Amateur Dramatics Night Ch. 01

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Make up disguises the truth!
14k words

Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 10/27/2022
Created 09/06/2014
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Whilst never ever comfortable with a 'gay' tag to my name, I haven't exactly been happy being called 'hetero' either and even being called 'normal' leaves me a bit confused - what do they mean exactly, by 'normal'?

It comes down to the simple fact, that I like sex; end of story!

I'm not particularly fussed who with, just so long as no-one gets hurt; there's no coercion or drugs; everyone is legally old enough to get involved and hopefully that all parties involved enjoy it!

Therefore while one day, you might indeed find me in the middle of a gay romp; the next day I might be the filling in a two-woman sandwich or on another day just enjoying a 'normal' male-female bit of loving.

I do draw the line falling in love with a man; well, so far that is, but even the impossible could happen one day!

And until the evening that I'll be telling you about in this story, I'd never found myself in that slightly strange world of cross-dressers, transsexuals and inter-sexes either. Those seemed to be weird 'kinks' to me, strangenesses on the edge of oddities and yet somehow fascinating, despite that.

So here goes my story...

As a travelling salesman, a status that I rather enjoy, given our reputed sexual appetite, I cover a 'patch' or territory based on the lower western half of Britain; I travel from Land's End up to North Wales so a fair amount of my time is spent away from home, doing my best to live up to the perceived status. Actually I'm officially a Sales Engineer; explaining the technical side of our products to potential customers, but it's the same thing as a Sales Rep really - travelling around from town to town; city to city, with a slightly different spiel but just trying to drum up business.

Home to me is just a house as I divorced my wife some five years ago. I don't think we should never have got married and now as I approach thirty I've few plans to settle down again.

My house is my own so I've got freedom to do what I choose and with an ability to find sex in pretty well every port, so to speak, I've no need for a full-time partner or a home companion.

And so it was that one evening, having made myself comfortable in the sole decent hotel of yet another far-flung town, I wandered out to imbibe a few drinks and to see if I could find some company for the night or even just for a few hours.

Ok - the town was nothing to shout about but at least it looked cleanish and was seemingly and boringly quite sedate really, so I was almost astonished to hear music and laughter from somewhere up ahead. As I neared the place, the sounds got louder until I rounded a corner and found what appeared to be a street party in full swing; upwards of perhaps forty to fifty people all enjoying themselves.

I stood almost stock still; shocked to find such enthusiastic jollity in such a quiet backwater. The road was closed off and they'd got a small stage set up with what sounded to be a halfway decent group playing enthusiastically on it; there was bunting across the road and flags and balloons and an assortment of tables and chairs were spread around, the tables variously covered with bottles and food.

I was impressed by their industry - someone had been very busy and all for...what?

I didn't have to wait for long to find out the cause as a couple of giggling heavily-costumed matrons swirled out of the evening shadows and gathering me up, they part-dragging, part-leading me towards the centre of the activity. In a bit of a daze I was introduced to some men and women whose names I promptly forgot and had a plate of sandwiches and a glass thrust into my hands and then I was on my own again - but now in the midst of the whirlwind of fun. I'm glad to say that since it was now early evening, such young kids there may have been appeared to have departed, leaving only a few teenagers around.

It took a little while before I discovered the cause of it all; then I quickly cottoned on as I read the banner that was strung across the street.

"The Throbwood Thespian Theatre; End of Production Street Party" it pronounced, thereby explaining in a few words what the action was all about...and as I was reading it someone bumped clumsily into my side, a hand resting heavily on my arm thereafter.

I looked back down from the sky to see a figure that had to come from my worst nightmare! A parody of the very ghastliest thing I might have mistakenly 'picked up' one night, assuming that I was exceedingly drunk at the time!

A very obviously weird personage seemingly in her or his sixties at a guess, badly disguised with garishly smudged makeup and a rakishly askew wig in middle-aged woman's clothing. I guessed that he (presumably he) was in character but whoever it was, was patently very drunk, which did nothing to endear him to me, especially as he now clung to my arm and breathed whiskey fumes all over me.

"Hell, hell...o, are newww youuu roun' here?" he slurred, his eyes trying and failing to focus on me; his breasts sagging all over the place.

"No, I'm not a new you; I'm just new here," I replied patiently, untangling myself from his embrace and from his mangled drunken language, "Just visiting; nice party."

"Always have a nend of season party," he continued, blurring his speech heavily, "We a'ways have a whole lotta fun..."

"And a whole lot to drink too," I replied under my breath...leaning away from the miasma of mixed alcohol that hung around him.

""And I...I...I got no-one to haveny fun with...d'you think we could...?" he mumbled as he tried to wink and lean seductively against me both at the same time and failed.

I was rescued a few moments later by a considerably younger gentleman, who firmly pushed the elderly personage away and stood beside me in his stead.

"Silly old bugger never knows when to stop, sorry about that," he said, "Great character actor when he's sober..."

I laughed lightly, feeling very grateful for having been rescued.

"So what was the closing production?" I asked, having done a small amount of amateur dramatics in my time.

"Hah - you'd never have heard of it," he said, rolling his eyes, "It was a play, well almost a pantomime, written by one of our fellows - who won't get a chance to write again, if I have my way."

"Oh dear - didn't go down too well then?" I said, sympathising.

"Oh no - it seemed to go down well enough," the guy continued, "But it was so full of innuendoes and double-meanings and stuff that we're all going to be remembered. Not for our acting but for what we did, said and for how we were dressed! Some of us will never live it down I'm afraid. Come here and I'll explain a bit more..."

The guy at my side ushered me to a table where I put down my empty plate and where we both gathered fresh drinks; then we worked our way to a shop doorway where we could talk in relative peace.

"The whole bloody play was about cross-dressing, really!" he said, shaking his head, "But since that there's a lot of that in theatre, we just kind of let it go and anyway, since the bloke who wrote the play has influence in high places, we more or less had to go along with the script, didn't we."

He paused as some boisterous revellers interrupted him as they passed our quiet spot.

"It was ok but quite honestly," he continued, "When you've got six blokes dressed as women and six women dressed as men even the actors got quite confused at times. And then some of the male characters were supposed to be really into the cross-dressing bit, as were some of the ladies."

He paused to let the idea sink in, before he continued...

"The rest were supposed to be just horsing around with their cross-dressing and stuff...but it all became a bit much for me; too confusing, to be honest."

"Not surprising," I said, "Just as well you're all normal people; well, I guess you are anyway; you look normal."

"Hah! You wouldn't have said that twenty minutes ago," he replied, "I grabbed a few moments to change and clean up; before that I was the town tart; tits and all!"

I looked him up and down, wondering if he'd made a realistic tart but then he continued, with a silly apologetic smile on his face.

"Anyway, and it seems to be caused by the play, this is where things get even more confusing," he said, "Because it would seem that at least a couple of our actors have really gone and got into their roles - I mean seriously into them."

"What; they've started cross-dressing all the time?" I asked, somewhat curious, "Turned queer or something, eh?"

"Yeah and it's not just the men; it's the women too!" he added conspiratorially, "I tell you, there's some unusual goings on around here these days."

Then he happened to glance up and suddenly with a yell and a wave, he deserted me and trotted off to talk to someone else he'd spotted, leaving me to consider my interest in this matter; and I certainly was interested!

Then I remembered that I was booked in at the hotel for two nights so I'd definitely have time to find out more, because somehow it all seemed to be quite intriguing...

Rather cautiously I began edging down the line of the shops, keeping well clear of the main crowds, just people-watching in the main part, really just trying to spot the best bits of talent while I was at it.

I could hardly miss one youngish woman with pillows of voluptuous breasts on show who looked to be a real bit of fun, until I noticed the way she walked and unless I was badly mistaken, 'she' was definitely a bloke - damn it! Still, the prosthetic breasts really were eye-popping!

But I did manage to clock at least two genuine females of the right proportions and age whom I might target later on but there were too many small whirlpools of interest so the girls might have to wait until tomorrow, if they were still around.

And it was in one of those small whirlpools - an eddy of four people; that my interest settled.

Two of the four were a man and a woman in their mid forties, possibly fifties at a guess while the other 'couple' were a very much younger pair, both very nicely dressed, still in costume I reckoned.

The young girl's very pretty elfin looks certainly appealed to me and even the older woman was of some slight interest but quite honestly the one who held my attention the strongest was the young guy!

I couldn't help it - somehow he had more sex-appeal than the rest put together; something about his eyes and lips, I thought, but then again even the way he stood made him deliciously alluring. I immediately decided that I ought to try to get to know them better so I sidled over until I was standing alongside their group, eavesdropping blatantly.

It was actually the older guy who added me to their foursome.

"Oh hello there," he said during a lull in their conversation, "Stranger in town are you - welcome if so!"

"Thank you," I said, "Yes, I'm just here on business then off again; just came across your little party and got dragged in somehow! Not that I'm complaining, of course."

"Consider yourself at home!" sang the older woman theatrically and slightly inebriatedly, "Consider yourself one of the family!"

I smiled broadly and nodded my appreciation while giving the good-looking guy a decent once-over.

Flawless skin, firm-looking musculature, slim figure, about five foot nine, warm dark eyes and a moustache, like me.

He was wearing theatrical make-up; as was the younger woman, but only enough to add to both his and her allure in my opinion whereas the older couple were more heavily made up.

"I guess you were all in the play?" I asked, looking around at the four of them, "So how was it?"

The older two looked at each other and rolled their eyes.

"Well, let's say it went down well enough but we definitely won't do it again," the older man said, repeating the comment I'd heard earlier and the woman agreed although she didn't look quite as aggrieved as the man did.

But the younger woman shook her head.

"It was fun!" she said in a remarkably low voice for a young woman, "Great fun - I'd love to play it again - shame it's ended."

My eyes narrowed as I tried to work out what was out of place, if anything; then the younger man spoke as well.

"Definitely fun; quite sexy really," he said lightly, "There's so much banter in the dialogue and all those lovely rude innuendoes - you had to have a broad mind but once you'd opened up then the fun just grew on you!"

"Hmmmmph!" muttered the older man, "If there was a follow-up there'd be nude scenes and everything in it, you can bet. Not my cup of tea at all."

The younger couple looked daggers at him as if he was something of a killjoy before the girl spoke.

"And what's wrong with showing off your body?" she said, wriggling around in her costume, "Nothing like flashing a bit of flesh!"

She was ragging the older man, that was obvious and a moment or two later he took the older woman's arm.

"Oh look," he said archly, "There's Peter and Sally over there. Excuse us won't you."

And with that they were off, leaving just the three of us to form a smaller whirlpool, one that I was quickly sinking into.

The girl stuck her tongue out to the back of the departing couple before they both turned to me.

"Sorry about that," she said, "He's a miserable old grump. And he thinks he can act - hah - load of rubbish; he's got no sense of timing at all."

I chuckled, having known too many amateur actors who just couldn't get their timing right; their inability often spoiling the whole show.

"Guess the show was for adults only by the sound of it?" I asked and the couple both nodded.

"Yeah, and all of us had to be over eighteen too," said the elfin girl, "Which is why this is my first year doing the adult plays. I wanted to be in last year's end of season show but they wouldn't let me."

It was at this point that I realised that my glass was empty and I waved it around to indicate that I wanted to replenish it, but the young man held my arm and took my glass from me.

"Come back with us," he said, dumping my glass on a nearby table, "I live just around the corner and my friend and I were just going to adjourn for some peace and a drink or two before we met old misery-guts and his missus. Come on, let's go."

And with that he steered me and the young lady around and we were off, soon turning the corner of the street and out of sight of the party. A few hundred yards on and he guided us to a doorway where he soon opened the door and we entered.

A pretty home awaited my eyes, pale pinks and blues predominated and there was a chintzy look about the place that certainly didn't suit a young gentleman.

"Welcome stranger," he said as he guided us to a large settee, "So let me introduce myself. I'm James and this lady is Sarah; we're just friends although we've been friends for several years now through the theatre."

"And I live just across town," said Sarah, "I've got a little flat; suits me nicely even if it isn't as posh as this place!"

"And I'm Chris," I replied, smiling, "And thank you for inviting me in and making me feel at home in this town. I'm staying at the Royal Hotel off South Street but this is so much nicer than being stuck in their lounge."

"Hah - I worked there briefly when it first opened," said James, "Didn't stay long though."

"What were you doing there?" I asked politely; merely to make conversation.

"I was a cham...ah, I mean...I, erm...managed the chambermaids," he said, stumbling over his words and blushing hotly, an unmissable reaction that I ignored, for now.

"Anyway, sorry, should have offered you a drink by now - so what'll you have?" James enquired, changing the subject.

I opted for a soon proffered can of lager and the young lady did too while James decided on what I guessed was vodka and coke or something similar. And as James handed me the can I noticed a complete giveaway; his fingers were quite slim; he had pale pink nail varnish on and he also wore a floral style diamond ring... I suppose the varnish and the ring could have been put on for the play but I doubted it.

My mind had already been working overtime and now these observations more or less put the seal on my findings, in my opinion. This was a definitely a woman playing a bloke's perhaps the girl was a boy...hmmmmmm, interesting!

I mulled over how to discuss the matter, feeling sure that there was an undercurrent of sexual excitement around; but it needed liberating.

"So the play was, er, interesting, I gather?" I said as an opening gambit, "So what parts did you two play?"

"I was the son of the Lord of the Manor," said James, putting on his stage voice, "Something of a rake and lothario."

"And I was one of his love interests," Sarah simpered, "Or that's what you were led to believe, but actually James in the play was more interested in the men!"

"And fortunately I, as James, could see through Sarah's disguise though," added James, "So my character was chatting up a girl, who was being played by a boy who was the person my character really fancied."

"Aaaaah!" I exclaimed, partially in surprise and partially because I'd obviously guessed right, "So that complicated things, I bet."

"That's not half of it," chuckled Sarah, "As we said, I played a girl and the reason I was in disguise because I was hiding from an old bastard whose only interest it seemed was to have his wicked way with me. And in the play he also spends his time dressed as a woman!"

"Oh God!" I exclaimed, my mind now coming alight, "So did he fancy you as a girl or as a boy - in the play, that is?"

"As a boy," Sarah said, "He's a dirty old man in the play; well, he's not that old; he's only about 40 - so I wouldn't have minded, in real life that is!"

"Ahhhhh!!?" I exclaimed as Sarah had got one step ahead of me, "So you'd have let him have his wicked way with you and you're a bloke..."

"Damn - you found out!" said Sarah laughing happily, "Of course I am; and yes, I'd have loved it!"

"So you're gay then," I asked and Sarah clunked cans with me to confirm my findings.

"You said he's old though," I said, but Sarah was still smiling.

"I like them that much older," she said with a twinkle in her eyes, "I'm almost nineteen and I like people older than me. I've always wanted a sugar-daddy! When I find someone, that is."

I looked at James with renewed interest and he'd got an enigmatic smile on his face, confirming to me that he too was hiding a secret.

"So what about you then?" I asked, "You play a man who prefers the men in the play; but what about in real life?"

"Hmmmm," he said, deep in thought, "I didn't expect things to unfold so readily like this but since we're obviously being very candid, yes, I do like men, but I can go both ways actually."

"So you're bisexual then?" I asked and James confirmed it by nodding his head.

"Very," he added with a big grin, "But I'm teasing you because as you probably guessed, I'm a woman but I'm definitely very bi."

"Welllllll!" I exclaimed, my eyes roving from one person to the other and back, "That's interesting - very interesting. I never expected to come across such intrigue outside an actual theatre!"

They laughed and then James spoke again.

"So what about you then - are you a normal red-blooded male?" he asked; the tip of his tongue licking around his painted lips.

By now, the penis of this red-blooded male was throbbing with excitement but I tried to ignore his pleading and pestering while I formed a suitable reply.

"Ummm, yeah I'm very normal as you put it. I'm always horny, if that's what you mean," I replied, my mind carefully selecting my words, "But I'm very open to ideas - ummm - and I guess I have to admit to being a bit bi myself."

I saw James and Sarah's eyes meet and seemingly flash as I spoke those words but I hadn't frightened them off, thank heavens and then James looked at Sarah and then at me.