All's Fair When You're In Love

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Secretary in love with her boss. The problem: He's married.
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As always: Thanks to rf-fast for the editing work. Your insights are what prevents this story from being mindless drivel.


"And now you are a dog!" Marvelous Merlin the Magnificent Hypnotist declared.

The crowd roared out in laughter as the beautiful blonde woman fell to her hands and knees. She was wearing a tight red dress that hugged her hourglass figure delicately which made it that more difficult for her to make the transition. It also made it even funnier.

For the life of him, David Pearson had no idea why his wife, Grace, was subjecting herself to this. It was his surprise 40th birthday party and she had booked a banquet room at the Dunesbury Hotel - on a Monday no less. Family, friends, and relatives all showed up to celebrate. He hated parties, especially if they were for him, but he pretended to enjoy himself. After dinner was served, she had leaned in and said, "I got you something you've wanted to see for a long time." She had smiled and went up to the front and announced that Marvelous Merlin the Magnificent Hypnotist was present and looking for volunteers. She had stayed up there to be his first.

After thirteen years of marriage, this stunned David more than if he had woken up one morning and realized he had turned into a dog himself. He had no idea what would make her think that he had ever wanted to see a hypnotist act. He hated the idea of hypnotism. No, that wasn't correct. He hated the idea of not being in control. In business, he always portrayed the shrewd, confident man and as a head executive with Arden Acquisitions, it was a great personal asset to have. At home, he was quite different. He wouldn't have minded the absurdity, but now his wife was making a fool of herself for all his employees to see and he didn't like it.

David leaned into Alyssa, his secretary of three years, and the only person he opened up to at work about any and everything. She knew everything about the man sitting next to her left, even in which leg his penis hung. Not that she saw it personally, David would never cheat, but she has seen him subtly adjust it from time to time. She leaned her slender form into his in anticipation to what her boss was going to say.

"I know she talked to you about setting this up, otherwise half these people wouldn't be here. So be honest, did she mention why I might enjoy seeing her demean herself in front of everyone."

"No." Alyssa lied. "She didn't mention what kind of entertainment she booked. If she had, I certainly would have objected. I know how much your reputation at the office means to you." She couldn't help the sly smile that appeared on her face. Her plan was in full swing and she knew that soon she would have the man she was desperately in love with, David Pearson.

Alyssa fell for David the very first day she was assigned to be his secretary. She was a failure at college, dropping out after one year due to her poor grades. It was too much of the party scene and not enough studying. She tried desperately to find a job that didn't require her to say, "Do you want fries with that" but was unsuccessful in all her interviews. It was only dumb luck, her accidentally hitting the wrong key on the computer when she happened across the listing that Arden Acquisitions was hiring for secretaries. That and the fact the company was so desperate, the human resource director didn't even check her fake references. And so, she was the new secretary of David Pearson. She felt fortunate because if it was anyone else, she would have certainly been fired before the first day was even over.

At first, it was just lust for Alyssa. David's rugged good looks and toned body made for a handsome man. It didn't matter that he was seventeen years older than her - nine if you went by her fake resume. It became love after he showed compassion. Not knowing what she was doing, her day was a disaster. She was having trouble keeping up and it wasn't even noon yet. The last straw was when the copier jammed and the page that was stuck became shredded. She was nearly in tears when she stood in front of his desk with the unfortunate news. David just laughed saying, "That damn copier got you too, huh?" He then stood up, told her "Not to worry about it" and even took her to lunch. And not one of those fast food places or little diners either. He wined and dined her at Giovanni's, the expensive Italian restaurant in town.

Mostly they talked about business; David's expectations and what Alyssa's responsibilities would be. But he also let his guard down and talked about his life as well. Alyssa loved everything he said until he mentioned he thought he had the perfect marriage. She knew she was falling hard for her boss and that statement felt like a dagger to the heart.

Over the next year, Alyssa tried to ignore her feelings; tried to be the good employee. But David made it difficult. He always seemed to be complimenting her work even though she knew it was subpar. What was worse is she could hear in his voice that it was genuine. The second year, Alyssa tried to seduce him. It was in vain. She did everything except post a 'Fuck Me' sign to her body. The third year, she began to plot. And that led her here. She gave Grace the surprise 40th birthday party idea and even revealed she had heard David mention that he would like to see a hypnotist act and implied she should be one of the volunteers so he would know it wasn't fraudulent. She even gave her the phone number for a hypnotist that was so good as he had performed in Las Vegas. The Las Vegas part wasn't true, but the lie worked enough for Grace to call Alyssa's best friend, Dustin who went by Marvelous Merlin the Magnificent Hypnotist since they were in High School together. Hypnotism was more of a hobby for him as he actually was working as a bus boy to earn his way through college.

"Now I want you to speak!" Dustin commanded.

"Woof, woof." Grace then panted. "Woof, woof."

"Oh, what are you doing?" Grace tilted her head to one side at the hypnotist's response. "You are a small French Poodle, not some big German Shepard. Be yourself and don't try to act all big and tough."

David let his frustration go for a moment and inwardly smiled. If anybody knew how true that statement was in terms of their sex life, everyone would have been laughing harder than they were. He wished Grace would be a little more aggressive in the sack, but no, she was like a French Poodle in that regard.

"I'll be right back, I need to use the ladies room," Alyssa interrupted David's thoughts and he nodded to show that he heard her. Alyssa stood and made her way to the nearest exit.

"Arf, arf, arf," Grace barked from the stage.

"All right; now like all bitches do, you are now in heat."

Grace rubbed up against the hypnotist's leg. David was furious. No one called his wife a bitch. And no one for damn sure was going to get away with making her nuzzle up against another man's leg. He stood, not caring about anything but ending this party and punching the hypnotist unconscious. He took two steps toward the stage and the fire alarm went off. The sprinklers opened up and water fell on all the guests.

Dustin leaned down to Grace, "Remember, you are merely a dog in heat until I say otherwise. Alyssa is your Master and all dogs obey their Masters. Every instance you are treated like a dog, your trance will deepen with all prior memories disappearing. It will become your reality. It is what you are and you are happy." He petted her now wet golden locks and scratched behind her ear. "Good girl," he added before scampering for the nearest exit.

As soon as he left, Grace tried desperately to hide under a chair from the falling water, only getting her head and arms to be covered.

David hurried to the stage, threw the chair out of the way and picked up his petrified wife. She whined like a dog in his arms and he carried her outside.

Alyssa watched in amusement from the exit doors. She ran outside right after she had pulled the fire alarm so she could see the effects of Dustin's work on David's wife. He assured her it would be permanent but the degree in which the suggestion would take hold depended on how much she was treated like a dog. She saw her boss and ran over to him.

"I'm glad you two are all right." Alyssa glanced at Grace and felt elated that she was still under. "What happened to Grace?"

"She thinks she's still a dog and I can't find the hypnotist anywhere," David's head was on a swivel, looking in all directions at once.

"In this commotion, it will be hard to find him. Besides, with there being a fire, he probably took off already. I know I was going to but I wanted to make sure you two were safe." Alyssa's head moved from side to side. She wasn't looking but wanted it to appear that she was. "I can see if I can track him down in the morning."

"Arf. Arf." Grace happily licked at Alyssa's cheek when David had turned slightly, allowing her to do so.

David rolled his eyes at his wife's outburst.

Alyssa pushed a tendril of hair behind Grace's ear. "Do you need me to come with you tonight to help with her, Boss?"

"No, I'll be fine. I'll just get her to bed and see if a good night's sleep will do the trick." David gave a halfhearted smile. "Thanks anyway."

"I'll come by your house in the morning and start tracking down the whack job that did this. If I find him, maybe he could do something for Grace over the phone. Like a secret word or something."

"Sounds good." David started walking away, "See you tomorrow."

After just a couple steps, Grace couldn't keep still. She was barking and squirming in her husband's arms. She wanted to be with her Master.

"Stop it Grace," David demanded. Grace growled at him in response.

"Everything all right, Boss." Alyssa came to his side and Grace was a jovial little dog again, panting and trying to lick Alyssa. "I think she likes me." She patted at Grace's head.

"Not funny Alyssa," David admonished.

"Sorry Sir."

David shook his head. "You sure it wouldn't be a bother to stay at my home tonight?"

"I'd be happy to help."

"We'll put Grace in your car, since you seem to be the only one she wants to go with, and you can follow me back to my place."

"Sounds like a plan." Alyssa did her best not to show how thrilled she was that her scheme was working.

It was two very different car rides to the Pearson home. David, in his black Mercedes was full of emotions. He was worried for his wife. He was angered at the hypnotist. He, at one point, convinced himself it was all a dream and he would wake up soon. The blaring horn of the car he almost side swiped ended that idea. In the green Saturn following him, Alyssa was all talk.

"You were such a good girl today," Alyssa's voice was high pitched and squeaky and it caused Grace to become excited. "Mommy sure was proud of you." She put a gummy bear in Grace's mouth and she lapped at it enthusiastically. "If you're good, you'll get a lot more of those yummy nom noms." Alyssa finalized it with a pat to her head.

When they arrived at the large home, David carried Grace inside and to the master bedroom. She had only allowed him to do so if Alyssa was right there. He laid her on the bed and easily stripped her of the slinky red dress and matching underwear. He carefully put a light blue nightie on her and draped the comforter over her body. She fell asleep almost immediately.

David let out a frustrated sigh, "Thanks for your help. You can wear something of Grace's tonight and stay in the bedroom across the hall. It's pretty big and has an attached bathroom."

"No problem Boss. But the clothes won't be necessary. I keep an overnight bag in my car for when I babysit my sister's kids." Alyssa lied. She was prepared for tonight and was ready to get started.

"We're not at the office, Alyssa. You can call me David."

Alyssa blushed. "Okay, David."

Alyssa went to her car and grabbed her bag. When she came back in David had already slipped out of his suit and was wearing a navy blue robe. He had brought out a bottle of wine with two glasses. She could have jumped him right then and there if she knew she could get away with it. But alas, patience is a virtue.

"Would you like one," David asked already pouring the second glass. "I need one after tonight."

"Not the birthday you were hoping for, huh David."

"You can definitely say that."

"Let me change and I'll join you." Alyssa hurried upstairs and opened her bag. She slipped out of her conservative dress and into a white tank top that exposed her midriff and some yellow short shorts. She thought about the purple baby doll nightie and matching thong, but thought that might be moving too fast for him. She bounded down the stairs and paused to catch her breath before turning the corner into the living room where her man was waiting patiently. She smiled realizing he was waiting in his robe for her and not his wife.

"That was fast," David commented before he looked up. It was the most skin he had ever seen his secretary display and he appreciated the view before sipping his wine. "Nice pajamas. The navel piercing is cute too."

"Thanks." Alyssa grabbed her glass and sat next to David, her leg almost touching his.

The two made small talk until their respective glasses were empty, neither too interested in the conversation as David was beaten down from the day and Alyssa was ready to pounce on her prey.

"Well, I'm heading to bed," David yawned as he stood. "It's been a long day and tomorrow doesn't look to be that much better."

"Wait, I'll walk with you," Alyssa quickly stood up as well. "I'm tired too." Alyssa watched David's ass the whole way up the stairs. When she reached the top step, she tripped over it and landed with a loud thud. "Ow." It was all part of the plan.

David turned quickly, "Are you okay?"

"Yeah," Alyssa rubbed her knee. "I'll be fine." The noise woke Grace up and she came running on all fours to Alyssa's side. "Sorry David."

David ran a hand through his hair. "It's all right. Come on Grace, back to bed." He made an underhanded swooping motion with his arm. He immediately felt guilty. He just treated his wife like a dog.

Alyssa inwardly smiled and went into the spare bedroom. "Good night."

David went to pick his wife up, but she was crawling to Alyssa's room. "C'mon Honey, let's go to bed." He wrapped his arms around her waist but Grace started fighting him back.

"She can stay with me tonight," Alyssa offered in a low tone.

David looked up at his secretary. His grip loosened and Grace frantically crawled behind Alyssa. "I guess I have no choice." With his head held low, he headed into his room. As he shut the door he mumbled, "I'm going to miss her warm body next to mine."

Alyssa wanted to shout after him, 'I'll be the warm body next to you,' but instead she looked at her new dog and smiled, "Time for obedience training," and she shut the door.

Alyssa sat on the bed and patted the space next to her. Grace eagerly came over and sat by her side, which she did with much enthusiasm. "First, I don't like the name Grace. Your new name is going to be what you are, Bitch. You only answer to the name your Master gives you. Understand, Bitch?" Grace licked Alyssa's cheek in response.

Alyssa dug through her duffle bag and pulled out a collar and a leash. As she went to attach the collar, Grace shied away. "No," Alyssa scolded and then smacked her ass twice with hard slaps, leaving a pair of red palm prints. Grace held her head up and allowed Alyssa to collar her. She then grabbed the collar and pulled her face close to hers. "Why are you wearing clothes, Bitch? Dogs don't wear clothes."

Grace looked down and began to nudge with her nose at the straps of the nightie. She struggled before looking up at Alyssa with the saddest pair of eyes imaginable. Alyssa was undeterred. "Don't look at me. You let someone other than your Master dress you and now you better take it off." She held up her hand, threatening to spank her again. Grace attacked the nightie with abandon, this time using her teeth and rocking her head from side to side. After a minute, it produced the desired result and the strap ripped at the seam. She immediately went to the other one and didn't stop until that one snapped in two. She rolled on the bed until the offending fabric was finally off her body. She crawled up to Alyssa and looked at her with pride.

"Well done Bitch," Alyssa smiled and gave her new pet another gummy bear. Grace shook her ass excitedly at her Master's praise.

Alyssa then attached the leash to the collar, "On the floor, Bitch." Grace immediately complied.

Alyssa began to walk in a circle and when the leash tightened, Grace yelped but then started to move. She caught up to her Master just to keep the leash from tightening again. Alyssa then stopped and tugged the leash, hard. Grace stopped. "Good girl, I'm glad to see you learn quickly." She gave Grace another treat and patted her head.

Grace then spun around, her head darting in every direction before settling in one, the opening to the bathroom.

"What is it Bitch?"

Grace glanced up to Alyssa with her puppy dog eyes and then back to the bathroom.

"Do you have to go outside?"

Grace looked up in confusion before sticking out her tongue and panting, her head shaking in anticipation.

"You better hold it. We're in for the night," Alyssa sternly admonished. "You should have thought of that before we came into the house, Bitch. And if you even think about shitting or pissing inside the house," Alyssa held up her hand to make her point.

Grace whined.

"Now here, just so you know I still love you, you can use this for a doggy bed tonight." Alyssa laid down the tattered nightie on the floor next to her bed. Grace curled up on the shredded fabric and Alyssa reached down and removed the collar. "Next time this is put on you, it will be permanent."

Grace sat up on her knees, put her arms to Alyssa's shoulders, and began licking her face.

"I love you too, Bitch," Alyssa chuckled. "You know to truly express to your Master that you love her, your licking the wrong spot."

Grace looked at Alyssa with confusion as her Master stood and slid off her shorts.

Alyssa sat back down on the edge of the bed and spread her legs. "Here," she pointed to her pussy. "That is where you need to give me kisses."

Grace tentatively stuck out her tongue and moved in closer. She hesitated for a brief moment before flicking her tongue at the desired location.

"Good girl. Keep going," Alyssa smiled. "If you do well, I'll give you another treat."

Grace smiled and began lapping at her quim with reckless abandon.

Alyssa never thought in a million years she would have David's wife eating her out but here she was doing just that. She reveled in the control she had over this woman. Despite Grace's enthusiasm, she wasn't doing much except licking her labia. "Let me help you, Bitch." Alyssa pulled Grace's head hard into her crotch, her tongue finally slicing through her folds and into her canal. "Now lick."

Grace was worried she wouldn't be able to follow through on that command. She really couldn't lick, but she did manage to wiggle her tongue to the best of her ability.

Alyssa slid her free hand to massage her clit. Her breathing became labored. "Yes, Bitch. That's it. Keep doing that."

The new encouragement spurred on Grace.

Alyssa fell back onto the bed, her fingers on her clit matching the breakneck speed in which Grace's tongue was delving into her depths. She pushed Grace's head even further into her body, her face mashed into the black curls of her landing strip while her legs clamped around the sides of her face. She was on the brink. Grace was scared, but she kept going for fear of punishment. Alyssa's eyes clenched shut and her head thrashed around. "Oh my God, Bitch. I'm so close. So close. So..." That was it for the intelligible words as her climax swept through her body. Her legs relaxed and her hands slumped to her sides.