Anything I Want?


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"Of course," he replied, looking a little confused, "but it's on your phone. Unless you show it to someone..."

"Oh, I'm sending a copy to you," she breathed, stroking his dick faster, "I want you to look at it, and I want you to be rock hard when you look forward to our next 'date'. Got it?"

"Yes, ma'am," he breathed.

Not that he needed a video. He would be replaying every second of this evening over and over in his mind.

* * *

Neither of them could wait for the next weekend and their next date. Tuesday night, Jake was back at her condo. Unlike the laborious half hour required for their first anal coupling, he was pounding her sweet asshole twelve minutes after he walked in her front door this time. Jackie was completely naked, lying on her back with her legs thrown over Jake's muscular shoulders. She was wide-eyed as that first intense orgasm ripped through her body. It happened so fast!

It took her breath away, and she feared she would pass out from the force of her orgasm. She felt like Jake's voice was calling her away from the edge of that abyss. His voice was ragged, nearly a sob as he got a single word out with each thrust of his magnificent rod into her achingly tight little hole.

"So...fucking...good!" he gasped.

Jackie's eyes locked onto his, and she shuddered through a second spectacular orgasm as he swelled and exploded deep inside her. He stopped thrusting and held his pulsing dick all the way inside her to the hilt. At the same time, he reached down to lightly stroke her forehead and cheek. There was loving disbelief in his eyes as he looked at her face and gently touched her. That scared her a little bit.

"What's got you so worked up tonight," she managed to get out, "were you watching that video?"

"No," he sighed. "I couldn't stop thinking about it, but it was Andrea who made it unbearable."

Jackie cocked her head and her brow furrowed. "What do you mean? Does she know?"

"No," he replied, shaking his head. "She has been teasing me about it though. She was teasing me with her ass, if that makes any sense."

Andrea had a nice, ample backside. It was the kind of voluptuous bottom that an ass-man would love to spend a few decades worshipping. Jackie could just picture her friend waving that sweet, pear-shaped ass in front of Jake. It gave her a start to realize how she now considered such a move. Jake was such a sweetheart, and made an obvious target for teasing. It was Andrea who now seemed like the obnoxious one in her mind, and Jackie could imagine turning the tables on her long-time friend to give her what she deserved.

"What on earth are you thinking?" Jake breathed, seeing the evil grin that spread across her face.

"I'm thinking it's high time you got to fuck Andrea in her teasing little asshole," Jackie purred up at him.

Unable to help it, Jake groaned at the thought and his cock gave a delicious lurch inside Jackie's bottom.

"Oh, you like that idea too, don't you?" she continued. "Can you imagine what will happen to poor Andrea when I set her up for you? You can practically see it now, can't you, Jake. Andrea just helpless to resist as you take that nice, fat dick and start filling her tight little ass with it."

Her words became an incoherent jumble. Their blazing eyes locked and Jake resumed driving into her hungry asshole with his suddenly renewed and throbbing erection. She was a dream come true for him. Not only was she happily taking every thrust of his cock in her ass, but she was going to help him get into Andrea's delectable backside as well. In the afterglow of that second energetic ass-fucking, they lay in her bed and plotted Andrea's downfall.

* * *

Andrea was surprised to get that phone call from Jackie the next afternoon. Jackie had sounded a little nervous over the phone, as if she could not talk freely. Andrea was intrigued, of course, but did not suspect a thing. When Jackie asked if she was free for drinks later, Andrea was happy to oblige.

"That sounds great," she said, "I'd love to meet you for drinks."

"Not out in public," Jackie hastily added, "We need to be someplace we won't be overheard."

That got Andrea's undivided attention. She did not know if it involved Jake, but that smacked of a really juicy story and she was hooked. "My place okay, or would you prefer for me to come over there?" Andrea whispered breathlessly into her phone.

"Your place is fine," Jackie said, "I'll see you at six, okay?"

"Okay." Andrea looked at her phone as she returned it to her desk. The last three hours of work dragged by as she looked forward to this evening with Jackie. Her imagination ran wild as she contemplated all sorts of possibilities. What would Jackie have to reveal?

* * *

Jackie had practiced her part the night before. She knew that she could keep that dreamy expression on her face when she described in delicious detail how incredible it felt to have Jake's massive cock buried in her ass. There was more—much more—that she had prepared to plant the seed in Andrea's mind. It all started with an apology, though. Jackie sat at her friend's dining room table and took a long sip of the cool drink before she blurted it out.

"I am so, so sorry, Andrea," she said. The rest followed all in a rush, "I know I should have checked with you first, but there he was. And then it just...happened."

Andrea froze. She stared at the dreamy expression on Jackie's face, as her own expression turned to wide-eyed disbelief.

"What just happe—whoa!" she leaned forward in her chair, "Are you saying you and actually let him...?"

Jackie nodded. That dreamy smile never left her lips. "Jake came over last night. He was upset because you had been teasing him. He said you were 'teasing him with your ass' and he was all worked up. I felt bad for the guy, but I still wasn't sure I could actually take him like that. And then we were in my bedroom, and he was so nice and irresistible. I couldn't believe it was happening when he started—to be fair, I don't think he could believe it either."

"Oh, god," Andrea gasped excitedly. "Didn't it hurt?"

"At first," Jackie nodded, "it hurt like hell for the first couple of minutes. But even then I knew it was going to be amazing. You were absolutely right, Andrea, he was so gentle and nice. He was like a completely different Jake than the guy I have known for years."

Andrea moaned and nodded. She knew exactly how Jake could be. It was the reason she loved having him in her bed. The massive pussy-pleaser between his legs was amazing, but it was more of a perk. Jake would have been an incredible lover even if he wasn't so well-endowed.

Jackie completely changed course, then. It was so abrupt that Andrea shook her head trying to figure out where this was going.

"You remember Oscar, from back when we were in college, right?"

Oscar was a guy they had both dated. Andrea had been with him their junior year, and Jackie had dated him a year or so later.

"Um, yeah," Andrea mumbled. "I remember Oscar."

"He had the thickest cock I ever had in my ass before Jake," Jackie said dreamily, "You know how that felt. Having that thick cock head driving into your ass, and the way it pressed your g-spot with every stroke. That was why I knew Jake was going to give me the most intense orgasms once I could take him in my ass."

"You let Oscar fuck your ass?" Andrea blurted out. She hadn't even considered taking Oscar in her asshole, but that thick shaft had felt remarkable in her pussy.

"You didn't? Oh, Andrea," Jackie feigned surprise and shook her head. "You really missed out on a treat."

Andrea was unaware that she was gulping her mixed drink until she went to take a sip and it was empty. Without even thinking about it, she got up and started mixing another. She was hanging on every word coming out of Jackie's mouth. Andrea was no anal virgin. She simply had not enjoyed it nearly as much as Jackie had. To hear Jackie describe it, though, made it sound far more enjoyable than Andrea recalled from her limited experience.

Part of that, though, sounded like she had simply not allowed the right guys to have access to her tender backdoor. Andrea had just assumed that guys with thick cocks like Oscar would be worse than the smaller-dicked guys that she had allowed to fuck her ass. She had never considered what Jackie was now describing: the intense pleasure of a thick cock head deep in her ass. Andrea was soaking wet by the time she drained that second mixed drink.

Her legs were shaky as Andrea made her way back to the kitchen to mix another drink, but not from the alcohol she had consumed. Her pussy was on fire with arousal, and her asshole was practically twitching at the detailed erotic images Jackie had conjured up. There was still that part of her mind that refused the idea of Jake's massive cock going into her asshole. She could not help but imagine her little sphincter being ripped by such a severe stretching. However, that part of her mind now had to contend with something new.

She could actually imagine intense pleasure from having a nice, thick cock deep inside her bottom. The dreamy look on Jackie's face when she described the intense orgasms she had experienced forced Andrea to rethink her entire stance. It wasn't just Jake, either. There was Oscar, and there were a handful of other guys that Jackie described. Some of those were men that Andrea knew. She was beginning to feel like she had just missed out on something spectacular.

She was halfway through that third mixed drink, and was beginning to feel the effects of the alcohol. Jackie's next words made her blood run cold.

"Well, I've gone on far too long about all that," Jackie said quietly, "I really came here to apologize. I didn't mean to steal Jake from you, Andrea."

"What!?" Andrea was once again thrown by this sudden change of direction. "What are you talking about, Jackie?"

"Jake said you were going to break up. He said you were the one who mentioned it first. Didn't you say that he should date me, since I would be giving him what he wanted?"

"Well, I did say that, but I was kidding! I can't believe he told you that. I can't believe he thought I was serious! Dammit!" Andrea slurped down half of her third mixed drink in one long gulp.

"Whoa, slow down there, Andrea!" Jackie cautioned. "I'm sorry. The way Jake said it, I thought you were serious about breaking things off with him. I just assumed you guys had never been that serious, and you were ready to move on anyway. I take it, from your response, that you were more interested in him than you let on?"

Andrea really had to think about it before she could answer. A montage of wonderful moments with Jake played through her tipsy mind. Worse, she now had intense images that Jackie had planted as well, of Jake pounding her friend's sexy ass. Jake's massive cock overlaid images of his loving face looking down at her.

"I don't want to lose him," she sobbed. Jackie got up and hustled around the table to comfort her friend. "What am I going to do, Jackie?"

"Oh, that's easy," Jackie smiled reassuringly, "You know what he really wants. All you have to do is give it to him."

Andrea blinked as she looked at her friend's warm smile. It really was that simple, wasn't it? All she had to do was—whoa! Wait, was she seriously considering this?

"I don't know if I can do that," she gasped weakly.

"Sure you can," Jackie said, squeezing her shoulders reassuringly, "and you're going to love it! Trust me."

"How can you be so sure?"

"Because I'm going to help you," Jackie smiled, and then she went over to pick up her purse. She had come prepared to help Andrea with this very thing.

The two of them had, back in their college days, done some wild things together. It was those memories that made Andrea want to watch when Jackie originally lost that bet to her hung boyfriend. The two women were a study in contrasts. Andrea had long blonde hair and was voluptuous, with larger breasts and hips. Jackie kept her auburn hair cut to shoulder length, and she had a tight, toned body. Each of them thought the other woman was sexy, but the truth is that both of them were.

Andrea drained her third mixed drink, and allowed Jackie to lead her to her bedroom. She had drunk enough alcohol, and she was so turned on from Jackie's erotic stories, that she was incredibly aroused as Jackie stripped off her clothing. Her eyes widened when she watched Jackie lay out a trio of increasingly large dildos, as well as a bottle of anal lubricant.

"You may have to tie me up for this to work," she blurted out.

"That may be a good idea," Jackie replied, nodding thoughtfully.

Andrea couldn't believe she had said it. She was just drunk enough that she didn't realize Jackie had subtly coaxed her into saying it. Ten minutes later, though, she was tied spread-eagled on her bed, and she gasped as Jackie worked the first thick dildo into her well-lubricated backdoor.

This had been part of the scheme Jake had suggested the night before. Although Jackie was vaguely aware of it, Jake knew that Andrea really got a thrill out of being tied up and used. She just would never allow Jake to do anything with her sexy bottom. This time, she was tied to her bed specifically to allow Jackie to work over her tight asshole.

Andrea was shocked when that thick artificial cock forced an amazing orgasm from her. "Oh my god!" she gasped in disbelief, "I had no idea..." Her words trailed off as her eyeballs rolled up in her head. Jackie smiled in satisfaction as she watched her friend's entire body tremble through that first intense orgasm. Within minutes, Andrea was eagerly pushing her shapely bottom back to force more of the dildo into her stretched rectum.

It was all an incredible blur of sensual delights for Andrea. She was not even aware of it when Jackie switched to the second and third dildo. She was only aware of how much more intense the pleasure became. Jackie had not shown her friend the largest dildo, the monster that was just slightly smaller than Jake's massive dick. She reached into her purse for it when Andrea was gasping through her fifth anal orgasm.

"Ohhh, that is big," Andrea groaned when that thick tool was sliding into her. It wasn't a complaint.

Jackie was completely right! Andrea thought as that thick dildo picked up speed, driving in and out of her ass. I never knew how much pleasure I could get from having my asshole fucked. This is amazing!

She shook and babbled as she had her most intense orgasm of the night. As she lay panting in the afterglow of that orgasm, she completely missed hearing the soft knock at her door. Jackie leaned down and planted a soft kiss on her cheek.

"I'll be right back," she whispered.

"Okay," Andrea gasped, nodding her head.

Jake could not believe his eyes when Jackie led him into Andrea's bedroom. Oh, Jackie had described this exact scene, but he still couldn't believe he was seeing it. He was almost numb, stripping off his clothes quietly as Jackie resumed driving her biggest dildo in and out of Andrea's eager backdoor. When he was naked, Jackie handed him the lube and had him prepare his cock.

"Are you ready for the big one?" Jackie growled into Andrea's ear, just loudly enough for Jake to hear it.

"Yes!" Andrea gasped out, "Yes! Fuck me with that big dick!"

Andrea felt Jackie shifting on the bed after she had withdrawn the thick dildo from her ass. She felt empty and ached to be filled again. Jackie licked her lips and grinned at Jake as she took hold of his shaft and guided it to Andrea's waiting asshole.

At first, Andrea thought that it was Jackie's legs that were touching hers, and she wondered if this was a strap-on. It really stretched her asshole, and she groaned out loud.

"Isn't it amazing?" Jackie asked when half of Jake's cock was buried in Andrea's ass.

"Yes!" Andrea practically sobbed, "I never imagined it could be like this."

By the time she realized that she now had a real, live cock in her ass, it was buried in her to the hilt.

"What...?" she gasped, turning her head to see who it was.

Jake leaned onto her back and kissed her passionately. Then he started to fuck his girlfriend's sexy ass the way he had always dreamed. The orgasms she had enjoyed from those dildos could not hold a candle to what she now experienced. She saw fireworks as her pussy juices soaked her sheets. Jackie was in front of her, then.

"I knew you could do it," she said, leaning in to kiss Andrea on her gasping mouth.

Andrea kissed her back weakly, but she was far too focused on the amazing sensations coming from her ravaged asshole as Jake began to give it the serious fucking it needed.

Jackie gently untied Andrea's wrists and ankles before she stood and stripped where both of her friends could see her. She began working two lubricated fingers in and out of her asshole as she joined them in the bed. She kissed Jake as he pounded Andrea's eager ass from behind. Andrea was delirious as she came yet again.

"I promised you could have anything you wanted," Jackie said huskily into Jake's ear. "You got to fuck my ass, and now you're getting Andrea's sweet ass as well. Was it everything you hoped it would be?"

"Oh, god!" Jake gasped, losing it at her words.

His body shook as he filled Andrea's tight ass with that first, massive load of cum. Jackie licked his earlobe and bit it softly. Jake never got the chance to go soft. Jackie's next statement had him raring to go even after the intensity of that incredible climax.

"Now you have to give Andrea what she wanted, Jake. You have to let her watch while you fuck me in my tight little asshole. Do you think you can do that for us, Jake?"

Jackie knelt on the bed next to Andrea, reaching back to spread her ass cheeks and expose her own horny asshole. Jake pulled his still-throbbing boner from Andrea's clutching ass and moved over to press it against Jackie's eager little flower.

"I will do my best," he groaned.

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HighBrowHighBrowabout 2 months ago

Where did Phil go?

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

Pretty gross that the only foreplay for anal is a blowjob.

jrwr7jrwr77 months ago

What an epic. Jackie was the best. I can't wait to share this story with my wife. We don't do threesomes and are not into anal, but stories like this really light the fires.

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