I plan to do some reading and research before classes start, so I'll be hanging around a lot. Is it all right if I move in this weekend? I want to be settled early."

"That'll be fine."

Chris whipped out his checkbook and wrote out the necessary amount. After Bella had closed the door behind him, she thought, yes, he could make an excellent slave! The thought of tying him down and dominating his young, thin, practcally hairless body--forcing him to satisfy every one of her dark fantasies--brought a fire to her groin.

Bella thought Chris was going to be a different experience, with his small body and boyish features. It surprised her how much the thought of strapping down that thin boy with thick black leather straps, and a collar excited her. She imagined striking the smooth clear skin of his buttocks and back, reddening him all over. His apparent virginal innocence was bringing out an aggressive, predatory lust that surprised even her.

His Subjugation and Enslavement

Chris moved his things in that weekend and Bella wasted little time in implementing her agenda. During the first week Bella lavished attention on Chris, complimenting his appearance and the neatness of the room. When they met, mostly at mealtime, Bella wore increasingly provocative outfits designed to attract the attention of a young, lusting male. By Wednesday, Chris could help but maturbate to an image of Bella before going to sleep, an act he repeated Thursday and Friday. In his eyes, she was quite sexy and he had always had a thing for older women.

Another week went by this way. By the end of the second Saturday as Bella's tenant, Chris was preparing to sit down to dinner at sharp. Bella's attire was designed to appeal to a 19-year old male. She figured that if she didn't get a reaction, the boy was asexual or gay. She wore skin-tight black pants, with calf-high black boots, and a leopard skin print silk shirt.

It had the desired effect. She noticed Chris looking at her repeatedly with a hunger in his eyes, a hunger she recognized all too well. In the course of making dinner and clearing up, Bella made sure to touch Chris periodically, seemingly innocently, but in ways that would start his young blood boiling. A couple of times Bella even managed to brush her very ample bosom against Chris's back or arm, once even on his cheek when he was bent over the sink a bit and she was ostensibly reaching for something in the cabinet above him. Her height advantage had provided that great opportunity.

That night, Chris could not get his mind off the sexy image of his Amazonian landlady. He masturbated twice to her imagined naked form before going to bed.

At Sunday breakfast, Bella repeated much of the same behavior, except wearing a black silk nightgown, with a plush white bathrobe, which was doing only a poor job of hiding her cleavage. By dinner, Bella felt certain she could push Chris over the edge. He was already nearly putty in her hands. He had walked into her trap and now she prepared to close it once and for all.

Bella dressed in the same outfit again, as the previous day. She noted that Chris continued to eye her, even though he thought she was not noticing. She complimented how he looked that night and how neat he had made his room again. It seemed like idle chatter, but Bella knew young men loved to hear themselves praised, for any reason.

Finally, as she was about to serve the food, she asked Chris to get a box of crackers from a spot in a cabinet she knew was a bit too high for him. Sure enough, as he strained to reach it, she walked up behind him saying, "oh, it's all right, I'll get it," essentially trapping Chris between her ripe frame and the counter. Chris turned as she was upon him and for a moment they stared at each other, she looking down at his face and he up at hers. He had a "deer in the headlights" look about him.

After holding his gaze for about 10 seconds, she bent down and kissed Chris deeply on the mouth. As the kiss lingered, she put an arm around his and pressed on his back and used her other hand to grab gently a fistful of his hair. Chris responded positively by slowly putting his hands on Bella's ribs.

After a long moment in this position, Bella broke the kiss gently pulling his head back by the handful of hair she had, smiled at Chris, who grinned shyly back, and then pushed his head forward again for another kiss, and then another. She pressed her entire body against his, pinning him in place, and felt the raging lust in his groin.

Finally, she asked: "how hungry are you?"

Mouth dry, he gasped, "very, but not for food." And with that, Bella undid the buttons on her shirt, letting her braless chest come into full view.

His eyes widening, Chris wanted this so badly. He couldnt believe his luck. But he felt he needed to confess, "Bella, I, uh, I never..."

Just as she suspected.

"Shush. All the better. We'll do things my way and you won't have any bad habits I will have to undo." Bella was overjoyed but did not show it.

Chris visibly relaxed. Bella gently, but quite firmly guided his head to her breasts.

"First, rub your lips against lick with the tip of your tongue...first one, then the other," Bella instructed but she was moving Chris's head when she wanted him to move. "Now begin to suck on them in full." And right there in the kitchen Chris took the first step down the path that would enslave him to Bella's desires.

At the moment, Chris did foresee his future as one of sexual slavery. in retrospect, however, Chris would realize that it was then and there that Bella trapped him.

After quite some time performing this worship of Bella's magnificent breasts--at her carefully controlled direction--Chris's cock raged harder and larger tgan at any time in his life! Bella could feel it. She wanted it. Finally, she pulled back, separating his hungry lips from her released. She could see the lust coursing through him! Wonderful, she thought.

Bella took Chris's hand and drew him up to her bedroom. The mastersuite may have been on the first floor, but Bella had redone her own room combining two into one. It was bigger than Chris's room and had a king-sized four poster bed on it.

"Take off your clothes, Christopher, I want you naked before me." If lust alone wasn't sufficient to make Chris willing to do whatever Bella wanted, the authority with which she used his full name was. Faster than she thought possible, he had stripped, while Bella had remained clothed, albeit with her shirt fully open. She chuckled at his enthusiasm!

Chris had of course a raging erection, sticking out in full view. "Nice," she observed. "Understand, however, that we do this on my terms, in my way, I always lead." It was an understatement, as Chris would learn very soon.

"I understand, I'll do anything you want," Chris blurted, though it was his lust talking more than anything else.

"Yes, you will, Christopher. Now come here and take off my boots and pants for me," she said as she undid her blouse. Underneath were nylons and garters, with her ever so slightly trimmed pussy now fully exposed.

"I like to play games, Chris, sex games. I won't hurt you," she lied, "but we'll both find them highly erotic. Come, lay down on my lap." Bella sat down on the bed.

Chris looked confused for a second and then realized what she had said. She planned to spank him. He thought quickly if not that clearly. "Uh, okay," figuring that if he could take a spanking from his mother as child, he certainly could take one now, especially in the light of the promised reward.

He laid down across Bella's silk-encased legs and it felt so good, it seemed so right. She was beautiful, experienced, in command, he felt as though he should be doing whatever she told him to do. He wanted to please her anyway he could, not least because she was the first female ever to take a strong interest in him. Bella placed Chris's engorged penis between her legs and clamped shut. She grabbed one of Chris's hands, twisting it gently behind his back and at first merely cooed and rubbed his ass.

"I love your ass Christopher. It's firm and round." And with that she gave it a good smack, then a rub, some praise for how he was doing and a further smack. She repeated this five times, not wanting to overdue it. When she was done, Chris bottom felt sore but not unpleasantly so.

"Get on the bed, Christopher, and lie down. Stretch out your arms and legs to the posters of the bed." Bella then tied all four of his limbs security to the posters with long, prepositioned scarves. Chris could not get away, and could hardly even move. Bella then sat down on his chest, his face perhaps eight inches from her exposed, hairy, and surprisingly large pussy.

"One of your primary duties, Christopher, one that you will do every single time we are together, is to pleasure me with your mouth." As Bella spoke she began to slowly slide her vagina towards Chris's face. Chris did not look like he was looking forward to the joining. It look frankly scsrint and overwhelming.

"Not to worry, I'll tell you what to do and you will get used it, eventually you may even crave it." As she said those words her pussy came to a rest against the boy's chin. He could smell her excitement. "You will first lick up and down," she said as she raised her pussy to hover a mere inch from Chris's mouth. "Then you will push your tongue inside of me and you will not stop as I begin to grind my pussy all over your face. Begin."

Chris did as he was told and after the first initial contact, he did not find the experience unpleasant at all, even as his saliva began to mix with Bella's juices. For a few minutes Bella moved in rthym with Chris's tongue but as the heat in her groin grew she began to press down on Chris's face. Chris forced his tongue inside farther and farther, sometimes struggling for breath as Bella lowered more and more of her weight on his head. After a small shudder, Bella began to grind herself against Chris's mouth and nose, moaning and groaning louder and louder, his face now more of a dildo than anything else. Finally Bella let out a shout as she came, her juices soaking Chris's nose, mouth, and cheeks.

"Not bad for a first timer, Christopher. We'll have to practice that some more." Bella grabbed a small towel she had brought with her when she was tying Chris down and wiped his face. She started kissing Chris again, forcefully putting her tongue down his mouth while gently stroking his cock. Bella knew her virgin sex toy would not last long once they mated but today, with her excitment at fresh meat, it would be long enough. Bella then moved down Chris's body and impaled herself on his raging erection.

Chris felt as though he had entered a state of ecstasy. It was like nothing he had ever experienced before by his own hand. It was warm, velvety, and satisfyingly deep. Bella started a small circular motion which minimized the sensation Chris would feel, to hold him longer, but still managed to stimulate her clitoris. Then she started to ride him, rocking back and forth.

Within a minute or two more, Bella could feel Chris's cock enlarge a tiny bit more and his back arch. With a loud "ARGGGH" Chris shot his load into her. To Chris, it felt like the longest orgasm of his life. He was a virgin no more and the trap Bella had carefully weaved over the past week closed around him once and for all.

After they had finished, Bella moved Chris into a position in which they were snuggling but he was resting his head on her breasts. Chris felt excited, warm, and safe. He had just had sex for the first time in his life and he had found it exhilarating!

"That was one of the best experiences of my life, Bella!"

"I should think so," came Bella's quick reply. After a short pause, she asked, "Do you want to keep doing this?"

"Good God yes!" Chris blurted instantly. "I was hoping this would be more than a one time thing."

"Very well, Chris, but then I need to be clear about how this is going to work. First, you still pay the rent. Just because we are intimate with each other does not negate our business relationship."

Chris just nodded to this, it hadn't really occurred to him that it might.

"Second, understand very clearly that in all of our encounters, I will dominate. Do you know what a dominatrix is?" Bella inquired.

"I've read a little about them in the odd Penthouse or Playboy," Chris answered, "but I don't know a lot about it."

Bella smiled inwardly at his naivete and how extra delicious this will make their relationship.

"A dominatrix is a woman who sexually dominates a man. She controls the sexual relationship, and often other aspects as well. She uses bondage and discipline, not unlike what we just did but more so. I am a dominatrix, Chris. I will always use bondage and discipline on you, the spanking for example. Mostly because I enjoy it, but sometimes as discipline for when you displease me."

"I'll try not to do that!" Chris interrupted.

"Don't interrupt me Chris," Bella said firmly. "Of course, you will but it will happen, it always does for one reason or another. The intensity of our encounters will gradually rise. Tonight, I was easy on you. I lied earlier. If we continue, I will be hurting you, although not seriously or permanently. But you will feel pain. I find it extraordinarily erotic for men to suffer at my hands. I can be a bit sadistic. Can you accept all this?"