Andie, Charley, Chaise, Landra

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Tale of a Four Girl Blowjob.
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I gave up on my book as I was totally unable to concentrate. So I turned on the television and laid there on the hotel bed mindlessly channel-surfing for several minutes.

It was between commercials that I first heard the voices. The voices were in the hallway outside my door for a couple minutes before they seemed to move on.

I was almost dozing with the remote falling from my hand, when...

"Amy?" A voice called through my hotel suite door followed immediately by a hard rapid and continuous knocking. "Anybody home?" The female voice yelled again and then it sounded as if more than one person was knocking on the door.

I got up off the bed and walked to look through the peep hole as the knocking continued.

"Amy! Open the fucking door!" Another female voice yelled.

I almost reluctantly peeped through the tiny opening, but when I did I was greeted to the sight of four girls alternately knocking on the opposite side of that door.

I stepped back and took a moment to interpret what I'd seen. Coincidentally or not the knocking stopped. What would four rather comely looking young women be knocking at my door? Of course, one part of my brain said, 'Duh, you fool they are looking for another girl named Amy!', just go back to bed and let them be...only on the other side another voice was saying, 'Duh, open the door stupid, what can it hurt, they'll see you aren't Amy but you'll get a nice close-up of a few hot girls to stoke your fantasy for the night's jack off!'...

Okay, I really knew which voice to listen to, but the big head on my shoulders all too often gets overruled by the little head between my legs. This was going to be one of those times.

Another knock on the door startled me out of my thoughts.

"Come on Amy! I gotta pee!" And then the consistent knocking again.

I knew I shouldn't, but I opened it anyway.

One of the girls came falling into the room and before I could catch her she fell at my feet.

"Oh shit!" The dark haired girl called out as she rolled over onto her back. "Oh, hi there," the very feminine voice spoke to me face to face now. I felt my eyes bug out at this gorgeous creature as she lay on the carpet just inside my hotel room, her legs splayed wide open in a pair of very, very short cutoff jeans and still holding the beer bottle upright in her left hand.

"Uh, hi," I said, unable to stop my eyes from roving over the young woman's body.

"I'm Andie," the girl said as she leaned up and extended her hand, "Andie, Andie with an 'ie'".

"Hi Andie with and ie. Oh, yeah, let me help you up." I finally tuned in to the moment and grabbed her small hand to help her stand back up right. Of course again I couldn't help watch as her large breasts nearly spilled out of her top. Although the top was so thin I could practically see right through it anyway. Of course she had nothing on under it as her nipples were on full display and her nice young round breasts still stood up proudly. Those cut offs and close top showed her body off very well.

When we were finally facing one another I released her hand and introduced myself. "Hi, I'm Jim. Jim Johnson."

"Uh, I suppose you aren't shagging our friend Amy by any chance are you?" She looked at me as she batted those long eyelashes.

"What?" I nearly lost my breath when I realized what she was asking. "No, no, I don't know an Amy, not here anyway."

"Oh, okay. Well then I guess we do have the wrong room girls." She raised her hand and waved it backed handed-like as if shooing her friends back out of the room. "Uh, sorry Mr. Johnson."

"Wait!" One of the other girls yelled and when I looked back I saw the smallest of the group hopping up and down, a beer in one hand, the other holding her crotch. "I really gotta go, really gotta...please. Mr. J, please can I use your bathroom."

I hesitated for a moment wondering how I could refuse as I watched her do her little 'pee-pee' dance. "Sure, right back that way to the left." I pointed down the short hallway of the suite. By the time I turned back the little one was by me in a flash.

"Girl still hasn't learned to hold her beer." Andie commented and I looked at her in time to see her lift her arm to brush back her long brunette hair. I got a brief glimpse of her stretched tank top around her incredibly pert and round breasts. They were very obviously natural under that tight gray top of hers. I'd seen women that showed through their thin shirts before, but this particularly gorgeous young woman was intensely the most sexy I'd seen up close. I could see not only her totally erect nipples poking through but the very outline of her areola were also visible. Before I realized what she was doing she had made her way over to the couch and had sat down. She drained the last of her beer and placed it rather sharply on the table in front of her.

"Anyway, that was Charley that went to use your facilities." Andie looked up at me as she got comfy, stretching her legs out onto the cocktail in front of her. "She's a sophomore by the way, the baby in the group and obviously the one that has a tiny bladder. And let me introduce you to my other girl friends here." She panned back to the girls still standing in the doorway, they both grinned and waved. "This is Chaise. She's a junior."

"Nice to meet you, Mr. J," she said with a mischievous glint in her green eyes.

I tried to keep my eyes locked on hers, but couldn't, and glanced down ten times in a matter of a split second. She was wearing a very tight fitting blouse that gave off more accentuation to less generous cleavage but most obvious pert nipples. No bra on this girl either. She was also tall girl, who had to be at least 5' 10", very shapely broad hips with a very wide leather belt fitted around her tiny waist. Her shapely long legs went on forever under a very short, very tight skirt to the black leather knee high, high heeled boots she wore. With that incredible footwear she was easily over six feet tall and looking a tad down on me.

Andie pointed to the next girl, "This is Landra. She's a senior like me."

"Hi, Mr. J." She just winked and took another swig of her beer.

She was completely different looking from the other girls. She was obviously at least part Asian. She had very straight, very black hair, that she let flow loosely behind her nearly down to her waist. She had nicely tanned olive skin that she obviously took good care of it was so smooth and silky looking. She wore a pair of those soft cotton, form fitting sports shorts and a loose t-shirt, cut off to reveal her very smooth, taut stomach. She rounded out her outfit in a cute pair of sandals. Of course it wasn't the sandals I thought were so cure as the bareness of her feet. Bare feet always did something for me on a beautiful woman.

"So Mr. J, are you all by yourself in this big hotel room?" Andie asked.

"Maybe since it's my room you've barged into I should ask what're you all are doing tonight?" I still stood with my hand on the door handle as the other two girls made their way on into the room and sat down on either side of Andie.

"We've been to a couple parties, got a little drunk...were looking for another one, looking for Amy's room next actually. She was supposed to have had a hot one going."

"I can tell you've been partying but what are you all doing in this hotel?" I asked her but continue to subtly scan, ogle, all three women.

"Oh, I just assumed you probably knew by seeing all the coeds hanging out in the lobby and such the last couple of days. It's a women's college softball tournament this weekend." She raised her arms and put them around each of the girls beside her. "We are a team, or at least part of a team. We won our first two games today and were out celebrating. Since we won we get a bye in the next round and don't play again until after noon sometime. So now we can stay up late and party all night!" She whooped and put out her hands for high fives.

"Yeah baby!" Chaise cheered and slapped her left hand.

"Give it up!" Landra smacked her right and held up her beer for Chaise to smack it with hers sloshing a little down over Andie's top between them.

The trickle of liquid ran down right over her left breast and that very much extended nipple.

"Oooh!" Andie shook her upper body only adding to the effect of her breasts and nipples glaring back at me.

My throat felt tight, my stomach light and my cock heavy as it did right before stiffening. I quickly lowered both hands, letting the door shut behind me and went to the closest chair to sit down and hide the soon to be obvious swelling in my sleep pants. I tried to remain purely conversational as I worked hard to keep my eyes above neck level on each of the young women that sat across from me. But the minute I looked into Andie's glaring brown eyes, I knew she was looking at me differently, her expression was as if she was studying me.

"So," Landra abruptly broke the silence and I looked over at her intensely staring at me as she fondled the neck of her beer bottle, "tell us about yourself, Mr. J."

I breathed hard as she smiled seductively and raised the bottle to her lips, wrapped them around the bottle about two inches before sliding them slowly back up to the opening where she tipped it back and gulped down a full swallow.

I closed my eyes for a second and swallowed hard myself before I spoke. "I'm in town on business." At the last of my words I opened my eyes and my gaze was now directed lower to where Landra was sitting opposite me, her bare feet on the table now touching and pulled in close, her knees spread wide, seemingly oblivious to the view she was giving me.

I swallowed hard again, this time with my eyes wide open.

Sitting as this dark haired beauty was, clearly outlined against the soft gray fabric of her shorts were her pussy lips. I was getting my first live camel-toe! I was also acutely aware that the increased swelling in my sleep pants was hidden from her and the other girls only by the way I was sitting with my legs together and hands in my lap.

My throat was suddenly dry and although I could feel the erection still growing I felt I needed to get up now before it became too obvious to hold down

"Would you like another beer or something else?" I blurted out.

"Oh, okay thanks," Andie said, tapping the brown bottle she had drained earlier with her foot. "What do you say girls? He's got booze and we aren't ready to stop partying are we?"

"No way!" Landra raised her bottle aloft again and Chase was just about to clank it with hers when Andie raised her hand over her head between the bottles.

"Why don't you guys do that over somebody else's head." Andie smirked.

The two girls both laughed and tipped back their beers for another healthy gulp.

When I felt I had my breath back and my semi-erect manhood securely pushed down I said, "I'll get us more refreshments from the mini-bar." I knew I may have stammered a bit, but the girls at that point were into themselves again.

I jumped up and quickly turned toward the kitchenette area.

When I got there I pulled the bottles of beer and sodas out of the fridge with no problem, but when I went to retrieve a couple of glasses from the upper shelf I knocked over two or three. I closed my eyes and tried to calm myself. My hands were very obviously shaking as fast as my heart was beating.

I have no idea how long I stood there. My mind was reeling with the thoughts of four lovely and at least partly intoxicated girls in my hotel room!

I took a deep breath and shouted down the hall, "How many drinks, ladies?"

Andie's voice came back right away. "Just bring what you have babe!"

"Coming right up," I shouted back with more confidence than I actually felt. I put all the bottles and glasses on a tray and as I walked back down the short hallway I reached down and adjusted my manhood in my pants, hoping to make myself a little less obvious.

As I walked back into the living room, I called out, "Room service!"

Then I froze again...this time hearing my heartbeat pounding in my ears.

Standing at the end of the couch was Charley. She was standing there with her jeans and cowboy boots in her hands. My face had to have been burning as my eyes focused on the spot between her thighs. She was wearing nothing but a pair of skimpy panties below the waist.

I couldn't focus on anything else in the room and it was a wonder I didn't drop the whole tray of drinks.

I finally mumbled, "Whoops. Sorry."

The room full of girls began laughing and almost shrieking.

"Ooooh," said Andie. "Isn't she a sexy picture, Mr. J?"

"She's a picture," I said, shifting the tray in my hands.

Charley was maybe five feet tall and very petite. Her face was very pretty with large blue eyes topped with long eyelashes. Her lips were full which only made that cute smile she was giving that much more intoxicating. She could be old or young man's dream. Her long brown hair was tied back under a pony tail. Proportionately she probably had the largest breasts of all the girls, what with being at least half a foot shorter than the others.

"I didn't make it quite in time and I peed myself a little." The young girl commented.

"Damn, girl! You're showing a lot of yourself to poor Mr. J here." Andie snickered. "Put you pants back on."

"I can't, my undies are damp." Chaise said as she looked down and literally pointed her knees out which jutted out the crotch of her wet underwear right to my view.

And yes there was a darker area in that part of her baby blue undies.

As I walked over to the table to put the tray down, I almost finally did drop it as Charley tossed her jeans on the back of the couch. I looked up to realize she had pulled off her top and was tossing it on top of her faded blue jeans.

"What the hell!" Chaise shrieked.

"Girl!" Andie bellowed.

I just swallowed hard and sat the drink tray on the glass table top with a loud clunk.

"How do you like these genuine, one-hundred percent natural, boobs, Mr. J!" She shook those firm orbs from side to side and there was little bounce they were so firm.

"Shit, why stop there Charley. Take off the fucking pee panties why don't you." Andie chided.

"Why not!" And the next thing I know the young girl hooks her thumbs in the waistband and starts to yank them down.

The other girls start a strip tease sing-song... "Dada-da-da-duh, dada-da-da-duh..."

Her tiny feet step out of her undies and she tosses them over on top of her bra, top and jeans.

"Damn." I mumbled myself this time.

Now fully, completely, wonderfully naked, I could see Charley had the body of a very sexy woman, with a nice full chest, very flat young tummy and a damn what a neatly trimmed brown haired pussy. She was gorgeous. No two ways about it. She tanned, smooth and perfect as can be. Her body was a dream. At the moment my lust filled daydream. As I felt the hard-on in my sleep pants pump up a quick couple of notches.

I immediately took my seat in the overstuffed arm chair once again.

Charley looked at the other girls, put her hands on her bare hips and said, "I shouldn't be the only naked one around here."

That must have been a cue.

Landra jumped up off the couch in one huge leap, her own massive breasts doing a heavy bounce under that loose top of her and in the next second that was pulled up over her head. She had no bra either. What was it with these young women nowadays and their druthers to go sans all their underwear? As I gulped and contemplated that high philosophical point she settled back onto the sofa, now stark naked from the waist up.

Then Chaise proceeded to undo her top slowly as she sat there on the other end of the sofa, watching my face every step of the way. She stared at me, as I panted too heavily, while she eased the blouse back. She exposed a brightly colored and very lacy bra. Funny thing at this point I was actually disappointed at that sight, although it was a very sexy bra. She shrugged her shoulders and the blouse fell off her arms and down around her wrists. She tossed it over on top of her friend's pile of clothes.

Almost automatically I sat there and stared at her bra, fully expecting her to lose it now.

"You know, Mr. J," Andie the spokesperson for the girl group broke the silence. "I really like you. Most guys would have taken Charley stripping naked as an invitation and already grabbed for her by now figuring her for a quick and easy fuck."

I looked back at her with my jaw hanging down I'm sure.

"So just what would it take you to come up off that chair and get busy with one of us? Huh?" As she trailed off, she abruptly whipped her tank top off, unbuttoned her short shorts, stood and shoved them down. She didn't stop until she grabbed a beer, twisted the cap off with a flourish and sat back on the sofa tipping back and taking a huge swallow. "So? What? Cat got your tongue?"

"Uh...." was all I could utter. Clearly speechless and with a glazed expression plastered across my face she sat there still crossed legged only in her panties now opposite me with a seductive look on her face, teasing the little hole at the mouth of her beer bottle with the pink tip of her tongue.

"Fuck it! If you can get naked Charley so can we." Landra blurted out, jumped up again, turned around and shoved her sports shorts down. She peeled them down her legs, showing me her very tight and round backside. She shimmied out of the pants confirming that she had no panties on, the reason I got such a hot camel toe look earlier. She slightly spread before she turned around to display her dark pubic hair that was neatly shaved into a triangle of sexy, wiry black.

If I hadn't known better I'd have sworn I just had taken a huge gulp of beer as my mouth watered like I'd bitten into a juicy watermelon.

I looked to Andie's right and caught Chaise slipping out of her bra, revealing her gorgeously naked, smaller, but well shaped breasts. They were flushed pink and her nipples stood out so invitingly. She tossed it on the back of the couch with the rest of the clothes and then dropped her skirt. When she tossed that back her hair hung down in front of her face and I caught myself looking right at a soft tuft of pubic hair sticking out of her low-cut lace panties. They were very flimsy and lacy and extremely tiny. Soon they were gone too, revealing a nice brunette bush that looked as combed as the hair on her head.

"Guess that leaves me to perform the big reveal, huh, Mr. J." Andie still sat in the middle of the sofa beer in hand, one leg over the other, swing her leg gently up and back. She tipped the brown bottle up and took a long sip as her gaze lingered on me.

Literally this woman exuded a pure animal magnetism, an irresistible eroticism.

I swear, in near porn model fashion, Andie sat up and gently sat her beer back on the tray. She very slowly stood, the room totally quiet all of a sudden, as if the girls were totally engrossed in this performance themselves. The brunette looked me straight in the eye with an almost smoky stare as she hooked her thumbs in the waistband of her panties and in a tantalizing slow motion pulled them down. Stopping every inch or so she looked at me seductively while and ran her tongue around her lips. When she had reached down to her smooth tanned calve her, legs still tightly pressed together, she barely lifted one foot then the other stepping out of her skimpy underwear. She slid them back up her legs and held them in front of her for a few seconds, letting me admire the rest of her mostly nude body.

Damn she was built, what a body!

"You like to be watched, don't you?" I surprised myself in being able to boldly ask.

"Of course, doesn't every woman?" Andie asked, as she turned and wiggled her amazingly tight round ass at me, before she walked away a couple of steps and looked over her shoulder to make sure I was still watching. My cock finally leapt up from between my legs, pushing out my pants at the sight of Andie undulating her naked backside in front of me. I quickly pushed it back down under my palm trying to shove it back between my thighs to squeeze it away.