Based on a True Fantasy Ch. 02


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We were having dessert when I said it.

"I have a tattoo."

He looked up, surprised. "Excuse me?"

I smiled. "Guess where it is."

He put down his spoon of apple pie and stared at me.

"Where is your tattoo, baby girl?"

I laughed again, looking down at my chocolate cake. Then looking back up I got lost in those beautiful blues.

"On my ass."

He arched an eyebrow. "Did it hurt?"

"Yeah, but you quickly get used to it."

"What is it of?"

I laughed again. This laugh was naughty and he knew it. He put down his spoon and leaned back as if suddenly needing extra room.

"Would you like to see it?"

He said nothing, just sat there staring it me. I couldn't read his expression. I had no idea what he was thinking.



He looked around, then looked back at me. "Okay."

I turned my back toward him and climbed onto the curvy seat of the chair. My short skirt lifted instantly revealing my round brown cheeks.

He read the tattoo on my ass aloud.

"Daddy's little... girl?"


It actually said Daddy's little bitch. But the bitch had a line through it as if crossing it out and the word 'girl' was place on top of it. It was more like something one expected to see on a t-shirt, not someone's ass.

He reached out and traced the lettering one by one, then slowly his hand, slide to the crack of my ass and began to stroke there too. My nipples tightened and I slide back down onto my seat.

"Your future husband will sure love that."

"Too bad. He can kiss it, when he kisses my ass."

He laughed. "Why?"

I sighed. "I wish I could give you some deep emotional reason as to why and what it meant to me, how it is a symbol of some sort, but the truth of the matter is me and Nikki got fucked up drunk one night and I woke up the next morning with a sore ass and an unexpected surprise."

" I love it."


"Are you wet?"



"Your nipples are hard."


"So is my dick."

"I know."

"I'm not sure... I don't know..." he sighed, "We may not go passed this point."

I looked at him and frown. Why was this so hard?

"You haven't decided if you want to fuck me yet, is that it?"

"Oh no. I know I want to fuck you. I just haven't decided if I should. There is you... and Laura... and family."

"They are irrelevant."

"No they are not."

"Yes they are. Our relationship is our relationship and if we handle this right they don't have to be affected."

"Do you really believe that?" I could tell by the tone of his voice, he didn't.

"Yes. Daddy, don't worry about it. We'll make sure no one knows. It'll be real easy. I promise. I won't force you. The choice will have to be yours and when you finally make it all you have to do is say yes and I'll be there. Hopefully that will be tonight."

Looking about, I calmly moved closer to him and took his dinner napkin and spread it across his lap. I reached my hand under the table and found his zipper, and for the third time that night I pulled it down. I found him and circled his tip in the palm of my hand. Leaning close, I lightly kissed his ear. My tongue flicked out, softly licking around the shelf with moist heat.


I stroked the tip of his cock in my hand, rotating my palm around him, just the tip, using the milk that came forth as lubricant.

"Daddy... hmmmm."

He didn't move. He sat there, tense and let me play with his cock under the small napkin. Stroking around his head, around and around, focusing on that mushroom tip, building the sensation just there.

"Do you want me daddy? Do you want my hand on your cock?"

I moved my face against the side of his neck, barely touching him with my face, if anything he felt my heat glide against him.

"Do you want my mouth on this cock, daddy? Like before? Want me to finish this time? Here? Now?"

I slide my hand down his shaft, up and down, stroking him, milking him as I lightly kissed the side of his face. The juice he supplied wasn't enough. Releasing him I reached under my skirt, gathering moisture. He moaned in protest.

"Shhhhh," I said. Reaching up, I turned his face toward me and kissed him. Right there in the open, in the middle of the restaurant. Me and my daddy. Our tongues embraced, we were lovers at the peak of our passion. Releasing him, I moved my wet fingers across his cheek to rest on his lips. He inhaled deeply taking in my scent. I rubbed the remaining pussy juice on his lips, making him wear it like Chap Stick. Then, sticking out my tongue, I licked the salty substance off his lips. His tongue lashed out and met mine. I smiled as I reached back down between my legs. Scooping up a steady stream of cunt juice, I reached back under the napkin and gripped his cock again. This time the traveled path was much easier.

"Say yes, daddy."

Up and down my hand glided, up with a twist and down with a swirl. His breathing was deep and controlled as he tried not to draw too much attention.

"Tell me yes. And I'll give you want you want, what you need."

Up and down my hand moved, as if possessed. The napkin began to shift and it wasn't long before that little eye made itself known, winking at me with each stroke. He felt the cool air on him and looked down and watched as my brown hand moved against his white flesh. The visual all but sent him over the top.

"All you have to do is say yes."

"Yes..." He whispered. It was small but it was enough. "Yes," he said once again, stronger this time and when I felt his hips lift upward, I lowered my head and opened my mouth, just in time to catch the white flow that erupted from his body, straight into my mouth. I quickly swallowed that mouthful so I could be ready for the next expulsion. Dipping further down, I wrapped his tip with my lips and took in the rest of his cum as it flowed from his body into mine.

His tense body relaxed and he leaned back into his chair. Rising up, I wiped the corners of my mouth with the back of my hand. I glanced around, but no one seemed to notice my slight detour in meals. Reaching for my glass of wine I pretended not to notice him, tucking himself and his shirt back into his pants.

"I can't take this anymore, sweetie. If I don't get you into a bed soon so I can fuck you I'm going to lose my fucking mind."

I giggled. Daddy was so funny sometimes, but at least that argument was finally settled.


We stepped on the elevator and pressed number 32. It was one of the top floors. It was more affordable than the lower apartments. The view wasn't so great so it wasn't considered very valuable. People didn't like the idea of being so high up if the elevators went out, which didn't happen often, but it did happen.

We moved to the back as three men and a woman stood before us, pressing various floors below mine. Daddy moved closer to me. His lips touched my ear.

"I want you."

I smiled and continued looking ahead at the blond woman in front of me. His hands lifted to my hemline and paused, just before touching my skin.

"Did you hear me?"

Turning my head, our lips were millimeters apart. All I could see was his mouth.

"Yes. I heard you."

Blue eyes met brown.

"Let me...?"

I looked quickly at the people in front of us. The elevator slowed and a gentleman got off. Three left. Whispering softer I replied.


He touched me. Butterfly caresses as his hands moved up thighs, right into my puss. I bit my lip to stop the moan. It was loud. I opened my eyes in fear. But no one noticed. It was a pretty big elevator.


He growled deep and low. " Love how you call my name. I want you little girl."

He found my clit. It was hard. He played with it between sticky fingers, he captured it between his forefinger and thumb and proceeded to stroke it, squeeze it. I panted little pants.

The elevator doors opened. Another gentlemen left. Two more. Daddy moved closer to me, his thigh slid between mine, his thigh moved up between my legs and found my wet pussy. He pushed up, hard, removing his fingers and using the fabric of his pants to stimulate me. With him rocking back and forth on my moist cunt, I nearly screamed, but I sucked in air instead, holding my breath. His fingers wrapped around my hip. Finding my ass, he grabbed a check and squeezed. Then his other hand found my other cheek and together they nearly lifted me off my feet.

"Daddy!" grasped. 13th floor. The lady left. One to go.

His cock was iron. It found the side of my hip, moving against me, humping me, dry fucking me, yet there was so much wetness. He laid his head against my shoulder, still grinding against my leg, moaning softly. I shifted, just a little, toward him. He centered. He was now between my legs. The iron was now between my legs. His dick was now between my legs. Up against my pussy. My thighs bent slightly around his legs as he almost lifted me up against the wall. I held onto the golden rails for support, then I grasped again.

"Oh daddy."

"I want you."

"Prove it."


The gentleman over daddy's shoulder tensed, and slowly turned his head to the side, toward us. He stopped, staring directly to the left side of the elevator. He saw us-from the corner of his eye, he saw us, but he didn't turn around.

Watching the man, I leaned forward and kissed my daddy, never taking my eyes off this stranger. I whispered again.

"Eat me."

The elevator opened. 18th floor. The man stood still. Not moving, but daddy kept moving, humping me, fucking my pussy, through his pants. My breath caught and held as I watched the stranger's head turn more toward us, but not quite at us.

"I believe this is your floor."

I jumped in shock, as did the man before me. It was daddy who spoke. Turning his head forward, the man hastily left the elevator. Daddy gripped my head and kissed me. It was the most intense kiss yet. It was almost as if he were trying to stake clam on my lips, my body, my soul. All the emotion, all the love, all the lust was in that kiss. I couldn't deny him, even if I dearly wanted to, which of course I did not.

"We keep attracting attention."

He laughed, "Gee. I wonder why?"

He gripped my shoulders and turned me around, until I faced the wall of elevator. He raised my skirt pass my ass.

"Hold it up."

I gripped the front and bunched it up in my hands around my waist. I felt him step away from me, but his hands held on to my hips.

"Hold the rail and don't let go."

Gripped it, I lost the skirt. He growled in discontent as I became covered again. I held on to the rail with my right hand and gathered the skirt up with my left.

"Good girl."

He pulled my hips toward him and I walked backwards, bending over as I moved. He just stared.

"Hey! Wake up! On your knees, now!" I ordered impatiently. We didn't have time.

He laughed and proceeded to obey. We took turns, alternating in being shy and then demanding. It was a game of some sorts and it was fun. Most importantly, we were playing it together, but definitely by ear.

He dropped down and I felt him open up my ass cheeks. Then a hot wet tongue found the little brown puckered hole. I groaned.

"Daddy, that's not my pussy."

"Mmmmm," he said but kept on licking. My body shivered at the unexpected sensations as he licked my hole and the skin of my ass cheeks around it. Then dipping lower, his tongue found my leaking hole. I arched my back to give him greater access. I looked over my shoulder and called out the red glowing numbers.


He hardened his tongue and thrust it into my pussy hole, as far as he was able and once inside began wiggling it around, licking from the inside out. It felt so fucking good.


Licking more, he found that clit again and pulled it in, sucking it, making wet sucking sounds as he moaned against the sensitive flesh, telling me how much he loved it, loved eating my slutty, little girl pussy. 'Oh yeah, daddy that's it. Eat me. Suck me. I like it like that.' I thought.


He let it go and I felt the little organ tremor from the release. Pleasure was everywhere. My head tingled with it. He licked his way back around my hole when...


His hand connected with my ass, making it jiggle as he continued to hum and moan against my flesh.

"Ahhhhh" I cried, so he did it again.


Licking... eating...



"Oh baby girl. I gotta fuck you."

And back down, kissing my pussy hole like it were a mouth, sucking and tonguing my achy little lips.

The elevator dinged its arrival. I looked back, alarmed, but no one was there. Thank god. Strangers were one thing, my neighbors were something different.

"Daddy? We're here."

He moaned in agreement but showed no intention of moving as he licked a path back to my ass. I felt the tears run from my eyes. I was doing everything in my power not to give in. We had to get to the apartment. I got desperate.

"Daddy, the sooner we get inside, the sooner you can fuck me."

That did it. He was on his feet in an instant and pulled me around and through the doors before I knew what was happening.

"Wait. How's my lipstick. Is it smeared?"

He looked at me like I was crazy.

"No, some was eaten off, but most of it is still there. But if you want it to be..."

He turned me in his arms and tried to kiss me as he walked me backwards to the apartment, I turned my head and laughed a flirtatious laugh. What lipstick that must have transferred onto him when he kissed me in the elevator, got eaten off as he ate my ass and pussy. Thank god. I reached in my bag, while in his embrace, and pulled out the house keys.

"Daddy, wait."

"I can't. All fucking night, you've been driving me crazy, bring me to the edge and back again."

"I'm sorry.

"Don't be. I love it. I love you. Come here."

We almost made it to my door, with his hands wrapped around me, and his face buried in my neck, kissing and biting me with each step. We made it. Now he had me pressed against the wall, next to my door. I laughed again as he lifted my legs and wrapped them around his waist and began grinding against me. Who would have thought he had so much energy. My hand holding the key flung out and knocked three quick times against the apartment door.

I loved his scent. It was all around me. I loved the feel of his broad chest against my breasts. I loved the feeling of him covering me, protecting me, as he moved on top of me, seeking to get in me. He was so masculine, so strong, and so sexy. His grinding was too much, his dry fucking. I was on the edge. I felt it coming. If he kept this up I'll be nutting in the hallway, and he'll probably cum with me, and ruin his pants. Dark pants could only hide so much.

"Daddy. Please. You have to stop. Control yourself."

He pulled back. Looking in my eyes, searching, he asked. "Why?"

"Because... we can't fuck in my hallway. We have to get inside, please. I have neighbors."

He visibly relaxed. "You're right, baby girl. I'm sorry. I guess I should have behaved better on the elevator."

"It's okay. I didn't know them and they didn't know what we were doing, except for that last guy."

"Yeah, sure they didn't. But still, I should have known better, looks like my little exhibitionist is rubbing off on me."

"I'm not an exhibitionist." I protested, but he didn't bother to respond.

He put me back down on the floor and stepped away from me, but even though we were no longer touching, his eyes were killing me. My pussy was contracted tightly. I was in pain. I needed him. My pussy wanted him inside, needed something so it could cum on to. I took a deep breath. His pants were still tented, but there was nothing I could do about that. Turning, I unlocked the door and lead him into a dark apartment. Closing and locking it behind me I felt an arm slid across my waist from the side getting ready to pull me close in a loving embrace when suddenly...


The lights flashed on and instantly the apartment was filled with over 20 people with Laura in the lead, laughing and cheering.

"What the fuck?!" yelled a stunned daddy and everyone broke out in laughter. Daddy quickly stepped behind me; no doubt hiding his hard on which, I'm sure, was rapidly deflating at this very moment. I turned to him with mischievous eyes.


"Why you little--"


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AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago

....he's gonna spank her ass sooooo hard when he gets her alone!! ;)

thebug37thebug37over 8 years ago
Birthday boy - oops, daddy

Guess there will be one special present for Birthday Daddy.

ansdguyansdguyabout 11 years ago

I'm so happy that I ran into this story while looking for good stories that I might have missed in the past. I'm a big fan of YouBadBoy, but was not too familiar with Fantasy Kiss. What a treat reading this joint venture. Thank you guys so much.


hourihouriover 12 years ago

LOL, omg, I LOVED it...*smothers laughs*

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
Update! Update! Update!

Please update soon.

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