Bachelorette Party Affair

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Sister's affair threatens brother's marriage.
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The idea for this story came from a Whisper thread on Facebook - I'm addicted to some of those stupid things. I decided to take it a little more in-depth than just one slide on a clickbait site. If you've ready any of my stories before, you know how I love to develop characters and explore their mindset as they live in my scenes. It takes a while to get to the explicit sex, but I think the wait will be worth it.

As always, my stories are complete works of fiction, and all persons are of legal age. Your votes and comments are important to me, so after you read it, please share with me!


It felt as though my entire world had just come crashing down on me.

I was sitting in my apartment early on a Sunday morning. My phone was in my hand, but at present, I wasn't looking at it. Instead, I stared out my window as the bright spring morning sun was shining off of the central lake in my apartment complex. But my mind was far away from the glimmering reflection in the tiny little ripples the soft morning breeze was producing.

I looked back at my phone and read the text message a friend of mine had sent me earlier. It was simple and to the point - "Sorry to show you this, but I think you should know before next Saturday." The pictures that were attached certainly weren't examples of high-precision in-focus photography, but they were clear enough that it was unmistakable who it was in the picture.

I would recognize her face and body anywhere. The pictures showed my fiancé Eryn at her bachelorette party the evening before. I recognized the club where she had it - it was the club where my friend that had sent me the pictures worked as a bartender. And while it was easy to make her out in the photo, she wasn't the only girl shown. Eryn was clearly in the middle of what could only be described as a sensual kiss with another girl. Their arms were wrapped around each other, and although I could not see what was going on between her lips, I was pretty sure they were exchanging some tongue action.

I had been with Eryn long enough to know about her previous relationships with girls, and truthfully, her bisexuality was not a big concern to me as we prepared for our wedding in six days. We had even joked in the past about finding a girl that we both could enjoy, knowing that we loved each other enough that sharing someone wasn't going to drag us away from each other. It was joking for now, mind you, but the thought had always been in the back of my mind since we had talked about it while we were just dating, and I knew it was still a possibility after we were married. I knew from experience that Eryn was a passionate lover, and I knew that both boys and girls had experienced with her what I was planning to experience for the rest of my life.

But we had always stressed that we would have open communication, no matter what we thought the other person would think of what we had to tell them. It was that communication policy that had gotten us talking about sharing someone in the first place. It was that policy that allowed me to tell her when I would have a permitted dalliance with someone while she and I were away from each other during college, just as she told me when she would have her own little fun, with both boys and girls. We both knew that our trysts were for satisfying our sexual needs, and in no way would it affect our relationship.

All that had changed when Eryn had received her degree in dance, two years after mine in civil engineering. Our time with others would be over, and we would be exclusive to one another again while we lived together before we got married. We had done that now for nearly a year, so seeing her kissing another girl in those pictures was a shock to my system, and certainly something I did not expect.

I know what you are thinking - how could a hot and fit dancer find an attraction for a nerdy engineer who designs bridges and roads for a living? You would be right about Eryn. To me, she was the most beautiful creature on earth. She was very petite, as you might expect a dancer to be. She was somewhere around five and half feet tall, with shapely, muscular legs that because of her petite size, looked very long and lean, and incredibly sexy. Her ass was round and firm, and she carried it high as she walked and danced. Her long dark hair was thick, and she could do so many amazing things with it that enhanced her beautiful face and smooth skin of her neck and shoulders.

But it was her breasts that always drew my attention. They were small, with extremely pointed nipples that stood erect in front of her. She didn't need to wear a bra and often didn't, but when she wore thin, lightweight blouses and shirts like she sometimes did, her bra served to hide her nipples from public sight, although around our apartment, her nipples were always uncovered and always hard and proud for me. She knew how much I craved them, so showing them to me all day beneath her t-shirts was tantamount to teasing me unmercifully. I couldn't keep my hands off of them, and she loved that very much.

When she got her degree, she moved to the city and into my apartment with me. She was hired on at the local ballet company, and while that was very part time, it also enabled her to pick up free-lance dancing assignments and teach at a local dance studio. We didn't need the money, since being a civil engineer was a lucrative career and companies were always looking to hire good young candidates for their firms. Eryn's work was important to her, because just like any other profession, she wanted a chance to rise up through the ranks and become known for her ability, headlining shows and productions. I knew nothing about dance before I met her, but even I could tell that she was a great dancer, with a passion for it that drove her to work as hard as I ever did on the football field.

So yes, I'm a civil engineer, but I'm far from nerdy...not that there's something wrong with being nerdy, if that's who you are. I went to college on a football scholarship, playing tight end (please, no jokes, I've heard them all...). I wasn't good enough to ever think about going pro, but I did earn a couple of conference awards during my four years. I've been out of college for three years now and I've lost some of my playing weight, but I'm still 6'3" and in the neighborhood of 230 pounds. When Eryn and I are together, we make a modern day "Beauty and the Beast" - at least in size comparisons. She tells me I'm her handsome hunk, and that's all I need to hear. I don't care what others think.

I proposed to her on the stadium field at her graduation - in fact, I dropped to one knee in front of her while she was still in her cap and gown. Both of our families were present, as well as many of our friends, and I loved sharing this special moment with them. We had discussed all of this beforehand, so getting a ring from me wasn't in itself a surprise, but the moment was, and she hugged and kissed me as soon as she said yes. We had been talking about giving her a year in the city with me to get herself established in the dancing community before we got married. That year was up this coming Saturday, when we were scheduled to walk down the aisle and commit ourselves to each other publicly for the rest of our lives as Brian and Eryn Archer.

But as I looked at the two pictures my friend had texted me, I was starting to wonder. Maybe I was reading too much into this - maybe they were just playing games like would normally be done at a bachelorette party, and he just happened to see this moment and grabbed his phone to let his buddy known. I wanted to give Eryn the benefit of the doubt. We had promised each other that we would be exclusive once she put my ring on her finger. I had no reason to doubt that she wouldn't keep that promise, as I had done with her.

Thinking along those lines, I looked back at the picture. Maybe it was just a fun game they played last night, even though it looked like a more intense kiss than you would see for a game. Maybe my friend was just trying to get me riled up - a good natured jab at a friend and workout partner, which is where I had met him. Perhaps I shouldn't be reacting like I was, thinking my bride to be was being unfaithful to me. Maybe my buddy was wrong, and I should feel guilty about suspecting Eryn would do that to me.

I guess I should tell you about the girl she was kissing. She wasn't some random girl that I didn't know. In fact, I probably knew as much about her as I did Eryn. After all, I had lived with her for about 16 years before I went to college, and then looked after her once she became a student at the same college two years later.

The other girl in the picture kissing Eryn was my sister Kelly. That was as easy to see as it was seeing it was Eryn she was kissing. I hadn't known before this that Kelly was even interested in girls. These pictures were showing me that she was well past just being interested.

I texted my friend back, telling him that I didn't see what a harmless kiss was going to do to my wedding plans. Since it was early in the morning and he had probably worked late, I didn't expect to get a response back very quickly, but I was wrong. Not five minutes later, I received this reply - "That kiss wasn't a game, and after the kiss, they were gone for 15 to 20 minutes. The rest of the evening, they were inseparable."

So much for my innocent kiss theory. His confirmation opened up a new list of questions - how long had this been going on? How often did they get together? Eryn had told me she was going to spend the night at her maid of honor's hotel room, but was that just a cover, and she was right now at Kelly's apartment? And most importantly for me, anyway - did this mean that I wasn't going to be enough for Eryn once we were married, and she'd stray on me then?

I realized that Eryn had not had a chance to confess to me yet, but even if she did, this hadn't been our normal plan of communication when we were apart and still enjoying relations with other people. When those happened, we tried to tell each other before, as much as possible, so surprises like this wouldn't come out of the blue. That also ensured that we got to know the others we were with before we slept with them, which reduced the possibility that our partners would turn out to be some crazy wacko we shouldn't be with. One night stands were out of the question, and our communication policy saw to that...if she was following it.

I hated having these kinds of thoughts about Eryn. I loved her with all my heart and soul, but if I found out she wasn't being truthful to me while we were apart, I would be crushed. We had survived those two years she was still in school after I had gotten out by trusting each other, even when we'd been with other people. I never counted to see if we were with the same number of people, and even though I know Eryn had been with a couple of girls during that time, I wasn't concerned that she would decide she was a full-time lesbian and I didn't fit into her picture anymore.

I decided to be calm, and give her a chance to be honest with me once she got home. Her maid of honor Gina would be dropping her off later this morning, and I decided I wanted to watch to make sure it actually was Gina bringing her home, and not Kelly. If Eryn was having a relationship with Kelly as I suspected, I doubt she would have connived Gina to help her with her ruse by coming and picking her up at Kelly's and bringing her home to me. But even that was not out of the realm of possibility in my fragile mind at the moment.

I took my coffee and sat out on the balcony that overlooked the parking lot. I wasn't sure how well Eryn would be able to navigate getting inside, since I would imagine she had plenty to drink at her party last night. Neither of us were big drinkers. In college, I preferred to stay completely away from it because I feared it would hamper my training for football. Eryn felt the same way - her body did not need the strain alcohol could put on her as she danced, since dancing itself was plenty of strain on its own. But I imagined that rule was probably waived last night, and that she would need help getting up to our second floor apartment.

About 45 minutes later, a car pulled up in front of our building, and Gina got out and walked around to open the door for Eryn. She stepped out, shielding her eyes from the sun as she struggled to stand firmly on her own two feet. She looked awful...well, still ravishing as always, but not up to her usual level of beauty. I headed into the apartment and out the front door, meeting her at the bottom of the steps. Eryn held on to me while Gina went and retrieved her overnight bag. I wondered if Gina knew what Eryn and Kelly had done, but I doubted she would tell me, especially with Eryn right there with me. All she said as she handed me the overnight bag was, "Wow, what a party..."

Eryn turned and weakly thanked Gina for keeping her, and for the ride home. I began helping her up the stairs, which took much longer than normal. Once inside, she headed straight into the kitchen and reached into the cupboard for a glass. She filled it with water as I went to our medicine cabinet in the bathroom and retrieved some Tylenol. As I brought it to her, she took it and whispered, "Thank you," before taking the pain reliever and swallowing it down with the water.

I could tell she was in no condition to talk, so I escorted her to the bedroom. I helped her out of her shirt and jeans, leaving her in only her panties. Even in her hung over state, and with her tryst with my sister hanging over us, I still had a tremendous desire to take her nipples in my mouth, but I held off, and instead, helped her into bed. I figured we'd have plenty of time to talk after she felt better. There was no sense in prodding her now for her side of last night's activities.

While she slept, I sat in the front room and watched a baseball game on TV. I say watched, but all it was doing was providing a distraction to the ominous silence that would have otherwise filled the room. I didn't even know who was playing, so caught up was I in my thoughts about what had happened at the party, and the number of questions I had for Eryn when she woke up continued to grow.

A couple of hours later, I heard the bedroom door open, and I watched as Eryn came shuffling out into the front room. She was still topless, and was dragging a blanket behind her as she carefully approached me. I knew what she was going to do, and at the moment I was fine with it, because I knew she still wasn't in condition to join the world of the living. She climbed up in my lap, laying her head on my left shoulder, and curled her petite body up into a ball. I helped spread the blanket over her, and in just a few seconds, she went back to sleep.

I craved moments like this. Even with this cloud hanging over my head, I still loved her more than anything else in the entire universe. I loved holding and protecting her, and her body fit perfectly into mine as we sat on the couch. I made sure she was snuggly tucked into the blanket, and then ran my hand over her smooth legs and hips as she slept. I still wanted to know what happened, but right now the most important thing was to make sure she was comfortable, and judging by the pattern of her breathing, I'd say I was doing a good job.

I shifted my legs a couple of times when I felt them losing feeling, and each time Eryn stirred but didn't awaken. She continued a nice, slow, rhythmic breathing pattern as I continue my gentle massage of her leg. She finally awakened about an hour later, and she looked up at me and kissed me on the cheek. Her breath was awful, but that's what love is all about - kissing someone even when it's not pleasant, just because you love them.

She sat up and stretched her arms, causing her blanket to drop to her waist, and her perfect little breasts to be exposed. I kept my hands off of them earlier, but not this time, and as I played with each nipple and gently tweaked it, she moaned and smiled. I was glad to see she was feeling better, and not just because she could talk to me sooner, although that thought did cross my mind.

She stood up and told me she needed to take a shower, and asked if I would make her some toast when she got out. She walked to the bathroom, moving a little better now than earlier. When I heard the water running, I got up and went into the kitchen. I was ready to pop the bread into the toaster when she came out. She obviously wasn't planning on going anywhere, since she came out wearing a long nightshirt and some of her cute fuzzy slippers. She sat on one of the barstools we have at the breakfast bar between the kitchen and dining room, and I helped her put butter and jelly on her toast and then watched her eat.

When she was finished, I asked her, "How are you feeling? You were a wreck this morning - I imagine waking up was pure hell for you."

She nodded and replied, "It didn't take me long this morning to understand why alcohol is bad for you. I'm not looking to repeat that again for a long time."

I laughed as I innocently started my interrogation process. "I guess as long as you had a good time last night. I take it that the party was pretty hot."

She smiled at that. "Yeah, my friends know how to throw a zinger of a party. I guess it's a good thing I'm only getting married once. I'm not sure my body would survive another drunken evening like last night."

I walked around to her side of the bar and sat on the other stool. She looked at me, and I pulled her head over to mine and gave her a kiss. She sat back up and smiled again, and while I thought I could tell she was on edge about something, she was doing a pretty good job of hiding it, which lowered my trust level ever so slightly the longer she withheld it from me.

I finally decided I needed to push harder. I innocently said, "You know, I've never been invited to a bachelorette party before. What all happens there?"

She laughed and said, "That's because if you were invited, all of the girls would be paying attention to you and not the bride! Actually there was a lot of giggling and drinking, which I'm sure you've already figured out since you're taking such good care of me. And we talked about our guys - some of them were fascinated to hear about the things you know how to do to me."

I wasn't sure I wanted to hear that. But hopefully it was all complimentary. And I wasn't going to let that thought interfere with what my real mission was. Since she wasn't offering what I needed to hear, I pushed even more.

"What kind of games did you play? We guys think about a bunch of beautiful young women together getting drunk and taking off their clothes to compare themselves to each other!"

That was probably one of the stupidest things I have ever said, although I will admit to that fantasy when I was younger and before I got with Eryn. Who wouldn't want to be invited to a party like that? But it certainly opened the door for her to confess to me what she had done. If she had been thinking a little more clearly, she would have figured out by now that I was aware of what she had done. But I could see that she needed a little more prompting, so I added a little to the pressure.

"Eryn, I'm invoking the Open Communications Policy, since it appears you may have forgotten about it. I need to know what happened at the party."

She glanced up at me, with a look of dread on her face. The policy was put in place between the two of us to prevent situations like this from occurring. I knew there were special circumstances involved in this one, but that made it even more important that she tell me.

I didn't press her anymore, because I knew she was going to say something. In my heart, I wanted her to confess and tell me why she did it. I needed to know that I could trust her, and that I wouldn't have to worry about her sneaking around on me and finding someone else with which to have a little illicit fun, whether it be with a man or a woman.