Aphrodisia Ch. 06


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It was all so lovely.

After swilling away the last of his drink Duncan was just about to reach for his car keys when he saw her. She was sat alone, just like him. For a moment the man simply stared in awe as the girl absently ran her fingers through her long raven black hair. After all he had never seen such immaculate perfection. Her smooth alabaster skin made her stand out in the darkness though he couldn't help but wonder why he'd not noticed her before now. She was young, true enough, but he was honestly surprised that the entire bar hadn't fallen silent when she'd entered. More to the point she was just his type. Pixie like features, bright green eyes and a youthful appearance. She wore a light pink lipstick and a little too much make-up. The flaw that made her perfect. He would so have enjoyed washing that clutter of makeup away from her eyes before feeding her his already throbbing...


Not now, in such a public place. Much of his life was spent covering up what he was, what he did. To give it away now in such a place would be the height of foolishness. As soon as he tore his eyes away from her beauty he managed to blink himself back to his senses. No, he would simply go to his car and then call Tiffany, she was one of his favourites. His frustration would simply have to be worked out upon her. She might have been bright but there were some problems in his university textbooks that she wasn't yet ready for. When she failed her punishment would be severe.

Without daring to look at the raven haired girl he left immediately for the door. When he finally got to his car he found his hands trembling as he tried to slot the key into the door. Falling inside the safe confines of his vehicle he took a long moment to catch his breath.

What the hell is wrong with me!? He thought to himself.

Inside his trousers his member strained for relief. It had only been a glance at the girl but that was more than enough. Thoughts raced through his brain of all the things he would so enjoy doing to her. What did she sound like when she cried?

The soft tapping on the passenger side window snapped him out of his waking wet dream. Duncan's eyes opened and he turned his head slowly to tell whoever it was to get lost. Then he saw her, standing there beside the door. She seemed a little bit older than he thought when he first saw her. Perhaps twenty or twenty two at the most. His mouth went dry as she made a rolling gesture with her hand to lower the window. It didn't take long for him to comply.

"Hey, you're Mr Bratt aren't you?" The girl's voice was sweet and playful, ringing in his ears cheerfully.

Duncan had to clear his throat, the mucus he managed to cough up managed to wet his mouth enough for him to speak.

"Yes." Was all he could manage.

"Oh! Great. Look I took your class about three years ago. 'Think it was your first year? Anyway I got the last bus here to meet my boyfriend and guess what? No boyfriend and no bus home. Normally I'd just call a cab but I don't have the thirty five pounds to pay him when I get there. Was wondering if you'd gimme a lift?"

Duncan didn't even hear her until she mentioned the ride home. He was doing everything he could not to look between the exposed cleavage of her snugly fitted shirt.

"You want a ride home?" The mathematician couldn't believe his ears.

"Aye." She replied, the highland lilt in her voice becoming a little more pronounced.

"Hop in then, I can't leave a lady stranded now can I?" He did his best to smile at her without hyperventilating. God his cock felt like it was about to explode from his pants! Privately he thanked the heavens he was sat down.

The car door popped open and he saw her knee length skirt for the first time. Her boyfriend was probably going to get very lucky tonight. Or at least he would have if he'd have bothered showing up. Still, his loss was Duncan's gain.

Until now he'd never considered himself a rapist. He was of course but that didn't stop him deluding himself. The girls he taught were putting themselves up for it after all and he was even paid for the services he offered them! Right then however Duncan knew that tonight he would take this girl, willing or not. As she slipped into the passenger seat next to him and gave him that pixie-like smile he was already thinking of a way to do the deed and get away. He didn't care about his job anymore, just what was waiting for him beneath that skirt.

"What's your name? I'm sorry I don't remember." He asked as he thought of the best place to park up and ravage her.

"Cassie." She replied, still looking at him gratefully.

"Lets get you home safely Cassie" Duncan couldn't help but smile to himself as he pulled out of the parking lot.

- - - - -

Just behind Sonya's house was a field. It was actually part of a large area of parkland that had been designed to give the London suburb back some greenery. During the day it was actually quite beautiful, especially given the late autumn month as soft fallen leaves blanketed the ground.

It was in amongst these leaves that Jamie and Sonya were currently lying side by side whilst desperately trying to catch their breath.

"Ok" Jamie finally said between needful gasps of air. "That was amazing."

"I told you." Sonya replied when her lungs stopped burning.

"Hey I just said it would be freezing, not that it wouldn't be great."

"Well ok, it is freezing. Not as bad as you thought though is it?" She turned her head and stuck her tongue out at him. He took the opportunity to lightly nip it with his teeth.

"Well since Allison decided to mess around with my body I don't really get cold...or feel pain for that matter."

"Yeah I've sort of been wanting to mention that too Jamie. Me and Gwen were talking to Elisha earlier whilst you were in the kitchen, wanting to know what you two had gotten up to last night. Yeah we're nosey like that." She gave his cock a light playful squeeze. "She told us that you crushed solid stone with your bare hands."

There was a rather long silence after that. Jamie remained quite still as he looked up at the cloudy starless autumn sky.

"It's ok," Sonya continued. "I mean we're not scared of you or freaked out by it or anything."

Jamie turned his head to give her a rather direct look that was quite clearly sceptical.

"Alright then, we are slightly freaked out by it but the point is we're not freaked out by you. All this is a pretty huge dose of weird to take in at once. Gods are real? I'm apparently screwing the man of steel on a regular basis? Polygamy is surprisingly great? I mean just a few days ago if you'd have told me all this I'd have sent you to a rubber room. Now it's just..." She left her words hanging.

"Weird." Jamie agreed.

"Exactly. My point is that you really should know that we're not afraid of you or freaked out by you Jamie. We love you. As if we haven't said it enough already. Although with all that's going on if you see us looking at you strangely it's probably because we're worried you're about to sprout wings and fly away. Not because we're scared of you."

Her words were far more comforting to Jamie than she realised. He had known since that morning that he was no longer entirely human. Allison had said that part of her power was inside him. It let him read minds, crush solid stone with his bare hands and who knew what else? Part of him, a very big part of him, loved it. The power and the possibilities weren't lost on the nineteen year old. Yet there was another side, a constant doubt that plagued him that in the old stories humans very rarely interacted with the ancient gods and came out better for it. Those that were part human and part god fared even worse.

In all this it was incredibly reassuring to know he was not alone. Being what he was would not push away the women he loved. Part of the weight placed upon him by his wonderful goddess was lifted and her words echoed in his mind. They would indeed all need each other very much.

"Hey Sergeant Stoicism!" Sonya suddenly said whilst sitting up to slide over and straddle his hips. With a slight smirk on her face she casually poked him in the chest.

Jamie snapped out of his thoughts and back to reality immediately. She really did look stunningly beautiful in the darkness. With gentle fingers he lightly caressed the over the smooth skin over her abdomen to gently cup her small breasts in his hands.

"Suddenly wishing Gwen was here?" The woman lightly teased as Gwen's assets in that particular area outsized Sonya's by several bra sizes.

"I always wish Gwen was with us." Jamie answered simply. "But if you think you're outdone by her then you should probably know I'm as much a fan of your breasts as I am of the rest of you. And I'm a very big fan of the rest of you."

Jamie lifted his body to lower his mouth to lightly suck one of her nipples between his lips. He felt her heart beat faster, hell he could actually hear it now. His senses were becoming sharper by the moment allowing him to adore her all the more. The intoxicating scent of her body, of her sweet natural aroma mixed with her shampoo, perfume and of course the tantalising fragrance of her arousal made him feel almost delirious with lust. The musical lilt to her sharp intake of breath as his teeth lightly nipped her naked skin was a delightful prologue to the moans that would follow.

Reaching out, her hands gently grasped the sides of his head letting him feel her long delicate fingers lovingly caress through his dark hair. A cool rush of air swept over his groin as she lifted her bottom from his lap. The chill was soon drowned out as she slipped the head of his length against her smooth, wet and thoroughly aroused pussy and he once again felt himself plunge deeply into her searing heat.

It was his turn to gasp as her pink wet folds tightened around his length, moulding perfectly to his shape and sending shockwaves of sensation through him. She took the initiative and pushed him down to lie on his back. Her knees dug into the soft leaves beneath them as she placed her hands on either side of his head and looked down into his eyes. He could see her dark form perfectly despite the lack of illumination. The tousled locks of her dirty blonde hair made her look wild, almost feral as her expression melted to pure desire. Her small breasts hung freely in the night air and the sight of her slender, firm body was enough to send any man over the edge.

Fortunately Jamie wasn't just any man and the highly aroused female was not done with him yet. With a series of passionate moans she began to ride his cock, slowly at first as she savoured the feel of him inside her once again. The boy watched as the woman slowly rocked her perfectly proportioned ass back and forth against him. She gave a lusty smile as she looked down at him before raising herself up to rest her hands behind her, grasping his thighs as she completely exposed her naked body shamelessly. The clouds above them parted as the wind blew harder between the trees allowing the moon to shower them with light.

Jamie saw the gorgeous woman, oblivious to the world around them, grinding herself against him and whispered to her amidst heavy breaths of how beautiful she was. Her long legs opened wider as she slid her knees through the leaves and lifted her arms to run her hands through her hair. Jamie watched as his cock buried itself deep inside her over and over again. His hands, previously resting over his head as he laid back against the ground, reached out to grasp her hips as they increased their thrilling pace.

She was now bouncing up and down on his cock with increasing fervour. The feel of her juices slowly dripping down along his shaft and over his balls was unbelievable. The previously painfully shy teaching assistant was aggressively riding his cock in the early hours of the morning and clearly getting herself off on her own exhibitionism, even if it was just for him.

She rode herself through two powerful climaxes before he steadied his feet on the ground and used the leverage to fuck her senseless. His cock was a blur as it pounded her pussy relentlessly and she screamed in ecstasy before he silenced her by pulling her down to lie against him and crushing his mouth against hers. At the moment he felt the familiar gush of her juices squirt against his cock he allowed himself to tip over the edge and let himself go. As he filled her with load after load of his hot cream she pulled her mouth away from his and let out a silent scream, shivering with intense pleasure as her climaxes crashed like fierce stormy waves against the shoreline. Then as he himself revelled in the sensation of his intense orgasm he felt her collapse against his broad chest and begin to breathe once more.


"Hrrrmmm?" She murmured contently.

"I really love you." He said as his arms wrapped about her body and he plated a kiss against her brow.

"Ahwuvuwtuw." She groggily replied before her tongue flicked out to lick his chest in a gesture that obviously said: 'Mine'

"We should go back inside and get some sleep."

Sonya gave a long mournful sigh at that but didn't put up any arguments otherwise. She knew that this little jaunt into the night was something they both needed but didn't exactly relish the idea of waking up at 6am that morning either.

"Oh and there was one last thing I need to do before I forget." Jamie said.

"Mmmm?" Sonya inquired groggily..

With that Jamie rolled her onto her back and they made love lazily once more before finally heading back home.

- - - - -

As dawn finally arrived over the British Isles it lit up a long empty stretch of road that snaked its way through several square miles of forest land. A little ways out into the forest where it could not be seen from the road Duncan Bratt had parked his car. The car itself was perfectly still as was its surroundings. Were it not for the clear ringing of a cell phone coming from the car and disturbing the peace of the quiet surroundings someone could be forgiven for thinking the car had simply been abandoned from a distance. Yet as they approached they would have seen the two figures in the front seats and all the horror that came with such a view.

Duncan was slowly waking up from where he had slept through the night. His first thought was of how terribly cold his car had gotten as he slept. Then he remembered exactly where he was and a feeling of pure joy snaked through his heart. It had all started so horribly. The girl, Cassie? Yes, that was her name. She had realised what was going on when he started to pull over. He hadn't really thought of that. Of course he was so preoccupied with thoughts of fucking her raw that he wasn't thinking of anything else. At first she tried to run but he'd caught her. Pinning her to the ground was more difficult than he had anticipated but things had gotten better from there.

Her screams and cries had been pleasing of course and finding out she had been a virgin was probably the happiest moment of his life. It wasn't until after the blood had flowed and she had assumed the usual far away look that many of his girls adopted that things had gotten truly spectacular. She had actually started to like it! Little moans at first betrayed her and then she started moving with him.

She told him she liked it, wanted it. She'd told him all kinds of sickeningly arousing things to make him hurt her more. Finally they had come back to the car and...then what happened?

He opened his eyes to find his legs weren't there anymore. Only two crimson stumps remained where they had once been. How was he going to drive home? When he tried to reach for his cellphone to call someone out to help him he also discovered his right hand was missing. That was definitely odd wasn't it?

Then he felt fingers brushing lightly over his cheek and turned his head to see Cassie sat beside him. Suddenly all his worries simply seemed to evaporate. He felt his heart jump in his chest at the sight of her. He didn't see the blood he poured out onto the floor of the car because of it.

"Is this love?" He thought to himself as she smiled at him.

Cassie then reached into her pocket and the ringing stopped. She answered the phone cheerfully, that sweet voice rang in his ears and he listened attentively as her hand lovingly stroked through his hair.

"Yup?" She said casually. "No, just feeding my boys lunch...I already ate...Oh I don't know, some guy...Yes I suppose...Where?...Alright...Name?..." Then she laughed, it made Duncan want to sing. "No, I was just expecting something a little more important...No, no I'll do it...Jamie Sloane. Got it...Yes I'll pay him a visit." She flipped the cell phone closed and looked back at him. He wanted to cry now, she was such a true beauty. Maybe they could run away together?

"Well, sorry Duncan. I have to get going. I'll leave you with my friends, they've really enjoyed you. Oh and you were really great, I haven't tasted desperate obsession like that in a long time." She leaned forward and gave his cheek a light kiss and then left the car.

As he heard the low growling noise coming from the back seat he wanted only to go after her but he was now so sleepy he couldn't think to speak, his mind simply couldn't put the words together. Even when the large hand covered in black oily scales wrapped around his throat, all he felt was the loss and pain of her absence. The last thought to go through his head before his spine was snapped like a twig was one of envy.

"Jamie Sloane, whoever he is, is a very lucky man."

- - - - -

Authors Note: Hey guys, hope you enjoyed this chapter! The next one should be out a lot sooner than this. I'd just like to apologise for its lateness but life and a serious case of writers block got in the way. Also I'm sorry this one was a little light on the screwing but I had a lot of other stuff to get through. The next chapter does make up for that though. I'm about three quarters of the way through it at the moment so hopefully it'll be out in the next few weeks. Comments and feedback is always appreciated but be aware that I will not be replying via email. Instead I'm going to update my profile with answers to any questions y'all might have so if you email me in future then click my name up there and check out the Biography tab once in a while to see if I've answered you. This isn't because I don't like to reply personally but rather because I don't want the minority of raging crazies getting my email address. Anyway thanks for reading and sticking with Aphrodisia, you folks keep me going!

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armytom1958armytom19584 months ago

I've read this story a few times. Really enjoy the story line progression and each character as they are added. Kept checking back to see if you've add additional chapters. No luck. I saw in your Bio that you updated in 2022 that you intend to add to your stories here. But here it is 2024, and you have nothing new posted. I really hope you at least finish this story. Too many here start great stories and never finish them. I hope you are not one of them. Thanks for sharing here. Tom

tinfoilhattinfoilhat8 months ago

Man this is a good story. Too bad it's almost over. Someone should finish this.

NovaMNovaM9 months ago

Tenser and tenser 🧟‍♀️♥️🎉 Yep, this is where things start flying through the air, with the greatest of ease.

Long and sharp teeth, ridiculously strong muscles and adept warrior princesses.

The story is reaching escape velocity, @Lien_Geller, we fly with you 🚀🌸🦄✈️

Thank you 🤎

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Yyes, I love the story...and I love the turns it has in the plot/storyline...

Cassie....Hhhmmm...she is a problem, one Jamie can take care of! Evil, personified, makes the plot thicken...

You have 'just enough' eroticism in this chapter to keep it going...those involved are all fortunate to have found each other, forged the bonds, continuing to turn out their LOVE for each other!!



AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago


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