Amber's Enslavement Ch. 05


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The first man came in just a few minutes later. He was fat; there's no other way to put it. He climbed on Amber and she felt like she could barely breathe. He thrust his cock into her cunt, causing her to cry out at the flash of pain that accompanied her hymen breaking. Not aroused in the slightest, Amber cried during the entire fuck as her pussy lips were painfully rubbed. It didn't take him long to cum. Once he had, he simply dressed and left, ignoring the bound woman with the blood between her legs.

Shelia came out of the back room and used a cloth to clean Amber off. With a shallow pan to catch what came out, she also used a bulb of water to wash out the inside of Amber's cunt. Blessedly, Shelia coated Amber's pussy with a slick gel, making the rest of the fucks far less painful. A couple of the men even managed to make the physical sensations somewhat pleasurable.

Thirty-five men fucked Amber that day. After her virginity was gone, her lessons moved on to fucking men and making it pleasant for them. She learned how to ride on top, show enthusiasm she didn't feel, how to fake an orgasm, and how to make cleaning herself with her fingers look erotic. In the afternoons, she saw from six to ten clients. While it was rare, there was the occasional client that took the time to give Amber a true orgasm.

It was a month after her arrival that something happened that changed her world. The man was her seventh client of the day. There was something different about him, but Amber couldn't place just what that something was. Perhaps it was the way he seemed to not be in a rush for sex.

"Tell me, slave, what's your name?"

No client had ever asked Amber her name before. If they called her anything, it was simply slave. She answered, "Amber, Master."

"Do you enjoy it here?"

"Master, I…"

"Don't answer that. Of course you have no right to enjoy it or not." He brushed her hair to one side, caressing her face as he did so. "Don't hide how you feel; never hide yourself."

With that, he began to caress her body, putting her hands back at her side when she tried to return the caresses. She felt something she hadn't felt since she'd been in the lottery. Amber felt loved. She was convinced this strange man was arousing her because he cared about her, not because he thought it would make her a better fuck. Without ever touching her sexual zones, this man had Amber writhing with sexual excitement. When he bound her hands to the head of the bed, it didn't feel like a punishment, but like a game.

Once she was bound, the man started caressing her breasts and pussy. The touches were feather light at first; just enough to tease. In short order, Amber was pleading to be fucked. Her cunt ached with an emptiness that she had never known before. She felt like she would die if she wasn't filled and taken. Her tears of frustration finally came to an end as he climbed over her and thrust into her cunt. She gasped with an ecstasy she'd never experienced before. One orgasm wasn't enough to satisfy this build up of pleasure and she came a second and third time before he came in her.

Afterwards, he untied her and held her in his arms. Amber cried in a mixture of gratitude and sadness. Never before had her pleasure mattered so much to the man, yet never again would it; that she knew. He'd given her a taste of what sex could be and now he would leave.

"Amber, would you like sex to always be like that?"

"Oh yes, Master."

"I don't know if I can ever help you, but if you have the chance, go to the void and I'll take you away from this."

"The void, Master? The void is death."

"Not for me. I come from the void."


"That's not important. Do you see this?" He held up a small stone he had retrieved from his pants. Amber nodded. He touched the stone to her arm and Amber felt a tingle that spread over her entire body. "Now I'll know if you ever enter the void. If you do, I'll come for you."

Amber looked confused. How would she ever get to the void? She was a prisoner in this brothel. Still, the very thought of going with this man created a bright spot in her soul. "Master," she asked with some trepidation, "what's your name?"

He chuckled. "Call me Venturer. My time is up. Remember, I'll find you in the void."

He left; leaving Amber with a pleasant memory and a mystery she didn't dare share. Amber knew that even talking about taking a slave was punishable by death. The slave that allowed herself to be taken from slavery would be tortured to death. She savored the pleasant memory, using it to get through the parade of thankless clients who fucked only to get off.

Another month had passed, though Amber didn't know that. Time had little meaning in the brothel. Each day was much like another. Clients came and came. She was trained to be taken anally and was soon servicing men with every part of her body. On this particular day, she'd just finished with her sixth client. A quick wash down and douche later, she met another man. As soon as she saw him, she was afraid. He just looked vicious.

"Lie down, now!"

"Yes, Master."

Amber lay on the bed. He took rope from the toy cabinet and bound her to the corners of the bed. Amber had never been able to open the cabinet. She couldn't even find it when she was alone. She was occasionally surprised by what clients found inside. This time the surprise was horrifying. The evil man pulled a wicked looking whip out.

"Please, Master, don't hurt me."

"Scream, you slut!"

With that, he brought the whip down against Amber's body. The burst of pain was excruciating. Amber obeyed his rhetorical command and screamed from the top of her lungs. The whip came down over and over again. Welts former on her belly, legs, and breasts. Each time she heard the swish, Amber flinched in fear of her face being hit. Her arms and legs ached from her trying to pull loose to escape the never ending pain.

Amber wasn't aware of the whipping stopping until another slave came in and untied her. Amber curled into a ball, sobs racking her as she fought the pain that still ravaged her body. She was unaware of her body being washed or of being told there would be no more clients that day or the next. Eventually she fell asleep, her sobs and the pain sapping her strength. The next day she found her morning meal in her room. Eating was an agony as she was forced to move her body. Then it happened. The lights went out. It wasn't the dimming of evening, but a sudden blackout. She also caught the faint click of the door lock.

Biting back her moans, Amber walked to the door and found it unlocked. His words came back to her, "I'll know if you ever enter the void. If you do, I'll come for you." Amber didn't know if it was possible, but death would be preferable to having to face such a client again. With a burst of determination, Amber pushed her door open and walked slowly into the dark hall outside. Calling on two-month-old memories, she tried to retrace her path into the brothel.

Fortunately, the path hadn't been complex. Amber was surprised that she ran into no one in the hallway. She didn't know that there was a fire somewhere else in the building and everyone who wasn't a slave was trying to either fight the fire or escape with their lives. Soon she was pushing the door to the outside.

The sun was high in the sky. Amber didn't see anyone nearby. While she didn't know where she was; Amber was in an alley that was only used to make deliveries to the brothel. Instinctively, she knew that trying to escape in the daylight would only lead to her death. Looking up and down the alley, she saw a large container of some sort. Looking closer, she saw that it was made of metal and had a lid on top that could be lifted. Crying at the pain it took, she lifted the lid and saw piles of refuse. She figured this was a good place to hide and crawled in, reopening her welts and wounds as she did.

Inside the trash bin, she could see a crack of light. When she heard someone come close to the bin, she threw trash over herself just in time to not be noticed by the young man who emptied a trash can into the bin. The day passed slowly and Amber was in agony from the open wounds and the filth that was getting into them. She waited as long as she could after it got dark, but after the fifth bug crawled over her, she bolted from the bin; the lid slamming loudly behind her.

The alley was dark. She could see a little light at the end. It wasn't bright, but it was there. Her form darkened by the refuse that'd stuck to her body, Amber crept up to the end of the alley. She once again encountered that strange orderly chaos of paths between buildings. Her heart sank as she realized that she couldn't see the barrier and didn't have a clue as to which way to go. One of the metal vehicles announced its approach with that roar they all made and she ducked against the wall in a shadow.

With nothing better to do, Amber picked a direction and just walked as straight as possible. She didn't know it, but Ravenshore actually had eight void areas in it, evenly spaced around the city. The only way to kiss one was to wander in a circle. It only took an hour of avoiding vehicles before she saw the barrier. It wasn't the same one she had come from, but neither did she know that nor did it matter. What mattered to Amber were the guards.

The barrier was mostly surrounded by a fence. This was for the safety of the citizens, as the void actually was dangerous to those without the right gear. It was the nature of the void to interfere with one's ability to navigate. Getting lost and dying of starvation or thirst was a very real possibility. The only accesses were guarded by two men. Amber hid near some bushes and pondered what to do.

She knew she couldn't force her way past them. In her naked state with a slave collar on, they would peg her as a slave, obviously escaped. She had two things, she assumed, going for her. First, for whatever reason, Ravenshore didn't light their streets at night. The only light was from the stars and a nearly new moon. Secondly, Amber assumed, correctly, that no one expected anyone to try to purposely sneak into the void.

Amber crept closer. When she was as close as she dared, she took a branch that she had snapped from the bush and threw it as far as she could away from the entrance, against the fence. She nearly cried out from the pain the throw caused her, but was overjoyed to hear the branch rattle the chain. Even better, both the guards looked up and walked towards the sound.

Waiting until they had left the circle of light at the entrance, Amber broke cover and ran as fast as she could towards the barrier. She was seen halfway there, but the guards, caught totally by surprise, hesitated just long enough for Amber to run through the barrier, leaving them speechless. Once in the void, surrounded by the sparkling colors, she came up short and she stood for a minute, wondering what to do. She knew she'd only run a few feet past the entrance and had to get farther away, so she started walking in a straight line, figuring anyplace was good as long as it was away from the barrier.

What she didn't know was that it was impossible to walk a straight line in the void. Soon she was walking a corkscrew path that took her closer and then farther away. She trusted Venturer to find her; he'd promised he would. When he did, she was nearly scared out of her wits. He literally walked out of the lights and grasped her in his hands. She screamed.

"Quiet!" he whispered. "They're looking for you. I'm glad you were able to…Gods! What happened to you?" He had just noticed the wounds on her body.

"A client whipped me. I escaped and hid in some trash until night."

"Amber, we need to get you to a healer. But, I have to tell you something and then you have to agree to come with me."

"Of course I'll agree. It's…"

"No, Amber, you can't agree until you hear me out. We don't have much time, so listen. The place I'm going to take you is another world, another dimension. More importantly, I'm not taking you away from slavery." He held up a hand to forestall her question. "I will be taking you away from this travesty of true slavery. Slaves here in Ravenshore are treated as less than things. No one cares about them and they're considered expendable. It makes me sick each time I come here. In my world, slaves are adored and cherished. We'll train you to give and receive sexual pleasure. You'll be a sex slave, but it's a life that anyone would envy you for. You'll be kept healthy, free from abuse, and everything you do will result in pleasure and joy."

"Is that even possible?"

"Yes, very much so. No slave comes to Destran, that's what my world is called, unwillingly. Everyone is told what to expect and makes their choice to come and be enslaved. Ravenshore is unique in that the captives we take from here are already slaves. Most choose to leave the worlds where they're free to become our slaves."

"Please, don't lie to me. Tell me the truth."

"I am, Amber. Being a captive of Destran is a wondrous thing. You'll be protected, cherished, loved, and trained right. There's one other thing. You'll forget your past. The first day you awaken on Destran, you'll be a blank slate. It makes the training so much easier if you forget everything you knew."

"Forgetting this would be a joy. My choices seem to be, stay here and be tortured to death as a runaway slave, or go with you, forget everything and take a chance that the slavery on your world will be better than here. That's a no brainer. Take me to this Destran."

The Venturer pulled out a small stone and concentrated on the healer's quarters. A beam of energy sprang from the stone and a hole in space opened up. As it grew, Amber could see a room on the other side. Someone was standing in the room, naked, next to a raised bed. She looked startled at the appearance of the hole. When the hole had grown to six feet across, the Venturer led Amber through.

Immediately, Amber was assaulted by waves of dizziness. She was aware of voices around her.

"Good Gods! What happened to her?"

"She was brutalized just before she escaped to us. She said she was covered in trash. I thought it best to bring her directly here."

"You're right. We have to treat this now if there's any chance of the fixative working on her. What's her name?"


"Amber, I'm Dawn. I have to give you the memory erasing potion. Will you drink it?"

"Please, I feel like I'm dying."

"That's just gate shock. It always happens on the first trip through a gate. Will you drink the potion? It'll put you to sleep and you'll wake with no memories of this…evil that happened to you."

"Yes, please, I want to live. I want to live. I wan to…"


Leesha was woken in the dead of the night. In shock, she realized she was hearing Amber's voice again. What was happening to her dying friend that caused her to talk in her death sleep? Leesha rose and walked into Amber's chamber just in time to see Amber suddenly bolt up and scream, "I want to live! I want to live!" Amber was awake.

Thank you Dani for another great editing job. I love to hear what my readers think about my stories, so leave me feedback. If you want me to respond, send me private feedback with an e-mail address to return to.

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DryhillDryhillalmost 13 years ago

i agree with therabidnicole and for those that still do not get the message there are some of us that like being slaves. Ok so mine is consensual but so is Amber's (oh by the way i am really weird i am a bloke). This IS fiction and the title "Amber's Enslavement" does suggest that someone called Amber is going to be a slave.

Great story really loving it, now we know that Amber's lot was really bad and this new life is going to be so much better. Must dash have gor another chapter or two to read.

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago

I love your writing. On that note...if someone does not care for the thought of slavery and wants everyone to be equals and all lovey dovey maybe they should try reading the romance stories.

Adorably_BrokenAdorably_Brokenover 15 years ago

Simply wonderful, quite possibly better than the Valarie stories...and you know how much I love those.

I think the best part of these stories is that there is a world with separate rules and you are telling a bit of it's story.

XantuXantuover 15 years ago
nice, really nice

Thank you for that bit of history. Now we will see how Amber feels about her fate. Looking forward to more. xantu

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 16 years ago
Please keep it up

Well written. Hope to see more chapters soon.

I consent with therabidnicole - how you can just jump into a chaptered series, not reading the title or category and leave trashy comments is beyond me. That's just nasty and a waste of everyone's time. There are actually categories and story tags around. These writers sacrifice their spare time for nothing in return.

And following the plot already suggested this chapter to get "worse" - for the faint-hearted that is. Really, really predictive outline actually (but good nontheless).

So now that the future is unpredictable once more I wonder what comes next.

Now that Amber hopefully remembers, does she fight the memory-loss potion in showing that it's better without (since everyone is 'willingly enslaved' there anyway)? Or does she become a Venturer herself, to help other people with worse fates?

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