Another Secret of Witchcraft 05

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A magic wand that vibrates.
2.3k words

Part 5 of the 9 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 08/13/2019
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[Part 5]

A magic wand that vibrates

Edited by A_Little_Show's spouse

Please start with Parts 1, 2, 3, and 4. Many events in this chapter won't make any sense unless you know how the characters got here.

Summary so far: Andrea is a witch. She casts her spells by wiggly her clitoris instead of her nose. She's an unrepentant exhibitionist with a particular kink for masturbating in front of crowds. She recaptures some half forgotten thrills vicariously through Elfman's tribulations. She's put him through the wringer multiple times.

Warning: This part includes a brief discussion about hypothetical rape. Nobody is harmed.

---------- ~ ----------

"How did you even know It's my birthday?" Andrea asked with a guarded stare at Elfman's sheepish grin.

"It's on your student ID. I saw it when you got us into the rec center."

"What's in the package?" Andrea couldn't recall anyone outside her immediate family ever giving her a birthday present. The last time had been years ago.

Elfman brandished a brown cardboard Amazon Prime box. "Open it and see," he suggested. "There's just one thing," he amended, "If you don't like it or are offended, don't turn me into a frog - maybe a dog or a dragon - not a frog."

"Ha-ha." Andrea groaned. "Right now I'm hungry. If I could turn you into anything, it would be into someone who buys me dinner instead of handing me mail bombs."

Elfman shrugged is shoulders while he loomed over her thrusting the package at her. She accepted the offering and asked, "Should I open it now?"

"Yes, please." Elfman grinned. "Oh, but let me take a picture of your candid reaction." He started fishing for his phone in a pocket.

Andrea already felt guilty for embarrassing Elfman so many times - so many more times than he even remembered. She felt guilty for enjoying every minute of it. Then, to do something like this - buy her a birthday present. After weeks of playing with him, she didn't even know his real name until that moment when she read the mailing label.

A black lacquered fingernail poked a hole in the packing tape and ripped open the box.

Elfman crouched getting a better angle to her bowed head while she examined the contents.

"A magic wand?" Andrea lifted the shrink wrapped inner package. The box art depicted a magician and his scantily clad assistant with sparks flying from the magician's wand.

"Keep going!" Elfman sounded excited.

She brushed the cardboard shipping box and packing material from her bed to the floor. She slid a styrofoam encased object from the box.

Elfman asked, "Do you like it?"

"I still don't know what it is." Andrea looked straight into the camera. "Stop recording this and tell me what's going on here."

Elfman deflated. He sat beside her on the edge of her bed with his hip touching hers. "I thought you might like to play with it. You know, it fits into your exhibitionist fantasies. Right? Like, the way you had me strip you at the lawn party instead of doing it yourself. Didn't you say it was hotter that way?"

"I still don't get it."

"It's a remote control vibrator. You see, on the handle of the wand, there are speed settings. It communicates with this part." Elfman lifted a pill shaped shiny metal object the size of her pinky finger. "You see, there are these clips, and you wear it inside your panties."


Elfman's face sank. "I thought you would like it." A silence stretched. "I wanted to give you pleasure like when you told me to strip you." He seemed so earnest.

"So, it's a vibrator that you control? You control my orgasms?"

"Sort of like that," he acknowledged. "You don't like it?"

"Isn't a gift like this a little presumptuous?" Andrea's emotion couldn't be read. It wasn't anger.

"Yes, I see that now." Elfman inhaled. "I'm sorry."

"You don't have to be sorry." Andrea produced a charitable smile.

Elfman tried, "remember when you said - if people don't want to see you naked through the window, they shouldn't be looking through the window. You said it was all on them."

"OK. Where are you going with this?"

"I really enjoy watching you. Your um - pleasure, turns me on more that anything. It blows my mind - it's so exciting. I thought, you know, you would like if it it was 'all on me'."

"You just put your finger on one of the problems with your gift. Don't you see? I still control what people can see when I prance around this room naked. Other people only control whether to look. It's good for me because I want them to WANT to look. I want them to want me. But, I still control what they see."

"What are the other problems?"

"I shouldn't have to explain myself to you, Elfman." Her lips twisted with a hint of anguish. "But I will. I'll let you even deeper into my world - the Universe only knows why though." She sighed and continued, "You know better than anyone but me how much awesome comic power I wield. My," She made air quotes and said, "um - pleasure, as you say - is the key to my spells. I can't give up control over that. I can't trust it to a lover. If I let you control my - me - you would be my lover." She held up a hand to halt whatever Elfman tried to say. "Yes. It would make you my lover. Is sliding your penis into me really what makes the difference? No! It's about giving up control. It's about being vulnerable. Lovers are vulnerable to each other."

"I'm vulnerable to you." Elfman didn't lie.

"I'd say I'm sorry for that," Andrea soothed, "but, I'm not really sorry. Please don't take this the wrong way, but you are my toy. You have been a fabulous toy."

"Are you done with me?" Elfman was crestfallen. "Will I remember any of this?"

"I have to confess." Andrea's face screwed up into a sour lemon expression. "I don't think I could make you forget anymore if I tried. I fear - if I push the universe too hard for something like that, she'll just kill you or worse. I mean, at this point, how plausible is it that you'd just forget everything from the last few weeks. You'd have to have major head trauma - at least." Andrea tilted her head against Elfman's shoulder. "I'm the one who's sorry. I should never have pulled you so far into it."

"You made hundreds of people forget the lawn party, and somehow you deleted all of the photographic evidence. Nobody died."

Andrea sighed again. "Are you trying to talk me into making you forget?"

"No." Elfman conceded.

"As it happens," Andrea explained, "I learned a few things about the aftermath of the lawn party."


"Ambulances were called. Some people were hospitalized. Someone spiked the beer with bath salts or molly or whatever. They were all paranoid and suggestible. That DJ - he turned out to be kind of cult leader. He talked people into smashing 'electronic surveillance devices'. I probably don't have the details right. Some people ran away with him and haven't returned. The university police have been keeping it all hush hush. At least, that's what I heard."

"You did that?"

"I didn't do it specifically! I gave into my lust and cast one of the most powerful spells of my life. It's up to the universe to find a way. I knew deep down I shouldn't demand so much from Fate. I'm her daughter, and she's not above punishing me."

"Can you get those people back?"


"Have you tried?"

"You try masturbating over guilt for something like that and see how strong your orgasm is. That's if you can even have one."

Elfman perked up. "That's it though! Don't you see? You can't masturbate to guilt!"

"Huh? You've lost me again."

"Listen, you can keep you mind free or fantasize about something sexy. Don't think about guilt if you can help it. Get yourself so worked up that you're almost there."

"And? What does that accomplish?"

"At the last minute, I'll remind you what you need to do. I'll remind you that you owe it to people."

"Orgasm denial will not fix anything," Andrea scolded.

"That's it though. I will take over. I'll use the vibrator to push you over the edge in spite of yourself. You can't masturbate to guilt, but can you give over control?"

"I don't think it works like that. Orgasms are in the mind." Andrea sounded firm.

"I'm going to regret saying this. You are going to get mad."

"What?" Andrea's worried expression suggested he might be right.

"Some things are about the body and not the mind. Or, sometimes, the animal parts of our brains just take over. I mean, sometimes people who are being raped have orgasms." Elfman hurried to finish the thought before Andrea could hit him. "They didn't want the orgasms! They just couldn't stop them. Their bodies betray them."

Andrea sat quietly while Elfman waited for her to provide any response. She said, "How much worse would it be in that situation - you are betrayed by you body as well..."

"I read that defense lawyers used to ask rape victims if they had an orgasm. Then, they'd argue that it wasn't rape because she enjoyed it."

"That's EVIL," Andrea echoed Elfman's righteous indignation.

"Judges don't allow that anymore. But still, there are a million variations of the same sort of thing. It's no wonder more women don't pursue justice. Even leading questions from the police..."

"I definitely can't orgasm now." Andrea thrust the want back to Elfman. "You should go. I have a lot to think about."

---------- ~ ----------

Andrea knocked on Elfman's door. His roommate answered.

"Do your roommate a big one by scampering away for an hour or two. I'm here to ravage him!" Andrea winked.

The roommate's head swiveled from the scary pretty girl to nerd and then back again. "Really?" He sounded incredulous.

"Move along or I'll do it in front of you."

"Well, maybe."

"No maybe!" Andrea pulled the man's t-shirt from the collar. "Out!"

"Jesus," he complained.

Andrea shut the door behind her.

"What did you decide?" Elfman looked up from a physics textbook.

"Shut up and give me a show. I'll tell you after."

"I'm not a light switch!"

"Quit complaining and strip." Andrea tolerated no resistance.

Elfman removed his clothes in a businesslike manner. He only hesitated a moment before dropping his white briefs.

Andrea's bland statement, "That wasn't very sexy," prompted Elfman's eyebrows to raise.

"Get up on your bed."

Elfman complied. His long legs and the extra height of the bed placed his flaccid penis level with his tormentor's chin.

"Now masturbate."

Elfman halfheartedly gripped the limp noodle between index finger and thumb.

"It's cute the way you do that." Andreas smiled. "I haven't tired of it yet."

"You sill like to watch me masturbate?"

"Yeh. but it's the cute way you touch yourself. You're the only one who does that."

"You're making me even more self conscious. You know I'm insecure about it."

"Shut up and cum."

"I'm still not a light switch."

"Fine," Andrea huffed. She unbuttoned her satiny black blouse to reveal unconstrained breasts. "Inspiration?"

"You are damn hot." Elfman's penis grew to prove his point.

"Keep going," she encouraged.

The young man self-consciously masturbated inches from Andrea's lips. Who knows what fantasies that stimulated? When Elfman got close to release, Andrea broke into his revery with a proposition. "You can cum on my tits but only if you lick it up after."

Elfman twitched side to side looking for an alternative target. As the first rope of semen escaped and his knees bent, he flung both of his hands to block the ejaculate. Two more spasms left his hands dripping.

"Spoil sport." Andrea push him just enough to make him complete a collapse onto his bed. "I thought about what you said."

Elfman didn't appear to understand her. As his head cleared, he asked, "What did you decide?"

"Your plan might work, but it needs a LOT of refinement."

She fetched a towel from a hook on Elfman's door and encouraged him to wipe his hands. When he returned his eyes to her swaying bare breasts, she smirked.

"If I know what you are going to do or more accurately when you are going to do it, it won't work."

"You won't be able to cast a spell?"

"Even after the performance you just gave me, my pussy would get as dry as the Sahara if you used the wand now. Knowing what it means to use the wand would spoil it."

"So, you don't want to try?"

"On the contrary. I think what we need to do is get me accustomed to the vibrator and... giving up control. We need to use it a lot. Turn me into Pavlov's pussy so my lips drip when I hear it buzz."

"When you least expect it and you're close to a big orgasm, then I remind you to fix things?"

"Exactly." She wiped a drop of semen that he missed onto the tip of her finger and then smeared it in Elfman's slight beard stubble.

"I'll get the wand."

"Wait up." Andrea held up her hand. "There are a couple of other things."


"I won't intentionally cast any spells when you are in control."

Elfman waited for more.

She continued, "The thing is - you know what gets me hot by now - sometimes little spells just leak out. I can't help thinking about the things that turn me on. If you're in range for the wand to work, you're likely to be in the splash zone. I won't let you hold me responsible for the things my subconscious might tweak. I mean, if you give me an orgasm, you have to be ready to accept your Fate." Andrea took a breath. She had spoken so quickly that she needed to play it back in her head and make sure she said it all.

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