An Antique Tale

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Lee & Jordon and the case of the hot Antique.
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Copyright 2000 by Paul. All rights reserved. All events and characters are fictitious.

* * * * *

The lights in the rear view mirror were blinding him. They were closer with each second that passed. More lights, this time in front of him.

He braked hard and turned the wheel. The noise as he went through the hedge filled his head. He was bumping then rolling down the side of a slope. Something hit his head. He could feel hands on his body. He opened his eyes. She smiled down at him.

Long blond hair. Perfect tits and ass. He could voices. 'Police, Ambulance.'

He closed his eyes. He had to rest for a second.

He woke with a hard on. He opened his eyes and looked up at the ceiling. It was white. It was bright. Without thinking he reached down and took hold of his prick. He stroked it twice to relieve the pressure. He could do with a drink. He stroked his prick again. That felt good.

He looked around to his left. It was a hospital ward. 'How did he get here?'

'Where was here?'

His was the last bed on one side furthest from the entrance. The bed next to his was empty.

There was an office cubical opposite him with a curtain drawn across the glass window in the door. He continued to stroke his prick. This was good. He knew he should stop but it felt as if he hadn't cum in months. His breath caught in the back of his throat. His balls were tightening. His head was starting to thump. He turned his head to his right. Two Nurses were coming out of the office. His hand froze in mid stroke but not his prick. His cum was shooting from its end. He could feel it on his hand. On his stomach.

He wiped his hand on the bottom sheet of his bed as the Nurses approached and stood on either side of his bed.

"And how are we feeling Mr Hall?" the elder of the Nurses in the darker uniform asked.


"I'm sorry," he tried to speak but the words seemed to get stuck in his throat.

"Drink, please."

"Of course," the younger Nurse said supporting his back and holding a glass of water to his lips.

"Make sure you change Mr Thompson's dressing," the elder Nurse said turning to leave, "I'll come back and speak to you later Mr Hall."

"Yes sister." The remaining nurse replied.

She was quite pretty he thought. Mousy coloured hair. Round face. Nice boobs.

Must be around twenty-three or four.

He would have swallowed all the contents of the glass in a single mouthful if she had let him but she continually moved the glass away only allowing him a little sip at a time.

He felt stiff all over. His head hurt but at least his throat felt better.

"Where am I?" he asked.

There were three questions he needed to know the answer to. Where, how and who.

"You're in Taunton Hospital, you were involved in a car crash."

That answered the where and how.


"Who am I?"

"Can't you remember?"

"I can't remember anything before opening my eyes a few minutes ago."

"You were brought in last night. This is Taunton General Hospital, in Somerset."

"What did you call me just now?"

"Mr Hall, Jordan Peter Hall. Age twenty eight of twenty three Brightstowe Terrace, EC8."

"It means nothing to me," he said shaking his head and immediately regretting it.

"You had a bad knock on the head. When you were brought in last night it was x-rayed. There are no signs of any serious damage. The doctor says you will have a sore head for a day or two. She will be around to see you later."

"Is there anything else you can tell me," he said, struggling to sit up, " about who I am?"

"I dare say the police will be making inquiries, they will probably be able to help you there.

They found your driving licence in your wallet. They want to see you later."

"You must be able to tell me something," he insisted.

"I don't really know anything," she held his hand and smiled, she had a pretty smile, "I wasn't on duty last night when you were brought in."

"Tell me about your self then," he said, reaching behind his right ear and feeling the egg sized lump that had formed there through the bandage that had been tied around his head.

"All right. My name is Lee, Lee Anne Watkins.

There was supposed to be a hyphen between the Lee and the Anne but my father had had a few when he went to register my birth and forgot it."

"Good start in life."

"Could have been worse. He almost registered my sister as Colin instead of Colleen."

"Watkins. I've heard that name somewhere," he mused.

"Yes. Apparently you are booked into the Red Bear Hotel. There is a bit in the literature they sent to you with your booking confirmation about Peter Watkins, their resident Ghost."

"How do you know I was booked into there?" he asked.

"There was a letter from the hotel addressed to you in London inside the glove compartment of your car. The police found it. There was a briefcase and a suitcase in the boot."

"Tell me about the Ghost," he urged.

He liked her voice with its underlying West Country accents.

"Anyway," she continued, "this Ghost. I can tell you about it if you're sure you feel strong enough. I have a cousin that used to work there and they were all taught about it so they could answer any questions guests may ask them."

"Go on," he said, "I 'm feeling better by the minute."

"It was the time of the Monmouth Rebellion. This man Watkins was one of the rebels who were captured after the battle. The King sent a Judge named Jeffries down from London to try them all. Some of the trials took place in the Red Bear. They have part of the noose pinned over the bar."

She paused to feel hie forehead.

"Anyway, this Judge Jeffries had over one hundred people hung as traitors and a thousand sent to the Americas as slaves. This Watkins was sent to America. His wife tried to work his farm on the high moors on her own with their children but that first winter was a hard one and she and the five children were all found dead the following spring, either starved or the cold I forget which. It took Watkins ten years to earn his freedom and work his passage back home. It was only then that he found out about his family. He stormed into the Red Bull carrying a sword looking for Judge Jeffries, who had stayed there during the trials, and attacking anyone he found. In the end they sent for some soldiers from the barracks and they shot him dead when he attacked them. Since then his Ghost has roamed the halls of the hotel still searching for Judge Jeffries."


"You wouldn't catch me staying the night there."

"You have the same name."

"My grandmother used to say he was our about twelve times great Uncle. I think that's just a bit of family folklore."

"About my briefcase," he took her hand in his and held it tightly, "can I have it, now, please."

He held her hand as she tried to pull away only releasing it when she said.

"Alright, I'll go and get it for you."

She went into the office and closed the door behind her. He tried to think. Red Bear? Yes that he did remember. Watkins? Perhaps he had read it. It was three minutes before she returned carrying a brown leather brief case with a combination lock.

"We couldn't open it, I'm afraid," she said handing it to him. "It's such a nice case we didn't want to damage it trying to force the lock."

He looked at the dial. Nothing.

"I can't remember the combination." There was a note of panic in his voice.

There was something important about the brief case.

"Don't try to force it. It'll come back I'm sure." She said soothingly, placing her hand against his forehead and placing the briefcase on the floor by the side of the bed.

"Lie down," she continued," the doctor will be along shortly and then there is lunch in less than an hour."

He automatically looked at his left wrist for his wristwatch. It was bare apart for some yellow painted scratches.

He lay back and closed his eyes. Suddenly he felt weak.

He hadn't felt as if he'd closed them for more than ten seconds when the sound of voices dragged him back to consciousness.

A middle-aged woman in a white coat stood on one side of him and Nurse Lee the other, at the foot of the bed stood the sister.

"How are we feeling Mr Hall?" the doctor asked lifting his wrist and feeling for his pulse.

"Very well thanks."

He did feel better. He was also beginning to remember things and being stuck in a hospital bed was not the best place for him to be at that present time. They must know he was there.

"Look when can I leave?" he asked looking around nervously.

They mustn't catch him here like this.

"First things first," the doctor said, feeling the skin on his face and looking into his eyes.

She'd have been a good looker once, he thought.

"Nurse tells me you couldn't remember very much earlier. You have had a knock on the head."

"I know. I can remember everything now."

He couldn't, quite, but he knew enough to be getting on with. Doing sixty miles an hour through the narrow twisting lanes. The lights looming larger in the rear view mirror. The other lights of the car on the bridge in front of him. Swerving to avoid them and rolling down the old railway embankment. He could remember voices and lights and hands on his body. A face looked down at him, blond, blue eyes. Perfect tits and ass.

Yes, he was remembering things. Especially remembering her tits and ass and the tightness of her pussy.

"What was that?" he asked jerking himself back to the present.

"I asked what you could remember," the doctor was still staring into his eyes.

"Oh, everything," he tried to sound confident, "my name is Jordan Hall and I am in the antiques trade. I am here for an auction at the Red Bear where, by the way, I am booked to stay. I took a wrong turn on the way here and almost ran into another car coming in the opposite direction. I went off the road and must have banged my head. Was there much damage to my car?"

"It's a write off I'm afraid," said Lee.

He'd liked that car.

"Shame," was all he said out loud.

"I would like you to stay here at least until tomorrow," the doctor said as much to the sister as to him. "Another twenty four hours rest and you will be fine."

"I feel fine now doctor."

"I think I should be the judge of that," she said brusquely, turning away from the bed.

He glimpsed her left hand. No wedding ring. That didn't surprise him. He could see her in bed. Directing operations. Touch me here, lick me there. You may enter me now. Twenty-five strokes only. If you're ready you may begin. She was right. He wasn't ready to leave but he couldn't stay here helpless like this. If it hadn't been for the couple in the other car coming down the bank after his pursuers he wouldn't be here now.

He remembered them. The man using his mobile phone to call the police and Ambulance service. He had wanted to move to get away. This woman had held him. She was older. She didn't have blond hair and perfect ass and tits.

"Now you heard the doctor," Lee said, "you'll be right as rain tomorrow."

"Now sit up, lunch is on it's way," she continued, fussing with his pillows.

He didn't realise how hungry he was until lunch was served and he made a first in Hospital records by asking for some more. Even the luke-warm tea tasted good. Nurse Lee sat with him for a few minutes after lunch then left him when the police arrived.

They handed him his driving licence and told him they had contacted his Uncle in London and told him what had happened. His Uncle said he was to ring him if he needed his help. They also handed him back his mobile phone. The policeman gave him a short lecture on the use of mobile phones in cars and gave him the address of the garage that had recovered his car.

He switched on his mobile as the policeman left the ward. The battery was dead and the re-charger was in his suitcase. He opened the cupboard in his bedside table and placed everything inside. His wallet and a bunch of keys were already in it.

The door to the ward opened as she came in. She walked, no glided, towards him. She looked stunning. Her dress hugged her contours. He could see the effect she was having on the other patients. Everybody's eyes were on her. His own prick was growing.

She bent over him and kissed his forehead. He looked down the front of her dress at her tits as she pulled away then into her eyes.

"Hallo, Jordan," she breathed, "I thought you had stood me up." She glanced down onto the bed where the outline of his hard on was visible through the bed covers.

She ran her fingers gently down the side of his face pulled up a chair and sat down. Her tits were just above the level of his mattress.

"Hallo Linda," he finally managed to reply.

They'd met on the Monday of that week. He'd picked her up in a wine bar after work. Or had she picked him up. That part was a bit of a blur. Everything had happened so quickly. His last relationship had ended the month before. All about commitment, or lack of it on his part. Then without looking for a woman she had entered his life. He'd bought her a drink, then dinner. They'd gone to a nightclub until two in the morning. He'd taken her home and she'd kissed him goodnight on the doorstep.

The following day she visited his Uncle's antiques shop in Chelsea and he'd taken her out and bought her lunch. They'd met again for dinner that night and went straight back to his flat afterwards. She'd undressed in front of in his living room as he had stumbled over the words 'would you like a cup of coffee?' She was perfect. Her tits were high and firm with their nipples pointing straight ahead. Her light coloured pubic hairs had been neatly trimmed. Her thighs didn't quite touch at the top giving him a glimpse of the lips of her pussy.

She'd kissed him as she unbuttoned his shirt. Not the brush of the lips of the night before but full on. Her tongue seeking out his own. When she pulled her lips away his trousers lay around his ankles and his shirt on the chair by his side. She'd slid down his body, stopping to kiss his own nipples and sliding her hands inside the waistband of his underpants. By the time her lips had reached his prick they had joined his trousers.

She'd licked then kissed the end of his prick and using, just her lips, had worked it away from his body and into her mouth. With her tongue pressing against it's underside she worked his shaft in and out. He'd run his fingers through her hair. His hips had started moving. His prick had started swelling. His hands had clamped tight around the back of her head to hold it still as he had started to cum. He had let out a huge sigh.

"Let's go to bed," she'd said as she had stood up licking her lips.

She'd turned and walked towards the bedroom her buttocks rising and falling. He'd stumbled and almost fallen in his haste to follow her. In the end he'd hopped first on one foot then the other as he'd pulled off his shoes and clothes.

The bedclothes had been pulled back and she was lying on the bed by the time he had joined her.

She'd wrapped her arms around him as he'd lain by her side. Kissing his nose then his lips. He'd felt her tits, the nipples hard against the palm of his hand then he pushed one finger then a second into her wet hole. She'd reached down for his cock with one hand and stroked him back to full hardness then led him onto her body and guided him into her. It felt as if she had a third hand the way she gripped him inside. He'd moved in and out, slowly at first then faster. All the time this other hand seemed to hold him tight. They'd changed positions twice during that first fuck. First she'd moved on top then he'd finished kneeling behind her perfect ass giving it to her doggie fashion.

They'd lain together afterwards and talked of their next meeting. He had to go away for the weekend on business he'd told her. She was free, could she come? Why not go a day early? She'd meet him there.

Her face, looking down upon him as he lay by his car. He must have dreamed that part.

She took his hand as he tried to explain what had happened. He bent one knee to hide his erection as he spoke to her about the Antiques trade and how the really big deals were done at these meetings out of view of any auctioneers. He was bringing down an object for a client who didn't want the authorities to know it was in his possession. There was to have been a second auction. After the main event had finished but only for a very select few. He stopped talking as he felt her fingers against his side beneath the bed covers. She ran them up and down beneath the hospital provided pyjama jacket between his ribs and his hip. He shuddered.

"Cold?" She asked.

"You know."

"I was just thinking about what we would have done together last night had you turned up," she smiled and finding a single hair on her way towards his navel plucked it off.

He yelped.

"What were you bringing here?" she asked undoing the cord in his pyjama bottoms.

"I don't know," he gasped as she picked up his cock and started to stroke it. "I had to bring this brief case. A man was to meet me in the morning, I have a photograph so I can recognise him."

"How did you come to crash?"

"I noticed a car following me. I don't know how long it was there. I only spotted it after the traffic thinned after I left the motorway. I'd quicken up, then slow down but they kept with me. Fortunately it is not my first time in this part of the world and I knew of a road I could take where I thought I could loose them. They had some driver. I couldn't shake them. In fact they were catching me when a car came over the old Railway Bridge and I could either hit the bridge, the car or go through the hedge and hope to luck. I chose the hedge."

He breathed out with a sigh. She was stroking him faster. He closed his eyes.

Suddenly her hand stopped moving.

"Goodbye Mr Hall," Lee said, standing at the end of his bed, "I'm off shift now.

I'm not on duty tomorrow I'm afraid. I have the weekend off."

"Goodbye Nurse, and thank you very much." He panted. Linda still held his prick in her hand gently squeezing and releasing it beneath the covers.

"You looked flushed," Lee said moving up the side of the bed and feeling his forehead. Linda gave his prick another squeeze. "You are a little warm," she continued, "I think I'd better mark this in your notes."

"I thought you said you were off duty," Linda said, sliding her hand out from beneath the covers, standing up and pulling down the hem of her dress which had ridden up to almost show her knickers. We both looked. Lee tossed her head back.

"Well goodbye again Mr Hall, " she said, " I don't suppose we will see each other again."

She turned and walked towards the exit to the word, passing a word with each patient she passed.

She walked well, he thought. He wondered what she'd look like naked. Linda had sat down and her fingers were wrapped around his prick again. A groan escaped from his lips as she picked up speed. He looked towards the far end of the ward where the new Nurse was making her way from bed to bed towards them. He gasped as her hand moved even faster. Linda glanced over her shoulder as if gauging the time she had left. She looked at him and smiled as he his started jerking in her hand.

"Hallo Mr Hall," the new Nurse stood at the foot of his bed, "my name's Kathy and how are we feeling."

"I think he's just about there," said Linda.

"Have your bowels moved today?" Kathy asked picking up the chart that hung from the end of the bed.

"I think you could do with a visit to the bathroom, dear," said Linda, standing up again, "if just to freshen up."

"These chairs are very hard on the bum," she said rubbing hers. A dozen pairs of eyes watched.

"I think you should try to visit the toilet, Mr Hall," said Kathy, moving to the side of the bed, "let me help you stand."