Anger Management

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I'm not really that bad, "Am I"
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After reading Making Amends by Headhunterstales, it got me to thinking. What would I do, I even talked to a few people that know how I really am. Most said the same thing and I am writing about what I would have done.

You know counseling really sucks, why do I need Anger Management? Shit I only did what any normal guy would do. I mean come on how bad could it have been. Sure a few people got hurt but they deserved it. They caused my life to spiral out of control and now theirs are to, so what's the problem.

Hi All, My name is Hank Wilson and I have anger issues. This group counseling was court ordered. I am 35, married (for the moment) and have 3 kids. Two boys and a girl and I love them to death.

Jeff the appointed group counselor asked me, "Why did the court make you come here today Hank?"

"Well now Jeff, it's a long story," I said

"Well, Hank we're all here for the next 3 hours take all the time you need," said Jeff.

I cleared my throat and began telling my story, "I won't go into how I met my wife but I will tell you her name is Amanda, and at one time I thought she was the sexiest woman alive."

"This all started because I went to a stag party. My brother was getting married and we were sending him out with a bang. We went all out strippers, a hooker and even a nude candy gram. After all this was my little brother. I told Amanda about every little part of it, I didn't want anything coming back on me.

The party was a blast. It started about 3 pm on Saturday and ended Sunday at 7:00pm. It only ended then when the cops came to the room because of the noise. I had talked to Amanda at least 12 times over the length of the party.

My brother got married and they left for their honeymoon. It had been about three months since the party and life was back to normal or so I thought. I came home from work, and went to the bathroom and took a long shower. I will be the first to admit it, I smelled like ASS. I am a fisherman by trade, but I love working on the docks. I think it because the guys can be guys ya know. We hang out, talk shit and work.

I was just coming out of the shower and everything went black. It had to be a truck, but how in the fuck did it get in my bathroom. I tried to get up but for some reason I couldn't move. I looked around and everything was fuzzy, all I could make out were two figures in front of me. As my eyes came in to focus, my wife and her sister were standing in front of me.

"So you want to cheat on me you fuck," said Amanda.

"What in the fuck is wrong with you?" I said and tried to get up and finally noticed that I was duck taped to the chair. And when I say duct taped I mean it was wrapped around my ankles at least twenty times. I couldn't move one freaking inch.

"Let me go right fucking now," I said.

"I will after I get even with you ,you bastard," said Amanda.

Get even, what in the world was she talking about. I didn't do anything. My brother and I made sure we broke none of the rules that were set.

They both left, I must have sat there for an hour before they came back. Amanda strolled in followed by five of the guys from the stag party. I looked up and told them to set me free.

Mark had always been one of my oldest friends. I've known him for more than 20 years. He was my best man, and I named my son after him. His wife was the only woman in the world other than my wife that I truly trusted.

Mark bent down and looked me straight in my eyes and said. "Hank you shouldn't have cheated on Amanda."

And before I could respond Amanda shoved a ball gag in my month. Cheat on Amanda, that fucker knew I had never cheated on Amanda.

Needless to say they fucked for 3 hours straight. She took it up the ass, she was dp'ed and she even had a dick in every hole. When they finished she went in the shower and left me alone with my five ex friends.

Mark said, "To bad we didn't tape it".

I just sat there not moving, one of the other guys removed the ball gag. I flexed my jaw and just looked at them.

Mark walked up and said, "She was one hot fuck. I have always wanted to fuck her. I just couldn't pass up this chance. I know after this we won't be friends again but I just had to do it."

I didn't say anything I just looked at him and smiled.

Mark said, "Hank let it go because if you don't some one will get hurt."

Then he punched me in the face with what I don't know but I woke up about a couple hours later in the hospital. I looked over and saw Amanda sitting in the chair. She must have dozed off, so I got the nurses attention.

"Can you please call the police for me please?" I asked

The nurse was about to ask why, when I showed her my wrists. She said she'd be right back. She came back about 5 minutes later and said there on the way.

When the officers got there, Amanda had finally woken up. She asked what was going on.

I said, "My name is Hank Wilson, about 7 hours ago. My wife had some men tied me down and carried out a gangbang in front of me for cheating on her. The only problem other than her proving how much of a slut she really is, is that I never cheated. I can give you the name of each person there. I know for a fact that two of the guys are cops. So If you aren't going to do your jobs leave now and when I get out I can take the to the State Attorney's office."

The officer said, "Sir just tell us what happened."

I told him everything about the party and the gangbang. Amanda just sat there listening with her month open. I told the officer that a tape of the party was made so no husband would get in trouble. I also told him that if one of the guys had sex with a hooker it would show it on the tape.

The officer stepped over to Amanda and asked her to stand.

"Ma'am you have the right to remain silent." She was charged with assault and kidnapping. I gave them each of the guy's names that were at the gangbang. I thought to myself, its time to bring the pain. I had gotten hurt now it was time to hurt everyone involved.

As Amanda was being led out she looked back and told me this wasn't over.

"Your lying Hank and I'm going to make you pay."

The officer told her that she also was being charged with making a threat against my person.

I had a week hospital visit and formed a plan to bring the pain. I had quite a few licks to collect on. A lot of people were going to get hurt by this so I had to be sure that I really wanted to get even. So I made a list.

1.They put me in the hospital.

2.They lied on me and put me in the hospital.

3.They fucked my wife and put me in the hospital.

4.My wife is a slut and help them put me in the hospital.

Well so much for the list. They can have the slut and besides I am in the hospital. I am getting even, even if it kills me. What I had planned just might. I sat in the hospital for the next week plotting and planning.

I got out of the hospital and went to the bank. I took out 500.00 and while I was there the teller let me know that my wife had been trying take out money. She got pissed when she found out that her name wasn't on any of my accounts. Then she came back with her lawyer and was told that even with a lawyer her name wasn't on any of the accounts. They left pissed. I headed right to my brother and asked if he knew a good lawyer. He was pissed at me and asked how I could have our friends arrested. As I turn to leave, he ran out and stopped me.

"Hank what in the fuck is going on?) asked my brother.

For the next hour I explained to him and his wife all that had happened. They sat there with their eyes bugged and mouths wide open. When I finished his wife looked at me and called me a liar. My brother told her that I never lie, and she should stay out of it. She told him, he didn't know shit and to shut his fucking mouth. He asked her what in the fuck was wrong with her. If she was on that slut's side then get the fuck out. This is my brother you moron.

She looked at him and got up and left. She went in their bedroom got her purse and told him she was going out. My brother looked her in the eye and told her to let him make something perfectly clear to her. If you get involved in this and you aren't on my brother's side then let me know. We can get this marriage annulled. Because your either with us or your not. She looked at him and walked out the door. We heard the car start then, the door opened and she walked in dropped her wedding ring on the floor.

My brother said, "so be it". Then she turned and left. The first thing we both did was headed for a lawyer. We put my plan in to motion. The shit would hit the fan by the end of the week.

Friday, D-day started with a bang. At 9:00 my realtor placed a for sale sign in my front yard just as Amanda was leaving for work. Amanda jumped out the car and asked, what in the fuck are you doing? The realtor showed her the owner was putting up the paper work showing house for sale. Amanda screamed, he couldn't do this. Sure he can it's his house. While at work Amanda's boss walked in with a young guy and said that he was looking for her. The guy asked if she was Amanda Wilson? Amanda said yes, I'm Amanda Wilson. He handed her a large brown envelope and said, "you've been served".

Later that day I received no less than 50 phone calls. Five wives asked what the hell was going on, I told each and every one of them the whole story. I left nothing out. I received no less than 30 death threats I recorded each of them. While they were ranting I was laughing my ass off, it seemed to piss them off even more. What I'll never understand is when you fuck some guys' wife and beat him up. Why wouldn't you think he was going to get even.

The next day my lawyer delivered 5 sets of civil law suits. I was asking for five million apiece. I sued Amanda for causing body damage and theft of private property. My brother just chugged right along with me, he had a few run ins with our so-called friends and family. The trial day for the assault charges were closing in. My brother's wife wanted to talk, but she had made her choice and so had he. As I was leaving work the day before the trial, Mark stepped out from behind a car and tried to grab me.

I pulled out my .38 and shot him in his balls, by mistake of course.

When the police got there, he was screaming that I tried to kill him. I told the cops what happened and if they didn't believe me go look at the security camera tapes. Mark started looking around and saw that there were cameras all over the place.

"Mark you're such a dumb ass, but don't worry they might be able to reattach your balls. But if they can't we know who will be the bitch in jail. A man with no balls in prison, boy will you very be popular," I said.

The officer came back with the security tapes and asked to see my gun permit. I pulled it out and showed it to him. The officer said I was free to go. The trial was a slam-dunk. The stag party tape not only showed that I never cheated. It also showed me calling Amanda every few hours. Mark and Amanda decided to stand trial together, she just knew they would walk away free and clear.

The Judge asked Amanda who told her I cheated and she said Mark. Mark's attorney said that it was a lie, he said Amanda was a slut and had always wanted Mark to fuck her. Amanda sat on the stand with her mouth open, her attorney yelled, "Objection" and asked for a recess. Amanda's attorney came over to me and asked me to talk with him for a minute.

"Hank, I know you hate her right now but can you just let her go down in flames?" said her attorney.

"Why would I help that bitch, they tied me up and put me in the hospital and you want me to help her. Fuck her, I could have died, so let her fry," I said as I walked away. Amanda asked if she could speak to me for a second.

"Hank, I'm sorry. I know I fucked up. I was just so mad. I never thought he would have set me up. Come on Hank you know I have a bad temper. Hank, I know you still love me. Some where deep down you love me. So please put aside your pride and please help me," said Amanda.

"Amanda you hurt me, I mean you really hurt me. I am going to go against my better judgment and ask the DA to take it easy on you," I said as I left to go chat with the DA.

I smiled and walked over to the DA and bent down by his ear, "fry this bitch please".

I looked over at them and gave them the thumbs up. I would help her like she helped me while I was tied and beat down, now you want my fucking help. Amanda was sentenced to 8 years. Mark was sentenced to 25 years. When the rest of the guys learned about the length of the jail sentences they all wanted to make deals. Mark's wife Karen came up to me after he was sentenced.

"Hank, I know he hurt you and ruined your marriage. But did you have to do this to us," asked Karen.

"Karen, I know your hurting, but they tied my down. Your husband hit me so much I had a week stay in the hospital. They and Amanda left me sitting there bleeding. I did what needed to be done. I wanted to kill them all. At least this way you have something to look forward to. He'll get out someday and you guys can move on, but I lost my wife, my friends and some family so who is hurt more."

I turned and walked away. You would think the story ends there, but it doesn't. I'm in anger management class because. While Mark was in jail awaiting transport to prison, I was arrested for drunk driving. While serving my ten days, I kicked his ass as many times as I could. I bashed him in the face while we were in the rec room. I hit him with a metal tray. I kicked him in what was left his balls 10 times. When I had to face the Judge he said he figured out what I had done. He gave me a $50 fine and time served.

Over the next four trials, I managed to get even with everyone of those bastards. Two of them got jumped doing a bar fight. While the cops were on the way, someone happened to have a Taser gun. They both took over 1000 volts to the nuts. The last two where beaten by 4 masked guys. Funny thing, I was in Texas visiting my cousin.

"So now I'm sitting here talking shit with you guys, because the judge thinks I have anger issues. They all sat there for a minute and then they started clapping. I couldn't figure out what was going on. "

Jeff stood up and said, "Hank you need to learn to go with the flow and not seek revenge."

Then he looked at me and shook my hand.

"Hank, you don't have to worry about losing money in your divorce. Mark and the others are in prison. What more could you ask for?" said Jeff.

"Not one damn thing," I said.

Not one damn thing. I found out during the class that those assholes got off easy. One of the guys in the class caught his wife cheating and shoved an axe handle up the guy's ass. Another one placed a pair of vice grips on his wife's lover dick and locked it down. The guy who scared me the most was a doctor. He drugged his wife's lover and injected battery acid into his balls. They all served at least 5 years and as part of their parole they had to come to this class. I guess the Judge is trying to tell me something.

My brother's wife is back home and is trying everything to get him to forgive her. Amanda was her best friend. So I told him to at least try. I let him know that she had chosen our side because she could have told Amanda what was planned and she didn't.

I'm dating this wild red head I met while at the prison giving Amanda the final divorce papers. It seems that she was there for the same thing. Karen's divorce to Mark was now final, and she asked me out to talk about what Mark asked her to do.

It seems that Mark has a few new friends in prison and he wants her to kill me so he can ask for a new trial. So she told him about her plan for revenge.

"Mark I promise you that Hank will pay, I will make it slow and lasting. He will look into my eyes and know how I fell about what happened!" said Karen.

Mark was a very happy man.

And Karen was right, I was looking in her eyes as she rode me to her second orgasm, I saw nothing but love.

Amanda writes me every week asking me to come talk to her. She knows she was wrong. It's just that she was so mad. She has even been going to group to talk about her issues. I know how that feels. How am I feeling right now? Hum pretty damn good.

I'm sure I'll the normal, I'm heartless, a bastard, and all the rest but in the end it is my story. I don't think all cheaters should be burn alive, but then I also don't think you should sit there and be a doormat. Thanks to my editor.

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BeBopper99BeBopper9928 days ago

Excellent story. The butch got eight years and when released she will lock 18vyears older. Mark will die in prison. BTW, it's YOU'RE (You Are), not Your which is a pronoun only.

DeanofMeanDeanofMeanabout 2 months ago

So why did they think he would accept it, though? And what was the back-up if she simply didn't believe him? Would love a story from the other side well written fun story but when i enjoy a writers work i am a greedy thing just wanting more..

ViolentKnightViolentKnight3 months ago

The B wasn't burned hard enough in this tale as far as I'm concerned.

5 stars.

JusteenKJusteenK6 months ago

An absolute steaming pile.

rbloch66rbloch667 months ago

I read stories and have to remind myself that they're fiction, and don't happen often in real life. I mean, people aren't really that fucking stupid, are they? - Excuse me while I head over the BDSM section so's I can get this horrible shit out of my head.

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