Ashley and Jonah

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A young couple finds love.
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I have not written an interracial romance in a long time, so I decided to write one. This story is a short one. I'm sure it could have been longer, but I decided not to draw out the tale. I hope you enjoy it and share your thoughts with me.

All of the characters I the story are above the age of consent.

Just a heads up, this story is self-edited, but please don't let any errors you might find distract from the story. Please vote and don't forget to comment. I went back and made some corrections. Not promising that I got every mistake, but I corrected the ones that I found.

Please vote and don't forget to comment. IR2R

"What the fuck have I done? Damn it, I have to get out of here." Jonah Fiat whispered as he untangled himself from the woman that was curled into his body. He had to go. No one could know about this. Unfortunately for him she woke up.

"What in the world?" she gasped.

"Look, Ashley, we can't let anyone find out about this." He explained.

Ashley looked at him with a pure look of disdain. He really thought she wanted people to know that she slept with him. She rather be tortured than have this get out.

Sitting up and realizing she was naked, Ashley, pulled the sheet to cover her chest. Jonah looked at her, cursing himself because despite the fact that he had sex with the one woman he swore to never touch he wanted her again.

He disliked Ashley Thomas; that fact was well known. It started years ago in elementary school. Ashley was a commuter student. In an effort to soothe racial disparities, the elite private school he attended, offered scholarships to ten minority students that show high aptitude and academic progress. He was in first grade when Ashley and two new kids entered their class.

Jonah was infatuated. He had never seen someone as pretty as Ashley. He wanted to get her attention, so at lunch, he made sure he poured milk on her tray. Of course he was punished and her disdain for him began.

The years progressed. It was awful, he couldn't beat her. His family was one of the most affluent, influential families in the country. His brothers and sisters excelled. He was highly favored, but he could not win against one Ms. Ashley Thomas.


After graduating with almost identical degrees, both Ashley and Jonah were entering prominent starter positions in the world of business. He worked for his family, whereas she signed with one of their biggest competitors. He was not surprised when he arrived at the Hannah Ball, Ashley attended as the guest of her new bosses. He had to admit, she was stunning. He hadn't seen her in over four years.

Jonah watched Ashley all night, her creamy brown skin glowed against the shimmering ivory gown, her cleavage showing just enough to make a man drool. When she walked, his eyes tracked her every movement, but she was the enemy.

Later that evening, he spoke. She greeted him, but her tone reminded him that she did not like him. Then the drinks started.

The party progressed. Ashley could not help but notice the tall dark haired-man that plagued her childhood. She could not stand him. Since the first time they met, when they were six years old, and he ruined her lunch, their relationship was pure competitiveness. She could respect him thought. He never gave her a pass, for being a girl, being black, or even being smaller; he never held back his punches. One thing she was always certain of was that Jonah Fiat could dish it out as well as take it.

Last night was no different. Even after years of being apart, their animosity towards each other still existed. That's why this morning confused her so.

Jonah was silent, watching her. Ashley didn't move. She recalled the night before. They decided to see who could drink the most, the loser had to be at the mercy of the winner for an entire week. She was happy. Seven days of bossing Jonah Fiat around sounded like a dream.

Soon, only the two of them were left as their friends retired. At some point, she looked at him and realized he was sexy as hell, so she kissed him.

It was obvious what happened next, as Ashley recalled the night before.

She had heard rumors about Jonah, and even in her neighborhood. She often heard that white men were freaks. Everything she heard, he proved to her last night.

"Ashley," he slurred. "I have waited over fifteen years to fuck you. Fifteen years of being as hard as a damn stone tonight, girl I'm blowing your mind."

Ashley laughed, but she remembered her dress being ripped as she eagerly ripped his shirt and pants from his body. What he did next, defied anything she had experienced in her young life. She was not a virgin, but no man ever took her to the heights that Jonah took her to. Dropping to his knees before her naked body, Jonah licked her.

He tasted her nectar and moaned. She almost fell, so laying her back on the bed, Jonah licked her, using his tongues and lips to drive her insane.

Ashley moaned, as their secret tryst continued.

Satisfied after tasting her he rolled over and Ashley took control. He satisfied her as no thither, and she was determined to return the favor. Gripping his shaft, Ashley stroked him. Jonah moaned, and then she kissed him. Leaving a wet trail of kisses down his chest, Ashley tasted his cock. It was glorious. Licking the head, she stopped and admired its beauty and she told him, "It's magnificent." Then she took him into her mouth. Jonah was not unfamiliar with the female talent of pleasuring him this way, but knowing this was Ashley made it so much more than it ever was. He knew he could not hold back. He warned her. He was about to explode but she might not want to swallow. She moaned and the sound vibrated against him. Jonah began to buck, moan, plead, and beg. Soon, he contracted, and she pulled off. She was fascinated as she watched his seed spew across the room.

"Ride me, Ash," he pleaded.

Straddling him, she settled onto his rigid cock. Moving ever so slowly, he sank balls deep inside of her. She set a slow, melodic pace, as he met her stroke for stroke. He felt her body contracting on him as she moaned softly, breathing deeply. Jonah smiled. He made her come several times. She could never deny it. Then she increased her tempi. Soon, he knew he was going to fill her. Right before he came. He thought about pulling out, then she screamed. He too flew into the abyss.

Holding her on top of him, he never wanted this night to end. But the drinking and the mind blowing sex had worn him out and they slept.

The next morning, he watched as she looked around. "My dress is ruined." Ashley stated. Realizing the true ramifications of last night's actions. They were enemies. They were business rivals. If anyone found out about this, there would be serious fallout.

"I'll have them bring something from the boutique. Just, Ashley, last night. I'm sorry. I should have called you a cab and that would have been it. This never should have happened." Ashley looked at him and he swore she looked hurt.

"Jonah, no has to know. Believe me, I have my reasons as well. As far as I'm concerned, last night was just a nightmare. It was a bad dream I'd like to forget." Ashley added with a sheer look of shame on her face.

Jonathan nodded, and then called his concierge. He explained the situation and gave him their clothing sizes. The young man left immediately and returned with something appropriate for both of them to wear. Jonah stepped out to wait for him as Ashley went into the bathroom. He placed her things on the bed and went into the lobby of the hotel. He instructed the manager to quietly and discreetly make sure she got into a cab that would drive her home. He even left money to cover the cost. He did not leave because he needed to be certain she would be alright. Half an hour later, he watched as she quietly climbed into a cab to go home. Jonah sighed, and then smiled. Last night was the most amazing night of his life.

Jonah went straight home. Showered and headed to his parent's home. Today was Saturday and he knew the family always got together. He arrived and the first person he saw was his sister, Jane. I see you slept well, baby brother. I wonder, did you bring a guest today? " She teased looking around. Jonah glared at her.

"Just because you and Luke have been branded, does not mean I'm ready to surrender my freedom," he retorted. Jane laughed, "Well, I hope you used a condom at least." Then she walked away, as Jonah realized that they did not. Damn it! What in the hell was I thinking? He blasted himself. He needed to call Ashley, then he remembered, she never gave him her number. He sent her a message via social media to contact him.

Ashley saw his message and replied. She explained that she was fine and had no desire to speak with him. She asked that he leave her alone.

Jonah was not surprised. However, he wanted to speak with her and asked that she call. Ashley called and they talked. She assured him that everything was fine on her end and that he had no need to worry. She was not worried because she was protected. Jonah sighed relieved. Then they hang up, and vowed to never see each other again.

A few months went by and Ashley was making great gains at her job. The more efficient she was, the more responsibility she earned. She was so busy that she was not concerned when she missed her cycle one month. Then, a second month passed, and Ashley was still not worried. She was often irregular when she was younger, this was normal.


Three months later, Ashley was hungry. It was so strange, for the past few weeks, she felt as if she was starving. She drove to her mother's home and her maternal grandmother was visiting. As soon as she got out, grandma shook her head. "Girl, you done got caught."

Confused, Ashley hugged her and dismissed her ramblings. Her sisters and her nephews greeted her. Grand ma was not done. "So how far are you?"

"Grandma, I'm not pregnant. Stop it." she insisted.

"You had your cycle this month?" Grandma asked.

"No, not yet" Ashley answered.

"Hmmmm, last month?" Grandma inquired.

Ashley was about to retort when she realized that she had not had a cycle in a long time. Her sister, A'Shira was prepared. Last time Ashley visited, grandma voiced her thoughts. She and Ashanti knew Ashley was coming over, so yesterday, they bought a test. "Come on girl. We got you a test"

"Wait, you have a test already? What? " Ashley asked stunned.

Sure enough, she took it and was stunned. She was pregnant. The worst part was, the father of her child detested her. Not only that, she told him she was protected. She was, her birth control failed. How did that happen? She wondered.

Ashley sank to the floor in her sister's room. This was not what she expected. Grandma and Mom walked in, A'Shira shared her news, and Ma'am sat on the floor beside her. Ashley stared into nothing. She had to think. Am I ready for this? I just started my job, will this cause problems? Do I tell Jonah? Will he deny that it's his? Her brain was compounded with thoughts.

Mom sat and didn't speak. "Listen to me, Ashley, Just like I told your sisters, I'm here for you no matter what you decide. You don't have to decide right now, but at some point you will. Today, let's just spend time together.

Ashley nodded. Her sisters were so excited. They wanted her to have a girl. They both had boys and felt they needed a little girl in the family. Neither asked who the child's father was, and she was glad they hadn't. That was one question that she was not ready to answer. Soon, the time grew late and Ashley decided to stay over. She needed to be near her mom for some reason.

One of her sisters had an apartment nearby while the youngest one, A'Shira still lived at home. Ashanti left, leaving the three of them. A'Shira went to bath, JaKoby, and Mom watched her.

"Are you going to call Jonah and tell him?" Mom asked. Ashley gasped.

"Wait, how did you know it was him?" She asked.

Mom laughed, "I didn't. You just told me." She laughed.

Ashley sighed. "I might not have it, Mom. I'm not ready."

Alice hugged her daughter. "Well, just know I support whatever decision you decide to make." Ashley went to her childhood room and could not sleep. The next morning, Jacoby was up early, and she joined him in the kitchen. At five years old, her nephew s so smart. She could not help but imagine what her own child would be like.

She imagined a little boy or girl that was a toffee shade with straight black hair and hazel eyes. Soon, Jacoby asked her something. He needed a bowl from the top shelf. She passed it to him, and they made breakfast for each other. A'Shira joined them and laughed, "Girl, you'll be a great Mom. Besides, you have us. Now, I forgot to ask," She slipped into her home girl vernacular, "Who 'yo baby daddy is, girl?"

Ashley laughed. "A'Shira, you won't believe me if I told you." She answered.

"Let me guess. Jock?" She asked first.

Ashley said, "No."

Then she said, "Damian?

Ashley shook her head, "No" again.

"Tyrell?" A'Shira asked, really becoming puzzled.

Ashley laughed, "Hell no." She blurted out.

"It ain't a dope boy, is it?" Her sister asked finally.

"Of course not. Look, I might not keep it, so it doesn't matter." Ashley explained. "I might get an abortion."

A'Shira was shocked. "Wait, you're going to kill the baby? Ash, no. Look, you can have it and give it to me. Don't kill it." She pleaded.

"A'Shira, it's not murder. It's not even a person, just cells at this point." Ashley explained. But then tears fell down her sister's cheek.

"What if Momma felt that way about us?" A'Shira asked. "What if she said we were just a clump of cells?"

Ashley thought for a moment. Then JaKoby ran to her and hugged her. "Aunt Ashley, I'm in a play. Will you come?" He asked.

Then waited. Ashley smiled, "I wouldn't miss it for the world 'Koby"

Soon, Ashanti and Keon came in. Keon rushed straight to JaKoby and then remembered to speak to his aunts. Ashanti saw that A'Shira was upset. She told the boys to go to JaKoby's room. They did.

"She wants to kill the baby. She doesn't want it." A'Shira blurted out.

Ashanti was silent. "Ash, I know you're scared, but we are here." Ashanti whispered. "Please, think about this. You can have the baby and give it to someone who wants a child." She explained. "I can't tell you what to do, but I wish you would reconsider. Whatever, you decide, I'm behind you one hundred percent." She hugged her.

"Girl, we don't give our children up. You know that. Besides, I said I was thinking about it, not that I will do it. I have to consider my options." Ashley explained.

Mom walked in and she knew the girls had talked. She faced all three daughters. "Ashanti, A'Shira, I supported your decision concerning my grandsons. I will support Ashley's decision concerning her child. This is her decision, not yours."

Alice did not want to influence her daughter, but she prayed that she'd let her new grandchild be born. Ashley, stayed until noon, and then drove home. Letting herself into her small stucco styled home, she took inventory. The house was more than big enough. The room next to her bedroom would be perfect for a nursery. She even had two rooms left, and her Mom could stay in one or her sisters because she knew when she had the baby, one of them would stay with her for awhile.

She had just started her career, but with new federal mandates, she'd be given time for maternity leave. The baby would be so welcomed and loved. She sat on her sofa and realized she was crying. This was her child, and she loved him or her already. It was at that moment that she knew. She was keeping her baby.I have to tell Jonah. If he doesn't want it, it's OK. He is my son. Mine, we don't need Jonah any way She concluded. She'd call him after she saw a doctor.


It was Sunday. Jonah was awakened by someone ringing his doorbell. "What?" He answered snatching the door open.

"Uncle Jonah, we are visiting you today." His four year old niece, Haley explained. She walked into his him as if she had every right to be there.

Jonah laughed and scooped her up. "Really, not before I steal ten kisses." He teased as Haley giggled.

Followed by her mother, Jonah glared at his sister and her husband. "What are you guys doing here?" He asked

"Worried about you. You've been weird the past few months. What's going on with you?" Jane asked.

"Nothing, just busy at work, that's all." Jonah explained. He was not about to explain to his sister that he shared a mind-blowing night with the one woman that hated him on sight. Nor was he about to share that she was all he could think about. He thought about her so much, that he had to stop himself from traveling to her office on pretense just to catch a glimpse of her.

Jane didn't believe him. But she let it drop.

Monday morning, Ashley was at work when she remembered to call. The receptionist was very nice and scheduled her for the afternoon. She was nervous, but she needed confirmation. Ashley worked all day carrying her secret. At five she went to her doctor's office. The test confirmed it; she was going to be a Mom.

The nurse gave her several pamphlets and loads of information on prenatal care. Ashley was stunned. She walked out of the office and right into Jane. Jane noticed the pamphlets that she carried and smiled. "Congratulations, Ashley. I'm so excited for you." She added. Ashley looked at her and she was shocked by the stricken look on her face.

"Jane, I know I don't have the right to ask, but please don't say anything about this." She whispered.

Jane was stunned. "Hey, are you alright?" She asked.

"No, but I will be." Ashley replied and Jane felt a sense of dread.

When Jane arrived at home, her mother was visiting. She mentioned bumping into Ashley. "Why would Ashley be at an obstetrician?" She asked then she paused.

"I don't think she plans to keep it. I don't know it was strange." Jane added. Soon, her strange encounter with Ashley was forgotten and the two women enjoyed their visit.

Penelope went home thinking. Ashley was pregnant. Something was not right. She knew this young woman. She was not a sort of girl who slept around. Whoever she was pregnant by had to be someone she knew well. For some reason, Penelope thought of Jonah. Ever since the Hannah Ball, he'd been acting strangely. What if he's the father? Penelope stopped her thought from continuing. Jonah and Ashley did not get along at all. There was no way this could be her grandchild.


The next morning at the office, Jonah arrived late but harassed. He was never late, but lately he was extra tired. As he worked, Ashley walked in and he lost concentration. She looked amazing, and his heart pounded. However, he treated her with cool disdain.

Ashley was a nervous wreck seeing Jonah now. Having just accepted the fact that she was expecting his child, she was not ready to face him. She purposely avoided looking at him. Jonah noticed. It had been months, yet he could not get her out of his mind.

Ashley went about her business, and Jonah pretended that he did not forget how to breathe. At lunch, he joined his friends, and they talked about the two women that came over from Leavey's Corporation. He wanted to punch them for how they leered at Ashley. She was off limits. Then he realized that was not his call. The day ended, and Jonah went home. He needed time to think. He had to stop thinking about a woman that would never give him the time of day.

A few months later, Jane invited him to dinner. He was tense, irritated. Her husband joked, and he tried to laugh. Haley was adorable, but even his cute little niece could not break his bad mood. As they talked, Luke and his wife Macy announced that they might be adding to their family soon. As congratulations floated around the table, Jane just happened to wonder out loud, if Ashley decided to have her baby or go ahead with an abortion. Jonah froze.