Axel’s Penis... and Mom And Annika


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I wondered later why'd she done it? Why she calmly unbuttoned the buttons on her blouse and then slipped her lacy demi bra off what proved to be one of the most magnificent racks I'd ever seen. Maybe just to bring a little fun into a dull day I guessed. Her eyes sought out mine as her nipples hardened, I think daring me to look down. I did. She smiled. The test went on.


Five minutes later she announced as she stood, "The test is over Axel. You passed with flying colors." Then she came into the little lab and released my penis from its restraints. She hadn't bothered to cover her breasts.

"Everything worked?" I asked.

"Uh huh. C'mon, I'll show you," she said as she led me over to the bank of screens that sat on her desk. On the middle screen, in color, my penis floated in a three dimensional view. "I can look at it from any angle," she said as she rotated it on the screen.

"What's that?" I asked as I pointed at a table of numbers that appeared in the corner of the screen.

"Your overall dimensions. And this screen can show a cross section of any part of your penis," she said as she touched the screen to her left. Fucking weird I thought. "The computer can now write the program for the computer driven lathes that will make the wooden dildos."


She nodded yes and then added, "And if the field trials show any problems with your penis I can adjust the penis program with just a few turns of my cursor."

"Why? Do you think something's wrong with it?"

"And I can also compare you to other Succorious products on this screen," she added as she ignored my question. She then pushed a button and two penises appeared on the screen. "That's 'Tiger Woody' and you."

"Don't let it touch mine," I said as she moved a cursor and the two penises seemed to merge together. It was disgusting. I looked over her shoulder as she continued to manipulate the dueling cocks.

"Yours is bigger," she said after she'd manipulated them so that 'Tiger Woody' was completely engulfed by mine.

"Of course it is!" I whispered in her ear, then circled her body with my arms and grasped her breasts from behind.

"What are you doing? We can't," she moaned as I pushed my hardness against her bum.

"Maybe we could start the field trials now?"

"Your sisters waiting."

"It'll be good for her, she's got to learn patience," I said as I grabbed the hem of her dress and slowly lifted it.

"I'm married," she protested.

"We've all got to do our part for the environment Doctor Armstrong," I said as I pushed her panties aside and pushed my penis inside her. She was wet and ready.

The lab was soundproof. Which was good given that Doctor Armstrong was very, very noisy.


"What took you so long?" Annika asked when we finally returned to the waiting room and found her pacing.

"There was a little problem with the machine," the good doctor lied. My cum was oozing down her thighs.

"You didn't hurt it or anything did you?" there was real concern for her brother in my sister's voice.

"It's perfect," the doctor announced. Then she winked at me.

12:15 a.m. Thursday, April 16th, my apartment, Athens, Georgia

I'd just settled myself into my bed (I was alone) when my cell phone chirped. What now I wondered as stretched out and grabbed the phone from the bedside table. Our family number glowed brightly when I glanced at the screen. It was twelve fifteen at night. I was naked. I'd spent the whole day studying for my finals. I'd been back at school for three weeks.

"Hi you," was sung into my ear in response to my gruff 'hello'. It was Annika. I was surprised at how happy I was to hear her voice.


"Duh," she answered.

"Its late, I've got to get up early, I've got an exam," I complained.

She ignored my complaint. "Did you get the package?"

"Yes," I answered after considering whether I'd be smarter to deny having got it.


"So I got it," I admitted.

"Do you like it?"

"It's a piece of wood for crying out loud."

"Did you check it out? It's made from mahogany. Compare it to yours?"

"No," I denied even though I had earlier in the evening.

"Liar," my sister said with a laugh, then added, "We didn't change it at all. We didn't have to."

"Of course you didn't, its perfect," I said gruffly.

"We sent it out for field testing yesterday."

"Field testing?" I asked.

"Uh huh. You didn't think we'd start selling it to the public before it had been put through rigorous field trials did you?"

"Well..." I said as I stared at the long, thin box that had come FedEx that morning. I reached over and lifted the wooden cock from the bubble paper that protected it.

"There are fifty women in our customer panel, they'll use it every night for seven nights and then report back each morning by computer," my sister explained.

"Fifty women?" I asked as I held the dildo up against my suddenly hardening cock. Fifty woman pushed me inside themselves last night? "Who are they?"

"From all walks of live. All sizes. All races. All religions. Even some lesbians."


"Plus two other people," Annie added.

"Plus two? Who?"

"Well, the two senior executives of the company have to approve it too."

"They do?" The two senior executives of the company were my sister and mother!


"You're my sister ... you shouldn't," I said softly. My cock was now huge in my hand. Unconsciously I started to stroke it.

"It's just a piece of wood," my sister answered.

"Still -"

"It was better than 'Tiger Woody' ... or the Terminator. Or El.-"

"It was?"

"I came," my little sister said.

"You did?"

"I'm going to use it again tonight."

Jesus H Christ! "You shouldn't! It's wrong, so wrong," I told her.

"I'm pushing it in now Axel. I'm putting 'Count Axel Rod' in me. I'm in bed ... naked ... on my back," she purred in a sexual tone I'd never heard in her voice before.

"Don't!" I ordered. My cock was as harder that it ever had been.

"It's big ... so big. It's heads inside me now. It almost hurts. Nice hurt Axel," she moaned.

"Please don't," I begged.

"Fuck me Axel, fuck me hard," my sister panted down the line. "Fuck me with your big, big cock," she pled.

For five minutes I listened to the groans and cries that echoed around my sister's room.

"Did you cum?" she asked me in a soft, little girl's voice after I'd heard her orgasm.

"Are you crazy?" I demanded. My sperm was splattered across my thighs and stomach.

"I love you," Annika said and then hung up the phone before I could tell her that I loved her too.


The next morning I called Ashley and Kimberly. Asked them if they'd like to go out that night.

"Why don't we just stay home," little Ash replied. So we did! I brought them a present. 'The Count'!

They were delighted. "Does this mean we won the contest?" Ashley asked her pal.

"I wonder what the prize is?" Kimberly replied.

Monday, May 11th 2009, Miami Beach, Florida

"Hi," I heard whispered from my doorway.

"Annie?" I was in bed. I'd just finished my first day as V.P. Finance of Succorious Inc. It had been a pretty good day.

"I wanted to show you."

"Show me what? Something from work?" I asked even as I felt my sister pull the sheet off my body.

"How our products are used in the real world," Annie answered as she turned on the bedside lamp.

"You're naked," I stammered out as my eyes roved over her curves.

"You are too," she accused with a smile as she pointed at my body with the piece of wood she was holding in her hand. The 'Count'!

"Is that-"

"Uh huh," she agreed as she waved the wood penis at me.

"You shouldn't be here," I tried to insist.

"I want you to watch," my sister purred as she climbed up on my bed.


"And maybe help."


"It's best when I'm on my back ... like this," Annika said as she lay back on my bed next to me. "I spread my legs like this ... then pull my feet in towards my bum so that my knees are pointing up in the air ... like this. It opens me."

"You shouldn't ... not here," I told her as my eyes zoomed in on the engorged lips of her pussy. She'd shaved since the last time I'd seen her naked. There wasn't a hair left on her now bald mound.

"I like to rub it up and down to start, like this," she said as she slowly moved the wooden penis over her slit. My cock was huge!

"Then I like to tease myself a bit ... push it so the big head spreads me but doesn't quite go all the way in." My palm closed around my cock.

"Then I push it so that your cockhead is totally inside me ... my pussy closes behind it ... it's big Axel," my little sister panted.

"It's not my cockhead," I protested.

"Are you touching yourself?" she asked. I watched as she pushed more of the dildo inside.


"Help me, please help me Axel," Annika suddenly begged. Her hips were raised six inches of the mattress as she raised herself to meet the penis she was feeding inside herself.

"Help you? How?"

"I want you to do it," she said as her free hand grabbed mine and led it to the pole that was sticking out of her.

"Do what?' I asked as I closed my palm around the dildo.

"Make me come." It was almost an order. Tentatively I pushed the wooden penis deeper.

"Harder," she begged, then a second later felt her hand find my penis.

"Like this?" I asked.

"Oh yes," she groaned.

We stroked each other in unison. Faster and faster. My sister was masturbating me. "It's wrong," I muttered as I continued to push the dildo in and out of her.

"STOP!" It was an order. I released her even as she released me.


But then she rolled on top of me and I was inside her before I knew what was happening. There was no thinking of consequences as I rolled her over onto her back and thrust every inch of my cock into her pussy. We were both far to gone to think about anything but our needs.

Nothing could have stopped us.

It was a hard urgent fuck that ended with her ankles on my shoulders and my throbbing penis bucking out strand after strand of hot cum.

Then we did it a second time. And a third. She lay in my arms when we'd finally finished. Crying. But I knew they were tears of happiness.

"I've got to go," she finally announced.

"I love you," I whispered.

"Am I better than Veronica?" Her habitual tease was back in her voice.

"Who?" I asked.

"Good." She rose from my bed smiling. We both knew a pact had been made. A pact we'd both always honor. But she still had a surprise for me.

"Mommy wants you too." Annie was standing by the door looking back at me.


"Tomorrow. But you have to go to her. She'll never come to you. Tomorrow night."


"She's got the 'Count' inside her right now. She'll need more."

"I can't," I whispered across the dark room.

"You have to," my sister said and then she was gone.

The next night, Tuesday May 12th, Miami Beach, Florida

Of course I didn't get much work done the next day. It was impossible not to consider the implications of the night I'd spent with my sister. The night that I knew would only be the first of many.

And when I wasn't thinking about Annie my thoughts turned to mom. My mother! And even as I promised myself I'd never do it I couldn't help but realize I wanted her. Wanted to fuck her. But I wasn't going to. I promised myself.

So why, at eleven forty-five that night did I find myself shaving? Why had I showered and then combed my hair? I never do those things at night. And why, when I finally left the bathroom, did I turn left and not right which was the way to my room? Only mom's room was to the left.

And why was my cock hard?

I heard a small groan just as I had her door halfway open. "Mom?" I whispered through the darkness.

"Axel!" There was both surprise and fear in her voice. "Not now honey," she added as I entered. I flicked the light switch.

"Don't!" She pled.

But it was too late. She was on her back, seemingly attached to the bed by the spear that was splitting her.

"We can't!" She groaned out the words as I pulled the wooden 'Count' from between her legs. But it was her fingers that directed the real 'Count' into her pussy. It was her fingers that squeezed the base of my cock as I thrust. It was her legs that curled around my back and made sure I couldn't change my mind.

Was it better than with Annie? Or worse? They simply couldn't be compared. Both were perfect in there own way. Better than anything I'd ever experienced before. I loved them both.

What did it feel like to pump my sperm into my mother? To finally take the place of the father who'd left us so many years before.

"You're different than your daddy," she said as we lay entwined after my second ejaculation.

I shouldn't have cared. What did it matter I told myself as I waited for her to go on. But it did.

"Better," she finally whispered into my ear.

"I love you," I answered.

"Much better, better than anyone I've ever been with," she insisted as her fingers circled my penis.

"So are you and Annie," I promised back. My mother took me into her mouth. All of me! Swallowed my creamy emission.

Then she lay back and encouraged me to put my cock between her tits. To fuck them.

I spent the night in my mother's bed. When I'd attempted to leave late in the night she'd held me. "Don't go," she'd said as she wrapped her arms around me.

"But Annie, Bridget, they'll know," I tried to warn.

"They already know," my mother answered as she again directed my penis inside herself.

"They do?" I asked.

"Don't talk Axel," my mother ordered, then covered my lips with hers.

It's the most wonderful thing in the world to wake up intertwined with someone you love. To know that there'll be a thousand more mornings like this. And then another thousand. To stand naked in a cramped shower and soap the body of the person you love.

Annie was sitting at the kitchen table when mom and I arrived downstairs just after eight. Without a word she rose and embraced her mother. Then me. With a lovers embrace.

"Where's Bridget," I asked after we'd finally broken apart.

"She just left for school," Annie replied. Then she looked at me quizzickly.

"What?" I asked.

"You didn't forget did you?"

"Forget what?"

"Whose birthday it is today?"

"Shee-it!" I had!

"You forgot?" mom asked.

"I'll get her something at lunch. Some computer thing. Do you know what she wants?" I asked my sister.

"Uh huh," she answered enigmatically.

"And could you give me a hint?" I encouraged when she didn't add anything else.

"She's a virgin."

"She is?" Bridget's a virgin? I didn't think such a thing existed these days. "But what about-"

"She's a virgin Axel," Annie repeated. "With her hymen still intact."

"She's never used 'Tiger Woody' or 'El Toro'? Or the 'Zebra'?"

"She was only seventeen until today you jerk," my sister rebuked. I tried to think back to when I was seventeen.

"How do you know she's a virgin?" I challenged.

"I went and wished her happy birthday last night. At midnight. We talked."


"And she told me what she wants for her birthday."

"She did? Well what is it? I can't buy it for her if I don't know what it is." Crikey, why do women always try to make life complicated?

"You just have to show up."

"Show up where?"

"At her birthday party tonight of course."

"But what do I bring her?"

"Duh," she said with a grin, then glanced quickly down at my groin. Then she turned and looked at her mother. Then they both smiled at me knowingly.

"Bridget too?"


Thanks for taking the time to read my little tale -- I hope you enjoyed it. Please take the few seconds required and cast your vote. The only way we authors know if readers are enjoying our stories is by getting your feedback. PLEASE VOTE! And of course I'd love to hear any comment you'd like to send me. Post them below or e-mail me.

READER ALERT: Recently certain other authors on the site have been trying to have my stories banned from LITEROTICA. While I don't think they'll be successful (and certainly hope not), to be safe, if you have a scouries story you especially like, you might be wise to copy it just in case these jealous people are successful. Thanks,

jim scouries .

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midatlstorymanmidatlstorymanabout 2 months ago

I could not get past the first few paragraphs of Axel going home. Both sisters and Mom had been holding out on him for a couple years, showing a large lack of regard, and really contempt for him. And then, just deciding he was going to work for them. No love there, just controlling contemp. He, of course, is little better than a cuckold, just doing whatever the women said. No redeeming qualities about him or his family.

AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

Love this story.


Five**5**Stars...🌠🌠🌠🌠🌠...And really deserves a follow-up chapter, just to see where you take them!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

That was probably the most unusual story I have ever read on here. Funny, romantic and sexy all at once. Great story!

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Although I gave this the full 5 stars allowed (deservedly so) I would have loved another chapter or two of they’re having sex In combinations together. But it’s great for what it is. 🥰

Bill S.

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