Amanda's Awakening Ch. 02


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"Well," she giggled. "I admit, sex with Larry is one of my favorite topics."

Now it was my turn to laugh. "After our week in Mexico, I totally understand."

"I can't wait to see the look on Larry's face when you walk in the room," she said as she turned to lead me down the hall to their living room.

When we walked into the room it was my turn to be surprised. I had expected to find only Larry and Jolene, but instead there was a crowd—at least thirty people milling around in a classic cocktail party. Everyone was dressed to the "nines" as they say. It looked like a roughly even mixture of men and women, with the men in coat and tie and the women in evening dress. In some cases very revealing evening dress.

"What . . .?" I said as I turned to Jolene to ask what was going on.

But she was gone. As I spun my head around I saw her back fading into the crowd. What? I thought. She's abandoning me in this roomful of strangers?

Actually as I looked around, I realized it was a roomful (or more or less half full) of attractive men, most of who seemed to be discreetly noticing me. Okay, I thought. This could be fun. I haven't a clue who all of these people are, but if I'm not going to get to fuck Larry tonight, the next best thing will be to spend the evening vamping about this room full of handsome men. Hmmm. Just like Mexico only better, more men, and Larry and Art's mother wasn't there to disapprove.

I quickly decided that the first task would be to find a drink. I spotted a bar on the far side of the room, and just as I was about to set out for it Larry stepped up from behind me.

"Amanda, Amanda. Look at you!" I could feel his warmth close behind me as he spoke in his lowest growling sexy tone, the same one he had used to tell me Art was watching when we were fucking in Mexico. My insides churned and for a brief moment, all I could think about was how good it had been in Mexico with Larry using his big arms to hold himself above me while he pounded my pussy with his big hard prick. Oh fuck yes! I wanted him again!

I pushed myself away from him and told myself to play the game as I took a couple of steps back. He was almost drooling at my new look. This was fun.

"Larry! How nice to see you. I was afraid I wouldn't know anyone here."

"Oh, you will before the evening is out," he said with a leer.

"So," I said. "Do you like my new look?" As I spoke I did a slow pirouette, thrusting my chest out as I went around.

Ignoring the soft gasp I heard as I turned, I said, "Where does a girl get a drink here?"

"Right this way," he said as he wrapped an arm around my waist to lead me across the room to the bar I had already spotted. He held me tight as we walked across the room. I loved the feeling of his hip pushing against mine as we walked. But I couldn't help noticing the looks I was getting from everyone Larry led me past. Men and women looked at me with undisguised lust. What kind of party was this?

Larry handed me a drink, a very strong one I realized as I took my first sip. I turned and leaned against the bar looking out across the room as I took another longer pull on my drink. "Larry," I asked, "Who are all these people?"

"Oh. Jolene didn't tell you?"

"No. I got the impression it was just going to be the three of us for . . . uh dinner . . .er, whatever." I couldn't quite bring myself to tell him I thought I had been invited for a threesome with he and Jolene.

"Oh," he said. "Well, this is our swingers group. We all get together at someone's house for a party once a month . . ."

"And you have sex?" I asked with a shocked tone I just couldn't avoid. "I mean, like an orgy?"

"Well, there's a little of everything," Larry responded calmly. "No one has to do anything they don't want to do. Some people like a group. Some people like to just pair up with someone else—typically not their spouse. Same sex, opposite sex. It's really just about everything you can imagine. Some people just like to watch, well usually watch and masturbate. You might like that."

"Hmmm." I gave him a sour look. "I had something more in mind for this evening." As I spoke I reached out and lightly stroked the front of his trousers. He jumped. I couldn't believe I had done that in front of a room full of people.

"Yes, I'll bet you did." As he spoke he slid his big hand down my hip and around me so he was cupping my ass. It felt delicious. "But you have a lot more to pick from here tonight. So . . . look around. If you see something you like, just ask. Most people say yes, especially to a newbie like you. Also, I kind of committed to spend some time with that little blonde on the other side of the room." With that he slid away from me and blended into the crowd. As he moved across the room I watched him stop to talk to people, stroking several womens' asses as he went.

"Okay, so I'm at a swingers party," I told myself. "Might as well enjoy it. But if I'm going to enjoy it, I need to shed some clothes."

I tossed the last of my drink down and turned to the bartender, "Refill this for me and hold it. I'll be back in a minute."

I walked across the room and down another hall that I knew led to Larry and Jolene's bedroom. I figured I could stash my underwear there.

The room was dark as I stepped into it. I stood and began to unbutton my blouse, but I stopped when I heard a woman groan, "Oh fuck. So good!" Then I heard the bed springs groan and the woman cry out in response to each creak of the bed. Someone was fucking in this room. I started to withdraw.

"Wait," a man's voice said. "Do you want to watch?" As he spoke, someone turned on the bedside lamp. There was a naked couple on the bed. He was on his back with the woman sitting astride him, his cock clearly implanted in her. She was looking back at me over her shoulder, using a hand to hold her wild mass of black hair to the side.

"Oh god yes," she said. "Please stay and watch. It's so fucking hot when someone is watching."

I didn't say anything. I just stepped around to the head of the bed where I could see her as she rode him and stood watching as she began to ride his cock. Each time she rose and then dropped down on him, he arched his back so his cock was shoved fully into her. As I watched, I stripped off my blouse and then took off my bra. Now I was naked from the waist up as I watched the couple fuck.

Damn, this is hot, I thought. I began playing with my tits.

She was probably in her forties. Her big soft tits were swinging wildly as she bounced on his cock. Now she began to talk dirty to him. "Oh fuck! You're so fucking good! I've been wanting this all week. Your fucking cock is so much harder than my husband's. Fuck! You're stretching my cunt as far as it can go. All week I've been fantasizing about being your slut. Now I'm your slut. Did you like it when I was sucking your cock on the deck—sucking your cock just like a horny slut that was willing to do anything to get your prick in her?"

Now I had pushed my skirt up around my hips and let my panties drop to my feet. I began softly stroking my sex with one hand as I watched them fuck. He had his neck craned, looking over his shoulder to watch me masturbate. I was sliding my finger, slick with my juice, between my lips, stroking myself from my opening to my clit. They were both watching me now, but continuing to fuck. This was so good, so fucking nasty!

"Oh FUUUUUUUUUCK!" she screamed as her orgasm took her without warning. She collapsed forward on him as he continued to slowly fuck her. I could tell he was going to continue, but I wanted to go back to the main room. I need to see what else went on at a swingers party. I let my skirt drop and put my blouse back on, tucking my bra and panties in one of Jolene's drawers. I could get them in the morning, and I certainly wasn't going to need them anymore tonight.

My tits felt delicious swinging beneath my sheer white blouse as I walked back into the main room to reclaim my drink. The bartender stared at my tits, which showed clearly through my nearly transparent blouse. I picked up my drink and smiled briefly at him. Then I turned, leaning my back against the bar and thrusting my hips forward, to survey the room.

Things had changed in my absence. Most of the women still in the room were naked or at least half naked—some from the waist up and others from the waist down. I thought there was something especially hot about those naked from the waist down. It is just so nasty—or at least it is to me. Several men were scattered about the room openly stroking their erect dicks. Some had simply opened their fly and others were, like some of the women, naked from the waist down. There were a couple of women who were also openly masturbating. The exposed dicks, pussy, and tits came in all shapes and sizes. I found the overall scene incredibly erotic. As I watched, I rubbed my icy drink glass against my rock hard nipples that I had made available by unbuttoning my blouse.

That was when I met Ashton. He was a tall, thin black man. He simply walked up and asked, "Enjoying yourself?"

I looked up at him over the rim of my glass, silent as I swallowed my drink. He looked to be in his mid-thirties, his skin a glossy black, almost with a faint blue tinge, his oh-so-white teeth a striking contrast. His eyes were a deep brown that wanted to swallow my soul I thought.

I dropped my glass back down to my breast, continuing to stroke the nipple as I had been doing as he walked up. "Yes," I said. "It's very interesting. I've never been to a party like this."

"Have you fucked anyone yet?"


"How about me?"

"I don't fuck people I don't know."

"That's why a lot of people come to these parties."

I raised my eyebrows to question him.

"To fuck people they don't know," he continued.

"And you want to fuck me?"


"So we have a problem. You want to fuck me because you don't know me, and I don't fuck people I don't know. How shall we solve that?"

"Let's take our drinks out on the back porch and talk. Maybe you'll get to know me." He had his hand on my ass as Larry had done earlier. It felt good.


As we walked to the porch, he kept his hand on my ass. I was thinking about how well, really just how well, would I have to know him to fuck him. His hand felt really good on my ass right now and I was really horny. Maybe I wouldn't have to know him too well.

Now we were leaning on the porch rail our shoulders and hips rubbing.

"What is the protocol here? Do we ask for names or are they secret?"

"No. Not a secret. My name's Ashton. Ashton Anderson. And before you ask the next question, I'm a professor at Northwestern."

"Ah, a professor. Well, my name is Amanda (I thought about giving him a phony name, but this was my new life, so all in). Amanda Tolefson, and I'm an assistant credit manager at RTO Fasteners. As I talked, he put his big warm hand in the middle of my back and let it begin to drift slowly down.

"So does that mean we know each other now?" he asked. His hand was on my ass now, massaging it softly.

"No. Not well enough for what you want," I said. "What do you teach, Professor Anderson?" I asked, intending to hold out hope to him but to still hold him off for a bit longer. I had pretty much decided I was going to fuck him, but the game we were playing was delicious. "That feels really good," I said before he could answer my question.

"I teach poetry," he said. His hand was on my thigh now, pushing my skirt up.

"I went to college at Northwestern. But I didn't take any poetry classes. I studied accounting."

"A shame," he said. "Perhaps we might have already gotten to know each other." I felt his fingers approaching my pussy.

"Do you write poetry?" I asked. He had reached a point on my thighs where they were slick with the pussy juices that had leaked from them as I watched the couple fucking in Jolene's bedroom. Now he was using his lubed fingers to slowly swirl and massage the inside of my upper thighs. I moved a foot to spread my stance and give him better access.

"I write erotic poetry," he said as his fingers reached my pussy. I gasped in response. Not in response to what he said, but in response to what he was doing with his fingers.

"And do people pay you for that . . . oooh!" I gasped as I felt his finger slide into my dripping pussy. "I've never seen a book of erotic poetry in a book store," continuing on once I got my breath back.

"They don't pay me in dollars," he said.

Now he had two fingers slid well up into my cunt. I spread my legs some more to give him better access.

"Ahhhh . . . so how do they pay you? . . Ahhhhh," I gasped again. "I mean if not in dollars?"

"Usually by fucking me," he said. His voice was a low growl a few inches from my ear.

"So," I said. "You write a dirty poem for a cute little coed and then she fucks you. Is that it?"

"More or less."

I was leaning back against the rail, my blouse unbuttoned and my tits hanging out. I had my hips shoved forward and my legs spread. My skirt was now pushed up around my waist and Ashton stood in front of me looking down at me with two fingers probing my squishy cunt.

There was another couple sitting in chairs on the other side of the deck, each naked from the waist down. They were intently watching us as they masturbated each other. I felt unbelievably decadent.

I began to stroke his dick through his trousers. It was fully erect, fully . . . fully . . fuck . . . just fully big, and hard. I wasn't thinking very clearly anymore as his fingers continued to probe my pussy.

"So do you have a poem for me?"

"I might," he said, "but how would you pay me?"

"Pay?" As I spoke, I used my hands to open his fly and extract his cock. It wasn't the longest cock I'd ever seen, but it was big around and hard. I began to stroke it saying "You mean like this?"

"Oh no, Amanda, it takes more than a hand job to hear my poetry." He had moved his hand so that his fingers were pressing against the front of my cunt about halfway down from the top, and his thumb had slid up the slit above my opening and was pressing against my clit. Oh fuck I was horny. All I could think of was how much I wanted his big hard dick in my pussy.

"All right," I said. "But I want to hear the poem first. Then I'll fuck you." I was to the point where he could have recited gibberish and I would have jumped his bones, but I didn't want to admit it.

As it was, the poem he recited pretty much was gibberish, but I was so aroused that I didn't force him to read his poem first. We retreated to Jolene's bedroom now vacated by the couple that had been fucking when I first was there. We quickly disrobed and I lay back on the bed, my legs spread and my hands cupping my tits, holding them out in an invitation to him. He was standing looking at me, his hard cock protruding straight out from his belly.

"Don't just stand there. Fuck me!" I said.

"The poem?"

I didn't want to wait. "Recite it while we fuck!" I said. I was growing impatient.

He dropped to his knees between my wide spread legs. When he leaned forward, his upper body resting on his outstretched arms. I could feel the end of his prick beginning to probe the entrance to my cunt. I arched my back and thrust my hips towards him, but his prick stubbornly remained pressing at the entrance. Then he pushed and it felt like . . . like I was being torn in half—in the best possible way. Suddenly he was in me and I was so full.

Ashton dropped to his elbows and began to pump his huge dick in and out of me. Yes, yes! I thought. I had been wanting this for hours, maybe days, ever since I had left Mexico.

"But Ashton," I said. "Now we're fucking . . . but the poem? When do I hear the poem?"

"What? Oh . . .oh yes, a poem." His concentration was clearly elsewhere. I flexed my pussy muscles and squeezed his prick.

"Oh fuck! Don't do that. I can't create a poem if you're doing that to me," He was still pumping his dick in and out of me but more slowly.

"Okay, I'll be good," I said lying through my teeth. I was already so far past being a good girl there was no hope for recovery.

He pushed himself into me and said, "Lie still and I'll spin you a dirty lyric:"

Twas brillig, and the slithy toves

The lad was hot and the maid was too;

All mimsy were the borogoves,

Parents gone and the house theirs

To use for what they pleased.

I squeezed his prick again with my cunt and he gasped, "Don't or I can't go on!" I relaxed and let him lie with his prick buried in me.

And oh they knew just what they pleased.

`Beware the Bandersnatch, my love she said!

The pussy grabs and holds you firm!

Beware the Jubjub said he.

It will pierce your frumious Bandersnatch!'

Oh my lord said she,

My Bandersnatch so sorely used,

I would no longer virgin be.

Again I used my cunt muscles to destroy his concentration. This time he got even by spending the next minute or so pumping his cock furiously in and out of me. I forgot completely about the poem and was screaming as each stroke bottomed out in me.

Then he stopped again, his cock fully implanted in me, and returned to the poem.

But nonetheless said she.

Bring it on. Bring on your Jubjub

And let it do it's worst to my tender Bandersnatch.

I squeezed him again and he again responded by beginning to fuck me, this time with slow regular thrusts that left him with enough concentration to continue reciting his "poem."

He took his vorpal sword in hand.

For long this Bandersnatch he had sought

And now her pierced her Bandersnatch with a mighty thrust.

She screamed in glee, her Bandersnatch so filled with joy

And then she felt the mighty O seek to crush the errant JubJub

As her woman's Bandersnatch clamped upon his vorpal sword

Now I was crying out with each thrust, barely hearing his wretched poem.

At that his sword did gush and fill her snatch

And now they both did lie upon the floor before the fire

Sated and fulfilled.

It was then that I came—a roaring climax, the likes of which I'd not felt since that next-to-last day in Mexico with Larry. But Ashton wasn't about to stop or even pause. He pulled out, grabbed my hips and turned me over so my head was on the bed and my ass was lewdly facing him. Then, using his hands to hold my hips, he jammed his cock back into my cunt.

His voice was scratchy now and loud. He was going to have a sore throat in the morning.

So rested they by the fire, free

Of any thought but acts just done

And in such uffish thought they lay,

Until her father, yea the Jabberwock, with eyes of flame,

Came whiffling through the tulgey door,

And burbled as he came:

Oh how now my daughter fair?

What's this I see before me?

I could feel myself approaching a second climax and I was crying out loudly with each stroke of his cock. Then he slapped me hard on the ass—one, two and then a third on the right cheek of my butt. That triggered a second climax for me.

"Enough, enough," I said. "I can't take any more."

But he continued to pump and slap as he talked over the top of my cries.

He reached upon the wall and pulled his cross bow down

His wish to leave the youth dead and mount his head

Upon the door, a lurid warning to

All who would penetrate the holy Bandersnatch.

But at a word from his daughter fair