Aphrodite's Curse Ch. 010

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Demetrius captured by Faeries guarding the Oak of Titania.
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Part 10 of the 104 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 06/10/2016
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Demetrius was growing weary, as the Journey to Pangea took 3 months. At night, under the huge canopy of the open sky lying naked and alone on the deck of his ship, his mind drifted to all that he had gone through in the past few years. Hippolyta, Daphne, Penelope, Aphrodite herself of course, and all of the other beautiful women whose charms he had sampled and bodies he had worshipped flitted through his mind as he drifting in and out of sleep. As he reviewed the delicious buffet of female flesh he had enjoyed his thoughts again drifted to his tortured and permanently denied cock, which stood erect and desperate mocking him as he stared down at it. It had been years since he last had felt the pleasure of an orgasm, and he almost had forgotten what the experience felt like.

He had made peace with the curse, and on a normal day where he wasn't being teased or tormented by some crazy situation, the reminder was just a dull ache deep in his balls. Only when he found himself surrounded by feminine beauty did the ache grow to a pain that was hard to live with. Drifting off to sleep under a cool Mediterranean breeze, he stared at the stars and dreamed. His dreams were always the same, and his mind reached back to his fateful interaction with the gorgeous Aphrodite. In his sleep he could still feel the warm sticky nectar of her pussy all over him, and the scent of her sex invading his nostrils. Despite her curse and the fact that he had been victimized by her for years, he was still her slave at heart.

Pangea was a tiny island, hundreds of miles to the west of Crete. Completely isolated and located in the middle of the Mediterranean it was left off most maps either by accident or because of the dangers it contained. Demetrius knew from the maps he had been provided that this island contained the Oak of Titania whose branches contained the sacred acorns he needed to acquire for his quest, but he knew nothing else. Had he not been cursed with perpetual nudity, he may have landed on one of the other Islands closest to Pangea and asked the locals about it to better prepare for the quest. Being naked however and subject to constant erotic assault by any female he might encounter he was forced to avoid other people as much as possible.

If he had been able to ask the locals about Pangea, he would have been much more careful about his approach. The Oak was very famous throughout this area of the world, as its acorns had magical properties that had been the subject of many quests by heroes of the past. It had been hundreds of years since the last person tried to steal the sacred acorns, as none who had attempted it had ever returned. They were greatly desired as they had the power to temporarily transform whoever possessed them into whatever form they wanted. This of course made these acorns highly sought after as they would be the ultimate tool for espionage.

The oak was guarded extremely well though, and for centuries was protected by one of the fiercest forces in the ancient world. Titania herself was the queen of the faeires, and she and her other subjects would never allow anyone to leave Pangea alive once they landed, much less leave with the acorns. Despite their tiny size, faeires were highly feared and rightfully so. They had enormous magical powers and as their diet consisted entirely of sacred acorns they were able to remain hidden in plain sight before their attack disguising their form to their enemies. They also were vicious killers and all had and enjoyed the taste of human flesh in the past, and hoped and prayed for some hapless human to make a new attempt so they could sink their tiny sharp fangs into a fresh victim. It had been hundreds of years since anyone had sought the acorns, and when Titania spotted the sails of Demetrius's ship on the horizon, she licked her lips in glee, savoring in advance the warm coppery flavor of human blood slaking her thirst.

Demetrius was completely unaware of any danger as he anchored his boat offshore and swam the last mile to the beach. The island was completely deserted and was covered by a dense dark forest. When he spotted several ancient ships on shore, obviously having been abandoned eons ago, he paused. Knowing that in his experience so far, nothing is easy, he was on high alert. Walking carefully into the forest on his search, his ears scanned the environment for any sound of danger. He swore to himself that he heard the very faint sound of female giggles.

Titania was invisible to him and sat high in the trees watching his every move. This was a curious hero she thought to herself as she was immediately aroused by the sight of his body. Even faery queens were not immune to the effects of Aphrodite and within her tiny pussy she felt a warm rush as her juices began to stir. She was immediately attracted to Demetrius and plotted how to have him as an urgent need was sparked in her that she could not quench.

Demetrius was very nervous as he walked further and further into the woods. He had been traveling for a little over an hour and had already had discovered at least four sets of human bones, teeth marks quite obvious on their bleached surface. Obviously there were extreme unknown dangers on this island and he would need to be on extra careful going forward. His thoughts again reached out to Aphrodite, praying that she would offer some divine protection. As he prayed, the sweet scent of Hyacinth wafted into his nostrils and compelled him to follow to its source. Titania smiled as her spell creating the phantom odor worked, and he was now following it right into her trap.

The smell of the Hyacinth also reminded him of the sweet pleasures of the Goddess, as her nectar smelled of this flower and the aroma made him instantly erect. The stronger the scent got, the more his cock throbbed and pulsed, and as he walked to a sudden light spot he finally saw it. There in a clearing in the woods was the Oak of Titania!

The tree stood out from all of the others as it appeared to be made entirely of gold and was hundreds of feet high. Thousands of acorns lay at the foot of the tree and more hung from its branches. Despite being under the spell of Titania, Demetrius smiled as he realized he only needed three acorns for his quest, and there were more than enough on the ground for him to easily gather. Stepping into the clearing however his eyelids grew incredibly heavy and he was quickly overcome by a fatigue greater than he had ever had in his life. He could not take another step and quickly lay down on the ground falling almost instantly asleep. As he drifted off, the giggling sounds he had heard earlier grew louder and the cacophony was almost deafening. Spread naked and helpless on the ground, his cock still hard as it hopelessly throbbed for release it could never have, he was quite a sight.

Faeries, despite their outward appearance as tiny beautiful women are not human at all. Being immortal, they have no need to reproduce and therefore have no natural sexual desire. There are no male faeries, and despite having the anatomy of a woman, none had ever experienced any sex act or even lustful feelings in their long existence. They all worshipped Hecate, Dark Goddess of Magic, and she was about as far away from Aphrodite as a Goddess can get. Despite this, all of them, including their queen, now struggled to understand the strange new feelings coursing through their bodies. All were confused by the strange wetness they felt in their tiny pussies, and the odd feelings of warmth for this human disturbed them. Normally they would have been swarming all over his body, ripping and tearing into his sweet flesh with their fangs, feasting on his blood, but that is not what they desired now. They wished to swarm him, but not for murder, but for something else.

Titania licked her lips as these new sensations of lust overwhelmed her. One of her tiny subjects knelt before the queen, her eyes wide with confusion and her tiny hand furiously rubbing her desperate throbbing clitoris, begging for some kind of relief. "Dearest Queen, what is this human? I do not understand what is happening to us! I want to rub my body against his instead of my fangs. What evil spell has been cast on us that has bewitched us?" Titania could not explain, but did order him bound tight as they figured out what had powers he possessed. Swarming over his sleeping body like a cloud of butterflies, Demetrius was staked out to the helplessly to the ground.

As he slept, Titania conjured the great Goddess Hecate and asked her what had happened to them. Hecate, seeing the prone and naked Demetrius on the ground frowned, recognizing the effects of Aphrodite on his body and realizing that her loyal worshippers now were under HER spell. She was not powerful enough to counteract its effect, but she told Titania that in order to release these new feelings of lust they would need to use his body for their pleasure to find relief. Once they had released and their lust had been sated, the spell should be broken, but they could not find any relief to their passion unless they took it from him. Angry that her nemesis Aphrodite was so powerful that she could torment her own supplicants by accident, Hecate disappeared in a large red cloud vowing revenge someday.

Stripping off their silken robes, the faeries began to swarm over the sleeping Demetrius. Titania herself warily approached his penis towering over her tiny body. Overcome with desire, she grasped it with her arms like a tree trunk and rubbed her hot wet cunt up and down his shaft as she squeezed her arms tight around his desperate rod. The queen was embarrassed that out of her mouth she emitted such loud groans of passion, sounding like a wild boar caught in a briar bush. Her tiny body shook as the first orgasm tore through her body, shockwaves of pleasure shooting through her brain and giving her feelings she had never had before. Falling backwards, she laid on his balls, using them as a pillow as she panted and heaved. The ache in her loins diminished slightly and she realized that only through experiencing this again would she be able to satisfy her needs and ease this insatiable hunger that had been awoken in her body.

Demetrius slowly awoke, twitching as the feeling of hundreds of tiny silken hands and feet teasing every inch of his body. As he opened his eyes, he tried to move his hands and realized he was tied. "NOT AGAIN!" he screamed as he was quite familiar with waking up in bondage and then being teased by some desperate yet beautiful woman. Blinking in disbelief, he looked down his body and was sure he must still be dreaming. All over him were at least a hundred tiny creatures and they all were rubbing themselves furiously on his body. Several knelt at the base of his balls and used their delicate hands to stroke and rub them, while also desperately stroking their own sex. His Penis was covered with tiny bodies, all stroking themselves up and down his shaft with their heads thrown back in obvious ecstasy. The sensation of all these women all over his body instantly brought him right to the edge of cumming, which of course was still locked away. Throwing his head back to the ground in frustration, his eyes rolled in his head and light moans emitted from his mouth. He had no choice but to try and endure these sensations and only hope they would end soon.

Titania, realizing Demetrius was now awake walked up his chest to his mouth, stopping briefly to kiss and suck one of his erect nipples at her feet. Standing on his chest, she looked up into his eyes with a look of both unbridled lust but also anger. She was obviously greatly enjoying these new orgasmic feelings but was disgusted that her only method for release was dependent on a mere human.

"Who are you?" she yelled, quivering as yet another rush of desire rushed over her body. "What evil spell have you cast on us?" Demetrius struggled to speak as the sensations overloading his brain from every inch of his body caused him to shake all over. His voice cracking, he explained to the beautiful tiny queen his situation. The curse, his quest, and the reason he had come to the island were all explained as Titania sat on his chest, playing with his chest hair with her foot in rapt attention. The curse of Aphrodite obviously affecting her nature, Titania was moved to help the poor horny Demetrius and made him a proposition. If he would allow his body to break the spell on her and her subjects, she would allow him to leave the island with four acorns, one more than he needed for the quest. The fourth, she explained, might come in handy as it allowed him to disguise his appearance temporarily and would definitely be useful in the completion of his remaining incredibly dangerous tasks.

Demetrius thanked the queen profusely, and lovingly leaned forward and kissed her, his lips covering almost her entire body. The feel of his tongue running over her flesh relit a flame inside and she quickly scrambled up his face and spread her legs and squatted down on his tongue, the smooth wet feel of it driving her sopping and pulsating clit wild with sensation. Within seconds, she thrashed wildly, having an explosion of ten orgasms at once, falling out of his mouth onto his chest and writhing uncontrollably for at least 20 minutes. When she came to her senses, she recognized that her driving need had noticeably abated and calculated that after two or three hundred of these events that humans call "orgasms", she would be free of the curse.

The other faeries, seeing the effect that his tongue had on their queen rushed up his chest en masse, pushing and shoving each other to get to it first. A brawl broke out and faeries were fighting and biting each other, desperate to be the next to feel his tongue on their sex. The queen, now semi-recovered from her own orgasm announced to her subjects than an arrangement had been made and that Demetrius would serve all of them and make sure they were fully satisfied before he would be released. Teams were organized, and all took their place in an amazingly organized fashion. Faeries were very efficient by nature.

One by one a lucky faery would be led to his inviting tongue and ridden to pure orgasmic bliss. While waiting, all in line were able to achieve temporary relief by stroking and kissing his flesh especially his cock and balls, and this allowed them all to maintain their sanity until they could finally be released from their erotic torment. Demetrius was now working insanely hard, twirling his tongue lightly over the endless parade of tiny clits that rode its surface. The relentless teasing of their bodies on his drove him almost mad with lust, but he had become quite an expert on being denied.

Time went into a warp for him as he became nothing but a giant toy for his microscopic assailants. Months passed and turned into years as Demetrius slaved away day and night. The curse again protected him as he certainly would have perished without food, sleep or water, but being immortal now, those normal human needs no longer concerned him. As years turned into decades, one by one the crowd of faeries got smaller and smaller as each one finally had reached the magic number of orgasms to release the spell. Finally, 50 years after he started, Titania herself was the lone assailant, and she thrashed wildly on his tongue. At last she mercifully experienced the click in her womb indicating that she had reached full satiation.

Lying asleep on his balls, the hot breath of the fully satisfied queen continued to tease poor Demetrius, even as she slumbered. When she awoke, she looked up at her savior not with hate, or even unbridled lust, but overwhelming gratitude. He had served her and her subjects well, and now would be rewarded. Clapping her tiny hands together, she ordered his bonds cut, and for the first time in half a century Demetrius could stretch his arms and legs out straight and stood up.

He was incredibly stiff and sore, and his cock drooled almost continuously having been teased for so long, but he was grateful to be free. Kneeling down and pressing his face close to the ground, he took the tiny foot of Titania in his hand and gently kissed it, thanking her for helping him. She ordered her subjects to give him the four acorns as she had promised and they all flew beside him as he walked back to his ship. As he sailed off to his next quest, the faeries stood on the shore and all waved goodbye, still glowing from the after effects of having their lust first enflamed and then satisfied by their giant lover. None would ever forget his fateful visit to the island.

Now free from the Island, Demetrius knelt and gave praise to Aphrodite for once again saving him, adding another pitiful and hopeless request to finally allow him to release his cum. As usual, his prayer was answered with silence. Consulting his map, he was most concerned about his next quest. Obtaining a lock of hair from the beast of Prion was not going to be easy, but it was the only way he would EVER be able to earn his release so he set sail for the Island of Prion, hoping his luck would continue as this may be his most difficult quest yet.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

50 fucking years holy shit how is he not insane.

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