Amber's Enchantment Ch. 02


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Amber followed him through the sleeping area which also had a chair and desk with voluminous writing materials. Going through another curtain, she saw a room dominated by shelves and a single table. Uncountable objects, many of which were surrounded by a glow of strange designs were littered about the table and shelving in seeming disarray. Vesti's next words confirmed that assessment.

"This room is a mess and I spend as much time finding what I need as I do on the work itself. My own fault, really. But, with a slave here, that shouldn't be a problem. Before you can help keep this place straightened, I need to make sure you can recognize what everything is. There are many magical items in this room, which have very different functions. Some of those functions are disruptive of each other, so the items can't be stored in close proximity to one another. It isn't a problem for me, as I'm so used to them that I can tell at a glance which are which. I do need, however, to teach you how to tell them apart."

Vesti went on from there to explain how the items were marked with small etchings that let those familiar with them to tell what each item was supposed to do. Amber quickly noticed a correlation between the glow that each object had and the function it was designed for. While she thought it curious that Vesti had gone to all the trouble to mark each item when there was a distinctive aura around each, she recalled her training in household duties. "Remember, Amber, when doing household cleaning, never go beyond what you were asked to do. A scribe's desk may look a mess, but more than once we've had a trainee returned to us with the complaint that, 'she messed with my papers and now I can't find anything.' If what they ask you to do, or the way they want it done seems strange, just smile and follow your directions."

As Vesti explained the general functions and which items to store away from the others, she thought it made perfect sense. You don't store heating and cooling objects together because they will drain each other's magic, for example. Soon, she had the patterns and instructions down and was able to start cleaning the room.

"I see you're a quick study, Amber. I'll leave you to this then. Oh, and I'll be wanting your company in bed tonight," he added with a lustful smile on his face.

"Yes, Master, it'll be my pleasure," she answered with her own smile.

Amber worked with a purpose, wanting to show how good a slave she could be. Vesti had left the actual organizing to her, and she took several minutes examining the auras and deciding which items would be best stored where. She used the objects without auras, the non-magical ones, as separators between those that were magic. She noticed while she was being instructed, that Vesti had never left incompatible things next to each other. "He must check them out of habit," she thought to herself. She also noticed that the auras seemed to fade while she was holding the objects, only to reappear when she set them back down.

One thing that Amber wondered about was why the magical training aids back in House Grantlo didn't have auras like the objects here did. She thought it might have had something to do with the nature of the enchantments.

Returning to the front room areas, Amber saw Vesti sitting in a chair, reading a book. Following her training, she knelt next to his chair, awaiting instructions of serving by anticipation. After a few minutes, he put his book down.

"Well, Amber, I assume you're done."

"Yes, Master. Do you want me to show you how I've organized things?"

"That would be a good idea," he said as he rose. "You finished very fast. Much faster than assistants have in the past."

"Thank you, Master. I hope my work meets your expectations." Amber's trainers had emphasized how important it was to be both quick and accurate in the various household services she might be called upon to perform.

"Ah, this looks so much better.. It was becoming hard to find the things I needed." He looked about the room and froze. Walking over to one section of the shelving, he picked up a couple of objects and looked at the etchings on them. Moving to another area, he examined the objects there with equal interest. "Amber?" he asked.

Amber grew frightened that she'd done something wrong as she watched his intense face while he was looking things over. "Yes, Master," her trembling voice asked.

"Why did you put the potion energizers with the warmth stones?" he asked, holding up two objects.

"I…it…they seemed to…it seemed the right thing to do, Master. Should they be separated?"

"No, in fact, they're best stored near each other. Their magic won't weaken near as much. You figured out that by just looking at them?" he inquired, holding up the two objects, their inscriptions facing Amber.

Amber, not realizing what he meant, replied, "Yes, Master, I just looked at them and knew they needed to be stored together," referring to her decision to store things with like auras together.

"I may well want you permanently when your training is complete. Even my apprentice didn't have such an intuitive understanding of magical devices."

"Thank you, Master." The wide smile on Amber's face showed just how much she, like most slaves, thrived on approval and praise.

"Come, I'm hungry. You can show me how well you can cook."

As it turned out, Amber was a moderately good cook, though not the result of any special training. In her past, she'd helped her mother in the kitchens and had developed a sense of what things would taste good together.

When he noticed that Amber wasn't eating, he asked, "Amber, are you waiting for something?"

"Yes, Master. I'm not supposed to eat until my Master has finished."

"That won't do here; I don't want to wait until you've finished once I'm done. Let's do this, you don't start eating until after I've started, but don't wait for me to finish."

"Yes, Master," she replied as she started eating her own food.

While Amber was cleaning the dishes from dinner, she found herself wondering just why some things were routinely done with magic moving water, for example and others were not (cleaning dishes). She couldn't see why it was any different to move water from the stream to where it was needed than to move the residue from the meal to the waste area, wherever that was. While she knew Vesti would be the perfect person to ask, she was well trained enough to not do so.

"Amber, pleasure me. I want to see what a trained slave can do."

"Yes, Master," she answered with a smile.

Vesti was sitting on the edge of his bed, still dressed. Amber moved to him and began to remove his clothes. Her pussy was juicing in anticipation as she revealed his body. As she removed each piece of clothing, she kissed and suckled at the newly exposed skin. At his chest, she lavished attention on his nipples, an area most non-slaves didn't realize was pleasurable for a male. As the sensual feelings spread through his body, Vesti lay back and absently stroked those parts of Amber that were in reach as she tended to his pleasure.

When she removed his pants, she saw that he was already aroused, his hard cock leaking a bit of precum from the tip. In a natural reaction, Amber mentally compared Vesti's cock to others she had encountered in her instruction. Its longer than average length made her mouth water. As a result of her training, Amber was aroused by simply anticipating having a cock in her mouth. The smell of the precum; the feel of the hard organ; the sight of it responding to her actions all combined to give her pleasure even before she touched it. With a playful smile, she licked a drop off the end, enjoying the way the cock jerked at the contact with its sensitive head. After a few minutes of this playful teasing, Vesti reached for Amber's head and she allowed herself to be pulled onto him, her mouth engulfing his straining member. While long, it wasn't so thick as to make taking it in a struggle. Her lips settled comfortably around his cock while her tongue lavished adoration upon it. His hips rocked as his urgency grew and Amber grasped his ass with her hands to pull herself tighter to him. Her throat responded to the cock pressing repeatedly at its entrance and opened to allow him passage. The swallowing sensations were too much for the long denied wizard and he came, pumping cum into her throat for her to swallow.

"Gods, Amber, that was fantastic."

"Thank you, Master," she answered after finishing her swallowing of his cum. "There's more I can do for you, Master." In her enthusiasm to demonstrate her skills, Amber went farther than she should have with her offer. Vesti, however, had no problem with her aggressive service.

"I'm not sure I'm able to handle more of you."

"Oh, I'm sure that won't be a problem," she replied with a smile. "Part of my training, Master, is in how to prepare a male for more sex."

"Well, by all means, Amber, show me what you can do." To himself, he thought, "I'm definitely going to have to find myself a permanent slave. A competent assistant and a fabulous sexual partner; what more could I ask for?"

From her training, Amber knew that many men would have trouble becoming erect after having cum once. The secret to getting him back to sexual readiness was in taking her time while not letting him realize that she was taking time on purpose. She rose from her knees to embrace him on the bed, initiating a sensual kiss. As her tongue encouraged his to explore her mouth, Amber's body rubbed sensuously against Vesti's. As she kissed his mouth and face, Amber let her hands roam to other parts of his body, watching for the signs that this or that area was an erogenous zone for him.

Vesti responded to her advances with moves of his own. His hands roamed her body, caressing her back and sides, while his mouth tasted her mouth and face. Before long, his cock was showing renewed signs of life and starting to harden in preparation for becoming erect. His desire increased as well, signaled by his increasingly frantic moans of pleasure.

Soon, his cock was fully erect and demanding it's own pleasure. Vesti rolled over, bringing himself on top of Amber and, holding her arms in place above her head, thrust himself into her cunt. Amber let out a moan as her own pleasure rocketed with the filling of her pussy. As he thrust in and out of her, Amber rocked her own hips to maximize the penetration. Amber's legs extended and closed around Vesti, drawing him in and making his thrusts more energetic as he instinctively fought her grasp.

When she felt the first pulses of cum pour into her pussy, Amber clenched her cunt and pulled him tighter with her legs. Vesti gave a cry as his cock erupted in her, each burst of cum pouring out in a spasm of pure ecstasy. He collapsed, spent, before Amber could cum herself. As he lay there, she kissed his face again; this time with gentler touches designed to relax him from the high he'd just experienced. She forced her own body to relax from its near orgasm as she let his waist go; letting her legs fall lose.

"You didn't cum yourself, did you?" he asked as his wits returned.

"No, Master. It's not my place to cum without your permission."

"But what if I want you to cum?"

"Then, Master, I'll cum for you. I'll do anything you wish, Master."

"I want to see you cum, Amber."

"Yes, Master. Do you have any preference for how I reach orgasm?"

"What options are there?"

"Master, I have a selection of training aids and play toys that you or I could use on me. You could also…" Amber hesitated and blushed, looking down.

"I could what, Amber?" he asked gently, lifting her head with his finger.

"You could spank me, Master. I've achieved full pain/pleasure symbiosis."

"You mean that's not a myth?"

Responding to the implied request, Amber rolled out from him and opened her slave pouch to pull out a paddle. She hadn't looked down, trusting the enchantment on then pouch to have what she wanted at the top of the pouch's extra-dimensional space "No, Master, it's not a myth. If you spank me hard and long enough, I'll cum from just the pain of the spanking. You could even use a whip or other implement."

Vesti took the paddle from Amber's hands. "I want to see this. Position yourself to be paddled. I want to see you cum and I want to know you've cum. I may even paddle a second orgasm out of you."

Amber leapt to her feet. "Yes, Master. Thank you, Master."

Amber stood with her hands on the bed, bent over at the waist. Her ass was thrust out as his cum and her pussy juices started to drip onto her legs. Seeing the evidence of his conquest on her stirred Vesti's loins and brought his cock to the beginning of renewed hardness. He hefted the paddle, getting a feel for its weight. Satisfied, he tapped it a couple of times on her ass and then let the first blow fly. There was a flare of pain from the blow and then a spreading warmth. This feeling was repeated as each blow from the paddle landed. Vesti didn't have the same skill at spanking and whipping that Amber's trainers had, so she never reached that place where the pain was non-existent; experienced only as pleasure; but she did feel the pleasure building in the afterglow of each stroke and let her moans and cries inform Vesti of just how much she was enjoying it.

She wasn't even aware that she was lifting her ass to meet each strike, though Vesti did and found the sight of the slave silently asking for each blow incredibly erotic. He had never seen a slave punished before and hadn't been sure if he would enjoy the sight, let alone the act of giving it. The fact that he did find it erotic was a bit of a surprise, though not an unpleasant one. Rivulets of fluid were dripping down Amber's legs as her body reached even higher levels of arousal. Without direct stimulation on her pussy or clit, the road to orgasm was a long slow one. Several times, Amber begged for Vesti not to stop the paddling.

If Vesti had thought that that seeing a slave aroused by a punishment was arousing to him, hearing her plead for even more, for him to not stop, was even more so. Playing with her, he would occasionally slow the pace down and relish the increased urgency of her pleas as her deep, red ass thrust itself towards him, shaking to entice him to renewed strokes. Well trained, Amber didn't look back or break her position, but her head did crane up as she let each blow soak into her like water into a sponge. As Amber's pleasure grew and became all the more apparent, Vesti's cock grew increasingly hard, preparing itself for a third bout of pleasure in this slave's body.

When she came, it was with a loud wail, her head arched forward and up as her body shivered with the intensity of her orgasm. The sight of her undulating in pleasure was more than Vesti could resist and he grabbed her, threw her on the bed, and plunged his newly erect cock into her cunt. With a passion that bordered on animalistic, the wizard fucked the slave with fast, brutal strokes; her pussy still quivering from its orgasm. Almost instinctively, his hands held hers in place above her head again, as he slammed into her pussy from her rear. In spite of his two earlier climaxes, Vesti reached his third orgasm quickly, pumping even more cum into her cunt. As Amber felt his seed enter her, she experienced another small climax.

Kissing his arms, Amber thanked Vesti profusely for her pleasure and his use of her. As for Vesti, he was exhausted from the exertions of three orgasms. As he tried to relax his mind so he could fall asleep, Amber disentangled herself from him and assisted him in getting settled under his covers, showing an instinctive grasp of what she would be specifically trained to do in the near future. Once she finished that, she slipped out of his room and into the front areas. She hadn't been told where she would be sleeping regularly, so decided to use that area until told otherwise.

Knowing she had her training to keep up, she went to open her slave pouch and gave a gasp. Looking this time, she was startled to see an aura around the magical device; an aura that wasn't there when she'd been given it. Quickly pulling out her training aids, she was shocked to discover that they too, had auras that hadn't been there when she and Bressala packed the pouch.

"Why," she wondered, "is there an aura now when it wasn't there before? Is it because I'm in a wizard's shop? Can the fact that magic is always going on give magical items an aura? Have I changed in some way? What should I do?"

What she wanted to do, she couldn't. Asking a Master questions that weren't part of your service was just not done. As a slave, Amber's purpose was to obey her Master, not increase her personal knowledge. Some Masters encouraged their slaves to actively learn as much as they could, especially in matters related to their responsibilities. For example, a merchant's slave was often encouraged to learn about mathematics so he or she could better help their Master do his business. No slave ever learned about magic, since they were rendered incapable of doing magic, besides alchemy, by their collars; assuming they'd had the spark before being taken by the Venturers.

Amber made a mental note to ask Bressala about the auras on the aids as she put the cunt trainer inside her pussy. Tapping it once, she tried to relax and feel the pulses from the device and respond with her own muscles. It took a while, but she was eventually able to squeeze the muscles in her pussy on command, as it were. Bressala had instructed her to train with the single squeeze level until she could do it on command through an entire session for ten days. At that time, she was to reset the device, Bressala had shown her how, for the two squeeze level. Her trainer had explained that she would be expected, at that level, to be able to use two different sets of muscles in succession at that level. At this first level, she was only using a single muscle, though she used different muscles in response to different stimuli from the aid.

She replaced the aid and pulled out the smallest of the anal plug trainers. Her instructions were to wear that one for at least half the day for five more days, then move up to the next size up until she was able to wear it without any discomfort. That could be anywhere from five to 20 days, depending on how her body reacted to the probe. The plug went in easily and she found herself shifting, trying to get the thing to sit properly, or rather, to feel like it was sitting properly. Her training done, she lay down on the rug in the room and went to sleep, a smile on her face.


Heversham looked over the being in front of him. Like all dwarves, he had a full beard and mustache covering his face as a natural extension of his full head of hair. At just over four feet tall, he was average for his race. A bit of a bulge in his belly was visible, a testament to his more sedentary lifestyle. The parchments he'd handed over a few minutes ago were a mixture of clear and muddled writing. All were legible, however, and gave testament to the dwarf's skill at alchemy.

"So, Napure, these look in order. I'm pleased with your apparent skill. Will you be able to do alchemy while in a moving wagon? As merchants, we don't spend a lot of time in one place."

The gravely voice replied with a laugh, "Hah! I could do it from the back of a yeltin; assuming there was a yeltin large enough to support my work bench. You won't find any better alchemists than among we dwarves. I've even improved on a couple of the guild's recipes."

"Oh, that's interesting. I thought the guild made the best potions, given that they have the spark." The guildmaster cocked his head, surprised at the idea that someone could have improved on the magics of the Wizard's Guild.