Always and Forever

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Diane loses love of her life & then finds it again.
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Mark and Diane were the perfect couple. All their friends thought so, as did each of their families. They had met their first year of high school, quickly becoming an item, inseparable, attending every dance, every function together.

Diane was tall, statuesque with near coal black hair that fell well towards the middle of her back. In addition, she had piercing blue eyes just like her mothers. Mark was at least an inch shorter than she was, a fact he was oft times kidded about. He wore his nearly blonde hair a little longer than most guys, preferring it that way simply because he thought his ears too big even though they weren't. And besides, he loved it whenever he and Diane would sit on the couch watching T.V. together while she sat running her fingers through it.

What few if any knew about either of them was that they were both virgins. Early on they'd discussed their desires for one another, freely admitting to them. And though the temptations had been great, Mark and Diane had agreed not to rush anything. And though it was more Diane's wish to wait rather than his, Mark respected and thus accepted that decision.

As graduation approached, both Diane and Mark began making plans for the future. They both felt that they would in fact eventually marry. But for the time being, it seemed like everything continued to work out perfectly so as to ensure their being together as they were both accepted to the same college.

So it was, they were looking forward to the last major dance they'd ever attend at the high school. The big 'Christmas' dance was a major affair, and Mark wanted it to be as perfect and as memorable as possible for Diane. He'd made reservations at a posh restaurant for after the dance, had hired a limousine to pick her up at her home, take her to the dance, and then to the restaurant afterwards.

Mark had also made one more reservation that he hadn't mentioned anything to Diane about. He'd reserved one of the nicest hotel rooms that he could in the event that this night might culminate in their actually being together for the first time.

In the weeks prior to all this, Diane had intimated that the possibility of something 'special' happening wasn't all that remote. Both were of age by this time, and with the assurance from their parents that they were responsible as well as committed to their individual goals, they were often left alone. Even then, nothing more than a little light petting ever occurred between them. Mark and Diane enjoyed those intimate times together, long heavy sessions where they would kiss, barely coming up for air. It was during one such evening that Diane had finally let it be known that she was considering taking their relationship to a new level.

Mark had been enjoying one of the few rare times when Diane had allowed him to slip his hands beneath the sweater she was wearing. She had worn her front clasping bra, which had become their unspoken secret signal that he could undo it, thus given permission to caress her bare breasts. If she wore one of her others, Mark usually had to content himself with touching her on the outside of her clothing. But throughout the entire time since they had even gotten to this level with one another sexually, neither one of them had even spoken or attempted to do or try anything else.

Diane was in a particularly playful mood. Her parents were away for the entire weekend; her younger sister spending the night with a girlfriend had afforded them another rare opportunity in being alone without fear of any interruptions. The Christmas dance was less than a week away now, and they were both looking forward to going.



He had just gotten the front clasp of her bra undone, already becoming excited with the certain knowledge that he would soon be caressing that magnificent flesh. That, and feeling Diane's taut hard nipples being rolled around between his fingers was at the moment, foremost on his mind.

"Do you know, you've never actually asked me to go to the dance with you?"

Mark knew by Diane's tone of voice that she really wasn't being serious. If she had been, he wouldn't be sitting there with his hand already cupping one of her soft firm breasts.

"Diane..." he began, saying it in such a way that she should automatically, and of course know by now that their going to the dance together was a given.

"It's the last dance we'll ever probably have their together," she said much more seriously, actually pulling away from him so that he was forced to relinquish her boob having just barely felt her hard little nipple.

"Ok, will you please go to the dance with me?" he asked, "And please let me go back to playing with your boobs?" he thought directly after.

Diane stood up off the couch forcing Mark to release his hold on her entirely. Bewildered, he sat there staring at her, wondering where all this was really going.

"That didn't sound like you were really all that interested in taking me," she said with an obvious pout. "I think you should ask me like you really mean it, like you really want me to go with you," she stated holding the front the blouse closed, which Mark had painstakingly spent the last fifteen minutes finally getting undone.

He sat up straight looking at her. "Diane, would you like to go to the dance with me?" he asked her again.

"You still don't sound like you really want me to go with you," she said teasingly. "Maybe this will help you say it with a little more meaning!"

Mark was stunned. Diane was nearly dancing as she suddenly took the blouse she'd been holding closed with her hands, opening it to reveal her only partially clad breasts, her bra threatening to come away with the slightest movement. Slipping her blouse the rest of the way off her shoulders, her bra too came away until she stood for the briefest of moments with her breasts showing, before quickly covering them with her hands.

Mark could still count the number of times he'd actually touched Diane on one hand. Including his having done so through her clothing. In all that time, he had never even once caught a glimpse of her breasts as they had either petted in total darkness, or like now with the lights on, being treated to touching her flesh without ever seeing it.

"Oh Diane!" Marks voice caught, trailing off.

Diane smiled, allowing a portion of one breast to be slightly more revealed as she spread her hands, allowing her now very aroused nipple to peek through the blinds of her parted fingers.

"Go on," she teased suggestively.

"I want you..."

"I know that!" she interrupted him with lustiness in her voice that Mark had never heard before.

Mark blushed, swallowing hard. "No, what I meant to say was, I want you to go to the Christmas dance with me, I want to be with you, I spend the rest of my life with you Diane!"

The heart-felt seriousness in Mark's tone had caught her off guard. She knew she was exciting him, teasing him unmercifully. She'd done so as she was as nervous, if not more so than he was. This was a big step for her, something she had never done with anyone, even if it was simply baring her breasts.

Now it was Diane's turn to swallow hard as she fought emotionally to keep herself from choking when she responded.

"That almost sounds like a proposal," she continued teasing nervously. "But I'll accept it as you're really meaning that you want to take, and be with me," she added. As she finished, Diane allowed both hands to drop, falling away from her breasts to rest against her side. She fidgeted, not sure what she was really doing, placing one hand on her hip, then the other while Mark sat with a stupefied expression on his face.

"Well? You just going to sit there gawking at me?"

"Yes," came his simple reply. "I am. My God Diane, you really are beautiful!"

He couldn't have said it any more perfectly. In a flash, Diane moved towards him climbing up into his lap until her breasts nuzzled his cheek affectionately. Mark was still in a semi-state of shock. If he thought himself aroused moments ago while fumbling with the buttons of her blouse, and then the front clasp of her bra, it was nothing in comparison to the way he was feeling now. His penis had certainly stiffened excitedly while having done all that, but now, it had hardened more painfully than he'd ever remembered it being. And with Diane currently sitting directly in his lap, he dared not even move for fear of startling her with the obvious excitement he was feeling.

Sitting astride him as she was, Mark felt Diane press herself firmly against him. He knew instantly it was no accidental touching, no subconscious act that she wasn't fully aware of having done. Leaning towards him, her lips sought his, once again taking him by surprise at this newfound boldness, for in truth, Diane had always been shy allowing him to make all the first moves in the past.

Mark was in heaven. Not only was he reveling in Diane's sudden wantonness, he was enjoying the sensation of her bare breasts so tantalizingly pressing against him.

They kissed. They had certainly kissed before. But never like this. With a passion, which neither had allowed themselves to feel, their lips pressed, tongues dancing against one another. Mark sucked her lower lip, she in turn sucking his. He sucked her tongue, tickled it. Felt goose bumps spring up all over her arms as he ran his hands down each of them until finding the soft bare flesh of her back as he reached, drawing her even closer towards himself.

"Oh Mark, Mark! Touch me, caress me, play with my breasts," she sighed as she continued to slowly, gently rotate her groin against his lap.

"Oh Dee-Dee!" Mark responded, lifting his hands to lightly cup the sides of both breasts without quite touching the fullness of them.

It was rare that he ever called her that, though most of their friends did. Since her last name was Davenport, it had become an easy nickname for her. She liked it whenever he did though, sounding more affectionate, certainly more intimate. As it did now.

Mark teased himself as much as he was in making any real attempt to tease Diane. Still nervous, still unsure of himself, he felt Diane place one of his hands firmly, purposely against her full breast. As he did, kneading the flesh tenderly, she moaned.

Once again they kissed, Diane still moaning into his mouth as he found the hardness of her nipple, gently thumbing it, feeling the full expanse of her exposed flesh really for the first time. As they broke from their kiss, his lips began to travel down her neck, the smoothness and heat of her flesh greeting him every step of the way. He lingered at the nape of her neck, drawing a tiny bit of flesh between his lips.

"No marks! Mark!" she laughed realizing how silly that had sounded.

"No marks," Mark confirmed, nipping at her anyway though careful so as not to leave any.

He reached the upper swell of her breast, his mind dizzy with the intoxication and excitement of it all. They were sharing a new sensuality together, and though he knew they would not yet give one another their virginity's, they were crossing new and exciting frontiers with one another each passing moment.

By the time he had finally reached the area where her nipple stood waiting for him, he had kissed, licked, and sucked every square inch before arriving there. Eyes open now, not wanting to miss the beauty and fascination of actually seeing the hardness which he had only here-to-fore felt with his hands, he leaned back slightly so as to more fully gaze at the prize that awaited him.

"Oh my!" he exclaimed in honest surprise. "You have a heart on your boob!"

For the briefest moment, he thought it a tattoo.

"When did you get that?" he asked, bewildered, surprised to think that Diane, especially Diane, would have actually gotten one.

"The day I was born," she told him. "It's not a tattoo silly, it's a birthmark!"

Although it was small, hardly even noticeable from far away, up close, especially as Mark was now, it was amazingly perfect. A tiny, pinkish patch of skin just outside the circle of her areola was formed into a perfect heart-shape.

"This is cool!" Mark exclaimed still staring at it, completely forgetting all about her hard nipple that he'd been moments away from sucking.

"I know, daddy said that mom wore her heart on her sleeves, he said that I would always wear mine close to my breast where it would one day mean something to whoever I married. I guess maybe, he was right." Diane giggled embarrassedly.


"You gonna sit there staring at it, or you gonna finish what you were just about to do?" she questioned.

Mark leaned forward, the anticipation of the feel his lips would make upon her nipple when he kissed her there, causing her to momentarily hold her breath. He didn't however, kissing the tiny little heart-shaped birthmark instead.

"No one but me will ever do that," he whispered to her, his lips still lingering upon the surface of the mark. "No matter whatever happens," he added.

The ominous sound of Mark's words send a shiver of chills racing up her spine. But she refrained from commenting, asking him why he'd said that.

"Promise me!" Mark said, leaning even further away, capturing her eyes with his. "No one," he asked her once again.

"I promise," Diane spoke, still bothered, almost fearful by the unexpected, unfounded request.

The seriousness within Mark's eyes softened, he smiled kissing her on the lips, then as she'd expected him to do minutes before, bent to capture her pleasure nubbin with his lips. The bizarre, strange feeling she had had moments ago quickly dissipated with the tender pleasurable caress of Mark's tongue upon her breast. Once again she pressed herself against him, knowing full well what she was doing, more importantly, what she was feeling. His erection was hard, stiff and excited. She had only once accidentally touched him, a grazing slip of her hand as she had moved to reposition herself more comfortably. Diane thought upon it later, remembering that brief intimate contact in her mind, the feel of him, the excitement of it all, even though it had been less than a seconds worth of contact. Diane had quietly pleasured herself that night. Something she didn't often do, but she fantasized about the moment, the night when they would finally come together as lovers and give themselves to one another in the only way that they could.


He had heard her call his name of course. Almost fearful to answer her, worried that if he did, worried that if forced to remove his lips from around the sweet, delicious tasting morsel of flesh that he currently held, that she wouldn't allow his return to it.

"Mark?" she asked again, repeating his name.

"Yes?" he replied, ensuring when he did that he'd not broken any contact with her, quickly recapturing her flesh, purposely teasing it with his tongue in some effort to maintain this heavenly moment and perhaps cause her to discard whatever she was about to tell him. He feared she would do what she had done in the past, getting too excited, and suddenly calling things to a reluctant halt.

"It's not..." Diane paused. Whatever she was about to tell him, she was obviously having difficulty saying. Mark drew her nipple deep within his mouth, sucking it firmly, using as he thought of it, the best offense to what he thought would be her usual defense.

"I mean, I don't want to save it for our wedding night," she blurted. "It's not a requirement, I just want it to be special for whenever it does happen," she rushed out all at once. For a moment, Mark wasn't even sure he'd heard her right, understanding coming to him only gradually.

"What I mean is, we don't need a marriage license before we ever make love," she finally managed.

Reluctantly, Mark did release her nipple then, though keeping one of his hands securely pressed against her other breast. "I don't think we need a license either," he replied, trying to keep things light between them. Once again worried that Diane would begin rethinking things in her mind as she sometimes did, thus ending what had become for him the most exciting night of his entire life. "Maybe, all we need to apply for is a learners permit!" he said jokingly.

The sound of Diane's laughter reassured him. "Even with a learners permit, you still have to practice, get to know what your doing and what to expect before you ever get behind the wheel of a car," she said seriously.

She was serious. Mark looked into her face, her smile was still there, though he saw it as a nervous, anxious smile that was filled with an excitement and desire he had never seen there before. She began to lift herself up and away from him then, causing him to groan unexpectedly in disappointment. But once again she surprised him. With her breasts dangling so erotically, so majestically just inches away from his face, he felt her hands struggle briefly with his belt-buckle, finally freeing it.

"Dee-Dee?" he asked, his voice quivering. "Shh, don't say anything. I'm nervous enough as it is," she added.

Mark felt the pull on his zipper, felt the sudden coolness of air even though the room was warm. Diane managed to finish undoing his belt, pulling the zipper down the rest of the way. It was still awkward however. His penis was bent at a near painful angle within his shorts, her hand sought him out, worming its way through his fly, finally locating him, freeing him. In moments, his hard stiff cock filled her hand staring at them both as he gazed down, seeing it as though in a dream. Mark looked up; she was staring at it too, yet continuing to fondle him. He saw in that look, she was not only exploring him with her hand, but also with her eyes as though mesmerized by what it was she was doing.

"Oh God...Dee-Dee!" he exclaimed softly, feeling himself melting like butter, though his cock, if anything grew even firmer, harder than it had been.

Mark had certainly masturbated. Had done so for years, and recently doing so more than he ever had. But the feel of Diane's hand as she almost too gently caressed the length of him, sent shock waves of pleasure throughout his entire body. He felt his toes curl; his fingers grow tingly, and even felt light-headed just short of actually seeing stars.

They had been watching the T.V. With one hand still gingerly stroking Mark's shaft, Diane fumbled for the remote, soon after switching the set off. As they had turned on no other lighting, only the lights from the Christmas tree lit up the room. Diane's mother had chosen to decorate it entirely in red this year. Hundreds of tiny twinkling red lights adorned it. Red satin balls, red and white stripped candy-canes, along with nearly an entire flock of red cardinals, each one comfortably perched within and amongst the branches of the tree. The effect of which, threw the room into a soft red romantic, if not downright sensual glow.

"That's better!" Diane said giggling. Then, before Mark knew what was happening, Diane stood and began unzipping her Levis.

Unlike she had done before, this time Diane was neither shy, nor pretending to be. As she undid the top button of her jeans, she slowly, teasingly popped each one of the fastenings holding them together until she could push them easily away from her hips. As they fell of their own accord down around her ankles, Diane stepped out of them easily, allowing Mark to sit there feasting her with his eyes. She had worn no panties. Another unexpected, but delightfully wicked surprise. She stood before him, turning to the side, her head unmoving as she watched him, watching her. She turned so that her back was towards him, still eyeing him over her shoulder, then turned until once again facing him.

"Well? Do you like your early Christmas present? Though I guess, I really should have let you do all the unwrapping," she said once again shyly.